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1、Documentation-Citing sources in the Text11.Parenthetical Documentation and the List of Work CitedlThe list of works cited at the end of your research paper plays an important role in your acknowledgment of sources. Usually the authors last name and a page reference are enough to identify the source

2、and the specific location from which you borrowed material.l科研论文最后所列出的引用作品目录在所引用资源的致谢中起着很重要的作用。通常情况下,作者的姓氏及参考的页数足以说明该资源的出处及所借用资源的具体位置。2eg.-The parenthetical reference “(Townsend 10)” indicates that the quotations comes from page 10 of a work by Townsend. -附加参考资料Townsend 10)” 说明引用资料来自Townsend作品的第10页。

3、32.Information Required in parenthetical documentationlReferences in the text must clearly point to specific sources in the list of works cited.l文中参考资料必须清楚指出在所引用作品目录中该资料的文中参考资料必须清楚指出在所引用作品目录中该资料的具体出处。具体出处。lThe information in your parenthetical references in your text must match the corresponding inf

4、ormation in the entries in your list of works cited. A typical work-cited-list entry begins with the name of the author ( or editor, translator, or narrator ), the parenthetical reference begins with the same name:l文中所引用的附加参考资料中的信息必须与所列出的完整引用作品目录中的相应信息相匹配。典型的引用作品目录的词条通常以作者(或编者,译者,或者叙述者)的姓名开始,附加参考资料也

5、以同样的姓名开始:4l1.If the list contains only one work by the author cited, you need to give only the author s last name to identify the work.lEg.(patterson183-85)l2.If your list contains more than one author with the same last name, you must add the first initial.lEg.( A. Patterson 183-85) and (L. Patters

6、on 230 )l3. If two or three names begins in the entry, give the last name of each person listed.lEg.( Rabkin, Greengerg, and Olander vii).5l4.If the work has more than three authors, follow the form in the bibliographic entry: either give the first authors last name followed by et al., without any i

7、ntervening punctuation (eg. Lauter et al. 2601-09) or give all the last name.l5.If there s a corporate author, use its name, shortened or in fulll6.If two or more anonymous works have the same title, add a publication fact, such as a date, that distinguishes the works.6l7.If the work is listed by th

8、e title, shortened or in full.l8. If the list contains more than one work by the author ,add the cited title, shortened or in full, after the author s last name. 7lIdentify the location of the borrowed information as possible.l尽可能确切地标出所引用信息位置。尽可能确切地标出所引用信息位置。l1. give the relevant page number or numb

9、ers in the parenthetical reference or if you cite from more than one volume of a multivolume work, the volume and page a reference to a literary work, it is helpful to give information other than, or the numbers of the act, scene, and line.l3.You may omit page numbers when citing compl

10、ete works.l4.Apage reference is similarly unnecessary if, for example, you use passage from an one-page work83. Readabilitylkeep parenthetical references as brief-and as few-as clarity and accuracy permit.l保证附加参考资料尽量简短、清晰、准确。lIf you include an authors name in a sentence, you need not repeat the name

11、 in the parenthetical page citation the follows.l如果一句话中包含作者的姓名,不必要在随后附加说明引文页码中重复作者姓名。9lEg. 10lTo avoid interrupting the flow of your writing, place the parenthetical reference where a pause would naturally occur (preferably at the end of a sentence), as near as possible to the material documented. T

12、he parenthetical reference precedes the punctuation mark that concludes the sentence, clause, or phrase containing the borrowed material. l避免打断你的写作连贯性, 将附加参考资料出处放在自然停顿的地方(通常在句末较好),尽量靠近文献资源。lEg.11lA reference directly after a quotation follows the closing quotation mark.l直接出现在引号后的参考文献内容页应用引号引回。lEg.12

