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1、2021年上半年教师资格证考试小学英语专业面试真题及答案解析1. 【简答题】What do you do on Sundays1.题目:What do you do on Sunday(江南博哥)s?对话教学2.内容:3.基本要求:(1)试讲时间约10分钟,采用英语授课;(2)个体学习活动与集体学习活动穿插进行;(3)注重训练学生的朗读能力和对话表演能力;(4)创设相关情景进行口语表达能力的训练;(5)配合教学内容适当板书。请查看答案解析后对本题进行判断: 答对了 答错了参考解析:Teaching Procedure:.pre-listeningThe teacher shows some p

2、ictures about activities and ask students to guess the activities . and asks students what they are.And then talk more about activities they can do on Sundays. while-listening1. Create a situation: Sam and Tom are talking about their Sundays.Let students listen to the tape for the first time and get

3、 the main idea of the dialogue.2. Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions:(1) What does Sam do on Sundays?(2) Where does Sam play football?(3) What does Tom do on Sundays?(4)Do they play together at last?3. The teacher shows students the dialogue and plays the tape for the third

4、time. Students try to follow the tape and imitate the pronunciation.post-listeningActivity 1 Ask and AnswerShow some pictures of different activities, and ask students What do you do on Sundays?, guide students to answer with“l play basketball/football on .Activity 2 Pair WorkStudents work in pairs

5、to ask each other about :what does he do on Sundays. Then the teacher invites several group to show theirself.Activity 3 Do a Surveyfive students in a group, do a survey about what they do on Sundays and find some special in classmates sunday activities. Then invite some group to show their survey a

6、nd findings,. The teacher and studentschoose the best one. Summary and Homeworkask students ro summarize what they have learnt today.let students to ask their friends or parents about their Sundays and make a list after class.板书设计略2. 【简答题】1.题目Look at these photos!读写教学2、内容:3.基本要求(1)朗读所给段落;(2)配合教学内容适当

7、板书;(3)针对所给材料,展开阅读教学;(4)试讲时间:约10分钟;(5)用英文试讲。请查看答案解析后对本题进行判断: 答对了 答错了参考解析:Teaching Procedure:I. Lead-in1. Greeting.2. Sing a song:Are you sleeping. To review the present continuous tense.II. Pre-readingShow some pictures, and let students guess and make a prediction: Daming is going to the park, what

8、is he seeing?.While-reading1. SkimmingStudents read the story for the first time and get the main idea.2. ScanningStudents read the story again and answer the following questions.a, When the sun is shining, what are the birds doing?b. How do the ducks look?C. When it is starting to rain, what are th

9、e birds doing?3. Intensive readingFour students in a group to fill in the chart.IV. Post-reading1. Retell the story according to the photos.2.Teacher show some other pictures and students work in groups to consider what they are doing in the pictures and make up a story.V. Summary and HomeworkStuden

10、ts summarize what they have learnt in this lesson . Remind students to observe the things in life around them.To review what they have learnt after class.Share the story with their parents.板书设计:略3. 【简答题】1.题目:bathroom、living room词汇教学2.内容:bathroom、 living room .dining room . kitchen .bedroom、balcony、g

11、arage、study3.基本要求:(1)试讲时间约10分钟,用英语授课;(2)根据教学内容进行教学设计,体现课堂导入,呈现新知,操练方法,拓展应用等环节;(3)创设情景讲解单词,渗透文化比较意识;(4)综合教学内容进行板书,板书有利于学生学习。请查看答案解析后对本题进行判断: 答对了 答错了参考解析:Teaching Procedure:l.Lead-inGreeting.show the picture of dinosaurs home to review some topic-related words which learned before, such as bed.ll.Pres

12、entation1. Show some pictures of Zhang Peng s home and asks students where Zhang Peng is.For instance, in the picture,Zhang Peng is watching TV. The teacher can teach livingroom”in this way.2.And then, the teacher guides students to read the words and students read them one by one. The teacher shoul

13、d remind students of the pronunciation3. The teacher show some pictures of Chinese houses and western houses,and lead students to observe and make a comparison,so that students can have a knowledge of cultural differences.lll.PracticeActivity 1The teacher shows some words on the ppt, when it present

14、s the word,the student should stand up and speak it loudly .Activity 2 Describe and guessOne student looks at one picture and describes it; the other student can guess the word.Iv.ConsolidationListen and drawThe teacher show a short passage about Chen Jies house and let students draw a picture accor

15、ding to the passage.After that, students who draw the best and the most accurately are winners.v.SummaryStudents summarize what they have learnt today.VI.HomeworkStudents draw their own house and introduce it to the class next time.板书设计:略4. 【简答题】1.题目:介词语法教学2.内容:Read. Match.Write the number of the sentence in the box under its picture.1. There is a dog behind the balloon.2. There is a bug in the shoe.3. There is a cat in front of the kite.4. There is a frog under the ball .3.基本要求:(1)试讲时间约10分钟,用英语授课;(2)突出介词用法的教学;(3)结合教学内容组织教学游戏;



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