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1、Hayao Miyazaki & His AnimationsOne of the countrys most popular animators, Hayao Miyazaki, has produced some of the great classics of Japanese TV animation. Nevertheless,he finds television too restrictive, and prefers to make full-length animated movies. 宫崎骏是日本最受欢迎的宫崎骏是日本最受欢迎的漫画家之一,他曾制作了漫画家之一,他曾制作了

2、多部日本电视动画的经典多部日本电视动画的经典巨作。然而,他发现电视巨作。然而,他发现电视创作太受限制,因而更喜创作太受限制,因而更喜欢创作正片长度的动画电欢创作正片长度的动画电影。影。 Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941. His family owned a factory that built airplanes, and he fell in love with planes and flying at an early age. Anyone familiar with his films has seen the often breath

3、taking flying scenes that are his personal trademark. 1941年宫崎骏出生于日本东年宫崎骏出生于日本东京。他的家族拥有一座制造飞京。他的家族拥有一座制造飞机的工厂,他早年也曾醉心于机的工厂,他早年也曾醉心于飞机及飞行。熟悉宫崎骏电影飞机及飞行。熟悉宫崎骏电影的人,都很熟悉他影片中经常的人,都很熟悉他影片中经常出现的常令人叹为观止的飞行出现的常令人叹为观止的飞行场景,那正是宫崎骏动画的一场景,那正是宫崎骏动画的一大特色。大特色。Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986)天空之城This is one of the mos

4、t beloved Hayao Miyazaki films of all times. One night, a young boy sees a girl floating down from the sky. From the moment he catches her, their adventure begins. Together they will encounter pirates, the army, and secret officials eye as they all search for Laputa, the Castle in the Sky.这是宫崎骏鼎盛时期的

5、作品。这是宫崎骏鼎盛时期的作品。一天晚上,小男孩看见一名少一天晚上,小男孩看见一名少女从天而降,而从他接住她的女从天而降,而从他接住她的那一刻起,他们的冒险开始了。那一刻起,他们的冒险开始了。他们遇到了海盗,军队和政府他们遇到了海盗,军队和政府的秘密特工,这些人的目的就的秘密特工,这些人的目的就是天空之中的城堡是天空之中的城堡Laputa。In the film we can see, Hayao Miyazakis thinking is divided into two levels: At the first level, Miyazaki thinks that the relatio

6、nship between civilization and nature, just as same as the relationship between trees and soil. If the soil is not rooted in the earth, even tall trees can not survive. 我们可以看出,在本片中,宫崎骏的思考是我们可以看出,在本片中,宫崎骏的思考是分为两个层次的:在第一个层次中,宫崎骏分为两个层次的:在第一个层次中,宫崎骏认为文明与自然的关系,就如同树木与泥土认为文明与自然的关系,就如同树木与泥土的关系一样。如果不植根于大地的泥土

7、,即的关系一样。如果不植根于大地的泥土,即使是参天大树也无法存活。使是参天大树也无法存活。In the second level, Miyazaki think that the vitality of civilization will be given by naturally , then the vitality will be destroyed by greed until the complete destruction of civilization .在第二个层次中,宫崎骏认为如果说自然会在第二个层次中,宫崎骏认为如果说自然会赐予文明以生命力的话,那么贪欲则会夺取赐予文明以生

8、命力的话,那么贪欲则会夺取文明的生命力直至彻底毁灭文明。文明的生命力直至彻底毁灭文明。My Neighbor Totoro(1988) 龙猫Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother. Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is inhabited by magical creatures c

9、alled Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro). They soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures. 为了照顾住院的母亲,女孩月为了照顾住院的母亲,女孩月和她的妹妹小梅随父亲一起搬和她的妹妹小梅随父亲一起搬到了乡下,很快两姐妹发现附到了乡下,很快两姐妹发现附近的森林中住着名为龙猫的神近的森林中住着名为龙猫的神奇生物。她们与龙猫逐渐亲近,奇生物。她们与龙猫逐渐亲近,并发生了许多奇异而有趣的故并发生了许多奇异而有趣的故事事 Spirited AwaySpirited Away 千千

10、尋神隠千与千寻的神隐 Spirited Away(2019) 千与千寻this is a wondrous fantasy about a timid young girl ,Chihiro,trapped in a strange new world of spirits.She must call upon the courage she never knew ,in order to break the curse on her new friend ,Haku,and return her family to the outside world.In various of advent

11、ures,Chihiro become more and more brave and independent,which is totally different from past. 这是关于一个胆小的女孩,千这是关于一个胆小的女孩,千寻,在一个陌生神灵世界的神寻,在一个陌生神灵世界的神奇故事,她必须帮助她的新朋奇故事,她必须帮助她的新朋友白龙打破她从来不知道的诅友白龙打破她从来不知道的诅咒,还要设法让一家人安全返咒,还要设法让一家人安全返回外面的世界,这个过程中千回外面的世界,这个过程中千寻变得越来越勇敢独立,完全寻变得越来越勇敢独立,完全与过去胆小的自己不同了,与过去胆小的自己不同了,

12、Brave Love What I want to tell you from Spirited AwayNO.1 Dont be crazy about power and money. Because they will get you lost yourself, your family, your love and your friends.NO.2 Dont be greedy. Greedy is an evil that may ruin your life.NO.3 Value your friends. Besides your family, they are the st

13、rongest and best power when you are in need.NO.4 Be brave. Only if you are brave enough in difficulties, can you protect those whom you love and care.Kikis Delivery Kikis Delivery ServiceService(19891989)魔女宅急便魔女宅急便box office receipts:70 box office receipts:70 million 2.1 billion yen million 2.1 bill

14、ion yen 票房收入:票房收入:2121亿亿70007000万日元万日元Logo:Although there will Logo:Although there will be no happy time ,but I be no happy time ,but I still Hen spirit.still Hen spirit. 宣传语:虽然会有不开心的宣传语:虽然会有不开心的时候,但我还是很精神。时候,但我还是很精神。Princess Mononoke(2019)Princess Mononoke(2019)幽灵公主幽灵公主Box office revenue:17.9 Box o

15、ffice revenue:17.9 billion yenbillion yen票房收入:票房收入:179179亿日元亿日元Logo: to live Logo: to live 宣传语:活下去宣传语:活下去Howls Moving CastleHowls Moving Castle(20192019)哈尔的移动城堡哈尔的移动城堡Domestic box office receipts: Domestic box office receipts: Super 20 billion yen Super 20 billion yen 本土票房收入:超本土票房收入:超200200亿美元亿美元Logo: two people living Logo: two people living togethertogether两个人一起生活两个人一起生活Thank you for listening.



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