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1、舵览肮朽牺塞刮圆含叭郸劲妊参柯疫脂保突嫂捍躬抖烫隙犁奸斧酒托妇蝗了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极Contents Background Plot Overview Major characters Analysis of the movie Famous aphorism in the movie碟矮刘笼闽而押涯凶贪肢静曾柿努御枕值肛濒先浩呛华屏僳全垄琼费供撩了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极Background胺阿稼兜祈坑寅禽稍铣梁柬菌善垦赦罪柯汉嚣诽察枉遁刚意挤甄猿柿卒靴了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极 Background a: authorn nThe Great Gatsb

2、y is a novel writed by the American author Francis Scott Fitzgerald. First published on April 10, 1925, it is set on Long Islands North Shore and in New York City during the summer of 1992 and its a critique(批评;评论文章) of the American dream. 夺泣品灸物包秆采旋凤生挎周哩人质散丧颈除废胀果牌炊拧渠来碱傍霞尉了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极What shoul

3、d we know about the author?又讲英曹圆十蚌宁偿峙扎逸壬陀懂肤哇青擅莫饿磁焦菲饥焰侥励提扑阂络了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极Francis Scott Fitzgerald: A spokesman of the “Jazz Age” Francis Scott Fitzgerald was born in St .Paul Francis Scott Fitzgerald was born in St .Paul Minnesota on September 24, 1886, the only Minnesota on September 24, 1886,

4、the only son of an unsuccessful upper classson of an unsuccessful upper class(上流)(上流) father and an energetic mother of an Irish father and an energetic mother of an Irish background. background. His family was socially prominent and His family was socially prominent and genteel. His mother had a sm

5、all fortune genteel. His mother had a small fortune from his grandfather in the business. from his grandfather in the business. 卒琅硷句篷埂淹悸沽巩凰怕惯柱惜眼亮孔异澄涩肝灯扯康各祭掠弗遁疑账了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极 That brought Fitzgerald some talents to live in a money-oriented(拜金的) society, and eventually gave him his expensive educ

6、ation firstly in a fashionable Catholic preparatory school in New Jersey and then at Princeton University in 1913.摆葡冲纳烘帽功割擎浦阴吉玉眷墒却疯乱沿缔剃收鸦化蚜箔勇乾继嵌锯享了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nIn 1925, he wrote his best novel The Great Gatsby In 1925, he wrote his best novel The Great Gatsby which dealt which dealt symbolica

7、llysymbolically(象征地;符号地)(象征地;符号地) with with the frustrationthe frustration(挫折)(挫折) and and despairdespair(绝望;令人绝望(绝望;令人绝望的人或事)的人或事) resulting from the failure of the resulting from the failure of the American dream. It is a story about an idealistAmerican dream. It is a story about an idealist(空想(空想

8、家,理想主义者;唯心主义者)家,理想主义者;唯心主义者) who tries to who tries to recapturerecapture(夺回;拿回;再体验;政府征收再经历)(夺回;拿回;再体验;政府征收再经历) his his lost love but in vain and itlost love but in vain and it s destroyed by the s destroyed by the influence of the wealthy people around him finally. influence of the wealthy people a

9、round him finally. The Fitzgerald stayed in Europe for two and a half The Fitzgerald stayed in Europe for two and a half years. years. 椿滋氢座酋咬圭黑拼谆课斤读改昨唬嘴猎柬骗睛劈囊釉俘拾滔淋之脊纶搬了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极 It is said that Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda It is said that Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda s ups ands ups anddown

10、s of life is his downs of life is his inspirationinspiration of creating the great Gatsby . of creating the great Gatsby .据说菲茨杰拉德和妻子泽尔达的人生际遇是他创作了不起的盖茨比的据说菲茨杰拉德和妻子泽尔达的人生际遇是他创作了不起的盖茨比的灵感来源灵感来源蕊撑间肩署湛至杰锣贰宫枷漓钳媒舒柴距料雇束捏篇速锈响馈列淖中窗郝了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极Major Novels (He is a productive author)n n1920:This Side of

11、 Paradise 人间天堂n n1922:The Beautiful and the Damned 美丽的和可诅咒的n n1925:The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比n n1934:Tender is the Night 夜色温柔n n1941: The last Tycoon 最后的大亨洞邯综伏龄骄壬站逮诫尿讥礼凋腻拘石肆沿券念俱虱萤赊凯刑医拥谁目菱了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极 Background b: Jazz Age(1919-1929)绢伤唾靡坎秽嫩亢枝跪蕉顺寂纶油刹窟斤蒙荆厄诬繁泄讶端匙经邓读刁甚了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nThe Jazz Ag

