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1、基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(2011湖北高考)请根据以下提示,结合你校园生活中的一个事例,就与人合作这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn about teamwork.Teamwork shows us how other peoples roles fit the purpose of the group,and it teaches to be patient and how

2、 to respond to different people.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达注意:1.无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;2除诗歌外,文体不限;3内容必须结合校园生活中的一个事例;4文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;5词数为100左右。 基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达【满分作文】Years of school life has taught me a lot

3、 of things,of which teamwork is the most important for me.In fact,I didnt realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school. At first,I did most of the duties myself while other students cared little about class activities.As a result,I was tired out and depres

4、sed.Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me to cooperate with others.Thus I began to recognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class.It is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more efficient.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点

5、突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达【高级词汇】tired out筋疲力尽depressed消沉的;沮丧的强调句型:It is.that.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达【佳句变换】1While school life is usually considered hard or even tiring,I learned much through years of school life,especially teamw

6、ork,which has a good influence on my life.2Actually,not until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school did I know that teamwork could make a great difference.3However,I dont think Im well understood.4So when I turned to my teacher,he suggested that I should cooperate with others.

7、基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达powerpartnersettlerecoverdisagreeswaptipupsetupset upset基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达9_vt.不理睬,忽视 _ n无知;愚昧 _adj. 无知的;愚昧的;不知道的10_adj.松的;松开的11 _adj. 德 国 的 ; 德 国 人 的 ; 德 语 的 n德国人;德语;_(pl)德国

8、人 _ n. 德国12 _adj.整 个 的 ; 完 全 的 ; 全 部 的 _adv.完全地;全然地;整个地ignoreignoranceignorantlooseGermanGermansGermanyentireentirely基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达.重点短语1_合计 2_(使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来 3_关心;挂念 4_经

9、历;经受 5_记下;放下;登记6_一连串的;一系列;一套7_故意8_为了add upcalm downbe concerned aboutgo throughset downa series ofon purposein order to基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达9face to face_10no longer/not.any longer_11suffer from_12get/be tired of_13pack (sth) up_14get along with_15f

10、all in love_16join in_面对面地不再 遭受;患病 对厌烦 将(东西)装箱打包 与相处;进展相爱;爱上参加;加入基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达.经典句式1_,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.遛狗时,你太不小心,狗一松开就被车撞上了。2I wonder if_I havent been able to be outdoors for so long_Ive grown so crazy

11、about everything to do with nature.我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。While walking the dogits becausethat基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达3The dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power;_in a year and a half_the ni

12、ght face to face.漆黑的夜晚,风雨交加,电闪雷鸣,我全然被这种力量镇住了,这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。4_no pleasure_these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.观看这些已经不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须亲身体验的。it was the first timethat Id seenItslooking through基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面

13、表达.短文填空Anne lived in Amsterdam in the_1_during_2_.His family was_3_,so they had to_4_or they would_5_by the German Nazis.During that time she wasnt able to go_6_for so long that she had_7_about everything to_8_nature.One evening,she stayed awake_9_to have a good look at the moon by herself.But she d

14、idnt_10_open the window.Another time she happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open.The dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held her entirely in their power.It was the first time in a year and a half that shed seen the night _11_.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析

15、满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达Anne felt very_12_without seeing her old friends.So she had to make a new friend,her_13_Kitty,whom she could tell _14_to.Sadly,at last her family were discovered and caught by the_15_sometime later.答案1.Netherlands2.World War II3.Jewish4.hide5be caught6.outdoors7.grown s

16、o crazy8.do with9.on purpose 10.dare 11.face to face 12.lonely 13.diary14.everything15.German Nazis基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达be upset about/over/at_sth为某事烦心;因某事而不安sth upset sb某事使某人不安sb upset sth某人打翻某事物基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评

17、价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(1)She was the argument shed had with Harry.她依然为跟哈里发生的争吵而感到烦恼。朗文(2)Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit.她一来把我们周末的安排给打乱了。牛津still upset about基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达答案upset(2) Mary was much kinder to Jack than she w

