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1、module4-unit1-will-module4-unit1-will-you-take-your-kiteyou-take-your-kiteI will fly.I will fly too.Will you fly?No, I wont.星期星期 week (第一个字母要大写)(第一个字母要大写)星期一星期一 Monday 星期二星期二 Tuesday星期三星期三 Wednesday星期四星期四 Thursday星期五星期五 Friday星期六星期六 Saturday星期日星期日 SundayPPT模板: PPT素材: PPT图表: PPT下载: PPT教程: 资料下载: 范文下载

2、: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: PPT课件: 语文课件: 数学课件: 英语课件: 美术课件: 科学课件: 物理课件: 化学课件: 生物课件: 地理课件: 历史课件: On Saturday were going to have a picnic!On Saturday 在星期六Great!Great!great 太好了,太好了, 好极了好极了picnic野餐野餐 have a picnic去野餐去野餐 We are going to have a picnic!be going to =will将,将会将,将会 We are going to have a picnic. =Wewi

3、ll have a picnic.将,将会将,将会 I am going to fly a kite. =I will fly a kite.Will you take your kite tomorrow?No, I wont.take 拿,拿, 带带Will you take your ?Yes,I will.No,I wont.你将要带着你的你将要带着你的?是的,是的, 我将要。我将要。不,我不会。不,我不会。Are you going toOh. Will you take your ball tomorrow?No, I wont.Why not?Because tomorrow i

4、s Friday!Why not? 为什么不呢?为什么不呢?because 因为因为Oh! Were going to have a picnic on Saturday!Yes! So I will take my kite and my ball on 所以所以So I will take my kite and my ball on Saturday.小朋友们要注意:小朋友们要注意:because因为,因为,So 所以,所以,两个单词不能在同一个句子里出现的噢!两个单词不能在同一个句子里出现的噢!take 意思是带、拿意思是带、拿take a ball some

5、applesWill you take ? Yes, I will./ No, I wont.a ball a bike a kitesome fruitsWill you take ?1 Will you (takemake) your ball this afternoon?2 Lets have a (picniclunch) on Sunday.3 I am going to (havetake) a picnic.4 I will (gogoing) swimming.Choose. I will take my ball.D.I am going to fly

6、a kite .B. We are going to have a picnic on Sunday.A. We will row a boat .Match.Choose .1.I going to go swimming On Sunday. A. is B. am2.- you take your ball? Yes, I will. A. Will B. Can3. Will you do the homework? No, I . A. will B. wontChoose .4. Saturday, Ill go to the park. A. On B. At5. -Why will you have a picnic? - tomorrow is a holiday. A. So B. Because6. I will a kite on Sunday. A. flying B. fly结束结束



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