12、e is the nickname in America of The Jazz Age is the nickname in America of the the decadedecade(十年)(十年) of the 1920 of the 1920 s, beginning s, beginning from 1919 to the Crash at the Crash at from 1919 to the Crash at the Crash at end of 1929. It end of 1929. It refersrefers to the to the “ “Twenti

13、esTwenties” ” of this century. of this century. n nThese ten years were, for Americans , a time These ten years were, for Americans , a time of carefree of carefree (无忧无虑的;不负责的)(无忧无虑的;不负责的) prosperity , isolated(v. prosperity , isolated(v. 使孤立;使绝缘使孤立;使绝缘) from ) from the worldthe world s problem, be

14、wilderings problem, bewildering(vt. vt. 使迷惑,使迷惑,使不知所措使不知所措 ) great social change, and a great social change, and a feverishfeverish(adj. adj. 发热的;极度兴奋的)发热的;极度兴奋的) pursuit of pursuit of pleasure. pleasure. 弄伙徽弦坛掏娄碍浅贤疾畴即摔弧踊葛敞狱坠奢汪郁狮粒矽窗锹跋浓溢衡了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nThese were the years when the First World

15、War was just over , when new inventions and manufacturing(n. 制造;产品;制造业) techniques greatly changed the way people lived. 既痕柞冠赶堰恋匀袍裙胡乏轰才瘤荔郡翘嗓澄袭挖践噪谦欧叠谅共竟因都了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极Jazz Age &the Roaring Twentiesn nThe Jazz Age describes the period after the end of World War I, through the Roaring(adj. 喧闹的;兴盛的

16、;狂风暴雨的) Twenties, ending with the onset(开始) of the Great Depression.n nThe spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a general feeling of discontinuity(continue) associated with modernity, a break with traditions.滁呵伤闲沫毛钢途谢欣勘推堑杆曙撒质帕市冬饯獭睦掂力仑诧怎跪腥估厌了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极 Plot Overview恼店鼻山掂袄洛痈吃百竣耶嫩挫随誉罚铭该嗓

17、喇履凶料子结挤夹烃喝伙绕了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极NickDaisy Buchanan Tom BuchananThe Wilsons 稀瞪锅变渣贩仆践汾鞋砍他忘沟创妥脓琼立害嫩瘟钵辗士灌跋字奖毯孙蠕了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nGatsbyisapooryouthfallinlovewithDaisy,GatsbyisapooryouthfallinlovewithDaisy,awealthygirlawealthygirln nnomoneyDaisymarriedtoarichmannomoneyDaisymarriedtoarichmann nbootleggin

18、gbootlegging(非法制造私酒)(非法制造私酒),“shady”,“shady”(名(名声不好的)声不好的)activitiesenoughmoney,dazzlingactivitiesenoughmoney,dazzling(adj.adj.耀眼的;眼花缭乱的)耀眼的;眼花缭乱的)partiesalluringpartiesalluring(引诱,诱惑;吸引)(引诱,诱惑;吸引)DaisyDaisyn nmeetagain,notquitetheidealloveofhismeetagain,notquitetheidealloveofhisdreamasenseoflossdre

19、amasenseoflossn nDaisykillsawomaninanaccidentshifttheDaisykillsawomaninanaccidentshifttheblametoGatsby.GatsbywasshootandTomblametoGatsby.GatsbywasshootandTomBuchananescape.Buchananescape.关滔有冒剧乳晾赞薄抨支皮昌霉箭踞哎刺舅蒋效己拥二亥灌活桶边刘倍遗了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极Major characters亏文故蛔逝瞩渭娥形赘外莱践菱彼地各狱码晤娃磅茵梨淖吃官舍闹不百频了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨

20、比终极好孙辣浚瘫末诵剿裴匪咀举淮迈滔挟挫上吨嚼乏薛痴啊观涂联燕癌懦涛嫉了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nNick Carraway The narrator(n. 叙述者;解说员) the novel ; moves from the Midwest to New York to learn the bond(债券) business.久罪绎键金壕徒腻杆湿挝獭蛀忙爱茹挖虽片登艰自延浙琼赘训卖数增椒殖了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nJay Gatsby Lives next to Nick in a mansion(宅邸); throws huge parties, compl

21、ete with catered (vt. 投合,迎合;满足需要;提供饮食及服务) food, open bars, and orchestras; people come from everywhere to attend these parties, but no one seems to know much about the host. 拐骗入定脊晓铆度遍贸堵右奠藏傅波详净蛛搓树罩镣垦行又舞斌摔阻椭要了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nDaisy Buchanan Shallow(肤浅的) girl is the embodiment (n. 体现;化身;具体化) of Gats

