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1、“除了”之用法1exceptbesides用法except, besides, except for, but but for apart from other than 知能互动2exceptbesides用法 英语中英语中表示表示“除了除了”的的词语词语有有exceptexceptexcept forexcept forbesidesbesidesapart fromapart frombutbutbut forbut forother thanother than等,它们的用等,它们的用法法灵活灵活多变、多变、不易不易掌握,学生常常为之困掌握,学生常常为之困惑烦恼。惑烦恼。因此,有必要因

2、此,有必要对其进行总结、归对其进行总结、归纳、练习,纳、练习,帮学生帮学生系统地掌握它们的用法,系统地掌握它们的用法,助学生跨越学习中的障碍,避开试题中的助学生跨越学习中的障碍,避开试题中的陷阱陷阱。3exceptbesides用法except表示“除了之外,不包括”,后面可接that, what, when等引导的从句Tina can do everything except make clothes.除了除了做衣服做衣服之外之外TinaTina什么都会。什么都会。Ward had considered everything except the cold weather. Ward War

3、d什么都想过什么都想过, ,唯独没考虑到唯独没考虑到寒冷的寒冷的天气。天气。I know nothing about it except what I have read in the evening papers. 除了在除了在晚晚报上读到的以外报上读到的以外, ,我对这件事一无所知。我对这件事一无所知。Most Chinese people usually go to work on the bike except when it rains. 除了雨天除了雨天, ,大多数中国人一般都骑自行车上班。大多数中国人一般都骑自行车上班。真题解析真题解析: :Can you tell me all

4、 about the earthquake? Sorry, I know nothing about it _ I read in the newspaper. A. except B. except for C. except what D. except that 析:从句中read为及物动词,且其后无宾语,故选 C.一试身手一试身手: :I know nothing about the young gentleman _he is from Austria. A. except B. except for C. except that D. besides C4exceptbesides

5、用法except for表示“除了因为;要不是;除去一点外”,表示对一个人或事物,先做一个整体评价,然后再就局部提出一点看法。即一部分被肯定,另一部分被否定,这就是所谓的排除否定式。其判别标志是:除去的与保留的不是同类项。except that. 也是除去一点外的意思,但应注意恰当地使用引导词。若从句句意和结构完整,只需用引导词that。真题解析:The suit fitted him well _ the colour was a little brighter. A. except for B. except that C. except when D. besides 简析:本题题意为除

6、色彩艳了一点儿外,这套衣服很适合他,从句the colour was a little brighter句意和结构完整,只需用引导词that,故选B.except that。 5exceptbesides用法关于关于 except 与 except forexcept 主要用来谈论同类的东西,而 except for 则主要用来谈论不同类的东西,有时含有惋惜之意。All compositions are well written except yours. 除了你的作文外,其他的作文都写得很好。除了你的作文外,其他的作文都写得很好。His composition is good except

7、for a few spelling mistakes. 他的作文写得不错,只是有几处拼写错误。他的作文写得不错,只是有几处拼写错误。注:若用于句首,则 except for 与 except 同义(但 except 通常不用于句首)。关于关于except for与except that有时可互相转换。 Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes. =Your composition is very good except that there are a few spelling mistakes. The

8、 village is very quiet except for some birds singing in the woods. =The village is very quiet except that there are some birds singing in the woods. 6exceptbesides用法besides相当于as well as,表示“除了还有,包括”,即除去一部分还有另外一部分的意思,表示besides 后面的部分包括在整体之内。Five other representatives arrived late besides me. 除了我还有五位代表来

9、晚了。(晚到的代表中包括“我”)Besides his wife, his daughter also went to see him. 除他妻子外,他女儿也去看过他。 Besides basketball, what other sports do you like? 除了篮球你还喜欢什么运动?除了篮球你还喜欢什么运动?真题解析真题解析: :Does John know any other foreign language _ French. A. except B. but C. besides D. beside简析:由本题中的信息词any other foreign language,

10、可知选besides.一试身手一试身手: :1._money, she also gets the commercial aspirations from her father. A. Except B. Except for C. But D. Besides2._the interview on the day of the engagement, we have heard nothing from either him or from Kate. A. Except B. Except for C. Besides D. ButDC7exceptbesides用法 注:在否定句中,be

11、sides 也表示“除之外不再有 ”,与but, except 同义。 No one passed the exam besides/ except Jim. 除吉姆外,没一个人通过考试。除吉姆外,没一个人通过考试。 8exceptbesides用法but后也可以接名词或代词作宾语。 真题解析真题解析: :They all went to the science museum _ Tom and me. A. besides B. except for C. but D. beside 简析:因为all是信息词,且they与Tom and me是同类项,根据句意应选C。 but常与下列词连用:

