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1、 第第 八八 章章商务法律合同与协议的翻译商务法律合同与协议的翻译 知识目标:知识目标:1 1、了解商务法律合同与协议用语与普通商务用语的区别、了解商务法律合同与协议用语与普通商务用语的区别2 2、掌握最佳的合同与协议的翻译方法、掌握最佳的合同与协议的翻译方法能力目标:能力目标:1 1、商务法律合同与协议中习惯用语、句型的学习与掌握、商务法律合同与协议中习惯用语、句型的学习与掌握2 2、独立的进行大段商务法律合同与协议的翻译、独立的进行大段商务法律合同与协议的翻译第一节第一节 导入导入一、商务合同与协议的定义 在英语中,合同一般称为“contract”,协议一般称为 “agreement”。何

2、谓“contract”?1999年中国合同法第二条对 “contract 定义为:“A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing,modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing,that is,between natural persons,legal persons or other organizations”。根据这一定义,合同是平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。L.B C

3、urzon 在其编撰的字典 “A Dictionary of Law”给 “contract” 的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”。 根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。综合起来看,有一个相同点,就是 “Contract is an agreement”,可将合同说成是 “An agreement which binds the parties concerned” 或者将合同说成是 “An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说 “Contracts are promises tha

4、t the law will enforce”。 何谓 “agreement” ?L.B “A consensus of mind,or evidence of such consensus,in spoken or written form,relating to anything done or to be done.” 根据这一定义,协议是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定。Black “Law Dictionary” 有两个定义。一个是:“A concord of understanding and intention between

5、two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties,of certain past or future facts or performance” .根据这一定义,协议即双方或多方对某些过去或将来某些事实的相关权利、义务或相关权利、义务的履行达成的一致理解和愿望。另一个是:“The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property,right or ben

6、efits,with the view of contacting an obligation,a mutual obligation.” 。根据这一定义,协议即两个或多个当事人,为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得的一致同意。第一节第一节 导入导入 contract(合同)和agreement(协议)是不是可以互换呢? 合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素。它由(要约和承诺构成的)协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。L.B Curzon编著的 “A Dictionary of Law” 提到合同一般包括以下几个方面。1. offer and absolute a

7、nd unqualified acceptance(要约和绝对接受)2. meeting of minds(意思表示一致)3. intention to create legal relations(建立合同关系的意愿)4. genuineness of consent(同意的真实性)5. contractual capacity of the parties(合同当事人的缔约能力)6. legality of object(标的物的合法性)7. possibility of performance(履行的可能性)8. certainty of terms(条款的确定性)9. valuable

8、 consideration(等价有偿)第一节第一节 导入导入 Black “Law Dictionary” 中解释道:“Although often used as synonyms with contract,agreement is a broader term,e.g. an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact.。 即“协议”和“合同”经常用作同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏合同的必备条款(essential clauses/provisions)。实际使用当中,协议可不受必备条款的限制,而称

9、为合同的文体肯定少不了必备条款,有的合同将其单列,称为一般条款(general provisions)。1999中国合同法第十二条规定了八项一般条款,分别是:1. title or name and domicile of the parities(当事人的名称或姓名和住址)2. contract object(标的)3. quantity(数量)4. quality(质量)5. price or remuneration(价款或者报酬)6. time limit,place and method of performance(履行期限、地点和方式)7. liability for breac

10、h of contract(违约责任)8. methods to settle disputes(解决争议的方法)上述解释说明,contract(合同)和agreement(协议)的概念虽然接近,但使用范围不同,不能互换使用。合同是协议的重要组成部分,所有合同一定是协议,而协议不见得都是合同。可以说具备合同成立要求的具有强制执行力的协议才是合同。第一节 导入二、尝试把下列中文句子翻译成英文。1.请注意,付款为保兑的,不可撤销的,允许分装和转船,见票即付的信用证支付。2.你方最好尽早开出信用证以便我方能及时安排装运。3.按照我方第222号销售确认书的规定,你方应于装运日期前一个月寄来信用证。4.

11、我们不知你方可否考虑接受我们提出的货到后凭单付款的支付方式。5.我们所要求的支付方式是十分正常的,我们抱歉对此不能通融。5. The mode of payment we require is quite normal. We regret we cannot accommodate you in this respect.1. Please note that payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C allowing partial shipment and transhipment, available by draft st

12、 sight.2. It would be advisable for you to establish the covering letter of credit as early as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipment in due time.3. According to the stipulations in our Sales Confirmation No. 222, you should send us your letter of credit one-month proceeding the date of shi

13、pment.4. We wonder if you can accept our proposal in regard to payment by D/P on arrival of goods.第一节 导入尝试将下列英文句子翻译成中文6.In consideration of the pleasant business relationship we have had with you for 15 years, we agree to make the concession and trust it will suit your requirements.7.We have always

14、been doing business on L/C basis, and you have never raised any objection. We are at a loss to understand why you now wish to have a change in payment terms.8.We wish to emphasize that we accommodated you in this respect as an exceptional case, just to show goodwill for the development of future bus

15、iness with you.6. 考虑到我们之间长达十五年令人愉快的业务关系,我们同意做出让步,相信这将满足你方的要求。7. 我们一贯以信用证方式做业务,你方从来未提出异议。我们不理解为什么你方现在提出要改变支付方式。8. 我们愿强调指出,我们在这方面破例照顾你们是为了表达我们与你方发展业务的良好愿望。第一节 导入9.As requested we are opening with our bank, the bank of China two separate L/C each for 5,000 metric tons, thus facilitating your delivery o

16、f the goods we ordered at Vancouver and Boston separately.10.Our terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit in our favour available by draft at sight reaching us one month ahead of shipment remaining valid for negotiation in China for a period of further 21 days after prescribed

17、time of shipment and allowing transshipment and partial shipments.10. 我们的支付方式是保兑的、不可撤销的、以我方为受益人的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证,在装船期前一个月寄达我方,于规定的装船期后二十一天在中国议付有效,允许转船及分批装运。 9. 根据要求,我们请我们的中国银行分别开立两份信用证,每份5000公吨。这样便于你方分别在波士顿和温哥华装运我们的订货。第二节 翻译例析Sample 1 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT (SALES)EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered i

18、nto on day of _(month), (year), by and between: (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), a coporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of , with its registered office located at , and (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”), an individual, with nationality of_(Passport No. )

19、 residing at_. 第二节 翻译例析雇佣合同本聘用协议于_年_月 日签订,双方当事人为:依_ 州法律组织设立的 公司(以下简称本公司),主营业地为 ,与 国籍的 (护照号码: )(以下简称雇员),居住于 。译文译文第二节 翻译例析Sample 2 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONFinancial institutions with foreign capital mentioned in these Regulations refer to the following financial institutions that are established and oper

20、ated in China upon approval in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China:(1) subsidiary banks incorporated by foreign capital whose head offices are in China (hereinafter referred to as foreign banks);(2) branches of foreign bank in China (hereinafter referre

21、d to as foreign bank branches);(3) banks incorporated jointly by foreign and Chinese financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as equity joint-venture banks);(4) finance companies incorporated by foreign capital whose head offices are in China (hereinafter referred to as foreign finance compan

22、ies); (5) finance companies incorporated jointly by foreign and Chinese financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as equity joint-venture finance companies).第二节 翻译例析金融机构 本条例所称外资金融机构,是指依照中华人民共和国有关法律、法规的规定,经批准在中国境内设立和营业的下列金融机构:(一)总行在中国境内的外国资本银行(以下简称外资银行)(二)外国银行在中国境内的分行(以下简称外资银行分行) (三)外国的金融机构同中国的

23、金融机构在中国境内合资经营的银行(以下简称合资银行) (四)总公司在中国境内的外国资本的财务公司(以下简称外资财务公司) (五)外国的金融机构同中国的金融机构在中国境内合资经营的财务公司(以下简称合资财务公司)译文译文第二节 翻译例析Sample 3 Proof of delivery, transport documentor equivalent electronic message The Seller must at his own expense provide the buyer without delay with the usual transport document for

24、 the agreed port of destination.This document (for example a negotiable bill of lading, a non-negotiable sea waybill or an inland waterway document) must cover the contracted goods, be dated within the period agreed for shipment, enable the buyer to claim the goods from the carrier at the port of de

25、stination and, unless otherwise agreed, enable the buyer to sell the goods in transit by the transfer of the document to a subsequent buyer (the negotiable bill of lading) or by notification to the carrier.When such a transport document is issued in several originals, a full set of originals must be

26、 presented to the buyer.Where the seller and the buyer have agreed to communicate electronically, the document referred to in the preceding paragraphs may be replaced by an equivalent data interchange (EDI) message. 第二节 翻译例析交货凭证,运输单据或有同等作用的电子讯息 卖方应自付费用,毫不延迟地向买方提供表明载往约定目的港的通常运输单据。 此单据(如可转让提单,不可转让海运单或

27、内河运输单据)必须载明合同货物,其日期应在约定的装运期内,使买方得以在目的港向承运人提取货物,并且,除非另有规定,应使买方得以通过转让单据(可转让单据)或通过通知承运人,向其后手买方出售在途货物。 如此运输单据有数份正本,则应向买方提供全套正本。 如买卖双方约定使用电子方式通讯,则前项所述单据可以由具有同等作用的电子数据交换(EDI)讯息代替。译文译文第二节 翻译例析Sample 4 TRADE CONTRACT BETWEEN THEGOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OFCHINA AND THE GOVERNMENT OFTHE REPUBLIC OF

28、The government of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as China) and the government of the Republic of . (hereinafter referred to as ), in pursuance of the trade and payments agreements signed between the two governments on 14th September, 1999, have ,through friendly negotiations

29、on the trade for the first agreement year (2000) between China and, entered into the following agreements; Article 1 The Peoples Republic of China shall, according to its requirements, import from. Commodities enumerated in list “A” for a total amount of $(U.S. dollars) Article 2 The Republic of sha

30、ll, according to its requirements, import from China commodities enumerated in list “B” for a total amount of $ (U.S. dollars)第二节 翻译例析Sample 4 Article 3 List “A” and list “B” as mentioned above are parts of this contract, which have no restriction on exchanges of commodities that are not in the list

31、s.Article 4The quality and prices of the commodities to be exchanged between the importers and exporters in the two countries shall be acceptable to both sides and prices shall be fixed in accordance to both sides and the prices shall be fixed in accordance with world market prices. Article 5 In acc

