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1、Listening and vocabularyComplete the sentences. Use these words describing parts of the body.1chest heart lung stomach throat 1.When we breathe,the air goes into our _.2.The _ sends blood round the body.lungsheart3.Your _ is inside your neck.4.Your lungs are inside your _.5.When we eat, food goes in

2、to the _.throatcheststomach2u Answer the questions about these words.breathe have a temperature pneumonia prescription symptom X-rayWhich words mean ?1 a photograph of inside the body 2 something shows that you have an illness 3 to take air in and out of your lungsX-raysymptombreathe4 an illness in

3、which your chest hurts when you breathe 5 to be hot when you are ill 6 a piece of paper on which a doctor writes down the medicine a sick person needspneumonia have a temperatureprescription3 Read the sentences and decide who says them. Tick D (doctor) or P ( patient)A In fact , I feel awful.B My ch

4、est hurts when I breathe. C How long have you had the temperature?D Yes, Ive got a sore throat and a cough.E Can you lie down, please, and Ill examine you?F We may need to take you into hospital.G Ill write you a prescription.H And how are you planning to get home now?I How long will be off work?bro

5、ken arm cough migraine sore throat stomachache toothache 6Match the health problems with the symptoms.1.Pain in a tooth _2.Your arm hurts and you cant move it _3.A very bad headache in which you dont like light _ toothache broken armmigraine4. You make a noise with your throat _5. Pain in your stoma

6、ch _6. Pain in your throat _coughstomachachesore throatEVERYDAY ENGLISHChoose the right answer.1. Terrific! Means _. (a) wonderful (b) quite food2 To be off work means _. (a) Not to go to work (b) to stauy longer at work3 Oh dear! Means _. (a) Thats bad news (b) My good friend4. That couldnt be bett

7、er mean _. (a) Thats excellent news (b) well done5. I have a sweet tooth means _. (a) I like sweet things (b) I have toothache6. Im crazy about football means _. (a) I love football (b) Football is crazya. He said that chocolate and cheese can often give you migraine.b. I see lights in front of my e

8、yes and JI have to sleep in a dark room. 2Put these sentences in the right order to make a paragraph.c. He examined me and asked me questions about my symptoms.d. For three years, I have had very bad headaches about three or four times a month.e. And now I dont get migraines any more. I feel great!f

9、. I am a sixteen-year-old boy.fdbhcageg. So I stopped eating chocolate and cheese.h. Two months ago I went to see a doctor about my headaches.1. -Your job _ open for your return. (2006北京北京) -Thanks.A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept2. -Mr. Gordon asked me to remind you of the

10、meeting this afternoon. Dont you forget it! -OK, I _. (2006重庆重庆)A. wont B. dont C. will D. do 3. I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he _ home for dinner. (2006辽宁辽宁)A. come B. comes C. has come D. will come1)We are tabling

11、 this matter until further notice. 2)2) I have long prided myself on being a good teacher.我们延期讨论这件事,以后再说。我们延期讨论这件事,以后再说。我一向以身为一名称职的老师而自豪。我一向以身为一名称职的老师而自豪。3) When you see a police car, dont floor it.4) If He had tried harder, he could have topped his class.当你看到警车时,别开快车。当你看到警车时,别开快车。 假如他以前用功些,他会在班里名假如

12、他以前用功些,他会在班里名列前茅的。列前茅的。5) When my car broke down, I flagged a police car.6) Finally, the escaped criminal was cornered. 当我的汽车抛锚的时候,我打了个当我的汽车抛锚的时候,我打了个手势招来一辆警车。手势招来一辆警车。那名逃犯最终走投无路了。那名逃犯最终走投无路了。 7) Every ship is required to radio its position.8) 父母都在设法弥合与儿女的代沟。父母都在设法弥合与儿女的代沟。(bridge )要求每一条船用无线电报告各自所要求

13、每一条船用无线电报告各自所在位置。在位置。 The parents are trying to bridge the generation gap with their children.9) 9) 对他来说,疏远、冷淡她是很困对他来说,疏远、冷淡她是很困难的。难的。(distance)(distance)10) 10) 昨天他预定了到南京的机票。昨天他预定了到南京的机票。(book)(book)It is difficult for him to distance himself from her.Yesterday he booked a flight to Nanjing.11) 11)

14、 农夫把他的马圈在马厩里。农夫把他的马圈在马厩里。(house)(house)12) 12) 下学期她将担任数学系主任。下学期她将担任数学系主任。(chair)(chair)She will chair the math department next semester.The farmer has housed his horse in the barn.13) 13) 他不管到哪里,总被人尾随。他不管到哪里,总被人尾随。(dog)(dog)14) 14) 希望陈先生很快能够当上爸爸。希望陈先生很快能够当上爸爸。(father) (father) Hopefully, Mr. Chen is going to father a child soon.He was dogged wherever he went.



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