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1、取得英语语法成功的基石取得英语语法成功的基石1教育类B词类作作 用用例例 词1. (n.)名)名 词表示人或事表示人或事物的名称。物的名称。I bought a book .She is a student.2. (pron.)代代词代替名代替名词、数数词等。等。This is my friend. He likes that book becauseit is very useful to him. PartsofSpeach2教育类B3. (adj.)形容形容词表示人或表示人或事物的特事物的特征或性状。征或性状。He is small but he is clever. The red p

2、en is useful for the teacher. He painted the wall white yesterday.3教育类B4. (num.)数)数词表示数表示数目或目或顺序。序。There are ten apples on the table and I will take the first one.5. (v.)动 词表示表示动作或状作或状态。We are working hard at English.I want to become an engineer.4教育类B6. (adv.)副副 词表示表示动作作的特征或的特征或性状特征。性状特征。I like Engl

3、ish very much.The teacher treats us kindly .The train goes fast. He seldom comes to see us. 7. (prep.)介介 词表示名表示名词、代代词和其和其他他词之之间的关系。的关系。He usually stay at home on Sundays.5教育类B8. (conj.)连词连接接词与与词或句与句的或句与句的作用。作用。He and I are in the same class and we are good friends. Two or three of us can dance well

4、but I cant .9. (interj.)感)感叹词表示表示强强烈的烈的感情感情Oh ! How beautiful the scene is! What a good idea! Goodness !10. (art.)冠)冠词用来限制名用来限制名词的意的意义I have a pet dog . The dog is very lovely. He is an old man but very strong.6教育类B一、主语一、主语主语(主语(subject):):句子说明的人或事物。句子说明的人或事物。主语一般位于主语一般位于_。1.Lucy likes her new bike.

5、 2.We work hard.3.To learn a foreign language is not easy.4.Playing football after school is great fun.句首句首7教育类B1. We love China.2. She seems tired. 3. He can speak English 4. We have finished reading this book.二、谓语二、谓语谓语谓语:说明主语说明主语做什么做什么或或怎么样怎么样。通常由。通常由_ 充当充当.动词常分为实义动词动词常分为实义动词,连系动词连系动词,情态动词和助动词情态动

6、词和助动词.动词动词实义动词实义动词连系动词连系动词情态动词情态动词助动词助动词(V.)8教育类B情态动词情态动词和和助动词助动词不能单独充当谓语不能单独充当谓语,必须和实义动词或系动词一起构成谓语必须和实义动词或系动词一起构成谓语.TheycanspeakEnglishwell.Theyareplayingoverthere.9教育类B1)状态状态系动词系动词,用来表示主语状态,只有,用来表示主语状态,只有be (am,is ,are,was,were,been,being)一词)一词 He is a teacher. 2)持续持续系动词,用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或系动词,用来表示主语

7、继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有态度,主要有keep, remain, stay He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。他开会时总保持沉默。 系动词系动词10教育类B3)表像表像系动词,用来表示系动词,用来表示看起来像看起来像这一概念,主要这一概念,主要有有seem, appear, look, 例如:例如:He looks tired. He seems (to be) very sad.4)感官感官系动词,主要有系动词,主要有feel, smell, sound, tasteThis flower smells very sweet. 11

8、教育类B5)变化变化系动词,表示主语变成什么样,主要有系动词,表示主语变成什么样,主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, comeHe became mad after that. 6)终止终止系动词,表示主语已终止动作,主要有系动词,表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn outThe rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。这谣言证实有假。His plan turned out a success. 他的计划终于成功了。他的计划终于成功了。12教育类B谓语谓语(V.)实义动词实义动词连系动词连系动词情态动词情态动词助动词助动词1

9、3教育类B三、宾语三、宾语宾语宾语:动作行为的对象,说明主语做什么。一:动作行为的对象,说明主语做什么。一般放在般放在_或或_后面后面.1.We study English. 2.Our teacher said that he would go there.3.He is looking at the dog.双宾语双宾语:指人的是间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语。:指人的是间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语。 He gave me two books.及物动词及物动词介词介词14教育类B表语表语:跟在:跟在连系动词连系动词后面的词语或从句后面的词语或从句,用用来说明主语的身份来说明主语的身份,特征特征,