32、ordance with the stipulation mentioned in Article 16 of the Trade and Payment Agreement referred to above , the credit line shall be $.(U.S. dollars) This contract shall become operative from the date on which the trade and trade agreement comes into force and shall be valid for one year. Done in du

33、plicate in Beijing on the 14th day of September 1999 in the English and Chinese languages, both texts being equally authentic. For the Government For the GovernmentOf the Peoples Of the RepublicRepublic of China of. (Signature) . (Signature)第二节 翻译例析 中华人民共和国政府和共和国政府 贸易合同 中华人民共和国政府(以下简称中国)和共和国政府(以下简称国

34、).根据1999年9月14日签定的两国政府贸易和支付协议,就第一个协定年度(2000年)的贸易进行了友好协商, 达成如下协议;第一条中国根据需要从国进口附表 “A” 所列的商品,总值为美元。 第二条共和国根据需要从中国进口附表“B”所列的商品,总值为美元。第三条附表“A”和附表“B”为本合同的组成部分,对未列入上述附表内的商品的交换,无限制之意。第四条两国进出口公司所交换的商品的质量和价格应为双方都能接受,并按照国际市场价格定价。第五条根据上述贸易和支付协定第16条规定,透支额为美元。本合同将于贸易和支付协定生效之日起实施,有效期为一年。本合同于1999年9月14日在北京签定,一式两份,用中文

35、和英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。中华人民共和国政府代表 共和国代表 (签字) (签字)译文译文第二节 翻译例析Sample 5 Employee Non-disclosure Agreement For good consideration, and in consideration of being employed by _ (company), the undersigned employee hereby agrees and acknowledges:1. That during the course of my employment there may be disclosed

36、to me certain trade secrets of the company; the said trade secrets consisting but not necessarily limited to:a) Technical information: methods, processes, formulas, compositions, systems, techniques, inventions, machines, computer programs and research projects. b) Business information: customer lis

37、ts, pricing data, sources of supply, financial data and marketing, production or merchandising systems or plans.2. I agree that I shall not during, or at any time after the termination of my employment with the Company, use for myself or others, or disclose or divulge to others including future empl

38、oyees, any trade secrets, confidential information or any other proprietary data of the Company in violation of this agreement.3. That upon the termination of my employment from the company:a) I shall return to the Company all documents and property of the Company, including but not necessary limite

39、d to: drawings, blueprints, reports, manuals, correspondence, customer lists, computer programs, and all other materials and all copies thereof relating in any way to the Companys business, or in any way obtained by me during the course of employment. b) The Company may notify any further or prospec

40、tive employer or third party of the existence of this agreement, and shall be entitled to full injunctive relief for any breach.c) This agreement shall be binding upon me and my personal representative and successors in interest.第二节 翻译例析员工保密协议出于各方考虑,并鉴于被(公司)雇佣,我(签署本协议的员工)同意并接受:1受雇期间可能被透露有关公司的商业秘密;上述

41、商业秘密包括但不限于:a) 技术信息:方法,程序,公式,成分,系统,技术,发明,机器,电脑程序和研究项目。b) 商业信息:客户名单,价格资料,供应来源,财务数据和市场,生产或销售体系或计划。2我同意在受雇期间,或与公司终止关系后的任何时间,遵守本协议规定,不为自己或其他人使用或向他人包括公司将来的雇员透露任何商业秘密,保密信息或其他任何与公司相关的资料。3一旦终止与公司的雇佣关系:a) 我应归还所有公司的文件和财产,包括但不限于:图纸,蓝图,报告,手册,信件,客户名单,电脑程序和其他任何与公司业务有关的,或在雇佣期间取得的材料及复印件。 b) 公司可以告知任何将来的或可能的雇员或第三方本协议的

42、存在,并有权就任何违约行为采取禁止令措施。c) 本协议对我及我的代表和有关继任人有效。译文译文第二节 翻译例析Sample 6 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY CONTRACTIn consideration of the exclusive rights granted herein, Party A shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or export the commodity stipulated in Article 4 to customers in Singapore through channels other than Part

43、y B; Party B shall not sell, distribute or promote the sales of any products competitive with or similar to the above commodity in Singapore and shall not solicit or accept orders for the purpose of selling them outside Singapore. Party A shall refer to Party B any enquiries or orders for the commod

44、ity in question received by Party A from other firms in Singapore during the validity of this agreement.1. Market ReportIn order to keep Party A well informed of the prevailing market conditions, Party B should undertake to supply Party A, at least once a quarter or at any time when necessary, with

45、market reports concerning changes of the local regulations in connection with the import and sales of the commodity covered by this agreement, local market tendency and the buyers comments on quality, packing, price, etc. of the goods supplied by Party A under this agreement. Party B shall also supp

46、ly party A with quotations and advertising materials on similar products of other suppliers.2. Advertising and ExpensesParty A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the commodity in question in Singapore within the validity of this agreement, and shall submit to Pa

47、rty A all audio and video materials intended for advertising for prior approval.第二节 翻译例析Sample 6 3. CommissionParty A shall pay Party B a commission of 5% on the net invoiced selling price on all orders directly obtained by Party B and accepted by party A. No commission shall be paid until Party A r

48、eceives the full payment for each order.4. Transactions Between Governmental BodiesTransactions between governmental bodies of Party A and Party B shall not be restricted by the terms and conditions of this agreement, nor shall the amount of such transactions be counted as part of the turnover stipu

49、lated in Article 5.5. Industrial Property RightsParty B may use the trade-marks owned by Party A for the sale of the Washing Machines covered herein within the validity of this agreement, and shall acknowledge that all patents, trademarks, copy rights or any other industrial property rights used or

50、embodied in the Washing Machines shall remain to be the sole properties of Party A. Should any infringement be found, Party B shall promptly notify and assist Party A to take steps to protect the latters rights.第二节 翻译例析独家代理协议 基于本协议授予的独家代理权,甲方不得直接或间接地通过乙方以外的渠道向新加坡顾客销售或出口第四条所列商品,乙方不得在新加坡经销、分销或促销与上述商品相

51、竞争或类似的产品,也不得招揽或接受以到新加坡以外地区销售为目的的订单,在本协议有效期内,甲方应将其收到的来自新加坡其他商家的有关代理产品的询价或订单转交给乙方。 1. 商情报告 为使甲方充分了解现行市场情况,乙方承担至少每季度一次或在必要时随时向甲方提供市场报告,内容包括与本协议代理商品的进口与销售有关的地方规章的变动、当地市场发展趋势以及买方对甲方按协议供应的货物的品 质、包装、价格等方面的意见。乙方还承担向甲方提供其他供应商类似商品的报价和广告资料。 2. 广告费用 乙方负担本协议有效期内在新加坡销售代理商品做广告宣传的一切费用,并向甲方提交所用于广告的声像资料,供甲方事先核准。 3. 佣

52、金 对乙方直接获取并经甲方确认接受的订单,甲方按净发票售价向乙方支付5%的佣金。佣金在甲方收到每笔订单的全部货款后才会支付。 4. 政府间交易 在甲、乙双方政府部门之间达成的交易不受本协议条款的限制,此类交易的金额也不应计入第五条规定的最低业务量。 5. 工业知识产权 在本协议有效期内,为销售有关洗衣机,乙方可以使用甲方拥有的商标,并承认使用于或包含于洗衣机中的任何专利商标、版权或其他工业产权为甲方独家拥有。 一旦发现侵权,乙方应立即通知甲方并协助甲方采取措施保护甲方权益。 译文译文第二节 翻译例析(一) 文章分析 商务法律合同与协议中倾向于使用长词,生词,罕见词等,加之句子拖沓,结构复杂,因

53、此,译者在动笔翻译之前应仔细阅读原文,理清文章的脉络。汉译时,应注意使用专门的词汇。此外,根据上述函件不带感情色彩的文体特点,译文应尽量避免使用口语词,在这其中要注意两点: 第一,翻译时要注意用词的精确,而无须过多的关注用词多样化问题。因此,一个词在同一篇,同一段落,甚至同一个句子中往往会重复多次,而很少用代词或同义词替代。翻译时,切忌一词数译。当然,在不引起歧义的情况下,如有必要,也可做适当调整。 第二,法律等文书措辞谨慎缜密,汉译时,对于某些词的处理不可草率从事,而该用多维的专业知识,根据上下文内容,仔细分析推敲,把握其中的真实含义,作出精确的词义选择。对于某些从表面看起来无关紧要的字眼,

54、也要认真对待,不可随意丢弃或胡乱引申。更不能急于求成而草草从事。涉外合同按繁简不同,可以采取不同的书面形式。 总之,商务法律合同与协议的翻译要保持原文的格式、体列和程式。为保持原文的风格和体列,有助于反映原文的风貌,防止理解有误,应把汉语的句子翻译的更长一些。此外对于其中包含的专有商务词汇,译者在翻译之前可参考一些词典和书籍。这一点尤为重要。三 译文分析第二节 翻译例析(二) 词句分析例(1)1. 本段文字是合同的开场白(Commencement),内容在说明当事人的姓名或名称、国籍或注册地国及住所地或主营业地、订约日期包括各自在合同中的简称。 2. 要表示合同是由哪些当事人所订立,英文中通常

55、会说“This Agreement is made by and between”,用“by” 来表示合同“由谁订立”,“between”来表示“谁与谁之间的订立”。如果当事人不只两个,也可以用“by and among”来代替。3. 合同开场白里要说明当事人的国籍,在自然人的情况下可以用“a nation of ”或“an individual with the nationality of”来表示,如果是法人组织多半使用“organized and existing under the laws of ”这样的字眼,其中“organized”也可以用“incorporated”来代替。4.