13、lIf quotation, whether of poetry or prose, is set off from the text, type a space after the concluding punctuation mark of the quotation and insert the parenthetical reference.l如果引文来自文本,在诗歌或者散文中,在引文引号结束后应打一个空格后再插入引用的附加参考文献。lEg.134.Sample ReferencesEach of the following sections concludes with a list

14、 of the works cited in the examples. Note that the lists for the first five sections (point 1-5), do not include more than one work by the same author. On citing two or more works by an author or authors( point 6).14Citing an entire work, including a work with no page numbers.引用整部作品或非印刷作品If you wish

15、 to cite an entire workwhether a print source; a non-print source (such as films, TV broadcast, performances) , include in the text, rather than in a parenthetical reference, the name of the person (e.g., author, editor, director) that begins the corresponding entry in the works-cited list.E.g. Slad

16、es revision of a Form and Style incorporates changes made in the 1995 edition of the MLA Handbook. Chan considers the same topic in the context of Hong Kong cinema.Kurosawas Rashomon was one of the first Japanese films to attract a Western audience.15Citing part of a work 引用部分作品If you quote a paraph

17、rase, or other specific passage in a book, an article, or others ,give the relevant page or section (e.g. paraphrase) number or numbers. When authors name is in the text, give only the number reference in parentheses, but if not add the authors last name before, and leave a space between.E.g. Litvak

18、 calls Winterss mumbling a “labor of disarticulation” (167). Between 1968 and 1988, television coverage of presidential elections changed dramatically.16If you want to use explicit paragraph numbers rather than page numbers, give the relevant number preceded by the abbreviation par. or pars.E.g. Cha

19、n claims that “Eagleton has belittled the gains of postmodernism” (par.41).If the authors name begins such a citation, place a comma after the name. E.g. 17When a source has no page numbers or any other kind if reference numbers, no number can be given in the parenthetical reference. The work must b

20、e cited in its entirety, though you may indicate in your text an approximate location of the cited passage.E.g. “in the final third if his article, Jones argues for a revisionist interpretation”18Citing volume and page numbers of a multivolume work 引用一部多卷作品的卷数和页码When citing a volume number as well a

21、s a page reference for a multivolume work, separate the two by a colon and a space: “(Wellek 2: 1-10).” If you wish to refer parenthetically to an entire volume of a multivolume work, no need to cite page. Place a comma after the authors name and include the abbreviation vol.:” (Wellek,vol.2)”.If yo

22、u integrate such a reference into a sentence, spell out volume: “In volume 2, Wellek deals with ”.19Citing a work listed by title 引用由标题列出的作品In a parenthetical reference to a work alphabetized by title in the list of works cited, the full title (if brief) or a shortened version precedes the page or s

23、ection number or numbers, unless the title appears in your text. If you wish to cite a specific definition in a dictionary entry, give the relevant designation (e.g., number, letter) after the abbreviation def. (see the “Noon” example “Electronic Sources” ).e.g. Militons description of the moon at “

24、her higher noon” signifies the “place of the moon at midnight” (“Noon,” def. 4b). Works Cited“Noon,” The Oxford English Dictionary and Studies on Ancient Greece. CD-ROM, laser disc. New Haven: Yale UP, 1992.20Citing a work by a corporate author 引用合著者的作品集体作者使用组织的名称来替代作者的名称(如果组织名称冗长,在第一次引用之后使用简称)。最好就是

25、直接在正文中指出名称,以免突兀。You may use the authors name followed by a page reference: “(United Nations, Economic Commission for Africa 79-86).” It is better, however, to include a long name in the text, so that the reading is not interrupted with an extended parenthetical reference. When giving the name of a c

26、orporate author in parentheses, shorten terms that are commonly abbreviated: “Natl. Research Council 15).” 21Citing two or more works by the same author or authors 引用同一作者或作者们的多部作In a parenthetical reference to one of two or more works by the same author, put a comma after the authors last name and a