10、状态状态.The trees turn green.The flowers are beautiful .My job is to teach you English.The question is how we can get there.四、表语四、表语15教育类B定语:用来修饰限定定语:用来修饰限定_. This is a red car. The building is their teaching building. The woman doctor is my wife. I have something to tell you. The man in front of the g

11、ate is Mr. Li. Every student has an English book.五、定语五、定语名词名词16教育类B状语状语:修饰修饰动动词、词、形形容词、容词、副副词或词或全全句句,说明,说明时间、地点、方式、因果、时间、地点、方式、因果、条件、让步、方向、程度、目的条件、让步、方向、程度、目的等。等。 六、六、状语状语17教育类BJohn often came to chat with me As he was ill, he didnt come to class yesterday. She is sitting at the desk, doing her home

12、work. My father worked in this school ten years ago.Though he is young, he knows a lot.He came running. (程度程度 目的目的)(地点(地点 伴随)伴随)(地点(地点 时间)时间)(让步)(让步)(方式)(方式)(原因原因)18教育类B补语补语是用于补充说明是用于补充说明主语主语或或宾语宾语的身份或的身份或特征。特征。七、七、补语补语Everyone calls him Jack. (宾补)(宾补)He is called Jack.(主补)(主补)19教育类B同位语同位语是位于是位于名词或或

13、代词后后面的个别名词面的个别名词或名词词组,对前者进行补充说明或名词词组,对前者进行补充说明The Great Wall, one of the wonders in the world, attracts a large number of foreign friends.八、八、同位语同位语20教育类B一、一、主语主语 主语可以用下面这些东西表示:1. The sun rises in the east. ( ) 2. He likes dancing. ( )3. Two will be enough.( ) 4. Seeing is believing. ( ) 6. To see i

14、s to believe. ( ) 7. When to hold the meeting has not been decided yet. ( )8. What he needs is a book. ( )9. It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree. ( )名词名词代词代词数词数词动名词动名词不定式不定式疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式从句从句It作形式主语,作形式主语,that从句是真正的主语从句是真正的主语21教育类B当当不定式、动名词或从句不定式、动名词或从句在某个句子中作主语在某个句子中作主语时


16、错误的。说谎是错误的。争吵是没用的。争吵是没用的。谁要来还不确定。谁要来还不确定。23教育类B二、二、宾语宾语 宾语可以用下面这些东西表示:宾语可以用下面这些东西表示:1.She lived a happy life.( )2.I love you.( )3.We need two.( )4.Do you mind my opening the door?( )5.He began to learn English a year ago.( )6.He did not know what to say.( )7.Did you write down what she said? ( )8. S

17、he felt it her duty to take good care of them.( )名词名词代词代词数词数词动名词动名词不定式不定式疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式从句从句It作形式宾语,不定式是真正的宾语作形式宾语,不定式是真正的宾语24教育类B二、二、表语表语 表语可以用下面这些东西表示:表语可以用下面这些东西表示:1. He is a teacher. ( )2. My idea is this.( )3. She was the first to arrive.( )4. I feel much better today./I must be off now. ( )5. He

18、 is out of danger.( )6. The news was exciting./They were excited at the news.( )7. What surprised me most was that he spoke Chinese so well.( )名词名词代词代词数词数词从句从句形容词形容词/副词副词介词短语介词短语分词分词25教育类B三、三、定语定语 定语可以用下面这些东西表示:定语可以用下面这些东西表示:1.Its a red car.( )2.They live in the room above.( )3.My brother is a teach

19、er.( )4.We belong to the third world.( )5.Lucys father is a poor worker.( )6.Mother made a birthday cake for me.( )7.The man under the tree is my teacher.( )8.The swimming boy is my brother./The boy swimming in the river is my brother. ( )形容词形容词副词副词代词代词数词数词名词所有格名词所有格名词名词介词短语介词短语现在分词现在分词26教育类B三、三、定语定

20、语 定语可以用下面这些东西表示:定语可以用下面这些东西表示:9.I liked the food cooked by my mother./Retired people have a good time at home.( )10.There are two things to be discussed today.( )11.Will you tell us about your teaching plan?( )12.This is the very book that I need. ( )过去分词过去分词不定式不定式动名词动名词从句从句27教育类B四、四、四、四、状语状语 状语可以用下

