版高中英语 模块质量评估(三)课件 外研版必修2

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1、Module 3本试卷分第本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。卷(非选择题)两部分。满分满分120分,考试时间分,考试时间100分钟。分钟。第第卷(选择题)卷(选择题). 单项填空单项填空(共共15小题小题; 每小题每小题1分分, 满分满分15分分)21. Was it two months ago _ you luckily got an opportunity to spend your holiday in Canada?_ . John was the lucky dog. A. when; Not I B. when; Not really? C. tha

2、t; Not at all D. that; Not me【解解析析】选选D。考考查查强强调调句句型型。句句意意为为:两两个个月月前前你你幸幸运运地地得得到到了了去去加加拿拿大大度度假假的的机机会会吗吗?不不是是我我,约约翰翰才才是是幸幸运运儿儿。上上句句若若去去掉掉was it和和空空白白处处,句句子子为为:You luckily got an opportunity to spend your holiday in Canada two months ago. 句句子子结结构构和和意意义义均均完完整整,是是强强调调句句型型;第第二二句句是是省省略略句句,补充完整是:补充完整是:It was

3、 not me; 省略了省略了it was。22. Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ twenty-one. A. made B. grown C. gone D. turned【解解析析】选选D。考考查查系系动动词词意意义义辨辨析析。句句意意为为:爱爱丽丽斯斯,祝祝你你生生日日快快乐乐!那那么么你你今今年年21岁岁了了。turn“成成为为,变变成成”,通通常常与与数词连用,表示人的年龄。数词连用,表示人的年龄。23. Ill come to see your performance at 9: 00 tomorrow evening. Im sorry

4、, by then my performance _ and I _ reporters in the meeting room. A. will end; will meetB. will have ended; will be meeting C. will be ended; am going to meetD. is to end; will meet 【解解析析】选选B。考考查查时时态态。句句意意为为:我我明明天天晚晚上上9点点去去看看你你的的演演出出。对对不不起起,在在那那之之前前我我的的表表演演就就结结束束了了,那那时时我我正正在在会会议议室室会会见见记记者者。明明晚晚9点点是是

5、将将来来的的时时间间,在在那那之之前前发发生生的的动动作作应应该该用用将将来来完完成成时时,表表示示在在将将来来某某个个事事件件之之前前发发生生的动作;明晚的动作;明晚9点正在发生的动作应该用将来进行时。点正在发生的动作应该用将来进行时。24. Sometimes _ rich also have their problems. You see, Jacks house has been broken into _ third time.2010诸暨高一检测诸暨高一检测A. the; a B. a; the C. /; a D. /; the【解解析析】选选A。考考查查冠冠词词用用法法。句句意

6、意为为:有有时时富富人人也也有有自自己己的的烦烦恼恼。你你看看,杰杰克克的的房房子子又又被被人人闯闯了了进进去去。the与与形形容容词词连连用用,表示一类人或事物;表示一类人或事物;a与序数词连用表示与序数词连用表示“又一次,另一次又一次,另一次”。25. If the way _ you think of is not good enough, you can learn the way _ the top students deal with their study. A. in which; / B. which;whichC. that; which D. /; /【解解析析】选选D。

7、考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意为为:如如果果你你想想出出的的办办法法还还不不够够好好的的话话,你你可可以以学学习习优优等等生生处处理理学学习习的的方方法法。第第一一个个从从句句由由that或或which引引导导,修修饰饰the way; that或或which在在从从句句中中作作宾宾语语,可可以以省省略略。第第二二个个从从句句由由that或或in which引引导导,修修饰饰the way; that或或in which在从句中作状语,在从句中作状语,that通常省略。通常省略。In only a short time, computers have changed the way _ m

8、any kinds of work are done. 2010昆明高一检测昆明高一检测A. which B. what C. how D. /【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意为为:在在仅仅仅仅很很短短的的时时间间里里,计计算算机机就就改改变变了了许许多多的的工工作作方方式式。that或或in which引引导导定定语语从从句修饰句修饰the way, 并在从句中作状语,并在从句中作状语,that通常省略。通常省略。26. Will you play a part in the play? No, _ invited to. A. as if B. as though C