12、a.否定词no one, none, nothing等; b.疑问词who, what等; c.不定代词all, everyone等。 Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan. 这个计划只能招灾惹祸这个计划只能招灾惹祸, ,别无益处。别无益处。 Who but Ward would do such a thing? 除了除了WardWard以外还有谁愿意干这种事以外还有谁愿意干这种事? ? but是除了以外的意思,相当于except,主要与某些不定代词如nothing,all,anything, no one,anyone等连用。9ex

13、ceptbesides用法but后可接动词不定式。注意:当but前面有实义动词do以及其相应形式作谓语动词时,则其后跟不带to的动词不定式,反之加to。 真题解析真题解析: :1.David could do nothing but _ his teacher yesterday afternoon. A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help 简析:do nothing but.后应接动词原形,意为除做外什么也不做,选A。 2.The enemy had no choice but _ their arms and _ . A. lie down; giv

14、e in B. lay down; give in C. to lay down; give in D. to lie down; to give in 简析:have no choice but后应接带to 的动词不定式,且and后的成分与动词不定式之间存在并列关系,故选C。 10exceptbesides用法 But for your help, I would have failed. 要是没有你的帮助要是没有你的帮助, , 我早就失败了。我早就失败了。but for是要不是;没有的意思,常用于虚拟语气。Butfortherain(Ifithadntrained),wewouldhave

15、hadapleasantjourney.要不是天下雨,我们这次旅行就惬意了。Butforyourhelp,wecouldnthavecarriedouttheplan.如果没有你的帮助,我们不可能实现那个计划。11exceptbesides用法apart fromapart from相当于相当于相当于相当于aside fromaside from有一下三种含义有一下三种含义有一下三种含义有一下三种含义: :除了除了除了除了.外外外外( (还还还还)( )(相当于相当于相当于相当于in addition to ,besidesin addition to ,besides或或或或as as we

16、ll as)well as) 表示一种累加关系,意指表示一种累加关系,意指“除了什么之外,还有除了什么之外,还有”;Apart from English ,he had to study a second Apart from English ,he had to study a second foreign language while in college.foreign language while in college.除了除了除了除了.之外之外之外之外( (都都都都)( )(相当于相当于相当于相当于exceptexcept或或或或but)but) 则表示一种排除关则表示一种排除关系,

17、意指系,意指“除了什么之外,不再有除了什么之外,不再有”。I hardly know anyone in the village apart from I hardly know anyone in the village apart from you.you.除了除了除了除了, ,只是只是只是只是( (相当于相当于相当于相当于except for )except for )表示细节上的修正表示细节上的修正表示细节上的修正表示细节上的修正This essay is good apart from a couple of This essay is good apart from a coupl

18、e of spelling mistakes.spelling mistakes.12exceptbesides用法关于 but 与 except(1) 两者都可表示“除外不再有”,但含义上略有差别:but侧重指意义的几乎完整性,而 except 则侧重指后面除去的部分。All are here but one. 除一个人都到了。除一个人都到了。 All are here except one. 还有一个人没到。还有一个人没到。 在现代英语中,but 的介词用法十分有限,一般说来,它只能用在下列词语之后: no, no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere 等 any,

19、anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere 等 every, everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere 等 all, none 等 who, what, where 等 Everyone knows it but you. 除你之外大家都知道。除你之外大家都知道。 I havent told anybody but you. 除你之外,我没告诉任何人。除你之外,我没告诉任何人。 No one but he/him showed much interest in it. 除他之外没人对此有很大兴趣除他之外没人对此有很大兴趣

20、。 13exceptbesides用法一般说来,若没有出现 no, no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere 等 any, anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere 等 every, everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere 等词汇,就不宜使用介词 but, 否则可能造成错句。但是 except 却没有以上限制。正:The window is never opened except in summer. 除夏天除夏天外,这扇窗户从不打开。外,这扇窗户从不打开。 误:The window is n

21、ever opened but in summer. but 一定不能用于句首,except 通常不用于句首: 正:Everyone is tired but (except) me. 正:Everyone but (except) me is tired.除我之外每个人都累了。除我之外每个人都累了。 误:But (Except) me, everyone is tired. 注:except for 可用于句首,表示 except 的意思: 正:Except for me, everyone is tired.14exceptbesides用法易混词辨析例句apart from “除.之外”

22、,当指包含在内时相当于besides;当指”不包括在内”时相当于except(for)Apart from the ending,its really a good film.in addition to/besides“除.之外”,强调除此之外还包括其他.She undersands French besides/in addition to English.except “除.之外”,指从整体中除去一部分.He gets up early every day except Sunday.except for “除.以外”,指说明整个基本情况后,对细节加以纠正,一般表示美中不足.Its re

23、ally a good film except for the ending.15exceptbesides用法except, except for/that, besides和but的用法习题:( )1. No one knew Mr Besons address _ his daughter. A. except B. excepts C. only D. besides ( )2. Do you know any other foreign language _ English? A. except B. but C. beside D. besides ( )3. I know not