18、as to the others,which,of course,made all the others_.(2011北京卷,26)答案upset基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达calm (.) down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来keep/stay calm 保持平静;保持镇定calm/quiet/silent/still基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达辨析(1)ca

19、lm指人时,表示镇静、平和的心情;修饰天气、海洋等时,表示风平浪静的“平静”状态。(2)quiet指环境安静,没有声音,或是指人不吵闹,心里没有烦恼、焦虑。(3)silent指人“沉默、不说话”或指环境“寂静的、无声的”。(4)still意为“静止的;不动的”,着重强调人“完全不动;毫无声音”。基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(1)Charlie tried to calm the frightened children.查理努力安抚受惊的孩子们。朗文(2)Its important

20、 to an emergency.在紧急情况下保持镇静是很重要的。牛津keep/stay calm in基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)I came home and invited Dad to go sailing.Out we set soon on the _40_ lake.(2011重庆卷完形填空) Acalm BicyCstormy Dthundery解析第三段第一句的后半句提到突然起了风,由此推知起初的湖面非常“平静”。答案A(2)“_do

21、wn,youll all get your turn.One at a time,one at a time!”(2011广东卷阅读理解C)答案Calm基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达concerned adj. 关心的;担忧的;相关的be concerned in/with 与有关be concerned about/for sth担心;关心as/so far as.be concerned 就而言;依之见基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分

22、作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(1)There is growing about the effects of pollution on health.对于污染影响健康的关注越来越强烈。朗文(2)The quality of the books was of great concern to the Richters.2011山东卷阅读B篇concern基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)Theres a_in our o

23、ffice that when its somebodys birthday,they bring in a cake for us all to share.(2011山东卷,34)Atradition Bbalance Cconcern Drelationship解析考查名词辨析。句意:在我们办公室有一个传统:有人过生日的时候,他们就会带来一个蛋糕与大家共享。tradition“惯例,传统”,符合题意。答案A基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(2)However this _is

24、more often from parents and teachers than from students.(2011广东卷完形填空)Aconcern BconclusionCreflection Dinterest解析根据前面一句话中的concerned可知,concern符合语境。句意:这种担心一般都是来自于家长和老师。答案A基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达写作句组满分作文之佳句aAs far as Im concerned,riding bicycles is a good

25、 solution.(2011江西卷,写作,范文赏读)bI am very concerned about him.(2009山东)cIn my opinion,it is reasonable and understandable that the department makes the practice illegal.(2009广东)dFrom my point of view,I think we should listen to others.(2008江苏)基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密

26、书面表达解密书面表达settle down 舒适地坐下或躺下;(使某人)安静、安心;定居settle down to sth开始做某事物settle on sth选择某事物;决定做某事settle (sb) in/into sth帮助(某人)安顿下来;帮助(某人)适应新的工作、环境等(1)They a serious discussion over coffee.他们喝着咖啡,开始认真讨论问题。朗文(2)We must settle on a place to meet.咱们得把见面的地点定下来。牛津 settled down to基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活

27、页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)But he finally_on literature,particularly drama (戏剧) and poetry.(2011重庆卷阅读理解D)答案settled(2)Howards idea was to combine the best of town and country in a new kind of_, the garden city.(2011江西卷阅读理解C)答案settlement基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满

28、分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达suffer from 遭受;患病辨析suffer后常用抽象名词如:pain/defeat/loss/hunger/poverty/punishment/hardship等作宾语;suffer from后常接headche/feet/heart trouble/cancer/loss of money/flood/drought等作宾语。(1)The car damage in the accident.汽车在事故中受到严重的损坏。朗文(2)Shes suffering from loss of memory.她患有遗忘症。

29、牛津suffered severe基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看高考怎么考(1) .though it promised fresh air and nature,it_from agricultural depression(萧条) and it offered neither enough work and wages, nor much social life.(2011江西卷阅读理解C)答案suffered(2)By contrast (相比而言),perfor

