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1、科普版英语六年级(上)科普版英语六年级(上)2013.92013.9 (5 5)修改栏修改栏主备栏主备栏反思栏反思栏Lesson 1 Do you alwayes have lunch at twelve?Lesson 1 Do you alwayes have lunch at twelve?第一课时(第一课时(Learn new wordsLearn new wordsLetLet s talks talk )一、教学目标、教学目标1、复习 What time is it?/Its time for.2、通过音标认读本课新单词.3、运用自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习英语积极的情

2、感态度。4、通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯。5、能够运用主题句型Do you always have lunch at twelve ? 进行交际二、教学重难点二、教学重难点1.运用新单词就本课句型进行替换练习.2.通过音标认读新单词.3.培养学生语感,提高学习兴趣.三、课堂导引三、课堂导引Step1 Warm-upFree talk about personal informations(自由对话营造英语会话氛围,个人信息话题为本课 主题句奠定下基础)Step2 RevisionReview summary of lesson1-6Step3 Pr

3、esentation1.Learn new words of lesson oneRead all the words of lesson one according to the phonetic symbles bythemselves.(让学生根据音标自学单词,培养学生自学意识)2. Learn black words.(Read and spelling)3. Practice(read the word cards)Step4 Presentation(Lets talk)1.GuidingTake out a clock and ask : what time is it?The

4、student will answer: Itstwelve. Then the teacher say:Oh, yes its timefor lunch.The teacher ask:Do you always have lunch at twelve?Help thestudents anawer:Yes, I do.2.Show the topicOK,today we will learn lesson one: Do you always have lunch at twelve?(Write the topic on the blackboard,以旧引新, 循序渐进的导入,

5、减低学习难度)3Lettalk_new dialoguea.Read the dialogue by themslves for one timeb.Look at the books and listen to the tape1C. Listen to the tape and repeat for twice.(学生先自渎可发现自己不会的地方,便会有目的的去听,然后再重点跟度自己不会的句子,有目的的去听会很有效的提高学生的听力。)d.UnderstandExplain difficult sentences:I usually have lunch at eleven thirty. S

6、ometimes I have lunch at twelve.What do you usually have for lunch?e.Present_reading(为学生解决难点后再练读可提高学生阅读兴趣及能力)Step4 PracticeReading在操练时可采用多种形式,如跟读、分组读、分角色读, 通过朗读培养学生正确的语音、语调,而小组内的合作学习, 更是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现Step 5 Consolidation and Creation(巩固与创新)1.Act the dialogue on the book(电脑操作:屏幕显示本课对话画面,学生看画面进行对

7、话)2Make up new dialogue(电脑操作:屏幕显示新画面,出示一块钟表及一种食物,学生仿照以上对话编排新的对话,培养学生创新精神及新知识运用能力)Step6 Class closing1. Listen to the music_the music room2.Homework, do exercise 7 on the exercises book.四、词汇沙龙四、词汇沙龙1.Its time to do sth. =Its time for sth. 该做。 。 。的时候到了2.wake up 醒来3.have lunch 吃午饭4.do morning exercises

8、 做早操五、巩固练习五、巩固练习1.Its time _ lunch.fortoin2.John usually _ up at 6:20.wakewakeswaking3.Do you usually have lunch at 12:00?Yes, I _ .A.doB.doesC.to do4.Does she _ morning exercises here every day?A.doesB.doingC.do5._do you have_ lunch?A.WhereinB.WhatinC.Whatfor2第二课时(第二课时(letlets learn news learn newL

9、etLet s sing Lets sing Let s practises practise )一、教学目标一、教学目标1.掌握本课主题句型,并进行替换练习。2.运用新句型编排对话。3.培养学生创造性思维。二、教学重难点二、教学重难点1 掌握本课句型。并进行替换练习。2 让学生创造性的学习新知。三、课堂导引三、课堂导引Step1. Revision1.Read the “lets talk”of this lesson2.Free talk about dayly life.What time is it ?Its time for.Do you always .?Step2. Presen

10、tation1.GuideShow pictures(电脑操作,屏幕显示 lets learn,model 图片)Listen to the tape ,this is “a talk” between Eve and Tom. Lets listen howdo theyTalk about the same topic about yourself.(通过本环节来拓展学生思维,同时有可把话题引入现实生活,使得学有所用)2.ActNow I am Eve ,and you are Tom, please answer my questions.T: Do you usually have b

11、reakfsat at seven?Ss: Yes, I do.T: What do you have for breakfast?Ss: I usually hve milk and bread.3.PracticeAsk and answer questions about the other two pictures,as same as last step, intheirgroups4.CheckAsk some students to stand up and act their dialogues.SmunicationTalk about the same topic abou

12、t yourself.(通过本环节来拓展学生思维,同时有可把话题引入现实生活,使得学有所用)Step4 WritingCopy the model dialogue of lets learn on the exercise books.(在学生问答,听说操练到一定程度是,让学生练习一些句子的书写,进一步加强对该句子的理解和巩固,以真正达到听说为先,读写跟上。)3Step5.HomeworkFinish off writing about lets learn.四、词汇沙龙四、词汇沙龙(1) There be某处存在某物(2) 常见的频度副词有:always(100%的频度),表“总是,常常”

13、 ,侧重时间的连续性;usually(80%-90%的频度),表“通常” ,强调习惯性,经常如此;often(50%-70%的频度),表“经常, ”指有规律的经常出现sometimes(30%-50%的频度),表“有时候” ,指偶尔出现;never(0%的频度),表“从来不” ,表示一种习惯。五、巩固练习巩固练习1.His father always _ him to school at 8:00.A. takesB. to takeC. take2.Sometimes Amy _ TV in the evening.A. watchB. watchingC. watching3.He nev

14、er _ the floor.A. mopB. moppingC. mops4.She always _ breakfast at 7:00.A. makeB. makesC.making5.Does she always _ sports at 9:00.A. doesB. doC.doing第三课时(第三课时(ReadRead)一、教学目标、教学目标1.Read and understand “Read ”2.Answer some questions about “Read ”3.Grasp some phrases4.Improve the reading and comprehent

15、ion ablity.二二、教学重难点教学重难点Improve the reading and comprehention ablity三、课堂导引三、课堂导引Step1.Warm up (free talk)What time is it?Do you always have breakfast at seven?What do you usually have for lunch?Do you always get to school at seven?Are you always late for school?(The last question should be asked som

16、e more times, in order to guid ethe newtopic)Step2.New content1.GuideT: OK, I know all ofyou dont like being late for school. But maybe todayJohn is late for school, is Jihn really late for school? Now please listen to his4story.2.IntroduceAsk the Ss look at thir books, the teacher intrduce “read fo

17、r fun”,picture bypicture.(学生知道故事大概意思)3.Listen to the tapeIf you dont know the story so well now ,please listen to thr tapecarefully.(学生再次了解课文)3 Reading and comprehensiona. If you want to understand it well enough,you must read it by yourself(进一步了解课文,同时训练学生的阅读能力)b. Reading the quedtions at first then

18、 read the text again, then answer thequestions.(带着问题去读,促使学生在阅读的同时加以理解,培养学生的阅读理解能力)Questions:1.What time is it when John wakes up?2.Does John do morning exercises every day?3.Does John do morning exercises today?4.Is his mother in the kitchen this morning?5.Who takes him to school every morning ?6.Wh

19、at time is it when John gets to school?7.Is he really late for school today? Why?Step3.PracticeExercise9Reading and comprehension on the exercise book.Step4 HomeworkFinish off the exercises on the exercise book.四、词汇沙龙词汇沙龙have no time 没有时间either,也 通常用在否定句末尾make breakfast 做早饭theres something wrong wit

20、h 出毛病了五、巩固练习五、巩固练习1.There is something wrong _ his clock.towithAt2.But today he has _ time.nonotisnt3.I have no time _ morning exercises.doto doDoing4.He is always late _ school.A.forB.atC.of5Lesson 2Lesson 2Does she always come here?Does she always come here?第一课时:第一课时:learn new words Letlearn new w

21、ords Lets learns learnLetLets chant.s chant.一、教学目标教学目标1、复习单词:always usually rice early wake up anyone wrong2、复习句子:Do you usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,I do.No, I dont.3、学习 Lets learn 的重点句型。4、通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯。5、能够运用主题句型Does she usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,she does.No, she

22、 doesnt.进行交际。二、教学重难点二、教学重难点掌握主题句型 Does she usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,she does.No, she doesnt并能用替换词造句和做出正确回答。三、课堂导引课堂导引Free talk:学生表演课前准备的对话(叫三组学生)学生养成良好的习惯,在课下也能主动的和同组的同学练习口语,激发学生学英语的兴趣。Step1 Revision一、听写单词:always usually rice early wake up anyone wrong二、复习句型 Do you usually have lunch at twel

23、ve?Yes,I do.No, I dont(用短语 watch Tv do ones homework do sports play football 进行替换练习)同时进行板书复习第五册和上节课学过的重点句型,为传授新知,做对比练习做准备 Step2 Presentation一、Lean the short sentences: take a walkdo sportswatch TVafter lunchsupperclassschool二、Practice教师说汉语学生说英语或反之三、Practice this sentences with these short sentences:

24、 Do you usually take awalk after supper?Yes,I do.No,I dont.采用师生问答、生生问答的形式练习新学的短语。四、出示两幅简笔画:小男孩作早操、一位男士散步Ask: Does Mingming do morning exercises every morning?( 板书)Do you usually watch TV after supper?(板书)(让学生把这两句话进行比较 问: 两句话有什么不同让学生进行讨论教师进行总结: 在一般现在时态句子中当主语是第三人称单数时谓语动词要加 s 或 es)用对比的方法来学习新知,合理的利用了正迁移

