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1、Unit 3 CelebrationModule 1Part 2 Of 28. contribute v. 贡献 contribute sth. to sb. / sth. 将某物捐献给某人或者某个组织 Each worker contributed one dollar to the Red Cross. 每个工人都向红十字会捐献了1美元。 Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。contribution n.常用搭配为make contributions to sth. / doing

2、 sth.这个短语中的to为介词,所以后面接名词或者动名词,类似的结构还有:pay attention to 注意look forward to 盼望object to 反对resort to 借助react to 对作出反应be accustomed to 习惯于get / be used to 习惯于be exposed to 暴露于be dedicated to 对很虔诚be opposed to 反对be contrary to 违反,对抗with regard to 关于with a view to 的目的是as to 就而言in contrast to 与相比之下be devote

3、d / committed to 专注于,奉献9. ask sb. for sth. 向某人要求,请某人给予 I have the right to ask for an explanation. 我有权要求一个解释。 He felt too ashamed to ask others for help. 他不好意思向别人请求帮助。 Did you ask your boss for a pay rise? 你请求老板加薪了吗?10. individual, personal与private 这三个词都有“个人的”的意思,但侧重点 不一样。individual强调集体中的个体,意为“个别的、

4、独特的、个体的”,与“普遍的、集体的”相对; She has her own individual way of walking. 她有自己独特的走路姿势。personal意为“人身的、个人的、亲自的、 直接的、本人的”,强调“与他人无关的”; personal opinion 个人意见 personal affairs 私事 personal letter 私人信件 personal attack 人身攻击 personal belief 个人信仰 personal interview 直接的谈话private强调“私人的、私有的、私用的、不便 公开的”,与“公共的、公有的、公开的”相对。

5、private car 私人汽车 private talk 私底下的谈话在强调“个人的”的时候,personal和private通常可以互换。private / personal business个人事务personal / private letter 个人信件11. trick v.&n. 欺骗 She was tricked at the market and lost 300 yuan on the deal. 她在市场上被骗,交易中亏了300元。trick sb. into doing sth. 诱使/骗某人做某事The police tricked him into making

6、a confession.警察哄骗他做了招认。Her partner tried to trick her out of her share.她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份。play a trick / joke on sb. 与某人开玩笑These children loved playing tricks on their teacher.孩子们喜欢捉弄老师。12. be welcome to do sth. 自由做某事,欢迎做某事 You are always welcome to our house. 欢迎你随时来我们家。be welcome to sth. 自由地使用某物welcome

7、to+地点:表示“欢迎来到某个地方” You are welcome to all these facilities. 你可以随意使用这些设施。 Welcome to Beijing. 欢迎来到北京。13. as well, too, also与either as well, too, also, either 这四个词都有“也”的 意思。但用法不同,试看下面的句子作比较: I write my own songs and I play the guitar as well. They got the work done quickly, and well too. Tom has been

8、to Japan, I have also been there. If you do not go, I shall not go either.从以上几个例句当中我们可以发现:从意义上讲,它们没有太大的差别,关键是它们在句中的位置不相同。as well一般用于句尾,常与and搭配使用。 Nursing is a vocation and a profession as well.too一般放在句尾,而且常用逗号与前面的句子 分开,一般用于肯定句中。 In this shop, you will find many interesting items, too.also与too词义相同,但通

9、常用于动词之前或者 系动词之后,且通常不置于句末。 She is fluent in French and German. She also speaks a little Italian. either与too的意义和用法基本相同,但是通常 只能用于否定句中。 You dont like tea. I dont like it, either. as well as也可以表示“也,还,又”,但是它只用来连接两个并列的成分。如果as well as连接的两个并列成分在句中作主语,谓语动词要与前面的主语保持一致。 It is valuable for you as well as for me.

10、as well as在此连接for you和for me两个并列成分。 He grows roses as well as tomatoes. 如果as well as 连接的两个并列成分在句中作主语,谓语动词要与前面的主语保持一致。Peter as well as his parents is going to visit Beijing.Peter, with his parents, is going to visit Beijing.Peter and his parents are going to visit Beijing.注意以上三句话的单复数形式。用as well, eith

11、er, too, also填空1.Is Tom coming _ ?2.Id like a piece of cake, and a glass of water _.3.He likes to listen to jazz, _ .4.He was _ asked to attend the meeting.5.If you dont come tomorrow, I wont do it, _.6.I knew that you took a part-time job welltooalsoas welleitheras well1. It is said that句型小结 有

12、一类汉语句子不出现主语,在英语中一般使 用被动语态,这类句型一般用在新闻报纸等公 文中,类似的结构还有: It is reported that据报道 It is believed that有人相信 It is expected that人们期望 It is hoped that人们希望It is supposed that据推测说It is thought that人们认为It must be admitted that必须承认It must be pointed out that必须指出It is well known that众所周知It is generally considered

13、that大家认为这些句型也有其变体:It is said that+从句=People say that+从句=Sth. / Sb.(从句中的主语) is said to be / doIt is said that he is the cleverest student in our class.People say that he is the cleverest student in our class.He is said to be the cleverest student in our class. 如果报道的内容中的动作在报道之前就已经存在,那么在句型转换的时候时态应该变成完成