9、. even if D. though【解解析析】选选C。考考查查省省略略结结构构。句句意意为为:你你将将在在戏戏中中扮扮演演角角色色吗吗?即即使使邀邀请请我我,我我也也不不扮扮演演角角色色。第第二二句句是是省省略略句句,补补全全完完整整是是:I will not play in the play even if I am invited to. 省省略略前前半半句句构构成成简简略略回回答答;从从句句的的主主语语与与主主句句主主语语一一致致,并并且且谓谓语语动动词词由由be+过过去去分分词词构构成成,因因此此省省略略了了从从句句主主语和语和be。27. The robber, _ the ba

10、nk clerk and run away with a lot of money, was caught the next day. 2010吉安高一检测吉安高一检测A. killing B. killedC. having been killed D. having killed【解解析析】选选D。考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。句句意意为为:抢抢劫劫犯犯在在杀杀死死了了银银行行职职员员后后携携巨巨款款逃逃跑跑,第第二二天天被被抓抓捕捕归归案案。抢抢劫劫犯犯先先杀杀死死银银行行职职员员后后来来被被抓抓住住,因因此此用用现现在在分分词词的的完完成成式式表表示示发发生生在在谓谓语动词之前的动作。

11、语动词之前的动作。28. John lost his heart to Alice _ he saw her.2010长春高一检测长春高一检测A. for the first time B. at the first timeC. the first time D. when the first time【解解析析】选选C。考考查查时时间间状状语语从从句句。句句意意为为:第第一一次次见见到到爱爱丽丽斯斯,约约翰翰就就一一见见倾倾心心了了。the first time引引导导时时间间状状语语从从句句,符符合合题题意意。A和和B项项均均为为介介词词短短语语,不不能能引引导导从从句句;D项项中中wh

12、en与与the first time都分别引导从句,不能用在一起。都分别引导从句,不能用在一起。29. I _ to invite her to come for dinner, but she was on business in Xian. A. thinks B. thoughtC. had thought D. used to think【解解析析】选选C。考考查查时时态态。句句意意为为:我我原原本本想想邀邀请请她她来来吃吃饭饭,可可是是她她正正在在西西安安出出差差。过过去去完完成成时时表表示示过过去去没没有有实实现现的的愿愿望望、打算、计划等。打算、计划等。When Jack arr

13、ived, he learned Mary _ for almost an hour. A. had gone B. had set off C. had left D. had been away【解解析析】选选D。考考查查过过去去完完成成时时。句句意意为为:当当杰杰克克到到达达时时,他他了了解解到到玛玛丽丽已已经经离离开开差差不不多多一一小小时时了了。玛玛丽丽离离开开发发生生在在杰杰克克到到达达之之前前,属属于于过过去去的的过过去去,应应该该用用过过去去完完成成时时。另另外外本本句句中中有有表表示示一一段段时时间间的的时时间间状状语语,所所以以谓谓语语动动词词必必须须表表示示延延续续性性动

14、动作作,因因此此选选用用be away。go, leave, set off都都是是短短暂暂性性动动作作,均不能与一段时间连用。均不能与一段时间连用。30. If you follow the doctors advice, youll look and feel much better _ . A. of all time B. at timesC. in no time D. for a time【解解析析】选选C。考考查查介介词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意为为:如如果果你你接接受受医医生生的的建建议议,你你很很快快就就会会看看起起来来气气色色好好,感感觉觉不不错错。in no time“

15、很很快快,不不一一会会儿儿”,符符合合句句意意。of all time“有有史史以以来来”;at times“有时有时”;for a time“一段时间一段时间”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。31. He was about to go swimming _ the mother came here to stop him. 2010洛阳高一检测洛阳高一检测A. as B. while C. when D. suddenly【解解析析】选选C。考考查查时时间间状状语语从从句句。句句意意为为:他他正正要要去去游游泳泳这这时时妈妈妈妈阻阻止止了了他他。when引引导导时时间间状状语语从从句句相相当当

16、于于at this time,通常用于,通常用于be about to do. . . when的结构中。的结构中。32. As the work is urgent(紧紧急急的的),we cant _ the waste of a single minute. A. manage B. afford C. take D. cost【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意为为:因因为为这这项项工工作作很很紧紧迫迫,我我们们不不能能浪浪费费一一分分钟钟。afford“承承担担得得起起,负负担担得得起起”, 符符合合句句意意。manage“管管理理,经经营营”;take“占占