56、“registered office”是指一个公司的“注册所在地”,它和“principal office”或“principle place of business”即“主营业地”并不一定位于同一个地方。第二节 翻译例析例(2)1. hereinafter的英文释义为“later in the same Contract”,中文译词为“以下,在下文”。一般与referred to as, called等词组连用,以避免重复,置于这些词组前面,与之紧邻。2. Financial institutions with foreign capital mentioned in these Regul

57、ations refer to the following financial institutions that are established and operated in China upon approval in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.本条例所称外资金融机构,是指依照中华人民共和国有关法律、法规的规定,经批准在中国境内设立和营业的下列金融机构。(1)此句中,“financial institution”的翻译为“金融机构”,“foreign

58、 capital”应译为“外国资本”。(2)“in accordance with”意思为“依照,按照”, 与它意思相近的词组“in conformity with”意思为“同一致”。e. g. I shall be glad if you will forward fifty tons of coal, in accordance with your sample.请按照贵公司提供的样品,供应我公司50吨煤炭,谢谢。e.g. These doucuments are not in conformity with the requestment of L/C.这些单据与信用证要求的不一致。第二

59、节 翻译例析3. subsidiary banks incorporated by foreign capital whose head offices are in China.总行在中国境内的外国资本银行。(1)“head office”应译为“总部”。 e.g. head office of the Agricultural Bank of China,中国农业银行总行。(2)这里的“subsidiary banks incorporated by foreign capital”在翻译时,应译成“外国资本银行”,理解成“外资银行的子银行”,因为很少有一家外国银行把自己的总部搬到国外,但

60、在境外设立子银行、子公司是经常的。4. finance company:财务公司,这里应理解为金融公司,是指在商业银行以外的专门从事抵押放款业务的金融企业。如果中文为会计事务所,则要译成:accounting firm。5. foreign banks,外资银行。foreign bank branches,外资银行分行。foreign finance companies,外资财务公司。equity joint-venture finance companies,合资财务公司。第二节 翻译例析例(3)1以上篇章来自国际贸易术语解释通则,有着明显的法律、法规英语的特征。如: must、may、th

61、e agreed、unless、otherwise、agreed、referred to等都是带有法规英语风格特征的标记。译者必须把这一风格信息传递到汉语译文中去。 2. The Seller must at his own expense provide the buyer without delay with the usual transport document for the agreed port of destination. 卖方应自付费用,毫不延迟地向买方提供表明载往约定目的港的通常运输单据。(1)此句是明确的规定了卖方在出口货物时需遵守的义务与规定的语句。“The Sell

62、er must at his own expense”意思为“卖方应自付费用”,先前界定了买方需遵守的规定。其中“at ones own expense” 意为 “由某人自付费用”,为常见的法律英语。(2)“agreed port of destination”译为“约定的目的港”,其中“agreed”为“agree” 的分词形式的形容词用法。意思为“约定好的”。 第二节 翻译例析3. This document (for example a negotiable bill of lading, a non-negotiable sea waybill or an inland waterwa

63、y document) must cover the contracted goods, be dated within the period agreed for shipment 此单据(如可转让提单,不可转让海运单或内河运输单据)必须载明合同货物,其日期应在约定的装运期内.。(1)“negotiable” 与“non-negotiable”的意思分别为“可转让的”与“不可转让的”。(2)“cover”在本句中需译成“载明”,是通常的商务法律英语的译法,而不能译成“包括”之类的词汇。4. enable the buyer to claim the goods from the carrie

64、r at the port of destination.使买方得以在目的港向承运人提取货物。(1)“enable to.” 的意思为“使 能够”。(2)“claim the goods”中“claim” 原意为“要求或索要(某事物)(因是应得的权利或财物),但在本句中如按此翻译,明显不合适,所以需译为“提取货物”。e. g. She claims ownership (i.e. says she is the rightful owner) of the land.她对这块土地的所有权提出要求(称她是合法所有人)。 第二节 翻译例析5When such a transport documen

65、t is issued in several originals, a full set of originals must be presented to the buyer.如此运输单据有数份正本,则应向买方提供全套正本。(1)此句中的“when” 在商务法律中为常见的词汇,在翻译中需注意,不能想当然的翻译为 “当的时候”,而需译成“如此.”或“如果”,这一点尤为需要注意。(2)“be presented to the buyer”意思为“应向买方提供”, 句子中的“present”译为“提供”。e. g. The commercial invoice should be presente

66、d to the ABC Company in threecopies.应向ABC公司提供三份商业发票。第二节 翻译例析例(4)1. The government of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as China) and the government of the Republic of . (Hereinafter referred to as ), in pursuance of the trade and payments agreements signed between the two govern

67、ments on 14th September, 1999.中华人民共和国政府(下文简称中国)和共和国政府(下文简称国),根据1999年9月14日签定的两国政府贸易和支付协定(1)根据合同的规范及要求,合同的前言必须首先写明合同的签署者,故本段将主语放在句首,而将一些状语结构置于主语之后。汉译时采用原句句型和语序。(2)“referred to as”中“refer” 的原意是“参阅,参考, 说道”,在本句中译为“以下简称为”。(3)“in pursuance of ” 中“pursuance”的原意是“carrying out or observance (of plan, rules)”,

68、 汉语意思是“实施计划,遵守规章等”, 在本句中需译为“根据的规定而实施”。 第二节 翻译例析2 have, through friendly negotiations on the trade for the first agreement year (2000) between China and , entered into the following statement: 就第一个协定年度(2000年)的贸易进行了友好的商谈,达成协议如下:(1) 原句中的“through friendly negotiation” 为插入语,可翻译为“经友好协商,就达成如下协议”。(2)“enter

69、into” 的原意是“进入,加入,受的约束”,在本句中译为“达成”。e. g We would like to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我方愿意在平等互利的基础上与你方达成贸易关系。第二节 翻译例析3The Republic of shall, according to its requirements, import from China commodities enumerated in list “B” for a total amount of

70、$ (U.S. dollars)共和国根据需要从中国进口附表“B”所列的商品,总值为美元。(1)原句中 “shall” 为合同用语,不是一般的助动词,翻译时要根据上下文的内容而定。(2)“according to”的意思为“根据”。e. g. According to the rule, you should use the payment of L/C.根据规定,你需要以信用证的形式进行付款。(3)“enumerate” 在本句中需翻译为“附表上所列出的”。4List “A” and List “B” as mentioned above are parts of this contract

71、, which have no restriction on exchanges of commodities that are not in the lists.附表“A ”和附表“B ”为本合同的组成部分。对未列入上述附表内的商品的交换,并无限制之意。汉译时将原句中非限定性定语从句翻译成了独立句,而且没有重复英语先行词的内容。第二节 翻译例析5Done in duplicate in Beijing on the 14th day of September 1999 in the English and Chinese languages, both texts being equally

72、 authentic.本合同于1999年9月14日在北京签定,一式两份,用中文和英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。(1) 注意英语原句实际上是由过去分词 “done” 短语和独立主格结构组成的一个不完全句,而汉译时将其译成了一个并列句。(2) “in duplicate” 在本句中的意思是“一式双份”,英语中有很多类似的词语,如“in triplicate, in quadruplicate”。意思分别是 “一式三份,一式四份”。第二节 翻译例析例(5)1For good consideration, and in consideration of being employed by _ (co

73、mpany), the undersigned employee hereby agrees and acknowledges: 出于各方考虑,并鉴于被(公司)雇佣,我(签署本协议的员工)同意并接受: (1) 本句中有两个“consideration” , 前一个在“For good consideration”中, 因为“consideration”前有形容词“good”的修饰, 所以短语译成“出于各方考虑比较通顺,“in consideration of”,意思为“考虑到,鉴于”。 e. g. In consideration of the good relationship betwee

74、n us, we accept the payment of D/P. 考虑到我们之间良好的合作关系,我方接受你方用D/P的方式进行付款。(2)“hereby” 是商务合同文体中的正式用法,意思为“by this means (以此用法,由此)”。2That during the course of my employment there may be disclosed to me certain trade secrets of the company; the said trade secrets consisting but not necessarily limited to:受雇期

75、间可能被透露有关公司的商业秘密;上述商业秘密包括但不限于: (1)本句由于是协议文体中的一部分,所以用了多个跟“I”有关的词汇。反复强调签署者的责任与义务。“during the course of my employment”意为“在本人被雇佣期间”。(2) “the said trade secrets” 中 “said” 的用法为典型的公关文体语言,意思为“上述的”。 e. g. The said trade term seems acceptable to me. 上述贸易条款在我看来是可以接受的。第二节 翻译例析3I agree that I shall not during, or

76、 at any time after the termination of my employment with the Company, use for myself or others, or disclose or divulge to others including future employees, any trade secrets, confidential information or any other proprietary data of the Company in violation of this agreement.我同意在受雇期间,或与公司终止关系后的任何时间

77、,遵守本协议规定,不为自己或其他人使用或向他人包括公司将来的雇员透露任何商业秘密,保密信息或其他任何与公司相关的资料。“shall”在本句中约定了当事人的义务, 翻译时可按照中文的翻译习惯省略。但在协议英语中绝对是不可缺少的词汇。大多数情况下可以译成“将”, “notor”是合同中常见的一种表达方式,目的是使行文更为严谨,翻译时需完整,不可省略。4. and all other materials and all copies thereof relating in any way to the Companys business, or in any way obtained by me d

78、uring the course of employment. 和其他任何与公司业务有关的,或在雇佣期间取得的材料及复印件。(1) “in any way to the Companys business”的意思为“任何与公司业务有关的”,其中,“in any way”意思为“任何的”。(2) “thereof”是正式的协议公文的用法,使用时能给人一种正式文书的持重感。意思为“of which (关于那个)”。 第二节 翻译例析5The Company may notify any further or prospective employer or third party of the ex

79、istence of this agreement, and shall be entitled to full injunctive relief for any breach. 公司可以告知任何将来的或可能的雇员或第三方本协议的存在,并有权就任何违约行为采取禁令救济措施。(1)“notify. of”的意思为“通知”。e. g. Have the authorities been notified (of this)?当局是否已得知(此事)?(2)“be entitled to”的意思为“被授权”。e. g. You are not entitled to unemployment ben

80、efit if you have never work.从未参加过工作,就没有资格领取失业救济金。第二节 翻译例析例(6)1. In consideration of the exclusive rights granted herein, Party A shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or export the commodity stipulated in Article 4 to customers in Singapore through channels other than Party B; Party B shall not se

81、ll, distribute or promote the sales of any products competitive with or similar to the above commodity in Singapore and shall not solicit or accept orders for the purpose of selling them outside Singapore.基于本协议授予的独家代理权,甲方不得直接或间接地通过乙方以外的渠道向新加坡顾客销售或出口第三条所列商品,乙方不得在新加坡经销、分销或促销与上述商品相竞争或类似的产品,也不得招揽或接受以到新加

82、坡以外地区销售为目的的订单。 (1)herein: in this此中,于此。表示上文已提及的,如遇到“本合同(中)的”,“本法(中)的”等行文时,用该词。比如,“本法(中)所称的不正当竞争”可以译为“unfair competition mentioned herein”此中的herein 意为“in this law” 又如“本协议(中)的内容”,可译为“the contents herein”,此中的herein 意为“in this Agreement”。(2)“sell, distribute or promote”,这三个词分别译为“经销,分销,促销”。(3)solicit原意为“

