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1、Unit 12 Fact and Fantasywordsl1.fantasy n.幻想幻想, 白日梦白日梦l2. fiction n.虚构虚构, 编造编造, 小说小说l3. foundation n.基础基础, 根本根本, 基金基金l3.Jules Verne 1828-1905) la French writer who wrote science fiction. His most famous books are Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and Around t

2、he World in Eighty Days 凡尔纳凡尔纳(科幻小说家)(科幻小说家)l4. instrument 工具工具, 手段手段, 器械器械, 器具器具, 手段手段l5. Leaguel (1)同盟同盟, 联盟联盟l (2)里格:一长度单位里格:一长度单位.l6. monster n.怪物怪物, 妖怪妖怪l7. set out v.出发出发, 开始开始, l set out to do sth.开始做某事开始做某事l =set about doing sthl set out for somewhere出发去出发去l =leave forl8.collision 碰撞碰撞, 冲突冲突

3、l9. submarine 潜水艇潜水艇l10. permanent adj.永久的永久的, 持久的持久的l11. voyage n.航程航程, 航空航空vi.航海航海, 航行航行l12. Nautilus n. 诺特拉斯(船名)诺特拉斯(船名)l13. extraordinary l adj.非常的非常的, 特别的特别的, 非凡的非凡的l14 precious l adj.宝贵的宝贵的, 贵重的贵重的, 珍爱的珍爱的l15. magic n.魔法魔法, 巫术巫术, 戏法戏法adj.魔术魔术的的l16. drown v.溺死溺死, 淹死淹死vt.淹没淹没l17. chimney n.烟囱烟囱l

4、18. extinct adj.熄灭的熄灭的, 灭绝的灭绝的, 耗尽的耗尽的l19. marble n.大理石大理石,l20. raft n.筏筏, 救生艇救生艇I. I.Para.1Para.1SomethingaboutSomethingaboutJulesVerneJulesVerneII.II.Para.2Para.2Para.3Para.3Para.4Para.4Para.5Para.5III.III.Para.6Para.6somethingaboutsomethingaboutJourneytotheJourneytothecentrecentreofearthofearthSo

5、mething about 20,000 leagues under the sea20,000 leagues under the sea. Jules VerneBorn in: Born in: Died in:Died in:Nationality:Nationality:Interested in:Interested in:Studied :Studied :FamousFamous novels:novels:18281905Frenchtheatre 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth

6、, the Children of Captain Grant, the Mysterious Island, 80 Days around the World . botany, applied science 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth, the Children of Captain Grant, the Mysterious Island, 80 Days around the World . Questionsl1.To make a living,what did Jules Ve

7、rne l have to do?l2.What will many of the instruments in his l novels remind the readers of?l3.How did Verne lay the foundation of l modern science fiction?l4.In his novel “20 000 Leagues Under the l Sea”,what kind of person is Captain Nemo?l5.How does the story “Journey to the Centre of l the Earth

8、” begin and end up?1.To make a living,what did Jules Verne have to do?lTo make a living,Jules Verne had to write and sell stories.2.What will many of the instruments in his novels remind the readers of?lThey will remind the readers of Dr Benjamin Franklins experiment with electricity.3.How did Verne

9、 lay the foundation of modern science fiction?lBy taking the scientific developments of his day one step further.4.In his novel “20 000 Leagues Under the Sea”,what kind of person is Captain Nemo?lHe is someone you will neither like nor dislike.lHe is very cruel because he keeps Aronnax and others as

10、 prisoners and destroys ships.But at other moments,he is gentle and weak because he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.5.How does the story “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” begin and end up?lThe story begins with the discovery of an ancient document and ends up

11、with them being shot out of a volcano in southern Italy with ever increasing speed and temperature.20,000 Leagues under the SeaLanguage Pointsl1.make a living(=earn ones living)谋生谋生lShe made a living by singing in a lnightclub.l2.lay the foundation of 奠定基础奠定基础lFour-year college life laid solid found

12、ations of his e truelThe boys wish to become a brave man has come true.l4.set out 出发出发, 开始开始lset out to do sthl=set about doing sthlThey set out to look for the lost child.l5.turn out(to be)+adj./n.证明是,结果证明是,结果是是lThe weather man said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very l

13、ovely.lTo everyones surprise,the fashionable girl turned out to be a thiefl 6.defendagainst/froml 保护保护免受免受lWe should defend our country against attacks.l7.be dressed inlThe girl was always dressed in red.lDressed in uniform,he looks handsome.l (He was)dressed in uniform,l he looks handsome.l1.He nar

14、rowly escaped_in the fighting.lA.to killB.to be killedC.killingD.being killedl2.Why do people prefer to take a window seat l on the plane?l Because the window_the outside world.lA.takes a view of B.keeps a view ofC.has a view of D.gives a view ofl3.The weather report says it will_cold l tomorrow.lA.

15、turn upB.turn out C.turn onD.turn inl4.She drew the_before switching on l the light.lA.shades B.masks C.coveringsD.curtainsl5.Its_that he said:I am_to l help you.l Dont take it seriously.He is always l playing that trick.lA.sure;sureB.certain;certainC.sure;certain D.certainly;curelyl6.How much is th

16、e rent of the house,Mrs l Sandra? One hundred dollars,the electricity and telephone fee_.lA.containedB.containingC.includingD.includedl7.Please find some books that_these matters.lA.light uponB.give light uponlC.throw light uponD.throws light uponl8.A lot of people here,_,John,would rather l have co

17、ffee.lA.for exampleB.for instanceC.namelyD.such asl9.My brother worked all summer l vacation,saving money to_his hobby l of photography.(03SH)lA.seekB.searchC.huntD.pursuel10.What is the_between Nangjing and l Shanghai?lA.distanceB.lengthC.widthD.heightl11.The boy listens to the teacher_,so l everyt

18、hing seems easy to him.lA.attentionB.attentivelyC.attentiveD.attendl12.A man who hesitates_everything l cannot do anything successfully.lA.to doB.doingC.for doingl D.in doingl13.He observed her_across the street.lA.to come B.comesC.coming D.camel14.I_what you said but I dont_you.lA.believe;believeB.believe in;believel C.believe in;believe in D.believe;believe inl15.It is so nice to hear from her._,we l last met more than thirty years l ago.(2002 Beijing)l A.Whats more B.That is to say l C.In other words. D.Believe it or notWish everybody a beautiful future!



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