17、用用,需需要要”;cost“花费,占用花费,占用”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。33. The police are searching for the children who have got_ since last month. A. disappeared B. going C. lost D. missed【解解析析】选选C。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。句句意意为为:警警察察正正在在寻寻找找自自从从上上个个月月以以来来失失踪踪的的孩孩子子。lost“失失踪踪的的,迷迷路路的的”,符符合合句句意意。disappear“消消失失,不不见见”,是是不不及及物物动动词词,不不与与get连连用

18、用;gone表表示示失失踪踪了了、不不见见了了,going则则不不能能;missing“不不见见了了”, missed则没有此意;均不合句意。则没有此意;均不合句意。34. No matter how frequently it is _ , the work of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. A. composed B. actedC. displayed D. performed【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意为为:无无论论表表演演得得多多么么频频繁繁,贝贝多多芬芬的的作作品品依依然然吸

19、吸引引着着世世界界各各地地的的人人们们。perform“表表演演,演演出出”,符符合合句句意意。compose“创创作作,谱谱曲曲”;act“表表演演”;display“展览,展示展览,展示”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。35. When it _ air pollution, Beijing faces the three“C”s,cars,coal and construction,which lead to Beijings thick air pollution. A. refers to B. comes toC. happens to D. speaks to【解解析析】选选B。考考

20、查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意为为:当当谈谈到到空空气气污污染染时时,北北京京面面临临着着三三个个C的的威威胁胁,即即:汽汽车车、煤煤炭炭和和建建筑筑,这这些些都都导导致致了了北北京京的的空空气气污污染染。come to“说说到到,话话题题转转到到”;符符合合句句意意。refer to“提提及及,说说到到,谈谈及及”,表表示示顺顺便便提提及及,不不是是专专门门讲讲某某一一话话题题;不不合合句句意意。happen to“发发生生在在某某人人身身上上”;speak to“对某人说对某人说”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。. 完形填空完形填空(共共20小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分2

21、0分)分) Mrs. Green, including her husband and three children, lived in a city, which was 36 the countryside. She worked 37 a teacher and gave music lessons at a school. Of course she was fond of 38 . Mrs. Green had a good voice and she 39 her classes exciting. But she had a 40 point. Some of her notes

22、 (音音调调) were so high that they sounded like a door which needed 41 . In order to improve her notes, she took 42 chance that she could find to practise. As her house was not big, she couldnt practise 43 in it. So she usually left home, walking and singing 44 the country road. She practised her high n

23、otes 45 walking. However, each time she found a person or a car 46 along the road, she 47 singing. She did not want her high notes to be 48 , for she was shy(害羞的)(害羞的). One afternoon a fast open car came up to her so 49 and so fast that she didnt 50 it until the car was only a few meters away. She w

24、as practising some of her 51 and most difficult notes at that time. As the car passed by, she saw a 52 expression come over the drivers face. He stopped suddenly to 53 all the tyres(轮胎)(轮胎)carefully. Mrs. Green felt it shy to tell the driver what the 54 he had heard really was. The driver found 55 w

25、rong, got back into the car and drove off. 36. A. close to B. far from C. opposite to D. inside【解解析析】选选A。根根据据第第三三段段格格林林太太太太经经常常离离开开家家在在乡乡间间公公路路上上练练声声可可知知,她她住住的的城城市市离离乡乡下下很很近近。close to表表示示距距离离近近或或关关系系密密切切;符符合合句句意意。far from“远远离离”;opposite to“与与相相对对”;inside“在在里面里面”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。37. A. as B. like C. wit

26、h D. on 【解解析析】选选A。根根据据后后面面她她在在学学校校教教音音乐乐可可知知,格格林林太太太太是是名名教师。教师。work as“作为,充当作为,充当”;符合句意。;符合句意。38. A. books B. pictures C. sports D. music【解析解析】选选D。作为音乐教师,格林太太当然喜欢音乐了。作为音乐教师,格林太太当然喜欢音乐了。39. A. got B. supported C. made D. forced【解解析析】选选C。格格林林太太太太嗓嗓音音很很好好,学学生生自自然然喜喜欢欢听听她她唱唱歌歌,听她的课肯定会感到兴奋。听她的课肯定会感到兴奋。 4