83、恳求,请求”,在本篇中翻译为“招揽”。第二节 翻译例析2. In order to keep Party A well informed of the prevailing market conditions, Party B should undertake to supply Party A, at least once a quarter or at any time when necessary, with market reports concerning changes of the local regulations in connection with the import a

84、nd sales of the commodity covered by this agreement, local market tendency and the buyers comments on quality, packing, price, etc. of the goods supplied by Party A under this agreement. Party B shall also supply party A with quotations and advertising materials on similar products of other supplier

85、s.为使甲方充分了解现行市场情况,乙方承担至少每季度一次或在必要时随时向甲方提供市场报告,内容包括与本协议代理商品的进口与销售有关的地方规章的变动、当地市场发展趋势以及买方对甲方按协议供应的货物的品质、包装、价格等方面的意见。乙方还承担向甲方提供其他供应商类似商品的报价和广告资料。(1)本句中,“prevailing”的意思为“现行的”,“undertake”可翻译为“承担”。(2)“a quarter”原意为“1/4”, 在这里翻译为“一季度”。(3)“in connection with”的意思为“与有关”,与其意思相近的还有短语“with respect to”意思为“如果将怎么样,关于

86、,相对于”。e.g. I am writing to you in connection with your job application此信是有关你求职一事的。e.g. With respect to payment terms, attitudes within our company were sharply divided.对于付款方式,我们公司内部态度的分歧十分尖锐。第二节 翻译例析3. Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the commodity in

87、question in Singapore within the validity of this agreement, and shall submit to Party A all audio and video materials intended for advertising for prior approval.乙方负担本协议有效期内在新加坡销售代理商品做广告宣传的一切费用,并向甲方提交所用于广告的声像资料,供甲方事先核准。(1)“bear”在词句中当然应该翻译成“承担”之意,不能按照其本意理解。“in question”译为“现有的,”,关于“question”的短语有很多,其中

88、,”out of question”和“out of the qestion”经常拿来比较,两者意思截然相反。(2)“prior approval”,译为“事先核准”,其中,“prior”可理解为“earlier in time,order or importance”意为“较早的,较前的,较重要”。e.g. The plan cannot be carried out prior to its approval.计划需先批准方能实施。4.Transactions between governmental bodies of Party A and Party B shall not be r

89、estricted by the terms and conditions of this agreement, nor shall the amount of such transactions be counted as part of the turnover stipulated in Article 5.在甲、乙双方政府部门之间达成的交易不受本协议条款的限制,此类交易的金额也不应计入第五条规定的最低业务量。(1)“restricted”意思为“受限制的”, “terms and conditions”应译为“条款”,“nor”是“也不”的意思。(2)“turnover”原意为“营业额

90、”,在本段中应译为“业务量”,更符合本句的表达意思。e. g. The firm has an annual turnover of 75 million RMB. 这家公司的年营业额为7500万人民币。 第二节 翻译例析5. Party B may use the trade-marks owned by Party A for the sale of the Washing Machines covered herein within the validity of this agreement, and shall acknowledge that all patents, tradem

91、arks, copy rights or any other industrial property rights used or embodied in the Washing Machines shall remain to be the sole properties of Party A. Should any infringement be found, Party B shall promptly notify and assist Party A to take steps to protect the latters rights.在本协议有效期内,为销售有关洗衣机,乙方可以使

92、用甲方拥有的商标,并承认使用于或包含于洗衣机中的任何专利商标、版权或其他工业产权为甲方独家拥有。 一旦发现侵权,乙方应立即通知甲方并协助甲方采取措施保护甲方权益。(1)商务合同的部分词句的另类译法在本句中得到了最好的体现,和其中文对等的英文原词比较,本文用了“acknowledge”,“notify”,“assist”来表达中文“承认”,“通知”,“协助”之意。(2)本句中的“take steps”的中文意思为“采取措施”,同义的还有“take measures”。(3)“latter”的原意为“后者”,本段由于先提到乙方,后提到甲方,所以直接把“后者”译为“甲方”。第三节 商务法律合同与协议

93、的文体特点与翻译 与普通英语相比较,商务法律合同与协议句子结构就其长度和使用从句的连续性而言要复杂得多。其中 完整长句的使用可以准确界定合同当事人的有关权利与义务,排除被曲解、误解或出现歧义的可能性。句子的状语(从句) 和定语(从句) 等附加成分不仅多,而且常居于明显的位置,对主句意义进行解释、限制或补充,一则可以体现这种文体庄严的风格、严谨的结构和清晰的逻辑条理;二则可以对履行权利与义务的条件、方式、地点以及时间等进行限制,从而避免漏洞,防止今后可能发生的争端,维护双方的合法利益。 一、商务法律合同与协议的文体特点 1. 常使用情态动词 权利义务的约定部分构成了商务合同的主体,情态动词的准确

94、使用旨在明确约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),当事人的一般义务(应当做什么),强制性义务(必须做什么)和禁止性义务(不得做什么)。may旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),shall约定当事人的义务(应当做什么),must用于强制性义务(必须做什么)。 例(1)If any change is required regarding the terms and conditions of this agreement,then both parties shall negotiate in order to find a suitable solution, provided,however,th

95、at any change of this agreement shall be subject to the approval by the government of both parties.译文:若须对本协议的条款进行任何修改,双方须经协商妥善解决,但本协议的任何修改须经协议双方政府的批准。第三节 商务法律合同与协议的文体特点与翻译 例(2)The Buyers may,within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the destination,lodge a claim against the sellers for short weig

96、ht being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor.译文:货物抵达目的港15 天内,买方可以凭有信誉的公共检验员出示的检验证明向卖方提出短重索赔。 2. 用词准确明晰。商务合同与协议需要将合同双方的意愿清晰地表达出来。首先要考虑的就是其语言的明晰性,而这一点又主要依靠准确用词。同义、近义词间的细微差异此时都显得非常重要,含混不得,这一点与公文力求明确的特点相呼应。与此同时,为了尽可能把一切都写得准确无疑,译者往往会不惜笔墨重复名词或修饰词,尽量避免代词的使用或省略手段。 例(1)W

97、hereas, the Seller is desirous of exporting the undermentioned products to the territory stipulated below. 译文:卖方欲出口下列产品至下面规定的地方。例(2)Whereas, the purchaser is desirous of importing the said goods for sale in the said territory.译文:而买方欲进口所述货物在所述地点出售。从上述两例中,我们可以看出,用词表达清晰自然,不会产生误解。在大的结构上虽有些重复,但如果运用省略或替代的

98、方式加以简化,其语言的明晰度则差了许多。 第三节 商务法律合同与协议的文体特点与翻译 3. 用词正式,多古体惯用副词。为了体现商务合同的法律性和严肃感,正统用词势在必行,因此英文合同的“用词较正式、多古体词”。 例(1)Hereafter called“the Purchaser”.译文:以下简称“买方”。例(2)Either party reserves the right to terminate this agreement upon negotiation.译文:任何一方需中止合同都必须经过协商。上述两句中使用了purchase,party,reserve,terminate 等正式用

99、词,而未使用常见的buy,side,keep,end 等词。此外,还有以下类似常见词汇(括号内为可替换词):assist(help)、render(make)、desire(wish)、require(want)、residence(home)、function(work or act )、state (say)、inform (tell)、commence(begin)、terminate(end)、initiate(start)、proceed(go)等。 例(3)Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed and understood as follows.译

100、文:因此,双方特协商如下。上述例文中分别使用了hereafter (本文中以下),therefore (因此),hereby (因此,据此) 等词,体现了英语合同文体的又一特点。古体惯用副词的使用。常见的类似词汇还有:hereof( 中的),herewith(与一道),thereafter(从那以后),thereon/thereupon(在其上),thereunder(在其下),hereto(对于这个),hereinabove/hereinbefore(在上文),hereinafter/hereinbelow(在下文),thereinbefore(在上文中、在上一部分中),thereinaft

101、er(在下文中、在下一部分中) 等。 第三节 商务法律合同与协议的文体特点与翻译 4. 格式化结构和表达方式。作为应用文体,商务合同少不了一些格式化的套用句式或结构。 例(1)Both parties shall act in accordance with the provisions of the agreement . 译文:双方都应按照协议条款办事。例(2)Subject to the procurements of necessary permits in Hong Kong and Nigeria. 译文:本合同能否执行取决于在香港和尼日利亚取得必要的各种许可证。 上文中的in a

102、ccordance with (依据),the provisions of ( 的条款)均为合同的常用表达方式, 例2中subject to(以为条件,受制约)表示条件。还有provided that (倘若,假如),in respect of 和with respect to (关于,至于) 等都为合同中格式化表达结构。第三节 商务法律合同与协议的文体特点与翻译 二、商务法律合同与协议的翻译 1. 合理补充公文语惯用副词。为了使译文结构严谨、逻辑严密、言简意赅,且符合英文商务合同的表达习惯,在汉译英时,酌情使用英语惯用的一套公文语副词,会使译文更地道、流畅。但是从一些合同的英文译本中我们可以

103、发现,这种公文语副词常被普通词语所代替,从而影响到译文的质量。实际上,这种公文语惯用副词为数并不多,而且构词简单易记。常用的这类副词是由here 、there、where 等副词分别加上after、by、in、of、on、to、under、upon、with 等副词,构成一体化形式的公文语副词。 例(1)本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。 译文: This Contract hereby comes into effect from the date of execution by the Purchaser and the Builder. 比较: This Contract comes i

104、nto effect from the date signed by the Buyer and the Builder.例(2)下述签署人同意在中国制造新产品, 其品牌以此为合适。 译文: The undersigned hereby agrees that the new products whereto this trade name is appropriate are made in China. 比较: The signer below agrees that the new products are made in China and this trade name is app

105、ropriate. 从以上两句译文比较发现,例1译文中合理补充了hereby 后更充分地体现了“签署”和“生效”的因果关系,译文更有逻辑感,例2译文中合理补充了hereby和whereto 两个副词后,把两个并列分句改编成了从属关系,更符合原文表达,加入古体连词whereto引导定语从句,与to which同义。第三节 商务法律合同与协议的文体特点与翻译 2. 谨慎选词,力克模糊。英译商务合同时,常常由于选词不当而导致词不达意或者意思模棱两可,有时甚至表达的是完全不同的含义。因此,了解与掌握极易混淆的词语的区别极为重要,是提高英译质量的关键因素之一。 例(1)双方都应遵守/ 双方的一切活动都应

