高三英语一轮复习 M8 unit 221 Environmental Protection课件 北师大版

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1、Part 1 Of 2 你校的外籍教师Mr. Houston想去白云山玩,他在MSN上留言问你应如何前往。请根据以下中文提纲,用英文给Mr. Houston回信息,告诉他去白云山玩的两种方式。目的地方式优点其他白云山跟旅游团方便包括门票、午餐自主前往自由安排,多些时间在山上在学校附近的汽车站乘256路公交车 【写作要求【写作要求】 1只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2文章开头已经给出,不计入总句数。 Hello, Mr. Houston, there are two ways to get to Baiyun Mountain._ Hello, Mr. Houston, there are t

2、wo ways to get to Baiyun Mountain. You can take a bus to go there by yourself or join a group tour. Going with a group tour is certainly more convenient because everything is taken care for you including the ticket and lunch. On the other hand, if you go by yourself, you wont have to stop anywhere o

3、n the way, which means that you can spend more time on the mountain. You can take No. 256 bus at the bus stop near our school and it will take you about half an hour to get there. I wish you a pleasant trip!1. (联合)抵制 n. _2. 使困住 vt. _3. 生态 n. _4. 保护区 n. _5. 原则 n. _6. 滑行 vi. _7. 贪污的 adj. _8. 保护 n. _bo

4、ycotttrapecologyreserveprincipleslidecorruptconservation9. 超出 prep. _10. 声称 vt. _11. 有关的 adj. _12. 农业 n. _13. 一致的意见 n. _14. 旱灾 n. _15. 牺牲 vt. & vi. _16. 回收利用 vt. _beyondclaimrelevantagricultureconsensusdroughtsacrificerecycle17. 飓风 n. _18. (陆)龟 n. _19. 分离,分开 n. _20. 巨大的 adj. _21. 大陆 n. _22. 依法没收 vt.

5、 _23. 代表 n. _24. 灌溉 n. _hurricanetortoiseseparationgrandmainlandseizebehalfirrigation25. 在近海岸的 adj. _26. 移动,滚动 vi. _27. 台风 n. _28. 规模 n. _29. 多变的 adj. _30. 武装 vt. _31. 艰难的 adj. _32. 地震 n. _offshorerolltyphoonscalechangeablearmroughquake33. 方法 n. _34. 建造 vt. _35. 破烂的 adj. _36. 滑落 vi. _37. 逃走 vt. & vi

6、. _38. 潜在的可能性 n. _39. 威胁 vt. _40. 采用 vt. _meansconstructshabbyslipfleepotentialthreatenadopt41. 铁路 n. _42. 体贴的 adj. _43. 资金 n. _44. 分配 vt. _45. 政治 n. _46. 削尖 vt. _47. 进化 n. _48. 成熟的 adj. _49. 计算 vt. _50. 仓库 n. _railconsideratefinanceallocatepoliticssharpenevolutionmaturecalculatewarehouse1. 超出的控制 _2

7、. 展望未来 _3. 引起,导致 _4. 采取行动 _5. 考虑到这个数据 _6. 在前面 _7. 除以外 _beyond ones control look ahead lead to take action given this data ahead of apart from8. 负责任 _9. 否则,不然 _10. 要求结束 _11. 结束 _12. 代表 _13. 夺走,掠去 _14. 总的来说 _answer for or else call for an end to sth. wrap up on sb.s behalf carry off all in all15. 导致 _

8、16. 谋生 _17. 总结,概括 _18. 摆脱,脱离 _19. 指,意即 _20. 依次做某事 _result in earn ones living sum up break away from refer to in turn1. 多亏了你的帮助,我才能按时完成老师交给 我的任务。 Thanks to your help, I can finish the task given by the teacher on time.2. 她不喜欢被当成小孩看待。 She didnt like to be treated / being treated as a child.3. 没有了友情,这

9、个世界将会成为沙漠。 Without friendship, this world would become a desert.4. 这就是我为什么没有告诉你那个消息的原因。 This is the reason why / This is why I didnt tell you that news.5. 对于我们个人而言,我们需要发挥自己的作用。 As individuals, we need to play our part.1. claim vt. 断言,宣称,(根据权利)要求 claim+(that) He claimed he had not been at the scene o

10、f the crime. 他宣称他不在犯罪现场。 claim to do sth. He claims to have written the article in two days. 他声称只用两天就把文章写成了。vt. 认领 I lost my umbrella, but claimed it at the lost property office. 我把伞丢了,后来在失物招领处认领回来了。n. 要求(所有权) He has the best claim to the honour. 他最有资格获得这个荣誉。 His personality is his only claim to rem

11、embrance. 他的人格是唯一值得纪念的。 claim, demand与require claim v. 要求得到(多指按法律要求的权益);demand v. 要求(带强硬断然之意);require v. 要求,需要(着重事物内在或规章制 度需要),可接不定式作宾补;在表某物需作 处理时,可接动词-ing形式的主动式或不定式 的被动式;接从句时,从句用虚拟语气,即 (should)+do。1. 他宣称他曾经来过这里。 _2. 他声称拥有那个公司。 _3. 有人认领过这个铅笔盒吗? _4. 政府甚至不考虑他的赔款要求。 _ _He claimed that he had been here

12、before. He claimed to own that company. Has anyone claimed this pencil box?The government would not even consider his claim for money. 用claim,demand,require填空5. The robbers _ money from the passengers.6. Every citizen may _ the protection of the law.7. The man _ to be the owner of the land.8. The me