27、0. A. wonderful B. strong C. good D. special【解析解析】选选D。格林太太有一个特殊之处,她的高音太高了。格林太太有一个特殊之处,她的高音太高了。41. A. painting B. locking C. cleaning D. oiling 【解解析析】选选D。格格林林太太太太的的高高音音太太高高了了就就像像门门需需要要上上油油了了。后后面的故事证实了这一点。面的故事证实了这一点。42. A. some B. no C. any D. other 【解解析析】选选C。格格林林太太太太很很勤勤奋奋,为为了了改改善善高高音音,她她利利用用任任何何可可利利

28、用用的的机机会会练练声声。any“任任何何的的”;符符合合句句意意。与与some(一一些些)和和other(其其他他的的)连连用用,可可数数名名词词chance应应该该用用复复数数形形式,式,no“没有没有”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。43. A. operating B. listening C. singing D. playing 【解解析析】选选C。格格林林太太太太的的房房子子太太小小,无无法法在在家家里里练练声声,所所以以要到肃静的郊外去。要到肃静的郊外去。44. A. across B. beside C. close to D. along 【解解析析】选选D。格格林林太太太太经

29、经常常离离开开家家沿沿着着乡乡间间小小路路边边走走边边练练声声。along“沿沿着着”,符符合合句句意意。across“穿穿过过,横横穿穿”;beside“在在旁边旁边”;close to“紧挨着紧挨着”,不合句意。,不合句意。 45. A. as soon as B. while C. after D. before【解解析析】选选B。格格林林太太太太在在散散步步期期间间练练习习唱唱歌歌。while“在在期期间间”;符符合合句句意意。as soon as“一一就就”;after“在在之后之后”;before“在在之前之前”;不合句意。;不合句意。46. A. coming B. disapp

30、earing C. leaving D. driving 【解解析析】选选A。格格林林太太太太很很害害羞羞,每每当当有有人人或或车车辆辆路路过过时时,她她就就 停停 下下 不不 唱唱 。 come along“路路 过过 , 经经 过过 ”, 符符 合合 句句 意意 。disappear“消消失失”;leave“离离开开”;drive“驱驱使使,驾驾驶驶”;均均不合句意。不合句意。 47. A. kept B. went on C. stopped D. began【解析解析】选选C。stop singing 停止唱歌。停止唱歌。48. A. found B. made C. noticed

31、D. heard 【解析解析】选选D。因为害羞,格林太太不想让别人听到自己练声。因为害羞,格林太太不想让别人听到自己练声。49. A. quietly B. quickly C. carefully D. slowly【解解析析】选选A。因因车车行行驶驶地地太太安安静静太太快快了了,格格林林太太太太没没察察觉觉出出来来。quietly“安安静静地地”;符符合合句句意意。quickly“迅迅速速地地”与与后后面面的的fast意意义义重重复复;carefully“小小心心地地”;slowly“缓缓慢慢地地”;不不合句意。合句意。 50. A. recognise B. catch C. reali

32、ze D. provide 【解解析析】选选C。realize“意意识识到到,察察觉觉到到”;符符合合句句意意。recognise“认认出出,识识别别”;catch“听听到到,听听懂懂”;provide“提提供供”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。51. A. biggest B. highest C. nicest D. largest 【解析解析】选选B。对于歌唱者来说,声音越高越难练习。对于歌唱者来说,声音越高越难练习。52. A. puzzled B. sad C. serious D. happy【解解析析】选选A。根根据据后后一一句句司司机机停停下下车车检检查查轮轮胎胎可可以以知知道道,

33、听听到到格格林林太太太太的的歌歌声声,司司机机还还以以为为轮轮胎胎爆爆了了呢呢,所所以以脸脸上上露露出出困惑的表情。困惑的表情。53. A. watch B. examine C. control D. notice 【解解析析】选选B。examine“检检查查”是是为为了了发发现现缺缺陷陷和和不不足足,符符合合句句意意。watch“观观看看”;control“控控制制”;notice“注注意意到到,留留意意到到”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。54. A. fact B. note C. noise D. music 【解解析析】选选C。格格林林太太太太因因为为害害羞羞不不好好意意思思告告诉诉司

