高中数学 Unit17 lesson3 my favorite Comedy Text2课件 北师大版选修6.ppt

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《高中数学 Unit17 lesson3 my favorite Comedy Text2课件 北师大版选修6.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中数学 Unit17 lesson3 my favorite Comedy Text2课件 北师大版选修6.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、partly(n./adj.)part presence (adj.)presentconvince (adj.指物指物)convincing(adj.指人指人)convincedpresence (反义词反义词n.)absence(反义词反义词adj.)absentStep 1 (B) Word Transformation Lesson 3 My Favorite Comedy(Text 2)Learning objectives (学习目标学习目标): 1.To learn the new words in Text 2 2.To practice the reading skill o

2、f making inferences 3.To appreciate the comedy style in the TV series of Mr. BeanStep 2. Pre-reading Lead-inWatch a video and know more about Mr. Bean. Step 3. Fast reading1.Readthetextquicklyandfindoutthemainideaofthelesson.The passage talks about_Rowan Atkinson ,the actor who plays Mr. Bean.Step 3

3、. Fast reading 2. Read Text 2 quickly and match the paragraphs with the headlines.Para 1 Para 3 Para 2 Para 4 Rowans acting talentRowans educationWho plays Mr Bean?Rowans career changeReadingStrategies:1.First,readthetexttogetthegeneralidea.Thenreadthequestionsandusethemtoguideyou.2.Second,readthete

4、xtagainusinglogictomakeinferences(做出推做出推论) ).ReadText1andanswerthequestions.Step 4.Detail reading I. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.1.HowdoyouknowthatRowanAtkinsonisnotlikehisfamouscharacterMr.Bean?Inwhatwaysishedifferent?2.DidRowanAtkinsonsparentsencouragehimtobecomeanac

5、tor?Whyorwhynot?3.DoesRowanAtkinsonliketoworkwithothertalentedpeople?Howdoyouknow?1.How do you know that Rowan Atkinson is not like his famous character Mr. Bean? In what ways is he different?We know that hes not like Mr Bean because Mr Bean is dizzy ,awkward and clumsy but Rowan Atkinson is clever

6、because he got masters degree .1.How do you know that Rowan Atkinson is not like his famous character Mr. Bean? In what ways is he different?We know that hes not like Mr Bean because Rowan Atkinson is well educated and Mr Bean is not . Mr Bean has an ugly little car but Rowan Atkinson has a vastcoll

7、ection of nice cars. No ,they didnt . (His teacher encouraged him to be an actor.) Rowan Atkinsons father didnt see the value of television .They also lived on a farm and his parents seemed to prefer that he got a good education .2.Did Rowan Atkinsons parents encourage him to become an actor? Why or

8、 why not?3.Does Rowan Atkinson like to work with other talented people? How do you know? Yes ,he does .He didnt want to become an actor until he met a talented group of people when he was at university .Step 4.Detail reading II. English Weekly英语周报英语周报 第十五第十五期期 B2版版 While-reading 阅读任务阅读任务II.II. 1. fa

9、rm 2. boarding 3. electrical engineering 4. speaking problems 5. deliberately 6. speech patterns 7. acting talent 8. 1976 Step 5 Post readingI . 难句剖析难句剖析English Weekly英语周报英语周报 第十第十五期五期 B2版版: 难句剖析难句剖析: 2.3. 2.【分析分析】characters【仿写仿写】wasinternationallyfamousfor3.【分析分析】让步;让步;people【仿写仿写】Although;Idonotap

10、proveofStep 5 Post readingII.Translatethefollowings:1.If you think that Rowan Atkinson is anything like his famous creation, then you are in for a surprise.(para1,thelastsentence)are in for a surprise :feel surprised 2.AtOxford,he obtained his Masters degree in electrical engineering.(para2line8)obt

11、ain :get /take3.Rowans career change from an electrical engineer to a famous comedian was partly due to some speaking problems he had in his childhood. (para 3 line 2)was partly due to :was because of 4.He compensated for this by talking very deliberately.(para3line3)compensate for :make up fordelib

12、erately :slowly and carefully5.Rowan was not convinced himself, until he met a group of talented people at university, who were involved in theater, and he realized this could be a career for him. (para 4 line 3)convinced :be sure about were involved in :took part in Mr Bean is played by Rowan Atkin

13、son, who is 1 _ many characters. He once 2_ the same school as Tony Blair. Rowan was a 3_ student at Newcastle University, and 4 _his Masters degree. Although he had already shownadmiral acting 5_ at primary school, hedidnt choose it as a career until at university. There are three reasons for his c

14、hange of career. First, hehad problems in 6_ , so he 7. _ for this by talking 8._ . Second, he metsome talented people at university. Third, he suddenly realised how funny his face was when he was 9_ and 10._in the mirror. Step 6 Summary famous forattendedtopobtainedtalentspeakingpullingfacesplaying

15、 aroundcompensateddeliberately After-class 归纳小结归纳小结Step 7 Important phrases.(有(有下划线的为必背短语)下划线的为必背短语)1.以以闻名闻名 2.肯定会经历,肯定会经历,注定要遭受注定要遭受 3.信任信任,信仰信仰 4.有一段时间有一段时间 5.与与一样一样 6.获得一所寄宿获得一所寄宿学校的奖学金学校的奖学金 7. 收集了很多收集了很多 8.部分是部分是由于由于 9.弥补弥补 1.be famous for2. be in for 4. for a time 5. the same as 6.earn a schol

16、arship to a boarding pensatefor3. believe in 10.天才天才(人物人物 ) 11.从事从事/ 参加参加 12.四处游戏四处游戏 13.扮鬼脸扮鬼脸 14.面对面对/当着当着 的面的面15. 深信,确信深信,确信 10.talentedpeople 11.be involved in 13. pull faces14.beinthepresenceof15. be convinced that.12.playaround Step 8 达标检测达标检测 汉译英汉译英(划线部分必须用本课(划线部分必须用本课 出现的单词或句型出现的单词或句型).我们说服了

17、安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车走。我们说服了安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车走。.广州广州因因他的食物他的食物而出名而出名。.他总是撒谎,所以我不他总是撒谎,所以我不相信相信他。他。.他的成功他的成功部分是靠部分是靠运气。运气。WeconvincedAnntogobytraininsteadofbyplane.Guangzhouisfamousforitsfood.Hesalwaystellinglies,soIdontbelieveinhim.Hissuccesseswerepartlyduetoluck.这个办公室看起来这个办公室看起来和和以前以前一样一样。6.我我确信确信他是对的。他是对的。The office looked the same as before.I am convinced that he is right.



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