Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics 5 writing辩论报告ppt课件

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1、 WritingHow to report a class debateBook 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics1范文鉴赏范文鉴赏假定你是李华,最近你班同学针对假定你是李华,最近你班同学针对“博物馆博物馆该不该免费对公众开放该不该免费对公众开放”这一话题进行了辩这一话题进行了辩论。请根据表格内容写一篇英语短文给校英论。请根据表格内容写一篇英语短文给校英语报投稿,介绍这次辩论情况并发辫自己的语报投稿,介绍这次辩论情况并发辫自己的看法。看法。正方正方反方反方个人个人1、每个人都有权利、每个人都有权利分享文化遗产;分享文化遗产;2、有助于提高人们、有助于提高人们的文化遗产保护意识的

2、文化遗产保护意识1、游客过多、游客过多影响参观;影响参观;2、保护展品、保护展品的难度加大的难度加大2 Recently our class has had a debate about whether museums should open to the public free of charge. We had different opinions. The reasons are as follows. Some of my classmates support it. They say everyone has the right to share cultural relics. I

3、f entrance to museums is free, the public will have more opportunities to know about our cultural relics and make efforts to protect them. However, others think differently. They argue that visitors may not have a good look at the exhibits if there are too many people. Besides, it is more difficult

4、to protect the exhibits on show. In my opinion, museums should be open to the public free of charge, but the number of daily visitors should be strictly controlled.辩论时间、人物、主题辩论时间、人物、主题正方的观点正方的观点反方的观点反方的观点明确的个人观点明确的个人观点31. 争论,辩论争论,辩论n./vi.2. 博物馆博物馆3. 公众,大众公众,大众4. 免费免费5. 原因如下原因如下6. 支持支持vt./n.debatemus

5、eumthe publicfree of chargesupportThe reasons are as follows.The following are the results.知识清单知识清单47) 的入口的入口8) 做做的机会的机会9) 努力做某事努力做某事10)好好看好好看11) 展品,展览展品,展览n.12)在展览中,陈列中在展览中,陈列中13)严格控制严格控制entrance tochance to do sth.make efforts to dohave a good look atexhibiton showbe strictly controlled5结构结构:四部分四部

6、分Part 1 开门见山地说明开门见山地说明辩论的主题辩论的主题和参与者、和参与者、辩论时间等;辩论时间等; We had a heated discussion about Different people (students) hold different ideas. The reasons/results are as follows.Part 2 列举支持方观点及理由;列举支持方观点及理由; Some people are in favor of the idea thatPart 3 列举反对方观点及其理由;列举反对方观点及其理由; However, others hold the

7、 opposite opinion.Part 4 得出结论或给出自己的观点。得出结论或给出自己的观点。 As far as I am concerned,6注意事项注意事项1、话话题题的的提提出出要要开开门门见见山山,不不要要拖拖泥泥带带水水;2、正正反反对对比比论论据据要要正正确确,条条理理要要清清楚楚,语言应准确、精炼;语言应准确、精炼;3、作者的观点必须、作者的观点必须鲜明鲜明,不能模棱两可不能模棱两可;4、议论文的主体时态多用、议论文的主体时态多用一般现在时一般现在时;5、尽尽量量避避免免同同一一单单词词、句句型型的的重重复复使使用用,多多采采用用同同义义词词、相相似似结结构构,以以使

8、使表表达达多样化。多样化。7开开头头We had a heated discussion/debate about/on 关于关于我们进行了激烈的争论。我们进行了激烈的争论。Opinions about are divided. 关于关于的观点有分歧。的观点有分歧。Different people hold different ideas/ opinions. 不同的人有不同的观点。不同的人有不同的观点。The reasons are as follows. 原因如下。原因如下。结结尾尾Through the discussion, we drew a conclusion that 通过讨论