34、司机机那那到到底底是是什什么么声声音音。noise“声声音音,噪噪音音”;符符合合句句意意。fact“事事实实”;note“音符音符”;music“音乐音乐”;均不合句意。;均不合句意。 55. A. the tyres B. everything C. something D. nothing【解析解析】选选D。经过检查没发现轮胎有毛病,司机把车开走了。经过检查没发现轮胎有毛病,司机把车开走了。. 阅读理解(共两节阅读理解(共两节, 满分满分40分分 )第一节(共第一节(共15小题;每小题小题;每小题2分;满分分;满分30分)分)(A) To me, life without music w

35、ould not be exciting. I realise that this is not true for everybody. Many people get along quite well without going to the concert, and listening to the record. But music plays an important part in everyones life, whether he realises it or not. Try to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays wou

36、ld be like without music. Would the feelings, the moving plot, and the greatest interests, be so exciting or dramatic? Im not sure about it. Now, we have been speaking of music in its more common meaningthe kind of music we hear in the concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music more closely

37、, we discover them in our everyday life tooin the rhythm of the sea, the melody of a bird in the woods and so on. So music surely has meaning for everyone, in some way or other. And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music. It is

38、 well said, “Through music a child enters into a world of beauty, expresses himself from his heart, feels the joy of doing things alone, learns to take care of others, develops his mind and makes his body strong. ”56. What does the writer mainly talk about in the text? A. Life full of music. B. Life

39、 without music. C. The importance of music. D. The development of music. 【解解析析】选选C。考考查查主主旨旨大大意意。文文章章主主要要讲讲音音乐乐在在生生活活中中的的重重要性。要性。57. From the text, we learn that many people _ . A. dont realise the importance of musicB. get along quite well without musicC. go to the concert instead of enjoying musicD

40、. think music would be less exciting than films【解解析析】选选A。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第一一段段第第二二、三三句句可可知知有有些些人人既既不不去去音音乐乐会会也也不不听听唱唱片片,显显然然他他们们没没有有意意识识到到音音乐乐在在生生活中的地位。活中的地位。58. What does the underlined word“melody” mean in the text? A. flying B. looking C. singing D. living【解解析析】选选C。词词义义推推测测题题。第第二二段段第第二二句句说说“我我们们在

41、在日日常常生生活活中中都都能能听听到到音音乐乐浪浪涛涛声声、鸟鸟鸣鸣声声等等”,因因此此melody的的意思是意思是“歌唱歌唱”。59. From the last paragraph, we learn that music _ . A. is very important, especially for childrenB. is very necessary for our everyday lifeC. can make our life exciting and dramaticD. can enter into another beautiful world【解解析析】选选A。推推

42、理理判判断断题题。最最后后一一段段重重点点讲讲音音乐乐对对孩孩子子的的影影响,所以选响,所以选A项。项。(B) Computer programmer David Jones earns 35, 000 a year designing new computer games, yet he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card(信信用用卡卡). Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is 18. The 16-year-old boy w

43、orks for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job. Davids firm releases(推推出出)two new games for the fast growing computer market each month. But Davids biggest headache is what to do with his money. Even though he earns a lot, he cannot drive a car

44、, take out a mortgage(抵抵押押贷贷款款), or get credit cards. David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago, a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some progra

45、ms, ”he said. David spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his mother 50 pounds a week. But most of his spare time is spent in working. “Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school, ”he said. “But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in

46、my spare time. I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school. Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway. ”David added : “I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement(退退休休)is a possibility. You never know when the market might disappear. ” 电电脑脑程程序序员

47、员David Jones,年年仅仅16岁岁,在在利利物物浦浦的的一一个个公公司司设设计计电电脑脑程程序序,年年薪薪高高达达35 000美美元元。被被同同龄龄人人所所羡羡慕慕。但但令令他他苦苦恼恼的的是是,他他只只有有等等到到18岁岁才才能能拥拥有有自自己己的的信信用用卡卡,才才能能开车等。开车等。60. In what way is David different from people of his age? A. He often goes out with friends. B. He lives with his mother. C. He has a handsome income.