25、,让学生自己动脑筋来探究知识的不同,强化知识难点,使学生记忆更加深刻五、Practice these new sentences:6Does Lele do morning exercises every morning?Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.(学生利用书中 Lets learn 中的短语同桌两个人先进行练习, 然后小组内进行)Step3 Practice教师检查练习的效果教师根据生活中的实际进行问答:如问同桌两个人不同的问题:A:Do you usually do morning exercise?B:Does shehe usually do morning e

26、xercise?(还是利用对比的方法来强化本课知识的难点 ,让学生处处注意到本课的难点.)Step4 Lets chant.教师放两遍录音do my best (尽力)worry about(担心)Step5 Homework利用 Lets learn 中的短语编四句话写在作业本上.四、词汇沙龙四、词汇沙龙take a walk=go for a walk散步do sports 做运动After supper晚饭后In the afternoon 在下午Watch TV看电视In the evening 在晚上do my best (尽力)worry about(担心)五、巩固练习五、巩固练习

27、1.-Do you watch TVthe evening?-No, I dont.AinB atC of2.-Does he play footballlunch?-No, he doesnt.AinBafterC of3.John usually _ at 6:20.Awatch TVB watchsTVC watches TV4.I needntmy test.A worrysaboutBworriedaboutC worry about第二课时:第二课时:LetLettalk.talk.一、教学目标一、教学目标1、学习 Lettalk.2、运用自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习

28、英语积极的情感7态度。4、通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯5、巩固练习二、教学重难点二、教学重难点1、 对本课知识点的巩固2、 培养学生的语感三、课堂导引三、课堂导引Free talk日常交际对话(包含第一课中的主题句)Step1 Revision1、Revise the sentences of Lesson One.T: Do you usually have breakfast at seven?Ss: Yes, I do.T: What do you have for breakfast?Ss: I usually hvee milk and

29、bread.3、 Revise the sentences of Lesson Two.T: Does she usually have breakfast at seven?Ss: Yes, she do.T: What does she have for breakfast?Ss: She usually have milk and bread.Step2 Presentation (Lets talk)1、Listen to the tape2、Repeat.3、让学生勾画出本课的主题句:Does she do morning exercises here every day?Yes,s

30、he does.Does she always come before six thirty?Yes,she does.(学生翻译句子教师强调本主题句需注意的地方)4、以小组合作的形式翻译其余的句子5、教师讲解知识点:What time is it?Whats the time?(以上两句为同意句都是“几点了”的意思)Step3 PracticeReadingRead after the teacher.Read together在操练时可采用多种形式,如跟读、分组读、分角色读,通过朗读培养学生正确的语音、语调,而小组内的合作学习, 更是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现Step 5 Co

31、nsolidation and Creation1.Act the dialogue on the book(出示教学挂图或多媒体课件,男女生分开角色读)82.Act the dialogue(学生不看书来表演)四、巩固练习四、巩固练习1I usually ()lunch at twelve.2 She usually()lunch at twelve,too.3 Were ()have lunch now.4 ()you usually do morning every morning.5 ()Lele always watch tv after supper.6 She is ()TV e

32、very morning.第三课时:第三课时:Read for funRead for fun一、教学目标一、教学目标1、复习单词:always usually rice early wake up anyone wrong2、复习句子:Do you usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,I do.No, I dont.3、学习 Read for fun “A bark dog doesnt bite.”4、能够理解主题句型Does she usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,she does.No, she doesnt.在课文中的运

33、用。二、教学重难点二、教学重难点能听懂、读懂阅读内容,并会回答问题能知道本课新出现的知识点三、课堂导引课堂导引Free talk:学生表演课前准备的对话(叫三组学生)学生养成良好的习惯,在课下也能主动的和同组的同学练习口语,激发学生学英语的兴趣。Step1 Revision1 听写单词:always usually rice early wake up anyone wrong before2 复习句型 Does she usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,she does.No, she doesnt(用短语 watch Tv do ones homework

34、do sports play football 进行替换练习)Step2 PresentationLean the new words:put on afraidbe afraid ofsuddenly beginbarkold sayingbitePractice教师说汉语学生说英语或反之New content1 Introduce学生默读 5 分钟阅读内容教师简单介绍本课阅读的大概内容2.Listen to the tapeIf you dont know the story so well now ,please listen to the tapecarefully.9(学生再次了解课

35、文)3、Reading and comprehensiona. If you want to understand it well enough,you must read it by yourself(进一步了解课文,同时训练学生的阅读能力)b. Reading the quedtions at first then read the text again, then answer thequestions.(带着问题去读,促使学生在阅读的同时加以理解,培养学生的阅读理解能力)4 教师边讲重点词汇学生边记录go for a walkput ongo withgo outDont be afr

36、aid of.the old sayingA barking dog doesnt bite.Questions:1.Does Mr Brown go for a walk after supper every day?2.Who go with him?3.Is Ann happy to go out with her father?4.Suddenly what can you see?5.Is Ann afraid of the dog ?6.What did Mr Brown say ?7.What did Ann say?学生回答以上问题Step3.Practice书上 Listen

37、 and match练习册听力部分Step4 HomeworkFinish off the exercises on the exercise book.四、词汇沙龙四、词汇沙龙5.put on穿(戴上)6.ask sb. To do sth.叫某人做某事7.be afraid of 害怕8.the old saying 古老的谚语9.go out with sb.和某人一起出去10. begin=start 开始五、巩固练习五、巩固练习1.His father always _ him _ school at 8:00.takefortakestotaketo2.Ann is happy _

38、 out with her father. going togogoes3._ be afraid, Ann. Not Cant Dont104.I have no time _ morning exercises. do to do doing5.He is always late _ school.foratof6.Lets take a walk _supperafterforinLesson 3Lesson 3Where do you live ?Where do you live ?第一课时:第一课时:Learn new wordsLearn new words Lets talk

39、and Lets singLets talk and Lets sing一、教学目标一、教学目标1 复习一般现在时的一般疑问句及肯否回答2 掌握词汇 live ,month , start , USA,3 了解 New York ,Washington等异地风情,扩大视野增长知识,养成对异国文化的正确态度。4 能听懂、会说并能用以下句子进行会话:Where do you come from ?Icome from Where do you live ? I live in 5 能理解一般现在时(包括第三人称单数)的特殊疑问句及相关答语(where 引导)Where does Miss Gree

40、n come from ?She comes from二、教学重难点二、教学重难点主语是第三人称单数,实意动词加s,es三、课堂导引三、课堂导引Step 1 : Warm up and Review1 Greeting :We are the best.(给学生信心,使学生情绪高涨)2 sing a song :The music room(集中学生注意力,调动积极性,同时让学生有良好的心理准备进入新课的学习当中。 )3 talk : A:I usually have breakfast at 7:00.Do you usually have breakfast at 7:00?Yes ,I

41、do . /No, I dont .B:Does he usually?Yes ,he does . /No,he doesnt.复习第一、二课主题句形,巩固旧知 4 复习集中识词时学的本课生词利用单词卡片,以组或个别学生读并说出中文,四会词需拼写1 show the pictures about the USA ,Washington ,New York , Great Wall ofChina, the Palace Museum 放映课件或出示图片,讲清楚 New York 是美国最大的城市, Washington是美国首都。缓解疲劳,扩大视野,激发兴趣,但不可喧宾夺主2Introduc

42、tion :手指木偶导入法:师配音,让学生初步感知对话内容。113 听录音,学生进一步熟悉对话。4 逐句放录音, 学生跟说两遍, 并译成中文。注意: 突出重点, She comesfrom the USA.讲清实义动词第三人称单数的变化,加s 或 esStep 3: Drill1Team work, 以行为组操练2 pair work ,同桌操练3 read by oneself4 look at the key words and match pictures , retell the text.Step 4 :Consolidation and creation.3 人一组, 根据实际情况

43、编对话,运用以下模式:A :Excuse me . Where do you come from ?B :I come from _.A :Where do you live ?B :I live in _.指 C,A问 Where does she/he come from ?B:She /He comes from _.A :Where does she /he live ?B :She /He lives in _.Step 5:Lets sing : Where do you come from ?此 歌曲紧扣本课主题句,复习句形并可减轻上课以来的疲劳,活跃气氛,将快乐延伸到课外,让学

44、生期待下一节英语课的到来。四、词汇沙龙四、词汇沙龙come from=be from来自于too,也,通常用在肯定句末尾Live in 居住,生活五、巩固练习五、巩固练习1.Where _ you from?A. doB. areC. does2.My friend _ from England?A. doB. comesC. come3.Do you live here ,_? Yes , I do.A. toB. tooC. also第二课时(第二课时(LetLets learn and Lets learn and Lets practises practise)一、教学目标一、教学目标

45、1 让学生理解并掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句及其答语, 特别是第三人称单数实义动词的变化。2 了解世界各国的标志性建筑及其首都,增长知识,扩大视野,激发并保持英语学习的兴趣, 学好英语可以去世界各地旅游, 留学以及中国的省份,名胜古迹培养对祖国大好河山的热爱,培养对待异国文化的正确态度。3 能用以下用语自由交际:Where do you come from?12I come from Sichuan.Where do you live?I live in Chengdu用人名操练第三人称单数does 的用法二、教学重难点二、教学重难点能用以下用语自由交际:Where do you come fr

46、om?I come from Sichuan.Where do you live?I live in Chengdu用人名操练第三人称单数does 的用法三、课堂导引三、课堂导引Step 1:Review1:Sing a song: Where do you come from ?(边唱边回想上节课所学内容,在轻松的语境中做好上课的心理准备)2:Practise:小黑板上出示一些题 ,题型有填空,选择填空等1。Where_ you come from ?A doB a reC can2.I_from_USA.A am/B come/C amthe3.Ilive_ New YorkA atB i