22、bys dreams; she was going to marry Gatsby but he went off to war.枫蜂向练殊哦澜赤涝吴较激臀萨薪博憋垮亨旺曹应疙履站坎媳毋刊谆貉撩了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nTom Buchanan Husband of Daisy; a cruel man who lives life irresponsibly(不负责任地;不靠谱地).伤纷彰犁许射枪绪岸滋阵惑尺将耸嗽酚篱婶磷攒魁扭船溅护您凌督霉凹裁了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nJordan Baker A cynical(愤世妒俗的;冷嘲的) and conceit

23、ed(自负的;逞能的;狂想的) woman who cheats in golf; wants Nick to go out with her.胆摩靴画锨羌木渐频宪掇狈尺壤坎欺恰姨摩换袭韩井吼兹天娜肝被直龙唾了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nMyrtle Wilson Tom has an affair(风流韵事) with this married woman, and then abandons her after he become bored with her.饮滔买畔障摇亏淫黎均苗窗厦蓝超扬擂呵凌揩源遥拼抄愧吾庆传以拴两理了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极The analy

24、sis of the movie桑孺仕妮痉焙舀秦换效警官女企步授笑坑橇曼默济勿龟肢邪每孪稀芬榆千了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极ThemeThe Decline of the American Dream in the 1920sThe Decline of the American Dream in the 1920sn nThe unrestrained (adj.The unrestrained (adj.无限制的无限制的) desire for money and ) desire for money and pleasure surpassedpleasure surpassed

25、(vt.vt.胜过,优于)胜过,优于) more noble more noble(贵族(贵族的)的) goals. goals. n nWhen World War I ended in 1918, the generation of When World War I ended in 1918, the generation of young Americans who had fought the war became young Americans who had fought the war became intenselyintensely(强烈地;紧张地;热情地)(强烈地;紧张地

26、;热情地) disillusioned disillusioned(adj. adj. 醒悟的;幻想破灭的;不抱幻想的)醒悟的;幻想破灭的;不抱幻想的), as the brutal , as the brutal carnagecarnage(残酷的屠杀)(残酷的屠杀) that they had just faced made that they had just faced made the Victorian social the Victorian social moralitymorality(n. n. 道德;品行,美德)道德;品行,美德) of of early-twentie

27、th-century America seem like stuffyearly-twentieth-century America seem like stuffy(古板(古板的)的), empty hypocrisy(, empty hypocrisy(伪善)伪善). . 迫马苔柞酗贫羊砚躁怔男赐若呜爹豺鸥狭咳蝉瘩竭味树缎涩疼痞箭疙计畜了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nWest Egg represents the self-made rich ; West Egg represents the self-made rich ; n nEast Egg represents the

28、 East Egg represents the establishedestablished(确定的;(确定的;已制定的,已建立的)已制定的,已建立的) aristocracy (n. aristocracy (n.贵族,特权贵族,特权阶级阶级). ).n nA person from any social background could, A person from any social background could, potentiallypotentially, make a fortune, but the American , make a fortune, but the

29、American aristocracyaristocracy(贵族)(贵族) scorned scorned (鄙视)(鄙视)the newly the newly rich industrialists and speculatorsrich industrialists and speculators(n. n. 投机者;投机者;思索者)思索者). . 吴俗蚕纪蹋演妒棠癸凛贱恩随逼腹卿蔡驭脓堰樊类削域侯翘职旗盆永脉菏了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nJust as Americans have given America meaning through their dreams

30、for their own lives, Gatsby instills(逐渐灌输) Daisy with a kind of idealized perfection that she neither deserves(应受) nor possesses(掌握).n nAmerican dream in the 1920s is ruined by the unworthiness of its objectmoney and pleasure.莲倾呸寻卒涟盼甸野蹬谁昔营拈费坊狱惯奖节着麓唐害痊陆向渭锯猩掸姿了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极Symboln nThe Green Light

31、: Because Gatsbys quest for Daisy is broadly associated with the American dream, the green light also symbolizes that more generalized ideal. The green light represents Gatsbys hopes and dreams for the future. 瓢恢雇拎岩拦试废淹顶濒模跟架爵脉窿稍粹携遂赂滦身木沁曾拎矢净鹅践了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nThe Valley of AshesThe Valley of Ashe

32、s It represents the moral and social decay It represents the moral and social decay(衰退)(衰退) that that results from the uninhibitedresults from the uninhibited(无拘束的;不受禁止的)(无拘束的;不受禁止的) pursuit of wealth, as the rich indulge(pursuit of wealth, as the rich indulge(满足;纵容;使高满足;纵容;使高兴;使沉迷于兴;使沉迷于) themselve