48、 D. He graduated with six O-levels. 【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据. . . David Jones earns 35, 000 a year designing new computer games, yet. . . , until he is 18. 可判断可判断David与同龄人不同的是他收入很高。与同龄人不同的是他收入很高。61. What is one of the problems that David is facing now? A. He is too young to get a credit card. B. He

49、 has no time to learn driving. C. He has very little spare time. D. He will soon lose his job. 【解解析析】选选A。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据. . . he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is 18. 可可判判断断,他他因因为为年年龄龄小小而不能获得信用卡。而不能获得信用卡。62. Why w

50、as David able to get the job in the company? A. He had done well in all his exams. B. He had written some computer programs. C. He was good at playing computer games. D. He had learnt to use computers at school. 【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had al

51、ready written some programs可得出答案。可得出答案。63. Why did David decide to leave school and start working? A. He received lots of job offers. B. He was eager to help his mother. C. He lost interest in school studies. D. He wanted to earn his own living. 【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据I. . . never considered stayi

52、ng on at school. 可断定他对上学不感兴趣。可断定他对上学不感兴趣。(C)2010天津高一检测天津高一检测 One of the most popular American singers of the twentieth century was Elvis Presley. He made the rock “n” roll music popular all over the world. He sold millions of records and made many successful films, and he helped change the direction

53、 of popular music in the 1960s. Elvis Presley was born in a poor family in 1935, his parents were simple country people who often took him to church, where he learned to sing, and he never forgot the kind of songs that he used to sing in church as a child. When he was young, Elvis moved from Toledo

54、to Memphis in Tennessee, where he attended high school, but he was not a good student. His only real interest was singing. He began to sing in the style that is called “country and western”. In 1955 he recorded some songs for his mothers birthday, the people at the recording studio liked his singing

55、 and his music. It was country and western music, but it also sounded a little like the music which black people used to sing in the South America . It was called“blues”. Shortly after that, Elvis met Tom Parker, who became his manager and arranged (安安排排) concerts for him across the United States an

56、d new recordings as well. Soon Elvis became famous around the country. Later Elvis went to Hollywood and began to appear in films such as Love Me Tender and King Creole. But Elvis found it difficult to live with success. Like many other famous people, he began to take drugs and his health started to

57、 suffer. When he died at an early age of 42 in 1977, his many millions of fans were shocked, “The King Is Dead! ” the newspaper said. But today his memory and his music live on and will always be remembered as the King of Rock “n” roll. 64. From the passage, we can see _ . A. the church songs didnt

58、help Elvis develop his own styleB. Elvis forgot his church music at a later ageC. Elvis didnt get any help from his parentsD. the church songs helped Elvis development in his singing【解解析析】选选D。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第二二段段可可知知Elvis在在教教堂堂学学会会了了唱唱歌歌,他他永永远远忘忘记记不不了了他他幼幼年年在在教教堂堂唱唱的的歌歌。由由此此可可知知教会歌曲帮助了教会歌曲帮助了Elvis的

59、歌唱的发展。的歌唱的发展。65. What caused Elvis death? A. His singing too much. B. His taking the drugs. C. His parents death. D. Tom Parkers help. 【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据最最后后一一段段第第二二句句可可知知,Elvis在吸食毒品后健康状况日渐衰退,最后导致死亡。在吸食毒品后健康状况日渐衰退,最后导致死亡。66. What was Elvis music style like most? A. Only country and western. B

60、. Only country and blues. C. Both western and church music. D. Not only country and western but also a bit “blues”. 【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第四四段段第第二二、三三句句可可知知Elvis的的演演唱唱风风格格既既有有西西部部乡乡村村音音乐乐特特色色又又有有一一点点忧忧伤伤音音乐乐的的特点。特点。67. Which is the right order of Elvis life? a. Elvis learned to sing at churchb.

61、Elvis gave concerts all across Americac. Elvis recorded some songs for his mothers birthdayd. Tom Parker became his managere. Elvis went to high school in Memphisf. Elvis was born in ToledoA. f; a; e; c; d; b B. f; a; c; e; d; bC. f; e; a; d; b; c D. f; e; a; c; d; b 【解解析析】选选A。事事件件排排序序题题。综综合合全全文文可可知

62、知,Elvis出出生生于于Toledo,幼幼年年在在教教堂堂学学会会唱唱歌歌,后后来来在在Memphis上上中中学学,在在1955年年为为母母亲亲的的生生日日录录制制了了些些歌歌曲曲,遇遇到到经经纪纪人人Tom Parker,随后在美国各地举行音乐会。所以选,随后在美国各地举行音乐会。所以选A。(D) In the 1960s, it took pop and rock groups one or two days to record songs. Nowadays, it can take months and months. Many rock groups begin by record