106、遵守合同规定。译文:Both parties shall abide by/ All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations.句中的两个“遵守”翻译应不一样。当主语是“人”时,英译“遵守”须用abide by。当主语是非人称时,则用comply with 英译“遵守”。例(2)该货于11 月10 日由“东风”轮运出,41 天后抵达香港。 译文: The goods shall be shipped per M. V. “Dong Feng” on November 10 and

107、are due to arrive at Hong Kong in 41 days. 例(3)发票货值须货到付给。 译文: The invoice value is to be paid on / upon arrival of the goods.例(4)卖方须在6 月15 日(含当日) 前将货交给买方。 译文: The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15. 例(5)我公司的条件是3个月内,即不得晚于5 月1 日,支付现金。 译文: Our terms are cash payment within three mo

108、nths, i. e. on or before (or: not later than) May 1. 例(6)本合同有效期至2010 年1 月1 日。 译文: This Contract expires till January 1, 2010 (inclusive). 第三节 商务法律合同与协议的文体特点与翻译 上述句子中都含有时间的不同表达方式。例2中“多少天之后”必须用介词in,而不能用after,因为介词after 指的是“多少天之后”的不确切的任何一天。例3 中“ 到后, 就”须用介词on/ upon,而不用after,因为after 表示“之后”的时间不明确。例4 中“之前”要

109、根据具体情况确定,如果包括所写日期,就用介词by,如果不包括所写日期,即指到所写日期的前一天为止,就要用介词before。英语中时间的界定只有依靠介词的微小区别来判别,翻译时应慎之又慎。 例(7)交货期改为8月并将美元折合成人民币。 译文:Both parties agree that the time of shipment is changed to August and the US dollar is changed into RMB. 这里,英译“把A 改为B”用“change A to B”,英译“把A 折合成/ 兑换成B”用“change A into B”,两者不可混淆。另外,

110、 shipping advice 和shipping instructions不一样,前者是“装运通知”,是由出口商(卖主) 发给进口商(买主) 的,而后者则是“装运须知”,是进口商(买主) 发给出口商(卖主)的。3. 慎重处理合同细目。一般来说,英译合同中容易出现差错的地方,不是大的陈述性条款,恰恰是一些关键的细目,比如金钱、时间、数量等。为了避免出差错,英译合同时,常常使用一些有限定作用的结构来界定细目所指定的确切范围。 例(1)如果上述货物对船舶和(或)船上其他货物造成任何损害, 托运人应负全责。 译文: The shipper shall be liable for all damag

111、e caused by such goods to the ship and/ or cargo on board. 第三节 商务法律合同与协议的文体特点与翻译 例(2)买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。 译文: This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity subject to the terms and cond

112、itions stipulated below. 例1 中的“和(或)”用对等的“and/or”能完整准确地表达双方应承担的责任。例2中的“by and between”强调合同是由“双方”签订的,因此双方必须严格履行合同所赋予的责任,比单纯的用“by”更准确合理,这种表达往往作为英文合同的开头。例(3)雇主须每月付给雇员500美元整。 译文: Party A ( The Employer) shall pay Party B ( The Employee) a monthly salary of US 500(SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONL Y) . 例3中金

113、额的表达也是英文合同中的惯用方法,即在括号内用大写文字重复该金额,在大写文字前加上“SAY”,意为“大写”, 在最后加上“ONLY”,意思为“整”。必须注意小写与大写的金额数量要一致,另外,在表达金额时,必须注意区分和正确使用各种不同的货币名称符号。还有金额中是小数点还是分节号,千万不得疏忽,否则后果不堪设想。 第第四四节节 翻译技巧翻译技巧:长句的译法:长句的译法 商务法律合同及协议是具有法律效力的正式文件,用语必须准确、商务法律合同及协议是具有法律效力的正式文件,用语必须准确、规范。法律文件是规定缔约各方应该做些什么,而不是提出问题和进行规范。法律文件是规定缔约各方应该做些什么,而不是提出


115、次多。因此在翻译长句时,首先要弄清楚原文的结构,找出整个句子的中心内容及其各层意思,然后分析弄清楚原文的结构,找出整个句子的中心内容及其各层意思,然后分析几层意思之间的相互逻辑关系(因果,时间顺序等),再按照汉语特点几层意思之间的相互逻辑关系(因果,时间顺序等),再按照汉语特点和表达方式,正确地翻译出原文的意思,不要局限于原文的形式。和表达方式,正确地翻译出原文的意思,不要局限于原文的形式。 长句的译法主要有以下几种:长句的译法主要有以下几种:(一)顺译法,(二)逆译法,(三)(一)顺译法,(二)逆译法,(三)分译法,(四)合译法,(五)定语从句的译法,(六)状语从句的译分译法,(四)合译法,

116、(五)定语从句的译法,(六)状语从句的译法。法。第四节 翻译技巧:长句的译法 一、顺译法 所谓顺序法是指按时间的先后顺序,逻辑的先后安排来翻译。由于这种译法与汉语的表达顺序基本相同,差别不大,译者完全可以做到递序而下,顺译而为,如:1. The Seller shall notify the Buyer two months prior to each shipment whether his inspectors will join the inspection of the shipment. The Buyer after receiving the notice shall infor

117、m the Seller of the date of inspection at least 20 days before the date of open-package inspection and shall also render convenience to the Sellers inspectors in their work. 卖方在每批货发货前两个月通知买方是否参加该批货检验。买方收到通知后至少在开箱检验日期前20天将检验日期通知卖方,并为卖方检验人员提供检验工作的便利条件。 本句是复合句,包括一个主句和一个从句,有两层含义,因而句子稍长些,但句子并不复杂,也较易理解。第第

118、四四节节 翻译技巧翻译技巧:长句的译法:长句的译法2 If necessary, the Seller shall send in the 18th month after signing the Contract at his own expense technical personnel to China to discuss the Buyers final civil design and if there are revisions regarding the final information of civil engineering, both parties shall dis

119、cuss and reach an agreement on the consequences thus incurred in a protocol. The drawings of the Buyer will be sealed and marked “Approved by both parties” and stamped will the actual date. 若需要,在本合同签字后的第18个月,卖方将自行出资派遣技术人员到中国,就买方的最终土木建筑设计进行讨论,如需要对最终土木建筑设计条件作更改,双方对其结果应在协议书中签署同意。买方的图纸须盖章注明“双方同意”,并签署实际日

120、期。 这一段由两句构成。第一句是两个复合句,中间由“and”连接,第二句是简单句,共划分为5个部分,也可看作是5个层次,依次而下,层次分明 第四节 翻译技巧:长句的译法 二、 逆译法 所谓逆序法是指由于英汉两种语言在表达方面存在着差异,在翻译时应按各自的语言表达习惯重新组合。在组合过程中,原文的一些语句顺序将被打乱,或前置,或后置。也就是说,或顺译,或倒译。这种倒译,即从原文的后面往前译的方法,通常称之为逆序译法。1 Injuries or damages to persons or property resulting from any act or neglect of the Emplo

121、yer, his agents, servants or other contractors, not being employed by the Contractor, or for or in respect of any claims, proceedings ,damages, costs, charges and expenses in respect thereof or in relation thereto or where the injury or damage was contributed to by the contractor, his servants or ag

122、ents such part of the compensation as may be just and equitable having regard to the extent of the responsibility of the Employer, his servants or agents or other contractors for damage or injury. 承包人认为由业主及其代理人造成的损失,且可公正地认为是业主及其代理人和其他分包人的责任,由此引起的索赔、诉讼损失、费用、开支等。本段的后半句在翻译成汉语时,最好是提前译出,即把 “such part of

123、the compensationor injury” 提到 “in respect of any claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses in respect thereof” 之前。2. The risk of loss or of damage to the goods, as well as the obligation to bear the costs relating to the goods, passes from the seller to the buyer when the seller has

124、fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods. 当卖方完成了运输货物的责任,货物的丢失或损坏,以及承受与货物相关的费用的责任便从卖方转移到买方。第四节 翻译技巧:长句的译法三、分译法 国际商务英语合同中经常出现很长的句子,甚至一句话就成一段也不奇怪。若按原文的结构翻译成有类似结构的汉语几乎不可能,即使翻译了也很难理解。所以必须打破常规,灵活转换。1With respect to those territories to which this Convention is not extended at the time of signature, r

125、atification or accession, each State concerned shall consider the possibility of taking the necessary steps in order to extend the application of this Convention to such territories, subject, where necessary for constitutional reasons, to the consent of the Governments of such territories. 关于在签署、批准或

126、者参加本公约的时候,本公约所没有扩展到的地区,各有关国家应当考虑采取的步骤的可能性,以便本公约的使用范围能够扩展到这些地区。但是,如果由于宪法关系而有必要时,应当取得这些地区的政府的同意。主句与从句存在有转折的关系,可以看出 “where necessary for constitutional reasons, to the consent of the Governments of such territories”是补充主句的,前后的意思联系很弱,为避免句子过长,符合汉语句式较短的特点,所以将之断开。如此处理,使得译文结构简洁清晰、意思明确。第第四四节节 翻译技巧翻译技巧:长句的译法:长

127、句的译法2Should either of the parties to the contract be prevented from executing the contract by force majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, war or other unforeseen events, and their occurrence and consequences are unpreventable and unavoidable, the prevented party shall notify the other p

128、arty by telegram without any delay, and within 15 days thereafter provide detailed information of the events and a valid document for evidence issued by the relevant public notary organization explaining the reason of its inability to execute or delay the execution of all or part of the contract. 在合

129、作期间,由于地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争或其他不可预见并且对其发生和后果不能防止和避免的不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时,遇有上述不可抗力的一方,应立即将事故情况电报通知对方,并应在15天内提供事故的详细情况及合同不能履行,或者部分不能履行,或者需要延期履行的理由的有效证明文件。此项证明文件应由事故发生地区的有权证明的机构出具。 “by the relevant public notary organization”在合同中有十分重要的意义,它强调了该机构的重要性。若是无权的机构或是非事故发生地区的机构出具的证明是无效的,因此将其独立成句,突出了其在合同中的位置。

130、译者在翻译时应充分考虑到合同的特征并注意对句式进行适当的调整。第四节 翻译技巧:长句的译法 四、 合译法 为了合同便于理解,有时很有必要合二为一。1All disputes, controversies, or differences which may arise between the parties, out of or in relation to or in connection with this agreement, or for the breach thereof shall be settled through amicable consultation. If three