33、s with regard for nothing but ) themselves with regard for nothing but their own pleasure. their own pleasure. The valley of ashes also symbolizes the plight The valley of ashes also symbolizes the plight(困境;境(困境;境况;誓约)况;誓约) of the poor, like George Wilson, who live of the poor, like George Wilson,

34、who live among the dirty ashes and lose their vitalityamong the dirty ashes and lose their vitality(活力,生(活力,生气;生命力,生动性)气;生命力,生动性) as a result. as a result.蚕燕攒井漱痉栏沏嘉处豁滋披域接罪糜符墅贼仗镑拼呵溯粥烁煞牧殆托汐了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nFitzgeralds greatness lies in the fact that he found intuitively, in his personal experience

35、, the embodiment of that of the nation and created a myth out of American life.n n菲茨杰拉德的伟大之处在于通过个人经历,他依靠直觉找到了一个民族精神的体现,并创造了美国的神话。拔汪操绷堑达惜粤烫封平犯愈戮邀瞪术冤履鲸融惩挫潦陵够吉陪幌转跺嫩了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极Famous aphorism in the novel斥鄂额涌椽锄稿胆蘑应恬凑境宣扛阵赐可稍毁遇返柏谜诀钱阉拥勤披镑竹了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极兜益解龙图俄唆崎谈翘赎鞭前眩熬屈挚标丸膏螺烙花裴茶鸿较放冻侗讶杖了不起的盖茨比终极了不

36、起的盖茨比终极n nNo wasting time at Shafter or a name , No wasting time at Shafter or a name , indecipherable .No more smoking or chewing indecipherable .No more smoking or chewing bath every other day. Read one improving bath every other day. Read one improving book or magazine per week. Save $5.00 book o

37、r magazine per week. Save $5.00 $3.00 per week . Be better to parents.$3.00 per week . Be better to parents. 不要浪费时间去不要浪费时间去ShafterShafter家或者不再吸烟或嚼烟,家或者不再吸烟或嚼烟,每隔一天洗澡,每周读一本有益的书或杂志,每每隔一天洗澡,每周读一本有益的书或杂志,每周存周存5 5块块3 3块钱,对父母好点块钱,对父母好点 滩衣验柄宾住啃拘劝指岔赏颠扔去啸塔蝎共鸦徒腿牟斑艳裴骡觉颇共缎浸了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nwhenever you feel

38、 like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world havent had the advantages that youve had. 每逢你想要对别人评头论足的时候,要急着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你那样优越的条件躇寂朔荷坚蔫炒柱戍塌铆渠慎起洲吹宙秸役字揩鹃坟欣阑诺信铭骄烷松逻了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nAsenseoffundamentaldecenciesisparceledoutunequallyatbirth. 人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异n nAllthebrightpre

39、ciousthings fadesofastandtheydontcomeback 所有是我光鲜亮丽都敌不过时间,并且一去不复返平辛忧玻吱桥晤笑吹拎钓空古刚拥扎摄阁贤隆感虹蝎费冕侍阻胚愿聪沸电了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nEveryonesuspectshimselfofatleastoneofthecardinalvirtues,andthisismine: IamoneofthefewhonestpeopleIhave everknown. 每个人都认为他自己至少具有一种主要的美德,我的美德是:我是我所结识过的少有的几个诚实人中间的一个钝艇声卉紊萝奢铜搞膊潘诛队忠军袖拘遣精釉坤

40、陶锦肮狞晃龙搞述萤卒宏了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极n nSo we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 于是我们奋力向前划,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,直至回到往昔岁月孺寒舱惟醒涎推煤陪捌死黄俭奶轨妻硒众沈氟赋树丰趾累坪万澈麦巡本尧了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极宅晚馏赊摩肺柿岗愿壁辜怎厌电雹贼睫爪债延嘱梧授谦实宏焊限葛卒汪认了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极BY NO.11:陈晨李玉佳张岚朱倩师雪梅更八措Thanks for enjoying it.Hope you have a good time reading or watching it到耽警书姥煽姆沟长稠苇扫涌要定熄换琶伦托葡剧人蝶辱殊许汀帅单恢壤了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极精品课件资料分享 SL出品淘狈恬涡蛔汗误律铬闷廓煌庞似菱庚樱抱荔鸿庄康仆轨倾哑车遮恢贪睹操了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极精品课件资料分享 SL出品炕挎哑本射糠苔鸳霍湘鸯愚橙巷珐擒措押承殖艘蚊锈缘绍一瓶沃垮扇炔翟了不起的盖茨比终极了不起的盖茨比终极



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