30、mance_at firms that moved fast all the time,paid too much attention to improving efficiency,stuck to tested methods,didnt develop team spirit among their employees, and had little time thinking about changes.(2011四川卷阅读理解E)答案suffered基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密

31、书面表达add to 增加;增添add.to.把加到上(里);补充add.up把加起来add up to总共有;总和是(其后常跟表示数字的词作宾语)add.on (to sth) 包括或附加某事物add that 补充说(1) and well see who won.把你们的得分加起来,我们就可以看出谁赢了。朗文(2)The bad weather only added to our difficulties.这种坏天气更增加了我们的困难。牛津Add your scores up基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达

32、标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)Everything you want wont arrive in your life on one day.Its a process.Remember,little steps_big dreams.(2011天津卷阅读理解B)答案add up to(2)Users_information with a set of icons (图标),making it easy to read any map,whatever the nationalities of those who produce it.(2011重庆卷阅读理解B)答

33、案add基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(1)How does she keep smiling after all shes gone through?她经历了这一切后怎么还能满脸笑容?朗文(2)I always start the day by going through my mail.我总是每天一早就仔细查阅我的邮件。牛津基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看

34、高考怎么考(1)To get a better grade,you should_the notes again before the test.(2011四川卷,7)Ago over Bget over Cturn over Dtake over解析考查动词短语。句意:为了取得更好的成绩,你应该在考试前再复习一下笔记。go over“复习,重温”,符合句意。get over解 决 , 克 服 ; turn over使 翻 身 , 使 翻 转 ; take over接替,接管。答案A基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂

35、达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(2)What is the purpose of the dress rehearsals and the outoftown previews that many Broadway shows_?(2010上海卷完形填空)答案go through基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达in order to/so as to/in order that/so that辨析in order to与so as to后 均 接 动 词 原 形 , 引 导 目 的

36、 状 语 。 但 in order to引 导 的 目 的 状 语 可 位 于 句 首 或 句 中 , 而 so as to引导目的状语只能位于句中,不能位于句首。in order that与so that后 均 用 来 引 导 目 的 状 语 从 句 ; 另 外 , so that还可引导结果状语从句。基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(1) how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry.

37、为了了解人体是如何工作的,你需要学一些化学知识。朗文(2)I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.我留下了张条子以便与她取得联系。牛津In order to understand基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)The police officers in our city work hard_the rest of us can live a safe life.(2011上海卷,37)Ain

38、 case Bas ifCin order that Donly if解析 考查连词。in case意为“以免,万一”;as if意 为 “好 像 ”; in order that意 为 “为 了 ”; only if意为“只有”。句意:我们市的警官们工作很努力,目的是为了让我们有一个安全的生活环境。根据语境可知,此处用in order that引导目的状语从句。故C项正确。答案C基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(2)Then one day Ethans mother made h

39、im an offer_draw him back to his school subjects.(2010广东卷读写任务)答案in order to基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达get along/on with sb与某人相处get along/on with sth 某事进展或进行(1)Hows your granddaughter 你的孙女在大学学习怎么样?朗文(2)Im not getting on very fast with this job.我这份工作进展不太快。牛

40、津getting along at university?基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)No matter how low you consider yourself,there is always someone_you wishing they were that high.(2010安徽卷,22)Agetting rid of Bgetting along withClooking up to Dlooking down upon解析考查词组辨析。

41、句意:不管你多么看低自己,总有敬重你的人希 望 他 们 也 (像 你 一 样 )那 么 高 尚 。 look up to表示“尊重,敬仰”。A项表示“摆脱”;B项表示“与和睦相处,进展”;D项表示“轻视,瞧不起”,都不符合语意。答案C基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(2)If cats and dogs can learn to_,surely people have a good chance.(2011广东卷阅读理解B)答案get along基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重

42、点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达写作句组满分作文之佳句aHow do you get along with your parents?(2011重庆)bSo far we conducted a variety of activities on English learning,such as watching English films,including a christmas party and getting together with foreign students.(2010湖南)c They make y

