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1、初中学生初中学生英语写作能力的培养英语写作能力的培养 施志红施志红 2008. 5 07年写作无现成的范文可套年写作无现成的范文可套 Things I hate to do Most of the time I do things which I enjoy. However, there are still things that Ihate to do. 三、了解评分标准三、了解评分标准 07作文分标准作文分标准(内容语言组织结构内容语言组织结构) 组织结构分组织结构分 1. 内容充实,不写废话;上下文连贯、用内容充实,不写废话;上下文连贯、用 语规范、表达准确、无或少见语法错误;语规范、

2、表达准确、无或少见语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多见好句型词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给和习惯表达用语者,可给2分分. 组织结构分组织结构分2. 一般情况下,内容和语言在一般情况下,内容和语言在13分以上者分以上者(含含) , 方可得到方可得到12分组织结构分分组织结构分. 组织结构分组织结构分3. 内容和语言在内容和语言在12分以下者,如文中有值分以下者,如文中有值得肯定的好的句型和表达,可酌情考虑得肯定的好的句型和表达,可酌情考虑给给1分组织结构分分组织结构分. 组织结构分组织结构分 4. 通篇句型、句式单一,词汇贫乏者,即通篇句型、句式单一,词汇贫乏者,即

3、使无语法错误,一般亦不予给组织结构使无语法错误,一般亦不予给组织结构 分。分。 07作文分析举例作文分析举例 I hate to keep pets and tell lies. The thing that I hate doing most is smoking. As we all know, smoking is not only bad for ourselves but also harmful to others. Whenever my father smokes, I feel rather sick. Besides, it is a waste of money to s

4、moke, I think. Whats more, smoking pollutes the air. So I hate smoking most. (A挡) 07作文分析举例作文分析举例 Such as the housework. Although I sometimes help my mother to do some housework, I really hate it. I dont like wash dishes. I think it is uncomfortable that you must put your hands into the cold water an

5、d then wash the dirty dishes. I dont like clean my room as well. So my room is always very untidy. My mother told me that I was very lazy. I dont think so. But I really hate doing housework. (B B挡)挡)(5+6+0)(5+6+0) 07作文分析举例作文分析举例 Such as doing much homework and watching TV. Everyday, we must do a lot

6、 homework and it must spend a long time to finish it. When we finished it. It was already 11 oclock in the evening. So I hate doing much homework. I loved watching TV when I was a child. I always watching TV for a long time. So it makes my eyes bad. Thats why I hate watching TV now. (C(C档档) )(5+5+0)

7、(5+5+0)四、培养写作能力四、培养写作能力 1. 指出常见问题指出常见问题 句型单一句型单一 东拉西扯东拉西扯 时态错误时态错误 用词不当用词不当 2.提醒注意事项提醒注意事项 围绕中心围绕中心 意思连贯意思连贯 学会审题学会审题 注意文体注意文体 研究考试研究考试 3.避免指导缺失避免指导缺失 光给一个题目光给一个题目 没有任何铺垫没有任何铺垫 不考虑学生的学习基础和生活实际不考虑学生的学习基础和生活实际 4.全面多方指导全面多方指导 狠抓听说训练狠抓听说训练 重视基础落实重视基础落实 介绍写作技巧介绍写作技巧 丰富训练方法丰富训练方法 落实作文批改落实作文批改 小结小结一、明确教学目标

8、一、明确教学目标 二、把握变化走向二、把握变化走向 三、了解评分标准三、了解评分标准 四、培养写作能力四、培养写作能力 1. 指出常见问题指出常见问题 2. 明确写作要求明确写作要求 3. 避免指导缺失避免指导缺失 4. 全面多方指导全面多方指导Thanks for listening!1-11-1 My mother is a teacher. She is She is She is She is I like her very much. This is our school. There is There is There are There are I like it very mu