47、nC on4.She_from the USAA isB a reC come5.She _in HebeiA liveB livesC living课始的笔头作业,学生可以全体参与,口头和笔头相结合,既复习了知识,以避免了只会说不会写的现象,实用性强。Step2: Presentation1.放课件,法国巴黎的艾菲尔铁塔,英国伦敦塔 ,俄罗斯莫斯科,中国香港,北京长城,故宫等。2 放录音,Paris, France, Moscow,Russia, Hong Kong ,China3.示例代入主题句型A:Where do you come from?B:I come from _A:Where

48、 do you live?B:I live in_A:Where does she come from?B:She come from A:Where does shelive?B:She live in 4.小结:特殊疑问词 where + do(does)+主语+动词(原形)+其他?列表替换13ChinaThe USA England ChinaHebeiBeijingWashingtonLondonShanghai ShijiazhuangSichuan ShanxiZhangjiakouChengdu Taiyuan ZhuoluStep4:ConsolidationMake up d

49、ialogues 3 people each group.师给学生发一些国家名称,省份,首都或省会名称,自由编对话1.和两个学生先做示范:Excuse me ,Where do you come from?I come from.Where do you live ?I live in .Where does she come from ?She comes from.2.小组编对话,师巡行,并随机指导纠正。Step5:Class Closing :Homework:1.Do Ex.6.8.92.词汇写本课词汇3 预习 Read 部分第三课时第三课时(Read)(Read)一、教学目标教学目标

50、1、能理解课文大意,能回答与课文有关的问题,理解幽默之处。2、能听懂、会说,并能用来进行交际下列用语:a、Take a seat, please.b、May I know your name and age?c、Would you please type it?d、By the way, how much can you pay me?3、进一步掌握一般现在时。二、教学重难点二、教学重难点2、能听懂、会说,并能用来进行交际下列用语:a、Take a seat, please.b、May I know your name and age?c、Would you please type it?d、

51、By the way, how much can you pay me?3、进一步掌握一般现在时。三、课堂导引三、课堂导引Step 1:Review1、复习主题句型:学生手拿不同国家及首都名称卡片三人一组问答。 (抽14几组上台表演)2、 复习本课单词: 重点是 Read 部分的词汇: typist,age , type , dollars ,months ,pay ,startStep 2:Presentation1、学习词组:look for, take a seat, Apple street, computer school, by the way,in three months, t

52、ypist wanted.2、导入新课:1)教师放录音,学生听两遍,初步感知故事内容。培养认真听的习惯,让学生感受语流语速,体会语言美并训练听力2)再放录音,学生看书,边听边看书,进一步熟悉对话内容。3)逐句放录音,学生跟说,并译成汉语。4)再放录音,分段跟读,学习,操练。(半班或男女分组,然后两人一组朗读)3、Answer the questions.1、Does the girl want the job?2、Does she want to be a typist?3、What is the girls name?4、Where does she live?5、What school i

53、s she from?6、Can she type a letter?7、Can she get the job?8、How much can the man pay her?9、When will she start the work?此部分要求所有学生能找到相关的答案回答问题,上中等学生能独立说出或写出答案4、复述课文。逐段出示简笔画,并放录音,学生跟说, 师写关键词,两人一组进行分段复述,然后整体复述。Step 3: Class Closing1、 Summary:词组by the way, look for等。2、Homework: Do Ex.10,预习 lesson 4.3、Sin

54、g a song: Where do you come from?以歌曲结束,复习旧知,余趣无穷四、词汇沙龙四、词汇沙龙1.look for 寻找2.take a seat 坐下3.type(动词)-typist(名词)4.by the way 顺便问一下5.after three months=in three months三个月后6.all right=O.K.好吧五、巩固练习五、巩固练习151._ the way, where do you live?A. ByB. O nC. To2.First,I know your name and age?A .MayB. WhatC. Wher

55、e3. -Where do you live?-Apple Street.A .inB. onC. AtLesson 4Lesson 4When do you usually get up ?When do you usually get up ?第一课时:第一课时:Learn new words LetLearn new words Lets learn and A games learn and A game一、教学目标一、教学目标熟练掌握日常行为词汇及熟练运用句型:What time do you usually get up ?I usually get up at -What tim

56、e does he usually go to school ?He usually goes to school at-二、教学重难点二、教学重难点What time do you usually get up ?I usually get up at -What time does he usually go to school ?He usually goes to school at-三、课堂导入三、课堂导入一、复习:1、根据学生的表演,补充对话中所缺的内容。2、熟练读出下列动词词组并翻译成中文。二、出示学习目标:会运用以下日常交际用语:1.What timedo you usuall

57、y get up ?I usually get up at six .2.What time does he go to school ?He usually goes to school at seven twenty .三:采用“先学后教,当堂训练”的教学模式教学Lets learn :(一) 、主题句一:1、出示主题句:What timedo you usually get up ?I usually get up at six .2、出示自学提示:、个人试着读并进行翻译。、同桌:我能准确熟练地背诵起来!、我还能用替换词仿主题句进行造句。163、学生根据提示进行自学。4、检查自学效果:(

58、二) 、主题句二:1、出示主题句:What time does he go to school ?He usually goes to school at seven twenty .2、出示自学提示:、我能:准确地读出来,并能进行正确地进行翻译。、我发现了:主题句一和二的不同。、我还会:背诵主题句,并能进行替换造句。3、学生根据提示进行自学。4、检查自学效果:四:A game出示游戏中的例句:What time does he go to school ?He usually goes to school at seven twenty .No .2、 引导学生理解句子,并简单介绍游戏规则:

59、3、组进行游戏: (教师出示图片,参与游戏的同学根据图片内容进行对话练习,其他同学判断“Yes” or “No” )四、巩固练习:四、巩固练习:选择恰当的单词完成句子,注意用它的适当的形式。( have、come、 live、go 、 get )1、Johnbreakfast at seven thirty .2、Shetoschoolatseventhirty .3、Do youfrom Beijing ?4、where does he?5、Lulutobedat nine.五、板书设计:五、板书设计:Lesson 4. When do you usually get up ?( “Lets

60、 learn” and“A game” )1.What time do you usuallyI usually.2.What time does he ?she usually.17第二课时:第二课时:Lets talkLets talk一、教学目标一、教学目标掌握单词 weekday灵活应用语言 When do you usually get up ?I usually get up at -What time does she get up ?She always gets up at-二、教学重难点二、教学重难点灵活应用语言 When do you usually get up ?I

61、usually get up at -What time does she get up ?She always gets up at-三、课堂导引三、课堂导引.Class Opening andgreeting.-hi ,boys and girls .-hi,Miss-How are you doing ?-We are very well./We are fine.Thank you.Warm up and Reviewa.sing a song .“Where do you come from?”(激发学生的学习热情,缓解上课的紧张情绪,以快乐的心情开始学习)b.Ask and ans

62、wer.(Use the key sentences ask and answer,orthe teacher give the modle ,the studentsto copy ,but use the different words,orgive the students right to make dialogues then show it.)For example :-How do you do?- How do you do?-Where do you come from ?-I come from -Where do you live ?-I live in-Do you u

63、sually get up at six ?-Yes I do ./No, I get up at-(也可用第三人称单数来进行问答练习。给学生自由发挥的空间,让他们做学习的主人,培养他们的自学乐学的能力。)、New contentsa.Study the new words : weekday.(应为此单词为复合单词,意思很容易被学生猜出来,教师可制作一个可18以折叠的单词卡片, 给学生先出示左边的单词再出示右边的单词, 把他们放在一块来读并猜其意思。)b.Lead to the dialogue .(The teacher act the dialogue with a student,gi

64、ve all the students the keymeaning of the dialogue, the dialogue is easy to be understand, because it isshow by “ Lets learn.”.Then listen to the tape and put it into Chinese,following the tape one sentence by one sentence until master it.).practise.a.Listen to the tape ,the teacher give the key sen

65、tences and paste the pictureon the blackboard.b.Divide the students into groups by classmates, begin to practise.c.Repeat the dialogue by the helping of the dialogue together.d.Check the students .Acting.Who want to try ?(叫有能力者及自愿上前的学生进行单独复述, 以加深学生对语言的记忆能力。).Close and homework.(学生两人一组下去练习复述,再上课时表演。

66、)第三课时:第三课时:ReadRead一、教学目标一、教学目标熟练掌握 year, factory,by, time different日常行为词汇及能够知道故事的主要意思,并能根据故事进行问答。.二、教学重难点教学重难点时差问题理解和掌握when和what time 引导的一般现在时的特殊疑问句及答句形式。三、课堂导入三、课堂导入.Class Opening andgreeting.- hi ,boys and girls .- hi, Miss - How are you doing ?- We are very well ./ We are fine.Thank you.Warm up

67、and Reviewa.A game.T: Hi, class . Are you free now ?S: Yes .19T: Lets play a game ,ok H?S: Ok!(做猜时间的游戏,由于再前面已经作过这个游戏所以老师不必说游戏规则。 以这种形式进行学习之前的热身, 使学生很快容入到学习的气氛当中,激发学生的学习兴趣。)c.Review the words.(教师提前打印小卡片,一人一张,进行英译汉练习,巩固以前所学单词及短语,为下面所学内容奠定基础。)Forexample : LondonNew YorkHave breakfastHave lunchFactoryye

68、arby、New contentsa. Study the key words: sixty years old,Talkwith , for a moment, by my clock.( 让学生猜其意思,教师示范造句子,学生模仿造不同形式的句子。 )c.Lead to read.Listen to the tape carefully.Talk the key meaning of the story.The teacher give the key meaning of the story .Listen to the tape again, and put it into Chines