63、ing only one instrument, for example, the voice. Then, they record other instrumentselectric pianos, guitars, drums and so on. Next, they might use a computer to add special effects. Finally, they“mix”all the instruments until they get the sound they want. This means that a CD or cassette will alway

64、s sound very different from a live concert. Music engineers have developed a new computer program that will change the future of music. A computer can analyse a singers voice. Then if you give the computer the lyrics(歌歌词词) and music of a song, the computer can “sing” it in that voice. This means tha

65、t a singer only needs to record a song and the computer can then sing other songs in the singers own voice. Singers can sing new songs many years after they have died. Technology is changing very fast. A new way of playing recorded music appears every few years. For most of us, this is a big problem

66、. Very soon, it will be impossible to play the discs and cassettes that we have at home. For the record industry, this is a big advantage. When compact(压压缩缩的的) discs appeared in 1983, for example, many record companies produced all their old recordings again. New technology is new business. Sony, fo

67、r example, owns a recording company and makes compact discs and compact disc players, so it is in their interest to develop new technology. 68. What does the writer mainly discuss in the passage? A. The music industry. B. Technology in the music industry. C. The effects of technology in music indust

68、ry. D. The rapid development of music industry. 【解解析析】选选C。主主旨旨大大意意题题。本本文文主主要要讲讲新新技技术术在在音音乐乐产产业业的的应用效果。应用效果。69. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the text? A. Computers can sing songs instead of people. B. To record a rock, one first record an instrument and then record the ot

69、her instruments. C. A CD or cassette always sounds very different from a live concert. D. Singers can sing new songs many years after they have died. 【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第三三段段,运运用用新新开开发发的的程程序序,在在输输入入了了歌歌手手的的声声音音和和歌歌词词后后,计计算算机机就就能能用用歌歌手手的的声声音音唱唱歌歌。由由此此可可知知计计算算机机还还不不能能完完全全代代替替人人来来演演唱唱,因因此此A项项不不正

70、正确确。第第一一段段第第三三和和第第四四句句说说明明B项项正正确确;根根据据第第二二段段最最后后一一句句可知可知C项正确;根据第三段最后一句可知项正确;根据第三段最后一句可知D项正确。项正确。70. What can not be inferred about the music industry?A. New technology will greatly improve recording company. B. By compacting the old recordings, the recording company can make extra money. C. New tech

71、nology creates new business. D. New technology makes it possible for us to buy discs and cassettes. 【解解析析】选选D。推推理理判判断断题题。文文章章没没有有提提及及D项项。第第四四段段证证明明A项项正正确确;第第四四段段最最后后一一句句证证明明B项项正正确确;最最后后一一段段第第一一句句证证明明C项正确。项正确。第二节第二节(共共5小题小题; 每小题每小题2分分, 满分满分10分分) 根根据据短短文文内内容容, 从从短短文文后后的的选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入空空白白处处的的最最佳选项。选

72、项中有两项为多余选项。佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Doctors say anger can be an extremely( 极极 端端 地地 ) damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer. 71 Some people express anger openly in a calm and

73、 reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and shout. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger. For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a persons health than expressing it. They said th

74、at when a person is angry, the brain releases(释释放放) the same hormones(荷荷尔尔蒙蒙). They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or absorb sugar into the blood, etc. 72 Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may

75、 be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure. 73 They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, and then decide if the cause is serious enough to get

76、angry about. If it is, they say, “ 74 ”. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably. Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. 75 A. In general the person feels excited and ready to

77、act. B. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger. C. Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it. D. Anger may cause you a cancer. E. Do not express your anger while angry. F. Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. G. Doctors say the solution is l

78、earning how to deal with anger. 答案:答案:7175. FAGEB第第卷(非选择题)卷(非选择题). 短文填词(共短文填词(共10小题;每小题小题;每小题0.5分,满分分,满分5分)分)reach, concert, music, audience, impress, talent, off, know, place, instead of Frederic Chopin, born in March 1810 near Warsaw in Poland, was one of the greatest 76. musicians in the world. I