21、面这些东西表示:状语可以用下面这些东西表示:状语可以用下面这些东西表示:状语可以用下面这些东西表示:1.He is often late for class.( )2.We saw that picture at the cinema.( )3.He sat there smoking.( )4.They returned tired and hungry. ( )5.They did everything they could to save the boys life. ( )6.Although he is young, he knows a lot. ( )7.The box is s

22、o heavy that I cant lift it. ( )副词,程度副词,程度介词短语,地点介词短语,地点分词,伴随分词,伴随不定式,目的不定式,目的形容词,状态形容词,状态让步状语从句让步状语从句结果状语从句结果状语从句28教育类B四、四、状语状语 状语可以用下面这些东西表示:状语可以用下面这些东西表示:9.While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV. ( )10.He was angry because we were late( )11.If it rains tomorrow, we wont go out

23、.( ) 时间状语从句时间状语从句原因状语从句原因状语从句条件状语从句条件状语从句29教育类B五、五、五、五、宾语补足语宾语补足语:1.I consider Jim I consider Jim a good frienda good friend.( ).( )2.I always find her I always find her happyhappy.( ).( )3.People praised him People praised him as a heroas a hero.( ).( )4.I had the TV I had the TV fixedfixed.( ).( )

24、5.I saw him I saw him enteringentering the building.( ) the building.( )6.What made youWhat made you think think so?( )so?( )7.Do you want me Do you want me to goto go?( )?( )形容词形容词名词名词介词短语介词短语过去分词过去分词现在分词现在分词省略掉省略掉to的不定式的不定式不定式不定式30教育类B英语句子的种类英语句子的种类简单句简单句(simplesentence)只包含一个主谓结构只包含一个主谓结构Theyarepl

25、ayingbaseballinthegarden.Herbrotherandsisiterarebothteachers.并列句并列句 (compound sentence)Herfatherisadoctorandhermotherisateacher.IlikedthestoryverymuchbutLiMingwasntinteretedinit.Hurryup,oryoullbelate.由由and,but,or,so这四个并列连词连接,而这四个并列连词连接,而“,”逗号是不能连接两个简单句的。逗号是不能连接两个简单句的。复合句复合句 (complex sentence)If he i

26、s all right tomorrow, he will come.I went to bed afer I finished my homework.连词主句从句(状语)主句连词从句(状语)31教育类B简单句的简单句的五种基本句型五种基本句型32教育类B英语五种基本句型英语五种基本句型列式如下:列式如下:基本句型一:基本句型一:(主谓)(主谓)基本句型二:基本句型二:(主系表)(主系表)基本句型三:基本句型三:(主谓宾)(主谓宾)基本句型四:基本句型四:(主谓间宾直宾)(主谓间宾直宾)基本句型五:基本句型五:(主谓宾宾补)(主谓宾宾补)33教育类B基本句型一主谓(S+V)S+VShecoo

27、ks.Heisworking.Whathesaiddoesnotmatter.Thepenwritessmoothly.34教育类B基本句型一主谓SVShecooksHeis workingWhat he saiddoes not matter.The pen writes smoothly.35教育类B基本句型二主系表S+V+PHeishappy.Everythinglooksnice.Hisfaceturnedred.36教育类B基本句型二主系表SVPHeishappy.Everything looksnice. His faceturnedred.37教育类B基本句型三主谓宾S+V+OW

28、estudyEnglisheveryday.Theyareplayingfootball.Heenjoysreading.Shesaid“Goodmorning.”38教育类B基本句型三主谓宾SVOWeTheyHeShestudyare playingenjoyssaidEnglish everyday.football.reading.“Good morning.”39教育类B基本句型四SV(及物)O(多指人)O(多指物)Igivehimabook.Mymotherboughtmeapenyesterday.Ishowedhimmypicture.40教育类B基本句型四SV(及物)OOIgi

29、vehima book.My mother boughtmea pen yesterday.Ishowedhimmy picture.41教育类B基本句型五S+V(及物)+O(宾语)+C(宾补)Wemustkeepthedooropen.Thenewsmakesmehappy.WecallhimJim.Hetoldmetowashtheplates.Isawathiefgoingintoyourroom.42教育类B基本句型五SV(及物) O(宾语)C(宾补)Wemust keepthe dooropen.The newsmakesmehappy.WecallhimJim.Hetoldme to wash the plates.Isawa thiefgoing into your room.43教育类B



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