69、e. Practise .a.Listen to the tape and following .b.Read it together , then read in different rules.c.Answer the following questions.1.How old is Mr Brown ?2.Where does he come from ?3.When does he usually get up ?4.Who calls Mr Brown ?5.What does Lily doing ?6.Why is Lily still having breakfastat lu

70、nch time ?四、词汇沙龙四、词汇沙龙get up 起床go to school 去上学get to school 到达学校do homework 做作业go to bed 睡觉talk with sb.跟某人交谈for a moment 一会儿by my clock 根据我的表Whats the matter?=Whats up?怎么回事?time difference时差20五、巩固练习五、巩固练习1._ do you usually get up?A. WhatB. WhyC. When2.I only get up early _ weekdays.A. onB. atC. to

71、3._ Lily s clock slow?A. DoesB. DoC. Is4. He talks _ her for a moment.A. withB. toC. about5.I often watch TV _ SaturdayA. inB. onC. at6.Bill goes to school _ seven ten.A. inB. onC. at21Lesson 5Lesson 5HowHowdodoyouyougo to school ?go to school ?第一课时(第一课时(Learn new wordsLearn new wordsLetLet s talks

72、talk )一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Learn new wordsLearn new wordsLetLet s talks talk二、课前预习二、课前预习 : :尝试翻译下列词组尝试翻译下列词组1.走路_2.乘公交_3.乘火车_4.乘飞机_5.乘船_6.骑自行车_7.乘汽车_8.去学校_9 到学校_三、三、 重要句型重要句型 How do you usually go to school ? I usually go to school by bike. How does he usually go to school ? He usually goes to school on fo

73、ot.四、教学重、难点:四、教学重、难点:学会询问他人去某地的方式。 -How do you usually go to school?-I usually go to school by bike.五、五、 词汇集沙龙:词汇集沙龙:1.Far from 远2.Walk to school 步行去学校3.walk=on foot 走路4.by bus 乘公交六、课堂导引六、课堂导引1、 根据音标学习第五课的新单词。教师领读并逐个讲解使用方法,尽量用新单词造句,让学生在句子中记忆单词。2、复习一般现在时:通过复习,让学生进一步理解一般现在时态的用法, 为下一步学习新句型和课本对话做准备DO yo

74、u often get up at six ?Yes,I do./No,I dont.I get up at.What time do you have breakfast ?I have breakfast at.3、Study Lets talk .、用角色表演法导入, 教师提前找一名学生准备与自己配合表演, 教师充当 Dongdong,学生充当 Lulu,作示范引出情景对话。、Listen to the recorder. Ask the students think about22It. And translate it into Chinese.Following the tapeS

75、everal times.、Show the key sentences,after that to retell theDialogue.(帮助学生消化所学内容,以便学生很快记住这些语言。 )、教师叫个别学生充当一位小教师,模仿自己提问的方式进行问答操练。4、操练课本对话操练T:Now ,Lets listen to the tape and repeat twice.学生一边听一边跟读,同时教师在黑板上写出关键词,板书如下: often go 7:30 /No live near 7:45 /How dogo/walkthat/Yes /How does go/lives far from

76、/think goes busbikeT: Open your books at page 17,Please read it in pairs.读完后,让学生看着关键词,先由师生问答,然后叫两组学生读课本对话,再叫两组学生进行对话表演。在操练时可采用多种形式,如跟读、分组读、分角色读,通过朗读培养学生正确的语音、 语调,而小组内的合作学习, 更是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现巩固与创新教师叫另外三组学生进行对话表演,最后从五组中评出最佳表演组。教师再次创设接近学生生活的情景, 如到动物园看到了什么, 去商店看到了什么, 学生根据教师所创设的情景, 运用新知在小组内生动有趣地展开对话,

77、 不仅总结和巩固了新知, 而且把所学知识运用到实际生活中进行交际。 七、巩固练习I、英汉互译231、某人自己的_ 2、gotoschool_3、同意做某事_ 4、gettoschool_5、步行去学校_ 7、.乘公交_8、向窗外看_ 9、lookat_10、骑自行车_11、看起来像 _II、词汇1. She doesntlike_ (travel) by plane.2. This time he _Helen_(ask) take his plane?3. At last Helen_(agree) go with him.4.She lives_(far) the schoolIII、按要

78、求做题1.I usually go to school by bike .(改为一般疑问句)_?2.Tom often walks to school.(改为同义句)_ .3.John always goes to school by bus .(划线提问)_?4.Her friend Bruce is from London. (同义句)_ .VI、用适当的介词填空1、She lives far_ the school .2、I think she usually goes to school by bus_ by bike.3、she usually goes to school _ fo

79、ot.4、They get _ the plane.5、Look _ these people down there ,they look like ants.6、Mr.Brown doesnt like travelling _ train.V、根据汉语意思完成句子1.你经常怎样去学校。_you go to school?2.Tom 通常步行去学校。 Tom usually _ _ _ _ _. Tom usually _ _.3.他住的离学校远。He lives_ _the school .第二课时(第二课时(LetLet s Learn Lets Learn Let s sings si

80、ng)一、课前预习:完成下列词组一、课前预习:完成下列词组1.步行_2.回家_3.乘公共汽车_二、二、 重要句型重要句型 How do you usually go to school ? I usually go to school by bike. How does he usually go to school ?24 He usually goes to school on foot.三、教学重、难点:三、教学重、难点:学习工具词汇和句型:How do you usually go to school ?四、 词汇沙龙:词汇沙龙:1.go to school_2.go home_3.b

81、y bile_ 4.by bus_五、课堂导引五、课堂导引Step One:Class Opening and greeting.Step Two:Revisiona、 Review the words.问:Who can read my cards,or translate?(复习上节课词汇,及常用的工具词汇,巩固旧知识,为学习Lets Learn 句型奠定基础。 )b、 sing a song.(通过唱歌,让学生放松心情,活跃气氛。 )c、 Acting:(充分发挥学生的模仿力及创造力, 进行情景表演, 把英语融入实际中去,培养他们的语言表达能力。 )Step Three:New cont

82、ensa、 New sentences:(教师和学生进行如下对话,因为学生在 Lets talk 中已接触到这两个句型,因此能回答出来。 )T: How do you usually go to school ?S:I usually go to school .b、 Study the words:bus car plane train等。(学生看着卡片上的单词,然后说出其汉语意思。 )师领读 by bus 、 by car 、by plane 、on foot 等短语,学生跟读。 C、进行 TPR 活动来操练学生。(让学生站好,教师发指令,学生做出相应的动作。分组比赛,获胜者发给小礼物。

83、)25Step Four:看图进行对话,并分组回答,然后抽查。(这样活动,既能提高学生的对话能力,又能锻炼学生设计动作的能力。 )Step Five:Practice in pairsStep Six:Acting指名上讲台表演,并鼓励、表扬表演好的小组。Step Seven:Sing a song:The wheels on busStep Eight:Homework:下节课表演。六、六、 巩固练习巩固练习I、用所给词的适当形式填空1.My father likes _ by train.(travel)2.Mr. Brown _ lunch now.(have)3.She usually

84、 _ to school by bus.(go)第三课时(第三课时(Read for funRead for fun)一、课前预习:完成下列词组一、课前预习:完成下列词组1、gotoschool_2、gettoschool_3、walktoschool_二、学习目标:二、学习目标:本篇阅读, 能理解大意, 并能回答与课文内容相关的问题或能根据图片及相关的词语进行复述。并复习一般现在时态。三、教学重难点三、教学重难点能理解课文大意,并能回答相关的问题或根据图片及相关词进行复述。四、词汇沙龙:四、词汇沙龙:1、某人自己的_ 2、在世界上_3、同意做某事_ 4、在天空中_5、all day and

85、all night_ 6、.乘公交_7、向窗外看_ 8、lookat_9、in the east _10、看起来像 _11、atlast_五、课堂导引五、课堂导引Step One :Class Opening and greeting.Step Two :Review作 TPR 活动复习相关的工具词汇。(做这样的活动,为了缓解上课的紧张情绪,活跃课堂气氛。 ) Free talk:(由各个小组利用课前或课余时间根据练习形式,长期坚持下去,不但训练学生的语言表达能力, 形成一种语言习惯, 而且对旧知识进行了进一步的巩固与加深,为学习新课奠定基础。 )26Step Three:New conten

86、ts1、 Study the new words:Paris trave worried safe agree Last window ant(根据音标读单词, 并进行简单记忆, 只记住汉语意思, 并会读。 ) Listen to the recorder ,and followingthe tape twice ask the students to tell thestory in Chinese. Translate it into Chinese. Give the key sentences to retellthe story.Step Four:Answering the que

87、stion below.1、 Where does Helen come form ?2、 Does Helen usually go to see herFather and mother ?3、 Does she like traveling by plane ?4、 Where does Bruce come from ?5、 Does Bruce have a small plane?Step Five :Sing the song The wheels on the bus(歌曲是学生喜闻乐见的课堂活动形式之一, 课后组织学生唱英文歌曲,不仅充分调动学生的情感因素, 激发其学习兴趣,

88、而且快乐的气氛一直延续到下课。 )Step Six :SummaryStep Seven:Homework六、巩固练习读课文,查词典找出下列短语:1.来自_ 2.居住_3. 回家_ 4. 每三个月_5. 喜欢做._ 6. 乘火车._7. 乘轮船_8. 某人自己的_9.同意做某事_单选1.I work _Paris.A. AtB. InC. for2、They get _ the plane.A .inB. onC. At3、Look _ these people down there ,they look like ants.A .inB. onC. At4、Rose lives _ Pari

89、s.she goes back _ see her mother every threemonths.A .intoB. oninC. Atto5、Hedoesnt like _ by plane.27A .travelB. travelsC. travelling6、I think she usually goes to school by bus_ by bike.A .inB. onC. or7、Tom looks out _ the window.A .ofB. onC. or、翻译句子1.Tom 说乘飞机很安全。_.2.他邀请 Helen 乘坐他的飞机。_.3.最后 Helen 同意