43、ou politer and easier to get along with, thus strengthen the relationship between you and others.(2010江西)dI will spare no effort to get along with others.(辽宁)基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达当when,while,before,after,till,until,once,whether,if,unless,though,alth

44、ough,even if等引导状语从句时,若状语从句和主语从句的主语一致,则可以使用这种省略形式。当从句的主语是it时,也常常使用省略结构。基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(1) the tunnel will be the longest in the world.完工后,这将是世界上最长的隧道。朗文(2)If (it is) necessary I will come at 6.如果有必要,我6点钟来。牛津When completed基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突

45、破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)It was a nice meal, _a little expensive.(2011全国卷II,19)Athough Bwhether Cas Dsince解析考查连词。句意:那顿饭真美味,尽管有点贵。though“ 尽管”,引导让步状语从句,该句使用了省略形式,补全后为“though it was a little expensive”。注意as也可以表示“尽管”,但as作“尽管”讲时,必须使用倒装结构。答案A基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页

46、限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(2)The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, _accompanied by an adult.(2010山东卷,28)Aonce Bwhen Cif Dunless解析考查连词。句意:校规规定,任何孩子在白天都不允许出校门,除非有大人陪同。所以选unless。答案D基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标

47、评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(3)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _ regularly, can improve our health.(2010浙江卷,8)Abeing carried out Bcarrying out Ccarried out Dto carry out 解析 考查非谓语动词。逻辑主语exercise与carry out之间构成动宾关系,故用carry out的过去分词形式carried out, 此 处 相 当 于 if the exercise is carried out

48、 regularly的省略,所以答案选C项。答案C基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达使用强调句型应注意的几个问题:(1)该句型中的be常常为is或was,有时也可根据具体情况在be前加上can/may/must/might等情态动词。若原句时态是一般现在时或将来时,be的形式用is,若原句时态是过去时,则用was。基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(2)该强调句型中that或w

49、ho的使用原则是:若被强调的成分指人,可用that,也可用who;若被强调的成分不指人,则一律用that,即使强调时间、地点、原因、方式状语时,也必须用that 而不能用when,where,why,how。(3)被强调的成分可以是主语、宾语或状语,但有两点需要 注 意 : 让 步 状 语 不 能 被 强 调 ; 在原因状语从句中,只能强调because引导的状语(从句)。(4)对作主语或宾语的人称代词进行强调时,应保持人称代词格的不变和原句中谓语动词形式的不变。(5)如果要强调not.until/till结构时,需用“It is/was not until.that.”。that从句中的谓语

50、动词用肯定形式。基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(6)强调句型的其他句式:否定句:Itis/wasnot被强调部分that/who其他成分。一般疑问句:Is/Wasit被强调部分that/who其他成分。特殊疑问句:疑问词is/wasit被强调部分that/who其他成分。反意疑问句:附加问句部分为isnt it/wasnt it或is it/was it。 感叹句:What(a/an)名词itis/wasthat/who其他成分。基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页

51、限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(1)It was Jane who paid for the meal yesterday.昨天的饭钱是简付的。朗文(2)Was it on a lonely island he was saved one month after the boat went down? 2011四川卷,15that基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达直通高考看看高考怎么考(1) It is not how mu

52、ch we do but how much love we put into what we do _benefits our work most.(2011陕西卷,23) Awho Bwhich Cthat Dwhat解析考查强调句型。it is.that.是强调句型,被强调部分是not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do。句意:给我们工作带来最大益处的不是我们做了多少而是我们将多少爱投入到我们所从事的事业中。答案C基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达

53、标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(2) Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?Of course,I have.It was in our village_it was made.(2011重庆卷,32)Athat Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich解析考查强调句型。问话人询问对方是否看过山楂树之恋这部电影,答话人回答说当然看过,这部电影是在自己的村庄拍摄的。本句是强调句,被强调的部分是地点状语in our village。答案A基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析