131、 occasions of consultation fail to settle, through on Mutual Encouragement and Protection of Investment between the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and the Government of shall apply. 在执行本协议中产生的或关于违约的所有分歧,应经过友好协商以解决,如经三次以上协商解决无效,应按照中华人民共和国政府和国政府关于相互鼓励和保护投资协定进行。2By Confirmed, Irrevocable,

132、Transferable and Divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the Seller beforeand to remain valid for negotiation in China untilafter the Time of Shipment. The L/C must specify that transshipment and partial shipments are allowed. 买方须于前将保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证开到卖方,该信用证的有效期延至装运期后天在中国到期,并

133、必须注明允许分批装运和转船。合译是由于两句之间联系紧密, 若按原文分开译出,译文会显得断断续续。比如上句的 “The L/C must specify that transshipment and partial shipments are allowed”,如果译为“该信用证必须注明允许分批装运和转船”,重复了“该信用证”,就显得不够简洁明了。第第四四节节 翻译技巧翻译技巧:长句的译法:长句的译法 五、定语从句的译法 长句中的定语从句在汉语译文中一般都是放在被限定的成分前面,因为汉语饰语的位置习惯如此。汉语中的前置定语常用“的”字结构。例如:1. The buyer agrees to bu

134、y from the Seller and the seller agrees to sell to the buyer equipment, materials design and technical documents, license and know-how and technical services for a plant with a 54,000 KW phosphorus electric furnace which has a production capability of 30,000 metric tons of yellow phosphorus per year

135、 and 70,000 metric tons of sodium tripolyphorus per year with phosphate rock as raw material using the process stipulated in article 10.1 to the contract. 买方同意向卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售以磷酸岩为原料,采用本合同10.1款所规定之工艺,年生产能力为黄磷30000(三万)公吨和三聚硫酸钠70000(七万)公吨的,拥有54 000千瓦黄磷电炉一座的工厂所需要的设备,材料设计,以及技术文件,专利使用权,专利技术和技术服务。 “Which.”

136、 是“a plant”的定语, 它和两个“with” 引导的介词词组其实都是修饰 “a plant” 。所以译文将所有的修饰语都译成“工厂”的定语,用“以为”“采用”“年生产能力为”“拥有”引导。这里, 汉语的定语尽管较长,仍可放在被修饰的成分前面,而不影响对译文的理解。 第四节 翻译技巧:长句的译法2 If any event of the Force Majeure occurs which causes damage to the Project or the infrastructure project, then C or New Company shall not be oblig

137、ed to reinstate the same, or, as the case may be, complete the same, until the parties hereto have agreed upon the terms for such reinstatement or completion. 如不可抗力的发生损坏了工程或基础设施,C或新公司没有义务重新恢复之,或完成其修建,但双方就这种恢复或完成的条件达成一致意见则例外。 本句中的英语文本的定语从句翻译后,反而成为该句中的条件状语从句中的主句。试想, 如果 “If any event of the Force Majeu

138、re occurs which causes damage to the Project or the infrastructure project”译为:“若损坏工程或基础设施的不可抗力发生了”那后面“C或新公司没有义务重新恢复之,或完成其修建”就不连贯了,因为主句用“之”和“其”强调了工程或基础设施,原文条件状语从句只有译成如“不可抗力的发生损坏了工程或基础设施”与“之”和“其”对应。第第四四节节 翻译技巧翻译技巧:长句的译法:长句的译法3International business has emerged as a separate branch of management traini

139、ng, because the growing scale and complexity of business transactions across national boundaries gives rise to new and unique problems of management and governmental policy that have received inadequate attention in traditional areas of business and economics. 国际商务作为管理训练的一个分支出现,是由于跨国界的商业交易日益增长的范围和复杂

140、性产生了新的、特殊的管理问题和政府问题。这些问题没有在传统的商业和经济领域里受到足够的注意。 本句中的关系代词“that” 前的先行词为 “problems”。对于关系代词的这种前指,我们可以使用两种方法:一是使用名词将关系代词所指代的名词重复一遍;二是使用诸如他、他们、她、它、它们之类的代词来指代。若指代明确,可用方法二;若否,用重复方法来处理。第二节 翻译技巧翻译技巧六、 状语从句的译法 国际商务英语合同状语从句多为条件状语从句、时间状语从句等。翻译过程中对这些状语从句的处理有两种处理方式:一是将状语置于汉语的谓语动词前充当汉语句子中的状语;二是将状语置于汉语句子中主句的前面充当状语。英语

141、中由介词短语引导的或是由状语从句引导的较长的状语几乎从来不直接置于限定谓语动词的前面,但可以置于句首、句中、句末。 例如:1Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit, the expression “Shipment” used in stipulating an earliest and/or a latest shipment date will be understood to include the expression “loading on board”, “dispatch” and “taking in charge”. 除信用证另有规

142、定外,用于规定最早及/或最迟装运期的“装运”一词应理解为包括“装船”、“发运”和“接受监管”。 汉语中的条件,一般都放在句首,而英语却句首、句中、句末都行。但是,现在汉语也有将其顺译,置于句末的。这是因为大家见多了,逐渐接受了这种译法。第四节 翻译技巧:长句的译法2Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the seller by opening an irrevocabl

143、e L/C for the full amount of USD30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at import port. 买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过进口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销的信用证支付全部货款30000美元。(1)此句的主干为 “the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the seller”,其中含有一个时间状语 “Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of

144、 this contract.” 从语用的角度来看,商务合同中许多表示时间的状语所表示的是某一缔约方必须在何时何地承担某一义务和享有某一种权利,具有即时效性。所以时间状语应尽量靠近表示义务责任的关键词“须”。(2)另外,此句中还有一个较为复杂的方式状语 “by opening an irrevocable L/C”和三个介词短语 “for the full amount of USD 30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at import port” 做定语修饰 “an irrevocable L/C.” 按照汉语的行文规范,方式状语一般应

145、位于动词之前。若同时有时间状语和方式状语时英文的通常顺序是方式在前,时间在后,而汉语恰恰相反。第五节 翻译实践 1Not withstanding any reference to arbitration, both Parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract unless otherwise agreed.(逆译法) 2The Seller shall deliver the goods in the kind and quantity specified herein a

146、longside the Buyers vessel, within the reach of its loading tackle, at the appointed port of shipment.(顺译法) 3On the Transfer Date New Company shall transfer to B, free from any lien or encumbrance created by New Company and without the payment of any compensation, all its right, title and interest i

147、n and to the infrastructure project, unless otherwise specified in the Agreement or any supplementary agreement. (合译法) (除非另有规定,仲裁不得影响合同双方继续履行合同所规定的义务)一、将下列句子译成汉语。(卖方应按本合同规定的种类和数量在指定的装运港、买方的船只、起重机钓钩能达到的地方交货)(在转让期,新公司应将对基础设施的权利转让给B,新公司不应滞留,也不能要求补偿,除非协议或补充协议中另有规定) 第五节 翻译实践4Unless otherwise stipulated i

148、n the credit, the expression “Shipment” used in stipulating an earliest and/or a latest shipment date will be understood to include the expression “loading on board”, “dispatch” and “taking in charge”.(状语从句的译法)5. In accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperat

149、ive Joint Ventures and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, Company and Company, in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly set up a cooperative venture in, the Peoples Republic China.(顺译法)6The headings and marginal no

150、tes in these Conditions shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the contract.(顺译法)除信用证另有规定外,用于规定最早/或最迟装运期的“装运”一词应理解为包括“装船”、“发运”和“接受监管”。中国公司和国(或地区)公司,根据中华人民共和国有关法律、法规的规定,本着“平等互利”的原则,通过友好协商,同意在中华人民共和国省市,共同举办合作经营企业,特订立本合同。本合同条件

151、中的标题和旁注不应视为合同条款的一部分,对合同条件或合同本身的解释或理解时也不应考虑这些标题和旁注。第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践7. A listed company shall, pursuant to laws and administrative regulations, make pulic periodically its financial and operational conditions. The listed company shall, in each fiscal year, publish its financial statements once every si

152、x months.(顺译法)上市公司必须按照法律、行政法规的规定,定期公开财务状况和经营情况,在每年会计年度内半年公布一次财务会计报告。8. This contract is made by and between the Employer and the Contractor. Whereas the Employer is desirous that manpower can be rendered available for the construction of the bridge; whereas the Contractor is willing to provide the m

153、anpower for the work. It is agreed as follows(顺译法)本合约由雇主和承包人达成。鉴于雇主希望承包人提供劳动力以建筑桥梁,鉴于承包人愿意为此提供劳动力,特此达成协议如下第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践9Any event or circumstance beyond the control of the Parties to the Contract shall be deemed an event of Force Majeure and shall include, but not restricted to, fire, storm, flood

154、, earthquake, explosion, war, rebellion, insurrection, epidemic and quarantine restriction. If, due to an event of force Majeure, either Party is prevented from performing any of its obligations under this Contract, the time for performance under this Contract shall be extended by a period equal to

155、the period of delay caused by such Force Majuere.(定语从句的译法)双方如遇无法控制的时间或情况应视为不可抗力事件,但不只限于火灾、风灾、水灾、地震、爆炸、战争、暴乱、传染病、检疫隔离。如遭遇不可抗力事件的一方导致另一方不能履行合同规定的义务时,应将履行合同的时间延长,所延长时间应与不可抗力事件所延误的时间相等。10. All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the

156、Parties hereto. Should, through negotiation, no settlement be reached, the case in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing and the arbitration rules of this Commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitratio

157、n shall be final and binding upon the Parties hereto. The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission.(分译法)对于因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,本合同双方应友好协商解决,如协商无法解决争议,则应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京),依据其仲裁规则进行仲裁,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费用应由败诉方承担,但仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外。 第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践1Su

158、bject to special provision explicitly for in this Agreement, if either party has been prevented from performing its obligations under the Agreement because of an event of force majeure such as earthquake, storm, flood, fire, other acts of nature, epidemic, war, riot, hostility, public disturbance, a

159、cts of public enemies, prohibition or acts by a government or public agency or labor disputes, or other unforeseeable events beyond the control of the parties, and their occurrence is unpreventable and unavoidable, the party so prevented shall notify the other party in writing within eight days afte