90、和他一起出去。_.4.Helen 很害怕。 _.5 她每三个月回家看他们。_.28Lesson 6Lesson 6RevisionRevision第一课时(第一课时(Learn new wordsLearn new wordsLetLet s talks talk )一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Learn new wordsLearn new wordsReadRead 的前的前 5 5 段段二、课前预习二、课前预习 : :尝试翻译下列词组尝试翻译下列词组1.在东方_2.在世界上_3.在地球上_4.到处_5.night 的反义词_6.旅行者_三、三、 教学目标教学目标 1、复习一般现在时的各种

91、句式:陈述句、一般疑问句、 特殊疑问句及相关答语。 2、复习 1-5 课出现的交际用语。 3、理解故事大意,能回答与课文有关的问题。四、教学重、难点:四、教学重、难点:能根据图片及关键词进行复述能回答与课文有关的问题五、五、 词汇沙龙:词汇沙龙:5.In the east在东方6.Fly into the sky飞入高空7.Itstime to 的时间到了8.Here and there到处六、课堂导引六、课堂导引GreetingGreeting T: Hello boys and girls S: Hello Miss x T:Nice to meet you S: Nice to meet

92、 you too课堂伊始,师生亲切对话,引起学生对旧知识的回忆,同时进入学英语氛围一、一、ReviewReview A、 根据音标学习第五课的新单词。 教师领读并逐个讲解使用方法,尽量用新单词造句,让学生在句子中记忆单词。B、对话:同桌一组练习下列模式对话S1: Do you usually get up at six ?S2: Yes I do. / No,I dont.S1: What time do you usually have breakfast ?S2: I usually have breakfast at S1: When does your father go to wor

93、k ?S2: He goes to work at S1: Does he go to work by car ?S2: Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. He usuallygoes to work by 29复习旧知,为学习新知做好铺垫,同时培养学生良好的学习习惯,使学生每一步的学习都能打好扎实的基础二、二、Nen ConceptNen Concept1、导入新课 师将 Read 前 5 段的录音放两遍,学生听,初步感知故事内容。 师出示挂图(或师自制的简笔画) 逐图放录音,学生进一步感知故事内容。 逐图逐句放录音, 学生跟读,并翻译成中文;也可逐图逐句放录音,

94、学生跟读后指名翻译成中文。 再听录音,同时看图,充分熟悉故事内容。2、操练 师逐图放录音, 学生跟说, 同时在每一幅图下给出关键词。 学生看图根据关键词分段练习复述 学生熟练复述后,师找个别学生进行分段复述 依据情况,找学生连起来进行复述; 复述有困难的,课下练习复述,下节上课时再个别复述 练习题 Does the sun rise in the east ? What can the sun send into your room ? Who flies into the sky to meet the sun when the sunshines ? Where does the sun

95、shine ? Can it make the worldbeautiful ? Is the sun higher than the mountains and theclouds ?学生在初读完课文, 了解课文意思之后, 设计一些问题让他们分析,之后共同解决问题,初步培养学生的阅读能力 3、作业练习册中的 Ex.5 和 Ex.6七、巩固练习七、巩固练习I、英汉互译1.在东方_2.在世界上_3.在地球上_4.到处_5.night 的反义词_6.旅行者_7.在天空中_II、词汇1. I_(rise) the east.2. I _my light _(send)your room.3. I _

96、(shine) the trees ,the houses.III、按要求做题301.its time to get up.(同义句)_.2.I have meat and rice for lunch .(划线提问)_ ?3.Tom comes from London .(划线提问)_?4.it is six thirty . (划线提问)_?5.We go to school by bike . (划线提问)_?第二课时(第二课时( Read Read 的后的后 4 4 段)段)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:ReadRead 的后的后 4 4 段段二、课前预习二、课前预习 : :尝试翻译下列

97、词组尝试翻译下列词组1.在东方_2.在世界上_3.在地球上_4.到处_5.night 的反义词_6.旅行者_三、教学目标三、教学目标1、 复习一般现在时的陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及相关答语。2、 复习 1-5 课出现的交际用语。3、 能理解故事大意,能根据图片及关键词进行复述。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点能回答与短文内容有关的问题。五、词汇沙龙五、词汇沙龙Sometimes 有时候Sometime一段时间Sometime在某一时候Sometimes几次All day and all night 整日整夜great traveler 伟大的旅行者Never stop 永不停止六、课堂导引六

98、、课堂导引Step1 GreetingStep2 Revision1、 复习单词 east,world,high,than,night,never, stop(师给出音标,生写出单词,并写出汉语意思)2、 其它的单词,师说中文,学生说英文,师要对所抽查到的或表现良好的学生及时评价。3、 复习 Read 的前 5 段出示上课时前 5 段 Read 简笔画及关键词,找学生进行个述表扬复述流利的学生。(复习旧知识,为学习新知识做好铺垫,同时培养学生良好的学习习惯,使学生每一步学习都能打好扎实的基础。 )Step3Presentation1、Introduce the title “Lesson6Re

99、vision” and learn the Read :What doesthe sun say?(板书课题)2、The teacher takes out the pictures andpasts is on the blackboard.3、Listen to the tape .(The Ss look at the books)314、 Traslate into Chinese in groups:(教师利用小黑板出示下列问题)(1)What is much ,much hotter and bigger than anything else in theworld ?(2)Can

100、 you always see the sun ?(3)Where does the sun sometimes hide ?(4)When is the sun very bright ?(5)Do you think the sun is a great traveller in the sky ?(6)Does the earth travel all day and all night ?(7)Who is never tired and never stops ?让学生在初读完课文,了解课文意思之后,设计一些问题让他们分析,之后共同解决,初步培养他们学生的阅读能力。Step5.Ret

101、ellThe teacher writes the key sentence nearthe pictures and the Ss retell the talk in groups.Retell ittogetherStep6. Workbook做练习册的听力题.七、巩固练习七、巩固练习词汇1.I(从不)stop.2.I(工作)for you.3.I hide my face(后面)clouds.4.I send my(光线) into your room.5.I make the(世界)besutiful.连词成句1. Is to the teacher it time tells us

102、 go home (.)2.make we beautiful the world (.)3.does whatthe sun say (?)4.hide face sometimes i my clouds behind (.)5.think many people am great i a boy (.)按要求完成句子1.Your mother has supper at home .(改为一般疑问句)2.The children play games at 4:30 every day.(对划线提问)3.Li lei has lunch at school. (对划线提问)324.Mar

103、y comes from England.(对划线提问)5.The students are cleaning the classroom.(对划线提问)第三课时第三课时CheckbackCheckback一、学习目标:一、学习目标: CheckbackCheckback二、课前预习:尝试翻译下列词组二、课前预习:尝试翻译下列词组有时候到处All day and all night伟大的旅行者Never stop在东方三、教学目标三、教学目标1.复习词汇 east world 等2.复述 Read.3.对学生听、说、读、写进行检测。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点能独立完成练习题五、课堂导引五、课

104、堂导引Step1GreetingStep2Warm-up andRevision1.Act 师出示关键词,放一遍录音,挑选任意几个学生复述Read.2.词汇:按四会、三会单词顺序将本课单词查一遍,四会的要求写出英语单词及汉语意思,三会的单词及词组可根据英文写出中文。3.Lets sing:Where do you come form?复习旧知,培养学生参与精神,唱歌可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习英语的兴趣.Step3 Checkback1.听录音,连线,做完后,请学生扮演 Dongdong、LiRei、Paul 仿照例句将所连内容用句子描述。2.看表,填空。答案为:1)always 2)usu

105、ally3)sometimes 4)never,always.完后,请学生读补充完整后的句子.3.看地图回答问题.答案为:1)Mary comes form London.2)Liu Lei comes form Beijing.3)No, he doesnt, He lives in sydney.4)Yes,he does.完后,随机抽 4 桌学生,一人说问句,一人说答语.4.看图回答问题.答案为:1)He gets up at 6:30.2)No,hedosent. He dose morning exercises at 6:40.3)Yes,he dose.334)He walks

106、to school.5)He usually has lunch at 12:00.6)He usually gose home at 4:40.7)No,he dosent,He usually has supper at 6:00.8)He usually gose to bed at 9:00.完后随机找学生回答,然后再任意找学生谈谈自己一天的生活情况 ,教师要及时对学生进行评价.Step4. Workbook.练习册中的 Ex.7,Ex.8,Ex.9.五、巩固练习五、巩固练习根据所给单词形式天空1、The(child) are playing on the playground.2、T

107、he earth is a great(travel) too.3、She(come) from England .4、Im ten(year)old.5、Lily never(go) to bed before nine.按要求完成下列句子1、What time does he get up ?(改为同义句)2、He goes to school on foot.(对划线部分提问)3、He usually has supper at seven.(改为一般疑问句)4、Does he usually go to school by bus?(改为陈述句)选择1. The sun rises _

108、 the east.A. inB. fromC. at2. I send my light _ to your room.A. inB. fromC. at3. There is only one sun _ the world.A. inB. onC. at4.Iamhigh_intheskyhigherthantheclouds.A.upB. downC. over5. Ill start _ three months.A. beforeB. onC. in选词填空:inbyofontolikeRose lives _ Paris. Her mother lives _ London. S

109、he goes back _see her every three months.Mr. Brown doesnt like traveling _trainHe likes traveling _ plane,sometimes he goes _ ship.34They get _ the plane and look out _ of the window. Look at peopledown there. They look _ ants.Lesson 7Lesson 7Give me some beef, pleaseGive me some beef, please.第一课时(第

