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1、海口市教育研究培训院汇报人:吴允秀20112012学年度第二学期海口市攀登英语项目学习实验工作计划基本情况实验工作思路与要求工作安排海口市实验规模2011年9月海口市共有41所小学进入一年级攀登英语学习项目实验,二年级有37所学校。其中4所市直属小学,37所区属小学,美兰区5所(1所农村小学),龙华区7所(1所农村小学),琼山区5所(1所农村小学),秀英区20所。学生人数达26765人,实验班级409个,教师200多人。基本情况本学期攀登英语实验工作思路与要求规范规范课题管理、规范课堂常规的建立 档案资料的整理、归纳、入档; 规范校本培训活动、例会活动、集体备课活动、定期听课活动、家校协同活动

2、等如何对小组长进行培养与有效开展小组活动 如何做到课堂教学活动的“活而不乱” 如何控制学生“喊英语”的现象 对学生在“watchlistenreading aloud-speak-perform”等各方面的基本常规要求 本学期攀登英语实验工作思路与要求有效继续围绕着攀登英语课堂教学的BREAD实施有效课堂教学。(BREAD)BBrief (简约的)RRelaxing(轻松的)EEffective(有效的)AActive(有活力的)DDifferent(多样的)本学期攀登英语实验工作思路与要求学得让学生真正学有所获,保持学习兴趣。 只有学生的学得,才能让他们保持学习英语的兴趣,要让学生通过大量、

3、反复训练和反复运用的基础上,尽量做到堂堂清,周周清。不要让学生欠过多的“债”。 Insist on plenty of repetitionInsist on plenty of repetition Language proficiency is a skill and like any skill may be developed only through a great of practice. We learn to type by typing, and to play the piano by practicing scales. We learn to speak a forei

4、gn language by repeating its basic patterns and vocabulary items over and over again until their production becomes automatic.Imitation is the key, perhaps the golden key, to success in learning a language. 本学期攀登英语实验工作思路与要求本学期攀登英语实验工作思路与要求We learn and understand best the thing which we do We learn a

5、nd understand best the thing which we do ourselves, handle with our own hands, feel with our ourselves, handle with our own hands, feel with our own fingers, see with our own eyes. We forget most own fingers, see with our own eyes. We forget most easily what we have only heard about. The foundation

6、easily what we have only heard about. The foundation of our knowledge is our direct personal experience.-of our knowledge is our direct personal experience.- We must let the pupils see the real objects- We must let the pupils see the real objects, handle handle them, move them about and do bodily ac

7、tions. They them, move them about and do bodily actions. They will then remember what we teach because they will then remember what we teach because they themselves take part in some activities in connection themselves take part in some activities in connection with them.with them.meaningfulsituatio

8、nalpractical meaningfulsituationalpractical 2011201220112012学年度第一学期海口市学年度第一学期海口市攀登英语项目学习实验工作计划安排攀登英语项目学习实验工作计划安排时间工作内容参加对象2月12日2011-2012学年第二学期海南省攀登英语学习实验项目新学期培训活动全市攀登英语实验教师第3周1、召开海口市攀登英语课题实验教师会议,总结课题实施情况2、部署本学期攀登英语课题实验工作全市攀登英语实验教师第4周各区、实验学校提交攀登英语课题实验工作计划各区、实验学校第5周攀登英语课题实验调研(一)市攀登英语课题实验指导小组成员第7周海口市攀登

9、英语课堂教学展示活动(一) (美兰区)全市实验教师第9周海口市攀登英语课堂教学展示活动(二) (龙华区)全市实验教师第11周攀登英语课题实验调研(二)市攀登英语课题实验指导小组成员第13周海口市攀登英语课堂教学展示活动(三) (琼山区)全市实验教师第14周跨省市进行远程交流活动第15周海口市攀登英语课堂教学展示活动(四) (秀英区)全市实验教师第17周海口市攀登英语课题实验经验交流会(市直属学校、四个区代表交流)全市攀登英语实验教师第18周1、各区、实验学校提交攀登英语课题实验工作总结2、市攀登英语课题实验工作总结3、各实验学校收集、整理本学期课题实验有关材料并进行归档各区、实验学校Thank you!



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