9、,我们得出一个结论通过讨论,我们得出一个结论We finally reached an agreement on this problem. 最终关于这个问题我们达成了一致。最终关于这个问题我们达成了一致。就我而言,在我看来就我而言,在我看来 In my opinion, As far as I am concerned, As for me, From my point of view,8支支持持方方观观点点Some people are for/ in favor of the idea that 有些人支持有些人支持的观点。的观点。People who are for the idea

10、think that. 支持该观点的人认为支持该观点的人认为Most of them support it. 大部分人支持该观点。大部分人支持该观点。反反对对方方观观点点Some of them hold a different view that 通过讨论,我们得出一个结论通过讨论,我们得出一个结论Some people hold the opposite opinion. 有些人持相反的观点。有些人持相反的观点。People who are against it dont think so. 反对的人则不以为然。反对的人则不以为然。People who are against the id

11、ea think that 反对该观点的人认为反对该观点的人认为9实战演练实战演练假设你是李华,最近某英文报正在讨论中学假设你是李华,最近某英文报正在讨论中学生是否应该通过网络进行在线学习。以下是生是否应该通过网络进行在线学习。以下是你所在班级讨论的情况。请你给该报写一封你所在班级讨论的情况。请你给该报写一封信,反映讨论结果并谈谈自己的看法。信,反映讨论结果并谈谈自己的看法。赞成(成(70%)的理由)的理由反反对(30%)的理由)的理由网上网上资源丰富,学源丰富,学习者者可以自由可以自由选择学学习内容内容和和时间自己的控制力自己的控制力较差,差,网上学网上学习效果效果难以保以保证10Part

12、1:辩论时间、人物、主题:辩论时间、人物、主题最近,我们班就学生是否应该在网上最近,我们班就学生是否应该在网上学习进行了激烈的讨论。不同的同学学习进行了激烈的讨论。不同的同学有不同的观点。辩论结果如下。有不同的观点。辩论结果如下。 Recently, our class has had a heated discussion about whether students should learn on the Internet. Different students have different ideas. The results are as follows.11Part 2:正方的观点:

13、正方的观点70%的同学支持这种新的学习方法。他的同学支持这种新的学习方法。他们认为在线学习很方便,而且网上有很们认为在线学习很方便,而且网上有很多有用的资源。另外,学习者可以有决多有用的资源。另外,学习者可以有决定学习内容和学习时间的自由。定学习内容和学习时间的自由。70% of the students are in favor of the new learning way. They think online learning is convenient and the Internet is filled with useful resources. Whats more, learn

14、ers have the freedom to decide what and when to learn. 12Part 3:反方的观点:反方的观点30%的同学持相反的观点。他们的同学持相反的观点。他们认为他们缺乏自控力。没有面对认为他们缺乏自控力。没有面对面的交流,他们不能有效地学习。面的交流,他们不能有效地学习。However, 30% of the students hold the opposite opinion. They think they lack self-control, and cant learn efficiently without face-to-face c

15、ommunication.13Part 4:结尾、个人的观点:结尾、个人的观点就我而言,我支持在线学习,因为在网就我而言,我支持在线学习,因为在网上我们能获得更多有用的信息。然而,上我们能获得更多有用的信息。然而,我们高中生应该恰当利用这一工具,而我们高中生应该恰当利用这一工具,而不是沉迷于网上游戏。不是沉迷于网上游戏。As far as I am concerned, I support online learning because we can gain more useful information on the Internet. However, we high school st

16、udents should make proper use of this tool rather than being addicted to the games online.141. 支持支持vt. prep.2. 反反对vt. prep.3. 相反的相反的4. 相反相反(短短语)5. 辩论,讨论6. 争争论v.7. 论点;点;辩论 offor/ in favor ofobject to/opposeagainstoppositeargument辩论报告常见词汇辩论报告常见词汇argueon the contrarydebate/discussion158. 观点点9. 态度度10. 另外另外11. 更糟的是更糟的是12. 就我而言就我而言13. 依我之依我之见14. 坚决地决地adv.idea/opinion/viewattitudein addition/ whats moreWhats worseAs far as I am concernedpersonally/ for my point of viewin my opinion/viewfirmly/strongly16 Thank youvery much!17



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