110、一课时(Learn new wordsLearn new wordsLets learn, Lets sing, Lets practice)Lets learn, Lets sing, Lets practice)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Learn new wordsLearn new wordsLets learn, Lets sing, Lets practiceLets learn, Lets sing, Lets practice二、课前预习二、课前预习 : :尝试翻译下列词组尝试翻译下列词组一些牛肉_一些鸡肉_造句子_Pass_another_Word _三、教学目标三、教学目

111、标1.通过音标学习本课单词beef, pea2.学习语言结构: Please give me some beef. Here you are.要求学生能用替换词造句。3.要求学生能用本课所学的句子进行语言交际。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点要求学生能用本课所学的句子进行语言交际,并用替换词造句。五、课堂导引五、课堂导引Step One: Class Opening and review1.Greeting.(用学过的问候语来和学生打招呼.)课始简单的问候可以培养学生的语感,使他们自然地处于英语学习的环境中2.Sing a song: Would you like a cup of tea?用学生

112、学过的歌曲来进行课前热身, 在视觉和听觉上给学生以美的享受,使学生快乐地进入英语学习的状态。在此也复习了一些关于食物的单词,为本课的学习奠定了基础。3Review the words:出示一些关于以下食物的图片 fish,chicken,pork,bun, bread,vegetables.让学生说出其名称,并分别用这些词造句,比如:Please have some fish. Id like some buns. Would you like a tomato?等Step Two:New Concept1.Lead to the title.2.Learn new words:beef, p

113、ea(1)(电脑操作出示 beef 和 peas 的图片,让学生先说出汉语意思,然后根据音标把单词读出来,教师领读几遍)这样让学生通过音标来学习单词,既可以复习音标,又可以让学生清楚单词中字母的发音,让学习做到听其音,知其形。(2)A game: Whats missing?师出示这些食物的图片, 让学生说出其名称,然后藏其中一张图片, 让学生来猜是什么食物。通过游戏既让学生巩固了所学单词,为一下步的学习奠定基础,又让学生感到学习的快乐,在快乐中学习。3.Lead to the main sentences:35Please give me some beef.Here you are.T:L

114、ook, Qiqi and Jane are having a meal.What are they talking about? Letslisten.电脑出示 Qiqi 和 Jane 吃饭的图片,播放录音,让学生跟读。此环节辅以录音设备,为学生创设一种通过听来获取语言信息的环境,从而思考、模仿,达到听和说的能力同步和谐发展。Step Three:Drill.1.Practise between the teacher and the class.2.Practise in pairs.教师出示一些食物的图片,先和学生一起操练,师问生答,或生问师答,而后让学生两两进行操练,最后展示给全体学生

115、。过大量的操练,使学生“领会掌握运用” ,由感知到升华,由脑到体都活动起来,寓教于乐,课堂气氛更加活跃。Step Four Consolidation and Creation Lets practice.(让学生用课前准备好的食物或图片进行表演练习, 让学生回到真实的环境中,使学生自然地用所学句子来进行交际。 )此环节让学生回到真实生活中,给学生足够的空间去想象,给学生充足的时间去交流,还课堂于学生,体现学生的主体性, 让英语变成学生表情达意的工具, 培养学生在具体情境中的语言综合运用能力, 这样充分调动学生的积极性,让他们体验成功,体验快乐。Step Five Class Closing

116、: Sing a song :Food song.1. Play the tape.2. Learn the new word : hear and follow.教师领读几遍并告诉意思。3. Read the sentences together.4. Sing the song with the tape.在此歌曲不仅可以缓解整节课给学生带来的紧张, 且给课堂带来了生机,而歌曲中的内容又巩固、加强了所学内容,起到“一鸟击二石”的作用六、巩固练习六、巩固练习翻译词汇吃光_ 吃药_给你 _造句子_要求某人做某事_吃面条_吃牛肉_Please give me some beef._句子加工厂1、

117、Give me some soup, please.(同义句)_2、Please give me some potatoes.(请写出答语)_选择1.Please _ me _ beef.A. give, anyB. give, someC. give,36many2. Would you like _cakes?Yes.A. anyB. aC. some3.What are these?-_ are cakes.A. ThoseB. TheyC. These第二课时第二课时(Lets talk)(Lets talk)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Lets talkLets talk二、课前预习

118、:完成下列词组二、课前预习:完成下列词组玩得高兴 _吃水果_请坐下_Give me some food ,please._三、教学目标三、教学目标1.复习集中识词中的本课单词beef, pea, soup, pass 要求学生能听懂、会认读、会说 beef, pea, soup 这三个单词,pass 要求学生能听懂、会认读、会说并能根据中文写出英文。2.学习交际用语 Give me a cake, please.Here you are.Thank you.3.要求学生能用这些句子来进行会话。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点1.要求学生能用本课交际用语Give me a cake, please.

119、Here you are.Thank you.来进行会话。2.对于 Pass me that plate.的理解及 pass 的用法。3.Here you are.与 Here it is.的区别。五、课堂导引五、课堂导引Step One: Class Opening and review1.Greeting和学生用学过的问候语打招呼, 不仅锻炼学生的口语水平, 也可以拉近教师和学生之间的关系,让学生轻松地进入英语课堂。2.Sing a song: Food song.放音乐让学生一起唱上节课所学的歌曲。歌曲是学生喜闻乐见的课堂活动形式之一,是语言表达的独特方式,是激发学生情感的催化剂。 讲课

120、前唱一首歌, 可以让学生快速进入学习英语的状态,充分调动起全体学生的积极性, 创设一种轻松、愉悦的学习英语的氛围。在此歌曲也涉及到一些食物的单词为本课所学的内容奠定了基础。3.Free talk:自由对话是各小组利用课前根据以前所学内容精心准备的,这种练习方式, 长期坚持下去不但训练学生的语言表达能力, 而且对旧知识进行了进37一步的巩固与加深,为学习新知识奠定坚实的基础。Step Two:New Concept1.Lead to the title:T: Today lets learn lesson 7 Give me some beef, please.(并板书课题)2.Learn ne

121、w words:复习集中识词中的本课单词, 达到进一步的巩固。 出示单词卡片让学生读单词并翻译。在学生基本掌握这些单词后, 进行抢读游戏,在游戏中要涉及到本课中的其它单词如: carrots, tomato, those, would, cake, plate等。这里采用竞争机制,不仅让学生巩固了所学内容,也大大调动了学生学习的积极性。让学生在玩中学, 学中玩,体验学习的快乐。在此也为下一步的学习做铺垫3.Lead to the first paragraph.(教师在黑板上画一钟表,为六点半。结合简笔画,利用手偶表演导入本课的对话内容。)T(Tom): Hello, I m Tom. Nic

122、e to meet you. Oh, it s six thirty.(看表) It s timefor supper. I m hungry.(摸肚子, 做饥饿状)Mum, what do we have for suppertoday?T(Mum): Look!.利用表演导入本课对话内容,可以清晰地把所讲内容展示给学生(播放录音,让学生听两遍后,跟读)此环节辅以录音设备,为学生创设一种通过听来获取语言信息的环境,从而思考、模仿,达到听和说的能力同步和谐发展。4. Learn the second paragraph.(用相同的方法学习第二段对话)Step Three:Drill.出示关键词

123、及简笔画:mum/ supper/ peas/ nice/ like/ YesThose/ cakes/ Would/ give/ Here/ Thank, nice/ Pass/ Here/ Thank1.先师生进行操练,可采用师问生答或生问师答的形式。2.生生操练,可分男女生或以行操练。3.最后学生两两操练。4.找几组学生到台前展示。通过多种形式的操练,让学生掌握所学知识。Step Four Consolidation and Creation(让学生以组编对话,最后展示给全体学生)给学生足够的空间去想象,给学生充足的时间去交流,还课堂于学生,体现学生的主体性, 让英语变成学生表情达意的工

124、具, 培养学生在具体情境中的语言综合运用能力Step Five Class ClosingHomework: Do exercise 7.五、巩固练习英汉互译玩得高兴 _吃水果_38请坐下_Give me some food ,please._请打开门_你喜欢他们吗?_第三课时第三课时(Read for fun)(Read for fun)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Read for funRead for fun二、课前预习二、课前预习 : :尝试翻译下列词组尝试翻译下列词组玩得高兴 _吃水果_请坐下_造句子_吃光_三、教学目标三、教学目标1.复习集中识词中的本课单词: sentence,

125、word, another. 其中 sentence 要求学生能听懂和认读,其它两个词要求学生能听懂、会说、会认读。2.理解课文大意,根据关键词复述课文。3.根据课文大意,正确回答与课文有关的问题。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点1、理解课文大意,根据关键词复述课文。2、根据课文大意,正确回答与课文有关的问题。五、课堂导引五、课堂导引Step One: Class Opening and review1.Greeting:T: Good morning, everyone.Ss: Good morning, Miss Mei.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet

126、 you, too.T: Give me your book.S1: Here you are.T: Pass me your pencil-box.S2: Here it is.课前简单的问候,不仅拉近了师生之间的关系,也复习了一些上节课所学的知识。2.Sing the song: Food song.让学生在轻松愉快的歌声中进入英语课堂。3.Act the dialogue. (找几组学生表演上节课的对话内容。)Step Two:New Concept1.Learn new words: sentence, word, another.检查这三个词的掌握效果,师出示单词卡片,学生抢读并说出

127、汉语意思。2. Learn the phrase.make a sentenceask sb to do sth师领读这些短语,让学生翻译:造句,让某人做某事。3.Lead to the text.(1) Play the tape, and show the figure picture.39(2) 找学生说出课文大意。Step Three:Drill.(1) 逐句播放录音让学生跟读并翻译。(2) 教师领读。(3) 学生齐读,分组读,分角色读。(4) 根据图片和关键词复述课文。sentences/ word/ asks/often give/ Jim/ wordanother/ egg/ A