27、dd the title of the work or shortened version and the relevant page reference in parentheses: “(Frye, Double vision 85),” “(Durant and Durant, Age 214-48).”22E.g. Shaughnessy points out that “the beginning writer does not know how writers behave” (Errors 79 ). 引用同位作者的不同专著,出处信息使用简称即可。If you state the

28、 authors name in the text, give only the title and page reference in parentheses: “(Double vision 85),” “(Age 214-48).” If you include both the authors name and the title in the text, indicate only the pertinent page number or numbers in parentheses: “(85),” “(214-48).”23Citing indirect sources 引用间接

29、资源E.g. Goethe wrote that “it takes more culture to perceive the virtues of The Magic Flute than to point out its defects” (qtd. in Newman 2: 104).Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmud Burke was an “extraordinary man” (qtd. in Boswell 2: 450).Whenever you can, take material from the original source, not

30、 a second one. Sometimes, however, only an indirect source is available. If what you quote or paraphrase is itself a quotation, put the abbreviation qtd. in before the indirect source you cite in your parenthetical reference.24Citing common literature 引用文学作品1. In a reference to a classic prose work,

31、 such as a novel or play, that is available in several editions, it is helpful to provide more information than just a page number from the edition used; a chapter number, for example, would help readers to locate a quotation in any copy of a novel. In such a reference, give the page number first, a

32、dd a semicolon, and then give other identifying information, using appropriate abbreviations: “(130; ch. 9),” “(271; bk, 4, ch. 2).”25In an aside, Claudius informs the audience that the queen has drunk from the poisoned cup he intended for Ham1et (5. 2. 274).Margery Kempe relates the details of her

33、journey to Constance with pilgrims headed for Jerusalem (96-98; bk. 1, chap. 26).E.g. 26Citing more than one work in a single parenthetical reference 在一个独立的附加参考资料中引用多部作品If you wish to include two or more works in a single parenthetical reference, cite each work as you normally would in a reference,

34、and use semicolons to separate the citations.27Keep in mind, however, that a long parenthetical reference such as the following example may prove intrusive and disconcerting to your reader:E.g.(Taylor Al; Moulthrop, pars. 39-53; armstrong, Yang, and Cuneo 80-82; Craner 308-11; Kaku 42; Frank; Alston

35、)To avoid an excessive disruption, cite multiple sources in a note rather than in parentheses in the text (see 5.5.2).285.Using Notes with Parenthetical DocumentationlTwo kinds of notes may be used with parenthetical documentation: l Content notes offering the reader comment, explanation, or informa

36、tion that the text cannot accommodatel内容注释为读者提供文本中未能涵盖的评论、解释或信息lBibliographic notes containing either several sources or evaluative comments on sources目录注释包括多资源或有价值的评论29lIn providing this sort of supplementary information, place a superscript Arabic numeral at the appropriate place in the text and w

37、rite the note after a matching numeral either at the end of the text (as an endnote) or at the bottom of the page (as a footnote). l通过提供此种补充信息,在文本后写出相应数字的注释(称作尾注)或在页末写出相应数字的注释(称作脚注)。30Content NoteslIn your notes, avoid lengthy discussions that divert the readers attention from the primary text. In g

38、eneral, comments that you cannot fit into the text should be omitted unless they provide essential justification or clarification of what you have written. You may use a note, for example, to give full publication facts for an original source for which you cite an indirect source and perhaps to expl

39、ain why you worked from secondary material. l在注释中,避免可能会分散读者对主要文本注意力的较长讨。总的来说,不适合文本的评论应省略,除非它们对你所写的内容能够提供关键的解释或说明,例如,你可以使用一个注释全面释义原始资源的发行条例,也可以用一个注释来解释一下你为什么采用二手资源。31lEg.32Bibliographic NoteslUse bibliographic notes for evaluative comments on sources and for references containing numerous citationsl使用注释对资源进行有价值的评论及说明包含众多引文的参考资料。lEg. 33



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