24、hing about the young lady _ she is from Beijing. A. except B. except for C. except that D. besides ( )4. Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong. A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit ( )5.Did you study any other foreign language _when at college?Yes, I studied three. B

25、ut I have forgotten all _a few words of each. A. besides, besides B.but, except C.except, except D.besides, exceptADCA学练同步学练同步: :学中用学中用, ,用中学用中学, ,学用结合学用结合, ,学以致用!学以致用!D16exceptbesides用法关于 except for 与 but forexcept for 主要表示排除,but for 主要表示一种虚拟条件(与虚拟语气连用)。Except for me, everyone passed the exam. 除了我之

26、外,大家都通过了考试。除了我之外,大家都通过了考试。But for my help, she would not have passed the exam. 若不是我的帮助,她就不会通过考试。若不是我的帮助,她就不会通过考试。But for the atmosphere plants would die. 如果没有大气,植物就会死亡。如果没有大气,植物就会死亡。拓展链接17exceptbesides用法besides的其他用法besides 除用作介词外,还用作副词,其意为“此外”、“而且”,可用于分句句首(通常用逗号隔开)或句尾。I dont want to go; besides, Im

27、too tired. 我不想去,而且我也太累了。我不想去,而且我也太累了。This car belongs to Smith, and he has two others besides. 这部车是史密斯的,此外他还有两部。这部车是史密斯的,此外他还有两部。一试身手一试身手1.How much will you be paid? Sandy, I dont do it for money, but for experience. _, its voluntary work.A. However B. Besides C. Finally D. Except2. Hi, Carly! Lets

28、go out for a walk. Its too late to go out and _, its going to rain.A. except for B. besides C. finally D. exceptB拓展链接B18exceptbesides用法1.Mr Green usually goes to work by bus _ it rains. A. besides B. except when C. except what D. beside 分析:由于由于it rains为从句为从句, ,故排除故排除A、D,且且rains为不及物动词为不及物动词, ,不需要宾语不需

29、要宾语, ,故故排除排除C。except when 意为意为 除了当除了当的时候的时候 。故选故选 B. 2. Your composition is very good _ a few spelling mistakes. A. except that B. except for C. besides D. beside 分析:由于除去的与保留的由于除去的与保留的 不是同类不是同类,故选故选except for.3.The suit fitted him well _ the colour was a little brighter. A. except for B. except that

30、 C. except when D. besides 分析:本题意为本题意为 除色彩艳了一点儿外除色彩艳了一点儿外, ,这套衣服很适合他这套衣服很适合他 ,从句the colour was a little brighter句意和结构完整句意和结构完整, ,只需用引导词只需用引导词that,故选故选except that。 典型例题探究:启迪思维,举一反三,学得更轻松!19exceptbesides用法“other than”这一英语中常见常用的短语,其含义较多、理解难以准确把握、句型搭配较为灵活,而一般的语法书和词典对“other than”的用法又涉及较少或说明不详。本文拟对“other

31、than”的用法作粗浅的小结。1.other than = except, but, apart from “除以外”There is nobody here other than me. 这里除了我以外没有别人。Someone other than your brother should be appointed manager. 应当任命一个除了你兄弟之外的人当经理。2. other than = besides “除以外,还”English is now spoken in many countries other than England. 除英国外,其他许多国家都讲英语。There

32、were three people at the meeting other than Mr Day. 除戴先生以外,还有三个人参加了会议。3.other than = not, instead of, rather than “不、非、而不是”I borrowed some books other than novels. 我借了几本书,都不是小说书。4.other than = in any other way than “用除此以外别的方式”You cant get there other than by swimming. 除了游过去之外,你没有别的方法到达那儿。20exceptbes

33、ides用法( )1. I know nothing about the young ladyshe is from Beijing.A. except B. except for C. except that D. besides ( )2. The suit fitted him wellthe colour was a little brighter. A. except for B. except that C. except when D. besides ( )3. He did have nothing to eat but. A. to steal some food from

34、 the shop B. to rob some food of the shop C. steal some food from the shop D. rob some food of the shop( )4. Jane was quite alone in the worldan aunt in Brazil. A. except B. except for C. besides D. instead of 巩固提高:巩固是前提,提高是根本!CBAB21exceptbesides用法( )5.being a little large the hat looks nice. A. Apa

35、rt from B. Except C. But D. Besides ( )6. In no countryBritain can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. A. rather than B. anything that C. more than D. other than ( )7. He gets up early every daySunday. A. besides B. except for C. except that D. except ( )8. We need fifteen more peopleour team to do the job. A. besides B. except for C. except that D. except ( )9. It was dark in the city _ a few weak lights. A. except for B. except C. besides D. but forADDAA22exceptbesides用法



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