128、ll/ teacher/breakfast/ makesWhere/ Butin/ saysStep Four Answer the questions:1.Who asks Jim to make a sentence?2.Who makes a sentence with “dog”?3.What is the sentence that Jim makes?4.Is the “dog” in the word?5.Who makes another sentence?6.Is the “egg” in the sentence?7.How does Jim explain it?六、巩固

129、练习连词成句1、 mecakepleaseGive a_2、 Passsomepeasherplease_3、 Somewouldlikechickenyou_4、 Givehothim Isomedogs_选择1. Please _ a sentence.A. makeB. doC. is2. The word “egg ” is _the cakes.A. onB. atC. in3. Jim _ the word “egg” is in the “cakes”.A. sayB. saysC. saying4. Green Frog laughs _ the Blue Frog.A. at

130、B. onC. in5. Is she tall _ short?A. andB. toC. or6. Who _ a ruler?A. haveB. isC. has7. Can you make _ sentence?40A. the otherB. anotherC. twoLesson 8Lesson 8Is she tall or short ?Is she tall or short ?第一课时第一课时(Learn new words(Learn new wordsLetsLetstalk)talk)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Learn new wordsLearn new wo

131、rdsLetLet s talks talk二、教学目标二、教学目标1、通过音标认读单词 young hair2、通过自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习英语积极的情感态度。3、通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯。三、教学重难点三、教学重难点掌握主题句型为选择疑问Is it long or short?并能用替换词造句和做出正确回答。四、课堂导引四、课堂导引一 Step One: Warm upa. Short dialogue(师生对话)通过师生之间简单的问候, 让学生立刻融入到学英语的氛围中, 加强了师生之间的亲和力b.Prepared tal

132、k (three minutes)此时的 Prepared talk 是由各个小组利用课前或课余时间根据以前所学内容精心准备的,这种练习方式,长期坚持下去,不但训练学生的语言表达能力,而且对旧知识进行了进一步的巩固与加深,为学习新课奠定基础c.Use cards review :“Sounds and spellings”Step Two New Concepts1.Show the title (揭示课题)2.Review the opposite wordsT say one word, Ss give the opposite word.Tallshortfatthinoldyoungb

133、eautifulugly big-smalllongshort3. Guiding (导入)a.角色表演导入法,教师提前找一名学生扮演课文需要的角色,老师扮演A 表演对话S: Who is in the room? (指着黑板上的背景图)T: A woman. She says she knows you.S: Is she tall or short?T: She is tall.S: Is she young or old?T: She is not young, but not very old.S: Is her hair long or short?T: Her hair is sh

134、ort.S: Oh, I see .She is my aunt.41b. 学生看书,教师自演两个角色,重点解释Is she tall or short?She is tall.She is not young, but not very old.c.学生看挂图,听录音磁带,第二遍跟读。根据语言学习规律, 在教学中人为地创设接近真实的生活情景是非常重要的,它能营造轻松的学习氛围, 激发学生交际的愿望和兴趣, 通过交流促进双方互相理解, 加速交际过程。 在上册书中已学了与本课有关的一些知识,通过创设情境,让学生对旧知识进行了巩固与加深, 同时为自然过渡到新知识做了铺垫4drill (操练对话)以

135、各种形式操练本课对话In chorusin groupsin pairsindividual在操练时可采用多种形式,如跟读、分组读、分角色读, 通过朗读培养学生正确的语音、语调,而小组内的合作学习, 更是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现Step 4 Consolidation and Creation(巩固与创新)教师给出示范, 创设一个情景和几个学生编新对话, 其中用上本课新学的句子。Step5.Lets practice1.学生小组就本课句型遍对话进行扩展练习。2.叫几组表演优异的学生到前边表演。3.为了防止学习的枯燥, 我把前面学过的一首旧歌加上本课的句型来加深巩固练习。Is th

136、is a dog? Is she tall or short?(提高了学生兴趣,从而温故知新)Step6.Exercises做练习册的练习五。五、巩固练习五、巩固练习英汉互译嘲笑_ 了解_因而出名 _知道,听说过_ I see_Pretty_ ugly_第二课时第二课时(Lets(LetslearnlearnLetLets practices practiceA game )A game )一、学习目标:一、学习目标:LetsLetslearnlearnLetLets practices practiceA gameA game二、课前预习二、课前预习 : :尝试翻译下列词组尝试翻译下列词组嘲

137、笑_ 了解_因而出名 _知道,听说过_ I see_Pretty_ ugly_三、教学目标三、教学目标1、通过句型复习选择疑问句422、通过自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习英语积极的情感态度。3、通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点掌握主题句型为选择疑问Is it long or short?She is tall.并能用替换词造句和做出正确回答。五、课堂导引五、课堂导引一 Step One: Warm upa. Short dialogue(师生对话)通过师生之间简单的问候, 让学生立刻融入到学英语的氛围中, 加强

138、了师生之间的亲和力b.Sing a song “Food song”c.Prepared talk (课始三分钟小组会话)此时的 Prepared talk 是由各个小组利用课前或课余时间根据以前所学内容精心准备的,这种练习方式,长期坚持下去,不但训练学生的语言表达能力,而且对旧知识进行了进一步的巩固与加深,为学习新课奠定基础Step2.Revision1.复习本课生词 young hair (四会)(教师出示单词卡片,学生认读,要求说出汉语意思并拼写)2角色表演对话,先放一遍录音,学生看挂图集体复述对话, 再叫几组学生上前边表演对话。Step3.presentation1.复习句型 Is i

139、t long or short?She is tall.2.教师出示图片并和学生一起做替换练习让学生根据图片两两做问答练习。3导入新课 Lets learnA (教师出示挂图)师问:Is it long or short?帮学生一起回答: She is tall.同一个问题问不同的学生,让学生自己回答。用挂图上的词做替换问答练习(先师问生答,再生问生答)4.同桌做问答练习。Step4.Lets practice4.学生小组就本课句型遍对话进行扩展练习。5.叫几组表演优异的学生到前边表演。6.为了防止学习的枯燥, 我把前面学过的一首旧歌加上本课的句型来加深巩固练习。Is this a dog?

140、Is she tall or short?(提高了学生兴趣,从而温故知新)Step4.A game 三问猜人游戏a.介绍游戏规则,示范游戏43b.指导学生小组形式完成游戏,练习句型c.给于表现好的组奖励Step5)Exercises做练习册的练习 6。六、巩固练习六、巩固练习根据中文意思完成句子1.She says_(他是高个子).2._(她的头发是)Long or shaort?3.He is a _(小青蛙).4.Is Green Frog _(漂亮还是丑)?5.The hungry bird_(喜欢漂亮的大青蛙).单项选择1._ she tall or short?A .DoesB.Ar

141、eC. IsD Do2.-_I use your ruler?-Sure.Here you are.A .CanB.ShallC. IfD Must3.A boy_ a girl in the street and they are talking.A .meetB.meetsC. metD meetes4.Look !_pretty Lily is!A .WhatB.WhoseC.WhenD How5.-_that boy ?-He is my brother.A .WhosB.WhatsC.Whose isD Which is第三课时(第三课时(Read for funRead for f

142、un)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Read for funRead for fun二、课前预习:完成下列词组二、课前预习:完成下列词组Sad(反义词)_ little(反义词) _Tall (反义词)_pretty(反义词)_Boy(对应词)_ talk(现在分词)_Laugh (第三人称单数)_meet(第三人称单数)_三、教学目标三、教学目标1 理解课文大意, 并能回答与课文有关的问题或能根据图片及关键词进行复述。2. 培养学生阅读能力。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点理解课文大意,并能回答与课文有关的问题五、课堂导引五、课堂导引(Personality Design)一 Step One:

143、Warm upa.Sing an English songb. Short dialogue44(师生对话)通过师生之间简单的问候, 让学生立刻融入到学英语的氛围中, 加强了师生之间的亲和力c.Prepared talk (课始三分钟小组会话)此时的 Prepared talk 是由各个小组利用课前或课余时间根据以前所学内容精心准备的,这种练习方式,长期坚持下去,不但训练学生的语言表达能力,而且对旧知识进行了进一步的巩固与加深,为学习新课奠定基础Step2.Revision1利用卡片复习上节课词汇。2叫几组同学到前边来表演上节课句型拓展练习对话。3复习句型问答练习Step 3.Presenta

144、tion利用简笔画进行导入。1教师在黑板上画出简笔画,用汉语讲述本课故事。2教师结合简笔画再用英语讲述,重复重难点句子,并给出中文意思。同时给出各幅图关键词。3出示挂图,放一遍此故事录音学生静听。再逐句播放,学生逐句跟读并说出中文意思。确保学生能理解此故事。4回答问题,进一步理解课文。a.Does Green Frog meet Blue Frog? What are they doing?b.Is Green Frog big or little?c.Who is pretty? Who is ugly?d.Who laughs at Blue Frog? Is Blue Frog sad

145、or happy?e.What does the hungry bird like?Step 4 practice1.学生小组活动, 根据关键词简化此故事, 要求能把故事大意表演出来即可。(因为本故事难度较大,降低难度更有利于培养学生成功感,从而提高学生学习兴趣。 )2学生到前边表演故事。3.全班复述此故事内容。Step 5.Checka.做练习册中的听力练习一至四。b.做练习册中的阅读理解练习。六、巩固练习六、巩固练习单项选择1、Is the bird hungry_ full?A .orB.andC. but2、The little boy_ an old man in the park.