9、ch. 1-21-2 My mother is forty years old, but she looks young. She is a doctor and her hospital is not far away from our home, so she goes to work by bike. She works hard and is always kind to her patients. At home she does a lot of housework and often helps me with my lessons. I think my mother is t

10、he best mother in the world and I love her very much. (7373词)词)1-31-3 Our school is located in the centre of Shanghai It was built in 1950. Now there are about 200 teachers and 2000 students in ourschool. We have a language lab, a computer room and a big library in our school. We are going to build

11、a new classroom building next year. Our school will become bigger and more beautiful in the future. (6363词)词) 2-12-1 Last week I got an A in the test. Im very happy about it and Ill try my best to learn English better and better. I know it is very important to learn English well. I began to learn En

12、glish when I was eight years old. However, with the help of my teachers and classmates, Ive made great progress. But sometimes I found it so difficult that I nearly gave it up. 2-22-2 I began to learn English when I was eight years old. I know it is very important to learn English well. But sometime

13、s I found it so difficult that I nearly gave it up. However, with the help of my teachers and classmates, Ive made great progress. Last week I got an A in the test. Im very happy about it and Ill try my best to learn English better and better. 3-13-1 Mr Wang used to smoke a lot. He feel ill and go t

14、o see the doctor. The doctor told him smoking is bad for his health. Mr Wang is going to take the doctors advice. He decided to give up smoking. His wife and daughter were very happy. 4-14-1 Dogs are mens best friends. Dogs can help blind men. They can take them everywhere. They are very clever. The

15、y can also help the policemen to catch robbers. They can help people to buy newspapers. Some dogs can calculate. Dogs are our best friends. We should protect them. We should take care of them. Dont hurt our best friends! 4-24-2 Dogs are mens best friends. They always give us a lot of help. In ancien

16、t time, they helped men hunt animals and kept their caves safe. Now, dogs help policemen to catch robbers and find lost people. Whats more, some dogs can even help blind men. They show them the way and do a lot of things for them. We call this kind of dogs guide dogs, and they are blind mens eyes! I

17、n a word, dogs are not only our pets, but also our best friends! 5-15-1 Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Growing pains and gains”. The pictures below are for your reference only. (以以“成长的烦成长的烦恼与欢乐恼与欢乐”为题写一篇不少于为题写一篇不少于60个词的短个词的短文,标点符号不占格。以下图片仅供参考。文,标点符号不占格。以下图片仅供参考。) (05中考)中考)5-25-21

18、12. Write a passage of at least 60 words on 112. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “I Have a Dream”. ( the topic “I Have a Dream”. ( 以以以以“ “我有一个梦我有一个梦我有一个梦我有一个梦想想想想” ”为题写一篇不少于为题写一篇不少于为题写一篇不少于为题写一篇不少于6060个词的短文,标点符号不个词的短文,标点符号不个词的短文,标点符号不个词的短文,标点符号不占格。占格。占格。占格。) )( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其

19、他注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)相关信息,否则不予评分。)相关信息,否则不予评分。)相关信息,否则不予评分。)Sentence patterns for reference Sentence patterns for reference (以下句型仅(以下句型仅(以下句型仅(以下句型仅供参考)供参考)供参考)供参考)My dream is to be / to do / to goMy dream is to be / to do / to goI enjoy / like

20、 / preferI enjoy / like / preferTo make my dream come true, ITo make my dream come true, IIf my dream comes true, If my dream comes true, (0606中考中考)5-35-3Write at least 60 words about the topic “Things I Hate to Write at least 60 words about the topic “Things I Hate to Do”.Do”. ( ( 以以以以“ “我不喜欢我不喜欢我不

21、喜欢我不喜欢”为题写一篇不少于为题写一篇不少于为题写一篇不少于为题写一篇不少于6060个词的短文,标点个词的短文,标点个词的短文,标点个词的短文,标点符号不占格。符号不占格。符号不占格。符号不占格。) )( ( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则 不予评分。段文开头已给,所给部分不计入字数。不予评分。段文开头已给,所给部分不计入字数。不予评分。段文开头已给,所给部分不计入字数。不予评分。段文开头已给,所给部

22、分不计入字数。) )Use the following points as a guide. (Use the following points as a guide. (短文须包含下列要点短文须包含下列要点短文须包含下列要点短文须包含下列要点) )What are the things that you hate to do?What are the things that you hate to do?What do you hate doing most? Why? (Give at least two reasons.)What do you hate doing most? Why?