54、课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达(3) Its not what we do once in a while_shapes our lives,but what we do consistently.(2011湖南卷,35)Awhich Bthat Chow Dwhen 解析考查强调句型。此句强调句子的主语(从句),原句可改写成:Not what we do once in a while but what we do consistently shapes our lives.句意:决定我们生活的东西不是我们偶尔所做的事情而是那些我们自始至终所做的事情。答案B基础知识回扣基础

55、知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达.品句填词1They s_a great loss in the earthquake.2He said it would rain,but I d_with himI was sure it wouldnt rain.3Has the country r_from the effects of the war yet?4The concert will be held o_if the weather is good.5This article will show

56、teenagers or adults how to s_an argument with their parents in a simple way.6Do not i_warnings if the volcano is active;it can be very dangerous near the summit(山顶)基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达7The sea is_(平静的) and clear today,so we should go for a long wal

57、k on the beach.8Sitting out here,you really can feel the_(力量) of the sun.9More and more people are_(关心) themselves with environmental problems.10She was still_(不安的) about the argument shed had with Harry.答案1.suffered2.disagreed3.recovered4.outdoors5settle6.ignore7.calm8.power9.concerning10upset基础知识回

58、扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达.短语识境get tired of,a series of,in order to,go through,face to face, get along with, on purpose, set down, be concerned about,suffer from1He_all his important thoughts in his diary.2How are you_your English studies?3The early pioneers

59、had to_many hardships to settle on the new land.4 One of our workmates has been in danger.We_his health.5I sometimes think that all his supposed mistakes are made_just to annoy me.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达6_get a good mark I worked very hard before the

60、exam.7The two brothers had lost touch with each other for many years,they stood_for a long time and didnt dare to recognize each other.8Though we_serious natural disasters,we are sure to overcome all difficulties.9You can find_English reading materials in the school library.10Some people may_doing t

61、he same work day after day.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达答案1.set down2.getting along with3.go through4are concerned about5.on purpose6.In order to7face to face 8.have suffered from 9.a series of10.get tired of基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课

62、堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达.句型转换1 A: When the man saw the car accident on the highway,he stopped in order that he could offer help. B: When the man saw the car accident on the highway,he stopped_ _ _offer help.2A:It happened that I passed by the Grand Theater and saw the poster of Marich Careys concert.

63、 B:I_ _pass by the Grand Theater and see the poster of Marich Careys concert.3A:My mother told me I couldnt go to the movies unless I finished my homework. B: My mother told me I_go to the movies_I finished my homework.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达4A:The fi

64、re lasted about four hours,and then the firefighters controlled it. B: The fire lasted about four hours_the firefighters_control it.5A:She concerns herself with her sons future. B:She_ _ _her sons future.6A:I want to know if they are satisfied with my performance at the job interview. B:I_if they ar

65、e satisfied with my performance at the job interview.7A:They didnt ask her to do the job because she was ill. B:_ _because she was ill _ they didnt ask her to do the job.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达8A:While we were swimming in the river,we saw a fish jump

66、out of the water. B:_ _in the river,we saw a fish jump out of the water.答案1.in order to2.happened to3.couldnt;until4before;could5.is concerned about6.wonder7It was;that8.While swimming基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达句型SVSC(1)主语be表语(名词/代词)Im a college student.S

67、VSC(2)主语be形容词(介词短语)My Chinese host was very hospitable.SVSC(3)主语be介词短语All the workers are on strike.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达用法在句型(1)中,名词或代词作表语,名词或代词可带附加成分。要注意主谓一致和时态问题。在句型(2)中,形容词作表语。用于本句型的形容词有:一般形容词,如pleasant,fine,busy,warm,absent,rich,angry,different



70、i Ming is an excellent student in our class.He studies hard and is always ready to help others.Of course,his advice on our study is a great help to us.Meanwhile,we are good friends and have made rapid progress in our study.As a result,our teachers and parents are very proud of our progress in study.We always value our friendship.基础知识回扣基础知识回扣重点难点突破重点难点突破活页限时训练活页限时训练满分作文赏析满分作文赏析课堂达标评价课堂达标评价解密书面表达解密书面表达单击此处进入单击此处进入 活页限时训练活页限时训练



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