160、r the occurrence of such event of force majeure, act to mitigate damages, if possible, and within fifteen days thereafter provide detailed information of the event, a certificate of evidence thereof issued by the relevant authorities and a statement explaining the reason for its inability to perform

161、 all or part of its obligations under the Agreement.二、二、 将下列商将下列商务文件文件译成成汉语。第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践 双方受本合同明确规定的专门条款的约束,如果任何一方因不可抗力如地震,风暴,洪水,火灾或其他自然灾害,瘟疫,战争,暴乱,敌对行动,公共骚乱,公共敌人的行为,政府或公共机关的禁止或行为,劳资纠纷或其他双方无法控制、不可预见的事件,这些事件的发生为不可预测和避免,而无法履行本合同规定的义务时,受妨碍的一方如果可能的话,应在这类不可抗力事件发生后的八天内书面通知另一方以减少损失,并应在十五天内提供事件的详细情况和有关部门

162、签署的证明及一份解释不能履行其按本合同规定应履行的全部或部分义务的说明书。第五节 翻译实践 2The Contractor shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer, afford all reasonable opportunities for carrying out their work to any other contractors employed by the Employ and their workmen and to the workmen of the employer and of any ot

163、her duly constituted authorities who may be employed in the execution on or near the Site of any work not included in the contract or of any contract which the Employer may enter into in connection with or ancillary to the works. 对不包括在合同中的工程和业主签定的其他与合同工程有关的辅助合同项目,承包人按业主要求,为其他业主雇佣的承包人及其工人,业主雇用的工人和其他在

164、工程现场可雇佣的机构进行工作提供合理的机会。第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践 3.If, however, the Contract shall, on the written request of the Engineer or the Engineers Representative, make available to any such other contractor, or to the Employer or any such authority, any roads or ways for the maintenance of which the Contractor is res

165、ponsible, or permit the use by any such of the Contractors scaffolding or other plant on the Site, or provide any other service of whatsoever nature for any such, the Employer shall pay the contractor in respect of such use or service such sum or sums as shall, in the opinion of the Engineer, be rea

166、sonable. 如果承包人应工程师或其他代表的要求,为其他承包人、业主或其他机构使用他负责维护的路段提供便利,或使用他施工现场的脚手架等其他设备,或提供类似的服务,则业主应向承包人支付工程师认为合理的费用。第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践4All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity and structures and other remains or things of geological interest discovered on the site of the Works shall as between the Employ

167、er and the Contractor be deemed to be the absolute property of the Employer. The contractor shall take reasons from removing or damaging any such article or thing and shall immediately upon discovery and carry out, at the expense of the Employer, the Engineers Representatives orders as to the dispos

168、al of the same.5. The present regulations are formulated in order to guard against the risks of foreign exchange rate, stabilize the costs of import and export trade (including other foreign economic activities) and develop the businesses of buy and sale of spot and forward foreign exchange.任何在工程现场发

169、现的化石,钱币,有价物或文物,建筑物和其他具有地质、考古价值的物品均属业主的财产。承包人应采取适当的措施,防止工人或其他人移走或损坏这些物品,并立即通知工程师代表,然后按代表的批示处理这些物品,费用由业主承担。为了防止汇率风险,稳定进出口贸易(包括其他对外经济活动)成本,开展即期和远期外汇买卖业务,特制定本规定。第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践 1. LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON ECONOMIC CONTRACTS INVOLVINGFOREIGN INTERESTS(Adopted at the tenth session of the St

170、anding Committee of the sixth National Peoples Congress and Promulgated on March 21, 1985)Article 1 This law is formulated with a view to protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties to Chinese-foreign economic contracts and to promoting the development of Chinas foreign economic relati

171、ons.Article 2 This law shall apply to economic contracts concluded between enterprises or other economic organizations of the Peoples Republic of China and foreign enterprises, other economic organizations or individuals (hereinafter referred to as “contracts”). However, these provisions shall not a

172、pply to international transport contracts.Article 3 Contracts shall not be concluded according to the principle of equality and mutual benefit and the principle of achieving agreement through consultation.Article 4 In concluding a contract, the parties must abide by the law of the Peoples Republic o

173、f China and shall not harm the public interest of the Peoples Republic of China.Article 5 The particles to a contract may choose the proper law applicable to the settlement of contract disputes. In the absence of such a choice by the particles, the law of the country that has the closest connection

174、with the contract shall apply. The law of the Peoples Republic of China shall apply to contracts that are to be performed within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, namely contracts for Chinese-foreign joint ventures, Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises and Chinese-foreign cooperativ

175、e exploration and development of natural resources. Matters not covered by the law of the Peoples Republic of China shall be dealt with through international practice.Article 6 Where an international treaty, of which the Peoples Republic of China is a contracting party or a signatory, differs from t

176、he law of the Peoples Republic of China in matters relating to a contract, the provisions of the international treaty shall prevail, with the exception of clauses about which the Peoples Republic of China has declared reservation.三、将下列商三、将下列商务合同合同译成成汉语 第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践1涉外经济合同法中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法 (一九八五年三月二

177、十一日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次通过并公布) 第一条 为了保障涉外经济合同当事人的合法权益,促进我国对外经济关系的发展,特制定 本法。 第二条 本法的适用范围是中华人民共和国的企业或者其他经济组织同外国的企业和其他经 济组织或者个人之间订立的经济合同(以下简称合同)。但是,国际运输合同除外。 第三条 订立合同,应当依照平等互利,协商一致的原则。 第四条 订立合同,必须遵守中华人民共和国法律,并不得损害中华人民共和国的社会公共利益。 第五条 合同当事人可以选择处理合同争议所适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用与合同 有最密切关系的国家的法律。在中华人民共和国境内履行的中外合资经营企业合

178、同,中外合作经营企业合同,中外合作勘探开发自然资源合同,适用中华人民共和国法律。中华人民共和国法律未规定的,可以适用国际惯例。第六条 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的与合同有关的国际条约同中华人民共和国法律有不同规定的,适用该国际条约的规定。但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。第五节 翻译实践2 Some Key Articles in a Purchase Contract1. Terms of payment: (1) Letter of credit: The Buyer shall, _ days prior to the time of shipment/after this Con

179、tract comes into effect, open an irrevocable Letter of credit in favor of the Seller. The letter of credit shall expire _ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated. (2) Cash on delivery (COD): The Buyer pay to the Seller total amout within _ days after the receipt of the goo

180、ds.2. Terms of shipment:(1) FOB Delivery The Seller shall, 30 days before the shipment date specified in the contract, advise the Buyer of the Contract Number, commodity, quantity, amount, packages, gross weight, measurement, and the date of shipment in order that the Buyer can charter a vessel/book

181、 shipping space. In the event of the Sellers failure to effect loading when the vessel arrives duly at the loading port, all expenses including dead freight and/or demurrage charges thus incurred shall be for the Sellers account. (2) CIF or CFR Delivery The seller shall ship duly within the shipping

182、 duration from the port of loading to the port of destination. Under CFR terms, the Seller shall advise the Buyer by _ of the Contract Number, commodity, invoice value and the date of dispatch two days before the shipment for the Buyer to arrange insurance in time.3. Late Delivery and Penalty:Should

183、 the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract, with the exception of Force Majeure causes specified in this Contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on the condition that the Seller agrees to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the

184、payment. The rate of penalty is charged at _% for every _ days, odd days less than _ days should be counted as _ days. But the penalty, however, shall not exceed _% of the total value of the goods invoiced in the delayed delivery.4. Force Majeure The seller shall not be responsible for the delay of

185、shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The Seller shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within _ days thereafter the Seller shall send a notice by cou

186、rier to the Buyer for their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as evidence thereof. 第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践2. 采购合同中的一些关键条款1付款方式(1)信用证方式:买方应在装运期前/合同生效后 日,开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤消信用证。信用证在按照合同装船完毕后 日内到期。(2)货到付款:买方应在收到货物后 天内将全部货

187、款支付给卖方。2交货方式(1)FOB交货方式 卖方应在合同规定的装运日期前30天,通知买方合同号、商品、数量、金额、包装、毛重、尺码及装运日期,以便买方安排租船/订舱。装运船只如期到达装运港后,如卖方不能按时装船,所有因此发生的费用,包括空船费和/或滞期费应由卖方承担。 (2)CIF或CFR交货方式 卖方应按时在装运期限内将货物从装运港装船至目的港。根据CFR条款,卖方应在装船前2天以 方式通知买方合同号、商品、发票价值及开船日期,以便买方及时安排保险。3交货延误与罚款 除本合同所规定的不可抗力原因外,如卖方不能按合同规定时间交货,买方应在卖方同意支付罚款的条件下同意延期交货。罚款由支付银行从

188、货款中扣除。罚款费按 天收 %,不足 天时以 天计算。但罚款不得超过迟交货物总价的 %。4 不可抗力 凡在制造或装船、运输过程中,因不可抗力导致卖方延迟或不能交货的,卖方不负责任,在发生上述情况时,卖方应立即通知买方,并在 天内,以特快专递把事故证明书发送给买方作为上述情况证明。该事故证明书由事故发生地的当地民间商会签发。第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践3Sales contract No.: _ Date: _ This contract is made on April 15, 2004 by and between ABC Corporation (hereinafter referred

189、 asBUYERS, a Chinese coporation having its principle office at Dalian, China, who agrees to buy, and XYZ Coporation (hereinafter referred to as SELLERS) , a New York corporation having its principle office at New York, USA, who agrees to sell the following goods on the terms and conditions as below:

190、1.COMMODITY, SPECIFICATION, QUANTITY AND UNIT PRICE_2.TOTAL VALUE_3.COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS_4.PACKINGto be packed in new strong wooden case suitable for long-distance ocean transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be

191、liable for any rust, damage and loss attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers in regard to the packing.5.SHIPPING MARKOn the surface of each package, the package number, measurement, gross weight, net weight and wordingsRIGHT SIDE UP,HANDLE WITH CARE, KEEP DRY,

192、and the lifting position shall be stentilled in fadeless paint.6.TIME OF SHIPMENT_7.PORT OF SHIPMENT_8.PORT OF DESTINATION_9.INSURANCE_10.PAYMENT(1)In case by L/C: the Buyers, upon receipt from the Sellers of the pre-shipment advice specified in Clause 12 hereof, shall open an irrevocable Letter of

193、Credit with the Bank of China, _, 15 to 20 days prior to the date of delivery, in favor of the Sellers, foe an amount equivalent to the total value of shipment. The credit shall ba payable upon presentataion of the draft drawn on the opening bank and the shipping documents specified in Clause 11 the