13、thod _ some explanation.9. The room _ cleaning.demandedclaimrequiresclaimedrequires2. given prep. 考虑到 given this data 根据这个数据推断;考虑到这个数据 Given the circumstances, youve coped well. 考虑到各种情况,你已经算是处理得很好了。考虑到没有多少时间,我认为他们算是做得不错。_Given that there was so little time, I think theyve done a good job.3. sacrific

14、e 牺牲vt. 用作祭品;牺牲;献出 They sacrificed oxen and sheep. 他们用牛羊作祭品。n. C祭品;C&U牺牲 They offered a pig as a sacrifice. 他们提供了一头猪当祭品。I would never dream of asking you to make such a sacrifice.我从来没有想过让你作这样的牺牲。The sacrifice had, at any rate, not been in vain.不管怎么样,牺牲没有白费。1. 她必须牺牲自己,别无选择。 _ _2. 父母经常为他们的孩子作一些牺牲。 _ _

15、She must sacrifice herself; there was no other way. Parents often make some sacrifices for their children.4. take action 采取行动 I felt it was time for me to take action. 我认为该是我采取行动的时候了。 I didnt take immediate action. 我没有立即采取行动。come / go into action 开始战斗;开始行动in action 在运转中;在活动中;在战斗中1. 你打算采取什么行动? _用acti

16、on的有关词组填空2. We watched the machine _.3. They got permission to _ in self-defence.4. Are you ready? We _ at midnight.What action are you going to take?in actionwill go into actiontake action5. apart from, besides, but与except 这些词都有“除了”的意思,但在使用时相 互间还是有区别的。apart from既可以表示“除是个例外”, 还可表示“包括在其中”的意思;也就 是说,它既

17、可以代替besides也可以代替except。No one has passed the difficult exam, apart from the new student.No one has passed the difficult exam except the new student.除了新来的那个学生外,没有人通过这次艰难的考试。Apart from a few English words, I know a little grammar about English language.Besides a few English words, I know a little gram

18、mar about English language.除了一些英语单词之外,我还懂一点英语语法。besides作介词用时的意思是“除了之 外还有”。 The boy works hard at his lesson besides being intelligent. 那男孩除了脑子聪明以外,学习也很用功。but作介词用时的意思是“除了之外”, 相当于except,但它前面一般是不定代词而不 是其他词。 He never told me anything but his work. 除了工作,他不和我说任何事情。except作介词时的意思是“除了是例 外”。 We go to school e

19、very day except Saturday and Sunday. 我们除了星期六和星期天不上学外,其他的 日子都上学。1. 除了足球,我还喜欢打篮球和排球。 _ _2. 除了我们的老师,没有谁能在功课上帮助 我们。 _ _Besides football, I like playing basketball and volleyball. Nobody but our teachers could help us with our lessons.6. on behalf of sb.与on ones behalf 代表/代替某人;为了某人;为帮助某人 On behalf of my

20、colleagues and myself Id like to give a warm welcome to you all. 我愿代表我的同事及我个人向大家表示热烈 欢迎。When giving a speech on behalf of his class, Wang Kai was too nervous to speak a word.代表他们班讲话的时候,王凯紧张得一句话也说不出来。You really neednt appreciate him; he did it just on behalf of himself.你真的不需要感谢他,他那样做只是为了他自己。1. 为了祖国,你

21、必须好好学习。 _ _2. 我今天所说的只是代表我个人,并不代表 其他任何人。 _ _You must work hard on behalf of our country.What I said today is only on behalf of myself, not anyone else.7. occasion, circumstance, situation与sceneoccasion多作可数名词,意为“特殊的大事, 特殊的场合,特殊的时刻;时机,机会等”。 A wedding is a big family occasion. 婚礼是家庭中的一件大事。 He turned his

22、 back on the occasion of seeing the film. 他放弃了看电影的机会。circumstance意为“情况,环境”,常与介 词in,under搭配。 The rules can only be waived in exceptional circumstances. 这些规定只有在特殊情况下方可撤销。 Under no circumstances are you to leave the house. 你无论如何都不得离开这栋房子。situation意为“形势,局面”,常与介词in搭配。 The company is in a poor financial s

23、ituation. 该公司经济状况不好。 Hes in a difficult situation and doesnt know what to do. 他的处境很困难,不知怎么办才好。scene意为“(事故或事情的)发生地点”, on the scene 意为“在现场”。 Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。 Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident. 事故发生后不久记者就都赶到了现场。8. threaten vt. 威胁;恐吓 He t

24、hreatened that he would make it public. 他威胁说要公开那件事。 The black clouds threatened rain. 乌云密布预示着将要下雨。 They threatened revenge. 他们威胁着要报复。threaten to do sth. 威胁要做某事The boss threatened to fire him. 老板威胁要开除他。The terrorists threatened to blow up the plane if their demands were not met.恐怖分子扬言如果他们的要求得不到满足,就要炸

25、毁飞机。threat n. 恐吓,威胁;兆头;构成威胁之物(人)Wild life is under threat everywhere.野生生物到处受到 (灭绝的) 威胁。The threat of an economic depression hangs over the world.经济衰退的威胁笼罩着世界。There was a threat of typhoon.有刮台风的征兆。( )1. Her brother _ to leave her in the dark room alone if she disobeyed his order. A. declared B. threatened C. warned D. exclaimed2. 他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。 _BHis presence is a threat to our success.



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