牛津译版英语七下Unit 6 PetsReading 2ppt课件

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1、Reading 2Reading 2Baa, baa, black sheep,Have you any wool?Yes sir, yes sir,Three bags full;One for the master,And one for the dame,And one for the little boyWho lives down the lane. Baa Baa Black SheepPlease say something about the animals in the poems. Use as many words in the poems as possible. Th

2、e group which speaks more and fast win.Group competitionTask 1: Translate the following phrasesTask 1: Translate the following phrases最最聪明的动物聪明的动物追球追球玩精彩的把戏玩精彩的把戏用木棍搭小屋用木棍搭小屋对对吠叫吠叫互相打架互相打架我最好的朋友我最好的朋友照顾他至最后照顾他至最后the cleverest animalchase a balldo wonderful tricksbuild camps out of sticks bark atfigh

3、t with each othermy best friendlook after him until the end需要一张床需要一张床喂它胡萝卜喂它胡萝卜在窗台中间在窗台中间在在边缘边缘开着的抽屉开着的抽屉在一只空鞋子里在一只空鞋子里need a bedfeed it carrotsin the middle of the window-ledgeon the edge ofan open drawerin an empty shoe1. 我是我们家最聪明的。我是我们家最聪明的。 Im _ in my family.2. 大象是陆上最大的动物。大象是陆上最大的动物。 Elephants a

4、re _ animals of all on land.3. Lily的猫爱睡在她膝上。的猫爱睡在她膝上。 Lilys cat loves to sleep _.the cleverestthe biggeston her lapTask 2: Translate the sentences4. 他们正在用纸做风筝。他们正在用纸做风筝。 Theyre making kites _.5. 你能看见窗台边上的那只蝴蝶吗?你能看见窗台边上的那只蝴蝶吗?Can you see that butterfly _?6. 在我的钢琴上有一个花瓶。在我的钢琴上有一个花瓶。 Theres a vase _ my

5、 piano.out of paperon the edge of the window-ledgeon top ofneed to much7. 我们不需要喂他很多的食物。我们不需要喂他很多的食物。 We dont _ feed her _ food.8. 那张写字台有三个抽屉那张写字台有三个抽屉, 我所有的文我所有的文具都在那个开着的抽屉里。具都在那个开着的抽屉里。 Therere three _ in that desk. All my stationery is in the _.drawersopen drawer9. Millie的的书包是空的书包是空的, Amy的是满的。的是满的

6、。 Millies bag is _, Amys is _.10. 看!许多金鱼在吐泡泡。看!许多金鱼在吐泡泡。 Look! Many goldfish _.emptyfullare bubbling1. I think the dog is _ animal in the world. A. very kind B. very clever C. the cleverest D. cleverer2. You cant do the eye exercises with your eyes _. A. opened B. closed C. open D. closeTask 3 单项选择单

7、项选择3. Before 2008 we will finish _ the Olympic Park. A. building B. builds C. to build D. built4. Thank you for _my grandparents when I was away. A. look after B. look over C. looking at D. looking after5. She doesnt have _ trouble. A. any B. no C. some D. many6. Nanjing is bigger than _ other citie

8、s in Jiangsu Province. A. both B. any C. some D. all7. -Can you cook eggs with tomatoes? -Yes, of course. _can do it, its too easy. A. anybody B. Everybody C. No one D. None8. The word “wide” rhymes with “_ ”. A. life B. hunt C. hide D. high1.Bob is good at all his lessons. Hes the _ (clever) student in his class.2. -Which is your favourite animal? -I like goldfish _ (good).3. The rabbit is very lovely. I will _ (feed) it carrots.cleverestbestfeedTask4 用括号内词的正确形式填空用括号内词的正确形式填空4. A cat can sleep on _ (anybody) lap. 5. My dog is _ (friend) to me. He never barks and bites.anybodysfriendly



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