23、 (Give at least two reasons.) Things I Hate to DoThings I Hate to DoMost of the time I do things which I enjoy. However, there are Most of the time I do things which I enjoy. However, there are still things that I hate to do. still things that I hate to do. (0707中考中考中考中考)6-16-1 短文短文 对话对话 信件信件 日记日记 7

24、-17-1 写人物写人物 写事件写事件 写物件写物件 写场所写场所 夹叙夹议夹叙夹议7-27-203年:年:To be a lovely Shanghainese (做可爱的上海人)(做可爱的上海人)04年:年:Leaving school(毕业时分)(毕业时分)05年:年:Growing pains and gains (成长的烦恼与快乐)(成长的烦恼与快乐)06年:年:I have a dream (我有一个梦想)(我有一个梦想)07年:年:Things I hate to do(我不喜欢我不喜欢)8-18-1培养良好书写习惯培养良好书写习惯 单词形义常抓不懈单词形义常抓不懈 介绍基本句子

25、成分介绍基本句子成分 理清五种基本句型理清五种基本句型Who will win?主语主语+不及物动词不及物动词主语主语+及物动词及物动词+宾语宾语主语主语+联系动词联系动词+表语表语主语主语+及物动词及物动词+双宾语双宾语主语主语+及物动词及物动词+复合宾语复合宾语We study English.The girl looks pretty.Mum gives me a present.He asked us to go there.8-2 简单句的五种基本句型简单句的五种基本句型9-19-1 学会使用过渡词或连接词学会使用过渡词或连接词鼓励使用状语从句、宾语从句鼓励使用状语从句、宾语从句 恰

26、当使用英语习语、谚语恰当使用英语习语、谚语9-29-2表示并列表示并列表示并列表示并列 and , or, also, too, as well表示转折表示转折表示转折表示转折 but, however, yet, while, though, otherwise表示递进表示递进表示递进表示递进 whats more, besides, in addition表示让步表示让步表示让步表示让步 though, although, even if, whether, now that, whatever, whenever表示因果表示因果表示因果表示因果 because, because of,

27、since, as a result of, thanks to9-39-3表示条件表示条件表示条件表示条件 if, unless表示对称表示对称表示对称表示对称 for one thing for the other thing, on one hand . on the other hand表示解释表示解释表示解释表示解释 that is, that is to say, in another word, in other words表示举例表示举例表示举例表示举例 for example, such as, like表示强调表示强调表示强调表示强调 Above all, indeed,

28、really, especially,9-49-4表示空间表示空间表示空间表示空间 here, there, on one side, on the other side, in front of, at the back of表示时序表示时序表示时序表示时序 firstsecondthenfinally, at last, afterwards, immediately, suddenly 表示归纳表示归纳表示归纳表示归纳 in short, in a/one word, generally (speaking), 表示转换表示转换表示转换表示转换 I think, Im afraid, y

29、ou know, as we all know, Im sure, by the way, 表示列举表示列举表示列举表示列举 firstlysecondlythirdly, one anothera third, 10-110-1An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.East and west, home is the best.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.A good beginning makes a good ending.God will help those who help themselves.11-111-1 从单词到句子从单词到句子 从句子到段落从句子到段落 从个体到集体从个体到集体 从集体到个体从集体到个体 从课内到课外从课内到课外 从课外到从课外到课内课内 12-112-1 口头评价口头评价 自我批改自我批改 互相批改互相批改 集体批改集体批改 教师批教师批改改



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