194、reof. The Letter of Credit shall be valid until the 15th day after shipment is effected.(2)In case by Collection: After delivery is made, the Sellers shall send the shipping documents specified in Clause 11 thereof through the Bank of China,_, the the Buyers for collection.(3)In case by M/T or T/T:p

195、ayment shall be effected not later than 7 days after receipt of the shipping documents specified in Clause 11 of this Contract.第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践11. DOCUMENTS(1)The Sellers shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation.1)One full set of Clean On Board Bill of Lading marked wi

196、th “FREIGHT TO COLLECT” and made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying the China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination;2)Five copies of Invoice, indicating contract number and shipping mark(In case of more than one shipping mark, the invoice shall be issued s

197、eparately);3)Five copies of Packing List with indication of shipping weight, number and date of the corresponding invoice;4)Two copies of Certificates of each Quality and Quantity issued by the manufacturers as specified in Item(1) of Clause 16;5)A copy of cable to the Buyers, advising the Buyers of

198、 the shipment immediately after it has been made.(2)The Sellers shall send together with the shipment one copy each of the above-mentioned documents, with the exception of Item 5) of this Clause, to the China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination.12.TERMS OF SH

199、IPMENT(1)The Sellers shall, 40 days before the date of shipment stipulated in the Contract, advise the Buyers by cable of the Contract number, commodity, quantity, value, number of package, gross weight, measurement and date of readiness at the port of shipment. Should any package be or exceed 20 to

200、ns in weight, 10 meters in length, 3.4 meters in width and 3 meters in height, the Sellers shall provide the Buyers with 5 copies of packing drawing indicating the detailed measurement and weight 50 days before the dispatch of goods so as to enable the Buyers to arrange transportation.(2)Booking of

201、shipping space shall be attended to by the Buyers shipping agent, China National Chartering Corporation , _ Branch.(3)The Buyers shall, 10 days before the estimated date of arrival of the vessel at the port of shipment, notify the Sellers of the name of the vessel, estimated date of loading, Contrac

202、t number for the Sellers to arrange shipment. The Sellers are requested to get in close contact with the shipping agent. When it is necessary to change the carrying vessel or in the event of the arrival having to be advanced or delayed, the Buyers or the shipping agent shall advise the Sellers in ti

203、me.Should the vessel fail to arrive at the port of loading within 30 days after the arrival date advised, the Buyers shall bear the storage and insurance expenses incurred from the 31st day.(4)The Sellers shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage, in case they fail to have the commodity read

204、y for loading after the carrying vessel has arrived at the port of shipment on time.(5)The sellers shall bear all expenses, risks of the commodity before it passes over the vessel rail and is released from the tackle. After it has passed over the vessel rail and has been released from the tackle, al

205、l expenses of the commodity shall be for the Buyers account.第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践13.SHIPPING ADVICEThe Sellers shall, immediately after the completion of the loading of the commodity, notify by cable the Buyers of Contract Number, name of commodity, quantity, gross weight, invoice value, name of the carry

206、ing vessel and date of sailing. If the weight of any package is above 9 metric tons, width over 3,400 mm or height of any sides over 2,350 mm, the Sellers shall advise the Buyers of the weight and measurement of each package. In case the Buyers fail to arrange insurance in time due to the Sellers fa

207、iling to cable advice in time, all loses shall be borne by the Sellers.14.CLAIMS(1)In case the Sellers are liable for the discrepancies and a claim has been lodged by the Buyers within the time limit of inspection and quality guarantee period as stipulated in Clause 15 and 16 of this contract, the S

208、ellers shall settle the claim in one or any combination of the following ways:1)Agree to the rejection of the goods and refund to the Buyers the value of the goods so rejected in the same currency as contracted herein, and to bear all direct losses and expenses in connection herewith including inter

209、est accrued, banking charges, freight, insurance premium, inspection charge, storage stevedore charges and all other necessary expenses required for the custody and protection of the rejected goods;2)Devalue the goods according to the degree of inferiority, extent of damamge and amount of losses suf

210、fered by the Buyers;3)Replace the defective equipment partly or wholly of which the replacement shall conform to the specifications, quality and performance as stipulated in this Contract, and bear all the expenses and direct losses sustained by the Buyers. The Sellers shall, at the same time, guara

211、ntee the quality of the replacement for a further period according to Clause 15 of this Contract.(2)The claim mentioned above shall be regarded as being accepted if the Sellers fail to reply within 30 days after the Sellers receive the Buyers claim.15.FORCE MAJEUREThe Sellers shall not be responsibl

212、e for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which has occurred during the manufacturing process or in the course of loading or in transit. The Sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence of the Force Majeure accident and airmail the certificate issued

213、 by the local competent government authorities within two weeks as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than 10 weeks, the Buyers shall h

214、ave the right to cancel the Contract.第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践16.ARBITRATIONAll disputes in connection with or in the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiations. Where no settlement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted to arbitration. If the Sellers are plaintiff, the

215、 arbitration shall take place in Stockholm. Each party shall appoint an arbitrator, thus appointed shall jointly nominate a third person as umpire to form an Arbitration Committee. The said umpire shall be confined to the citizen of _ nationality. If the Buyers are the plaintiff, the arbitration sha

216、ll take place in Beijing and be conducted by the Arbitration Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Committee. The award of the Arbitration Committee shall be accepted as final

217、 and binding upon the parties hereto. Arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party.17.BANKING CHARGESAll the banking charges incurred in China shall be borne by the Buyers, while all the banking charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Sellers.18.ORIGINAL TEXTThis Contract is

218、written in English, in two originals, one of which is held by each party. The Buyers: _ The Sellers: _第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践合同编号: 日期: 本合同于2004年4月15日由中国ABC公司(以下简称 “买方”)主营业所在中国大连市,与XYZ公司(以下简称“卖方”)主营业所在美国纽约州纽约市所签订。按照下列条款,ABC公司同意购买,XYZ公司同意出售下述商品:1.商品,规格,数量和单价:_2.总金额:_3.生产国和制造厂商:_4.包装:_坚固的新木箱包装,适于长途海洋运输,防潮,防湿,防


220、托收付款。(3)若信汇或电汇付款,货款必须在收到本合同第11条规定的单据后7天内付款。11.单据 (1)卖方议付货款必须向付款行提交下列单据;1)全套清洁海运提单,运费到付,空白抬头,空白背书,通知目的港中国对外贸易运输公司;2)发票5份,注明合同号和装运标志(发票必须按装运标志开立);3)装箱单5份,注明装运重量和有关发票的编号和日期;4)制造商按第16条第一款规定出具的品质证书和数量证书个两份;5)装船后立即发给买方的装船通知电报一份。 (2)卖方必须将上述除5)项以外的所有单据各一份随货送交目的港中国对外贸易运输公司。 第第五五节节 翻译实践翻译实践 12. 装运条款(1)卖方必须在本合

221、同规定的装运期40天前电报通知买方合同号,商品名称,数量,金额,件号,毛重,尺码和装运港货已备妥的日期。若包装件重量为或超过20吨,长度为或超过10米,宽度为或超过3.4米。高度为或超过3米,卖方必须在装运期前50天向买方提供5份包装图,注明详细尺码和重量,以便买方安排运输。 (2)中国租船公司XX分公司-买方海运代理人负责租订舱位。(3)买方必须在船预计到达装运港的日期10天前通知卖方船名,预计装载日期,合同号,以便卖方安排装运。卖方应与买方海运代理人保持密切联系。若必须更换运载船只或船只到达日期提前或延迟,买方或其海运代理人必须及时通知卖方。倘若船只未能在已通知到达日期后30天内抵达装运港

222、,从第31天起,货物的舱储费和保险费由买方负担。(4)若船只按期抵达装运港,货物未备妥装运,卖方承担空舱费和滞期费。(5)卖方负责货物越过船舷和脱钩以前的一切费用和风险;货物越过船舷并脱钩以后的一切费用和风险由买方承担。13. 装运通知货物装船后,卖方须立即电报通知买方合同号,货物名称,数量,毛重,发票金额,运载船只名称和启航日期。若包装件重量超过9吨,宽超过3400毫米或边高超过2350毫米,卖方必须通知买方每件的重量和尺码。若因卖方未及时电报通知货已装船,买方因此未能及时保险,因此而造成的一切损失由卖方负担。 14. 索赔(1)如果货物质量不符属卖方责任,买方在检验期和15,16条规定的保

223、证期内提出索赔,卖方将按照下列一种或几种方法解决有关索赔: 1)同意买方拒收货物,并以合同规定货币退回拒收货物的价款,负担一切有关费用,包括利息、银行费用、运费、保险费、检验费、码头工人费用,已经一切为保存拒收货物必须支出的其他费用。 2)根据质次程度,损坏程度和买方遭受损失的金额,降低货价。 3)更换部分或全部质次货物,换回货物的价格,质量和性能必须符合合同规定,并承担全部费用和买方的直接损失。同时,卖方须按本合同第15条延长对换回货物的质量担保期。(2)若卖方收到买方上述索赔后30天内未作出答复,则视为卖方接受了买方的索赔。15. 不可抗力 因在生产,装货或运输过程中发生不可抗力事故,卖方

224、对迟交或未交货不负责任。卖方应将发生不可抗力事故的情况立即通知买方,并于通知后14天内航空邮寄买方当地政府主管部门出具的证书,以资证明。但在此情况下,卖方仍必须采取一切必要的措施加速交货。倘若因不可抗力事故持续时间超过10周,买方有权撤销合同。16. 仲裁 有关或执行本合同一切争议应通过友好协商的方式解决。若不能达成协议,则提交仲裁。若买方为原告,在斯德哥尔摩仲裁,在接到对方通知后30天内,双方各指定一名仲裁人,然后由被指定的两名仲裁人再指定第三名仲裁人,共同组成仲裁委员会。第三名仲裁人必须是XX国的居民。如果买方为原告,仲裁在北京举行,由中国国际贸易仲裁委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会根据该会已公布的仲裁程序暂行规则进行仲裁。该仲裁委员会的裁决是终局的,对双方当事人都有约束力。仲裁费由败诉方承担。17. 银行费用 在中国发生的银行费用全部由买方承担,而在中国之外发生的一切银行费用由卖方承担。18.正本条款 本合同以英文书写,正本2份,每方各执一份。 买方:_ 卖方:_



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