79、n 1831, when he went to Paris, he was still a young man, 77. unknown to the Paris people, but he could play the piano very well. At that time, people in Paris liked the Hungarian pianist Franz List. One night, at a 78. concert , List went to the piano and the people cheered. As all the lights in the

80、 hall turned 79. off , a wonderful piano concert started. The music was so good that the 80. audience were all greatly 81. impressed . They kept praising the pianist, thinking that List had 82. reached something new in playing the piano. Suddenly, all lights were turned on again as the music came to

81、 an end. And there stood a young man 83. instead of the famous Hungarian pianist Franz List. List had planned all this. As the lights went off, List left his chair and let Chopin take his 84. place . So with the help of List and his own 85. talent , Chopin soon became famous. . 短文改错(共短文改错(共10小题;每小题小

82、题;每小题0. 5分,满分分,满分5分)分) 下下面面文文中中共共有有10处处语语言言错错误误,要要求求你你在在错错误误的的地地方方增增加加、删除或修改某个单词。删除或修改某个单词。 增增加加:在在缺缺词词处处加加一一个个漏漏词词符符号号(),在在其其下下面面写写上上该该加的词。加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。划掉。 修修改改:在在错错的的词词下下划划一一横横线线,在在该该词词下下面面写写上上修修改改后后的的词。词。 注意:注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2只允许修改只允许修改10处,多者处,多者(从第从第11处起处起)不计分。

83、不计分。 86. 【解解析析】第第一一句句中中importanceimportant It is +adj. + to do是常用句式。是常用句式。87. 【解解析析】第第一一句句中中wherewhich/that 本本句句含含有有一一个个定定语语从句修饰从句修饰the country; which或或that在从句中作在从句中作visit的宾语。的宾语。88. 【解析解析】第二句中第二句中advicesadvice advice是不可数名词。是不可数名词。89. 【解解析析】第第三三句句中中andor refuse与与accept意意思思相相反反,应应用用or连接。连接。90. 【解解析析】

84、第第四四句句中中go后后加加to go是是不不及及物物动动词词,需需与与to连连用用再接地点。再接地点。91. 【解解析析】第第四四句句中中去去掉掉at arrive是是不不及及物物动动词词,后后面面不不接接表示地点的名词,所以去掉介词表示地点的名词,所以去掉介词at。92. 【解解析析】第第五五句句中中handhands shake hands with sb. 是是常用短语。常用短语。93. 【解解析析】第第六六句句中中possiblepossibly 本本句句中中列列举举可可以以带带的礼物,应该用副词。的礼物,应该用副词。94. 【解解析析】第第八八句句中中beforeafter “在在

85、其其他他客客人人离离开开后后待待到到太晚是不礼貌的太晚是不礼貌的”,根据句意将,根据句意将before改为改为after。95【解解析析】第第九九句句中中去去掉掉for thank是是及及物物动动词词,接接宾宾语语时时不用任何介词。不用任何介词。. 书面表达(共书面表达(共1题,满分题,满分15分)分) 音音乐乐在在我我们们的的日日常常生生活活中中扮扮演演着着很很重重要要的的角角色色,请请根根据据以下提示以以下提示以“The role of music”为题写一篇为题写一篇120词左右的文章。词左右的文章。 1)音乐可以使我们放松身心,缓解压力;音乐可以使我们放松身心,缓解压力; 2)音乐可以

86、振奋并鼓舞人心;)音乐可以振奋并鼓舞人心; 3)音乐可以抚慰我们的心灵,帮助我们走出困境;音乐可以抚慰我们的心灵,帮助我们走出困境; 4)音乐可以帮助我们更好地了解别的文化。音乐可以帮助我们更好地了解别的文化。 注注意意不不可可逐逐句句翻翻译译,可可根根据据自自己己对对音音乐乐的的理理解解适适当当发发挥挥、拓展。拓展。_【参考答案参考答案】 Music plays an important role in our life. Firstly, it can make us feel relaxed both mentally and physically, thus helping reduc

87、e our pressure at work and in life. Secondly, music can excite and encourage us as well whenever we meet with troubles and feel sad. Whats more, music can have a comforting effect when we are worried and help us step out of difficulty. In addition, music, as a universal language, can be of great help in learning another culture. As far as I am concerned, music is part of our life. We cant live a happy life without the company of music.



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