14、时态。 It is said that Robert has come today, but I dont know where he is. People say Robert has come, but I dont know where he is. Robert is said to have come, but I dont know where he is.It is believed that=People believe that=Sth. / Sb. is believed to be / doIt is reported that=Someone reports that=

15、Sth. / Sb. is reported to be / doIt is expected that=People expect that=Sth. / Sb. is expected to be / doIt is hoped that=People hope that=Sth. / Sb. is hoped to be / doIt is supposed that=People suppose that=Sth. / Sb. is supposed to be / doIt is thought that=People think that=Sth. / Sb. is thought

16、 to be / do1.据报道,大约100多人在这次事故中丧生。 _ _2.众所周知,他是我们学校一个非常负责任的老师。 _ _It is reported that more than 100 people lost their lives in this accident.It is well known that he is a very responsible teacher in our school.3.大家认为除非是走投无路,一般情况下动物是不 会袭击人的。 _ _It is generally considered that an animal will not attack

17、 human being unless it is cornered.2. If a friend gets an invitation to a wedding, you can go with him / her, even if you dont receive an invitation yourself. 如果你的朋友收到一份参加婚礼的邀请, 就算你自己没有收到邀请,你也可以跟他/她 一起去。 even if在句中引导让步状语从句,意为“即 使”,相当于even though。Even if / though I have to sell my house, Ill keepmy b

18、usiness going.即使要卖掉我的房子,我还是要继续我的事业。I wont lose heart even if / though I dont succeed.即使失败,我也不灰心。3. We tried to stay awake as long as possible to see Father Christmas but the next thing we knew it was morning. 我们尽量保持清醒尽可能想看到圣诞老 人,但是我们知道后来的事情时已是早晨。 asas possible意为“尽可能”,相当于 “asas+主语+can / could”,两个as中间

19、要用形 容词或副词的原形。He is as careful as possible with his homework.He is as careful as he can with his homework.他做作业尽量细心。The boy worked as hard as possible to pass the exam.The boy worked as hard as he could to pass the exam.那个男孩刻苦学习以通过考试。4. while用法小结while可作从属连词,表示“当的时候”。 它只能表示一个时间段,不能表示时间点,这时, 在while引导的状语

20、从句中,谓语多用进行时。 While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside. 当Mary在写信时,孩子们在外面玩。状语从句也可以以省略句的形式出现,状语一般是动词-ing形式或者介词短语。While crossing the street, you must be careful.穿过街道时你必须小心。While I was reading, my teacher came in.我在看书时我的老师进来了。While in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。While he was

21、in Canada, he took a lot of pictures.当他在加拿大时他拍了很多照片。while用作从属连词,还可以表示“尽管,虽然”, 通常位于句首,引导一个让步状语从句,相当于 although / though。 While I admit that there are problems, I dont agree that they can not be solved. 尽管我承认有问题存在,但我不同意说这些问 题不能解决。while用作并列连词,连接两个并列句,表示比较 或者对比,意为“然而,但是”。 I drink black coffee while he pr

22、efers it with cream. 我喜欢喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。 Mike was rich while his elder brother was very poor. 迈克很富有,而他的哥哥却很穷。最后要注意的是:while还可以作为名词使用, 其意思相当于moment, 相关的短语有:for a while, in a while, after a while。 Please wait me for a while. 请等我一会。1.An old man _ (fall) while he _ (ride) his bicycle.2.他出去散步了,而我却待在家里。 _fell

23、was ridingHe went out for a walk, while I stayed at home. 简单句的扩展简单句的扩展 句子的扩展,就是在名词前后加上前置或后置定语,在动词、形容词或副词前后加上适当的状语,或增加修饰整个句子的状语,等等。其目的是使结构形式更饱满、内容表达更加清楚、语言表达更生动。练习句子的扩展,有助于循序渐进地实现由句到段的过渡。【例例1】对The boy cried.(主语谓语)一句进行扩展,可得到: a. The small boy in_red_sweater cried. (画线部分为定语) b. Losing_sight_of_his_moth

24、er,_the small boy in red sweater cried in_the_crowded_street. (画线部分为状语)【例例2】对We found the great hall full of students and teachers.(主语谓语宾语补语)一句进行扩展,可得到: a. We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening_to_an_important_report. (画线部分为定语) b. We found the great hall full of students an

25、d teachers listening to an important report made_by_a_comrade_from_the_Peoples_Daily_on_current_affairs_in_East_Europe. (画线部分为定语)【例例3】对People are in favor of this phenomenon.(主语系动词表语)一句进行扩展,可得到: a. A majority of the people (who are) Involvedin the discussion are in favor of this phenomenon. (画线部分为定语

26、) b. A majority of the people (who are) involved in the discussion are in favor of this phenomenon saying that it can create a more comfortable study environment for students. (画线部分为状语)简单句扩展后,增加了可读性,使读者知道了更多的信息,增强了感染力。按要求对下列句子进行拓展1. The woman handed me a magazine. (至少含有一个不定式短语,一个现在分词短语)_ In order to

27、 help me kill the time, the old woman sitting beside me handed me a magazine to read during the long boring journey.2. Students buy books. (至少含有非谓语动词、介词短语和从句作定语)_ The diligent students in our class often buy some books written in English on science, which are really well worth reading.3. Students work. (至少含有非谓语动词、介词短语和从句作状语)_ In order to improve their academic performance, students work hard in the classroom so they forget to go out after class.



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