146、A .meetB.meetsC.meeting3、Look! _Pretty she is !A .HowB.WhatC.What a4、My parent are_ in that room.A .talkB.talkC.talking455、We should not laugh _other .A ./B.forC.atLesson 9Lesson 9Which hotel is nicer?Which hotel is nicer?第一课时(第一课时(Learn new wordsLearn new wordsletlets learns learn)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Lea

147、rn new wordsLearn new wordsletlets learns learn二、教学目标:二、教学目标:1、 掌握四会单词 cheap 和 hear2、 形容词和副词的比较级及其变化形式三、教学难点三、教学难点1 字母组合 ea 在单词中的读音2 形容词和副词比较级的构成及其变化形式3 简单学习一些短语如:get on 等的用法和汉语意思四四、词汇沙龙词汇沙龙Cheap 的反义词_ 那个旅馆_Happy 的副词_ 在这附近_等待_ the other_ jump onto _五、课堂导引五、课堂导引Step 1.GreetingFree talk提高学生口语交际能力,创造英语

148、交流氛围Step 2. Revision1,听写三个单词 pass、young、hair(三个学生到黑板前其余在下面)2, 利用卡片学习 hotel、 cheap、 happily、 guard、 leave、 hear、 quickly jumponto worry came 的读音及其汉语意思(因为集中识词中学生已会读并知道汉语意思所以本课学生只需熟练并巩固通过集体读单个读等多种方式使每位学生会读)Step 3.Presentation1,板书学习 cheap hearguardcame 四词(因前两词需要四会所以再次提出)看音标学读音 guard came(分解式学读音有利于学生复习直呼

149、式学读音及闭音标单词的发音方法)利用字母拼读法识记 cheap 和 hear 如:c-h-e-a-pcheap(要求眼看、手写、脑想、口读)2 学习 lets learn 和 ask and answer小黑板板书形容词比较级的变化形式一般情况下,直接加 er 如 near-nearer以不发音的字母 e 结尾加如:nice-nicer以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词双写该辅音字母加 er 如 big-bigerfat-fatter以辅音字母加 y 结尾的形容词先把 y 变为 I 再加 er 如 heavy-heavier听录音注意 HongKongMacao 的读音学生跟读两遍教师纠正Ste

150、p 4.Practice46学习 lets learn 听两遍录音学生跟读教师个别纠正读音中的错误把全班分成两组然后变换多种方式进行问答直到灵活熟练为止,注意nearer 的读音同样练习 Ask and answerStep 5 Summary总结小黑板上的重点知识,学生做笔记并识记做练习册中的第 5 题、第 6 题准备利用形容比较级 nearer 等进行对话板书设计:Lesson 9 Which hotel is nicer?guard (火车的)管理员camecome 的过去式cheapc-h-e-a-phearh-e-a-r六、巩固练习巩固练习补全单词Hr (听见)lee(离开;出发)J

151、p (跳)happy(愉快地)Wry(担忧)to(到之上)写出下列单词的比较级Near- ()fast - ()Good -()cheap- ()Safe - ()clean- ()Small- ()big - ()单项选择1、Are there any_ near here?A. hotelB. hotelsC. an2、One is big ._is smallA.AnotherB. OtherC.The other3、_ is nearer ,the bigger one_ the smallerone ?A.Which; orB. What; andC.Where ;or4、-than

152、kyou very much.-_A.ThankyoutooB. You re welcomeC.Ok5、Excuse me. Are there_ chairs in your room?A. someB. aC. any第二课时(第二课时( LetLet s talks talk )一、学习目标:一、学习目标:LetLet s talks talk二、教学目标教学目标1、掌握四会单词 cheap 和 hear2、形容词和副词的比较级及其变化形式3、正确运用形容词比较级进行对话三、教学难点三、教学难点47对形容词比较级的掌握及其正确运用四、课堂导引四、课堂导引Step1 GreetingFr

153、ee talk(利用形容比较级来对话,激发学生学习英语的兴趣)Step2 Revision1 听写黑体词 cheapcame(个别学生到黑板前其余在下面)2 利用 Which is nearer to ?Which is nicer ?(教师利用卡片写一些学生熟悉的地名及一些实物的名称来进行对话,教师注意对学生的纠正及形容词比较级的读音)3 纠正练习册上的练习题5、6 题Step3 Presentation学习 lets talk听两遍录音第三遍学生跟读,教师及时纠正学生发音中的问题教师问学生说汉语意思教师解释对话中出现的一些疑难点并板书Step4 Practice教师读学生跟读个别学生领读直

154、到全部会读为止学生分成组与组之间、行与行之间、两人之间读、熟读表演对话背诵学习 lets chant(听一遍录音教师领读一遍然后解释汉语意思学生读三遍左右注意韵律)Step5 Summary背诵 lets talk抄写两遍 lets talk 翻译一遍板书设计lesson 9any 用在疑问和否定句中one the other 仅限两者中的一个和另一个cheaperbiggercheaner 中 er 的读音五、重点讲解五、重点讲解形容词的比较等级形容词有三个等级:原级,比较级和最高级比较级最高级词尾+est例子tallertallestlongerlongestsafersafest一般单音

155、节词、词尾+er少数双音节词以e结尾的单音词尾+r词尾+st48节词以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词去 y 变 i 加 er去 y 变 i 加 estlargerlargesthappierhappiesteasiereasiestbiggerbiggesthotterhottestmorebeautifulmostbeautiful以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的词两个或两个以上音节的词双写词尾+er双写词尾+est词前+more词前+mo形容词的比较等级的规则变化:形容词比较等级的不规则变化:原级good/well 好的bad/ill 坏的many/much 多的few/little

156、少的far 远的old 老的比较级betterworsemorelessfarther/furtherolder/elder最高级bestworstmostleastfarthest/furthestoldest/eldest(3) 形容词比较等级的用法:原级: 肯定结构:as+形容词原形+as 表“和一样”例子: Jimmy is as tall as Tony.否定结构:not so(as) +形容词原形+as 表“不如”例子: Jimmy is as tall as Tony.比较级结构: 形容词比较级+than 表“比更”例子: Tony is taller than Jimmy.最高

157、级结构:the+形容词最高级+比较范围 表“最”例子:Peter is the youngest in the class.六、巩固练习六、巩固练习按要求写词语1.strong(反义词)_2.tall(反义词)_3.sad(反义词)_4.small(反义词)_5.heavy(比较级)_6.fast(比较级)_497.good(比较级)_8.strong(比较级)_9.good(最高级)_10.smaller(原级)_选择:1.The smaller one is _ than the bigger one.A. cheapB. cheaperC. cheapest2.Which is _ to

158、 Shenzhen, Hong Kong or Macao?A. nearB. nearerC. nearest3.Look at the two old man, which one is_?A. heavyB. heavyerC. heavier4.Whose train is this, the _ man or the _ man ?A. fat, thinB. fater, thinerC.fatter, thinner5.The giraffe is _ than the elephant.A. much tallB. much tallerC. many tall6.Which

159、cake is _, the big one or the small one?A. niceB. nicerC.niceer7.Look! I can dance _ than you .A. goodB. gooderC. better8.It is one of the _ buildings in China.A. tallB. tallerC. tallest9.The Jinmao Tower is 420 meters _.A. tallB. tallerC. high10.I am much _ and _ than _ else.A. hot, big, everything

160、B. hoter, biger, everythingC.hotter, bigger, everything第三课时(第三课时( Read Read)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:ReadRead二、教学目标:二、教学目标:1、通过熟读促语感形成,提高背的能力和质量1、 形容词和副词的比较级及其变化形式2、 能够正确熟练运用形容词的比较级三、教学难点三、教学难点形容词的比较级及变化形式四、课堂导引四、课堂导引Step1 GreetingFree talk(运用形容词的比较级进行对话,要求学生尽量都会用nicerbigger 等来进行对话)Step2 Revision1 检查的 lets tal

161、k 的背诵情况2 复习本课学过的单词 (利用卡片来复习可以节省时间,还能提高学生的注意力)Step3 Presentation1 学习 Read Missing the train502 板书第一幅简笔画听录音,学生复述教师解释waitfor,one is ,The other 的用法及其汉语意思3.依次类推,注意短语 come into ,get on ,begin tojump onto 等汉语意思4.6 幅简笔画下面加注关键词Step4 Practice1 熟读第一幅简笔画内容直到学生能根据关键词复述为止2 依次类推,学生若有困难可适当降低难度,语法正确能说出关键句子即可。3 教师首先复

162、述一遍,注意表情动作(肢体语言能对学生的积极性有很好的激发)Step5 Summary1 总结本课所学的形容词比较级变化形式及其用法2 做练习册听力及课后 7、8、9 题五、词汇沙龙五、词汇沙龙1.one the other.一个,另一个2.wait for 等待e into the station 进站4.get on the train 上火车5.miss the train 错过火车e up 赶过来7.much+形容词比较级 表比的多8.too tall 太高了9.any of sb. 的任何一个10. take the train 乘火车11. say goodbye to sb.跟某

163、人说再见much+形容词比较级 的多六、巩固练习六、巩固练习1.Two _ are waiting for the train.A. mansB. manC. men2. There are two apples. _ is big, _ is small.A. One, The otherB. One, OtherC. Other,Another3. You can _ the next train.A. takeB. byC. takes4. That man only come to say goodbye _ me.A.toB. onC. in5. She says _ than me

164、.A. goodB. betterC. best6. He _ the train.A. missB. missesC. missing7.The elephant is _ heavier than the giraffe.51A. manyB. muchC. more8. Im taller than _ of you.A. everyB. anyC. oneLesson 10Lesson 10The giraffe is taller than the deerThe giraffe is taller than the deer第一课时(第一课时(Learn new wordsLear

165、n new wordsLets talkLets talk)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Learn new wordsLearn new wordsLets talkLets talk二、教学目标:二、教学目标:1.学习词汇.2.理解并掌握由疑问词引导的选择疑问句和比较级句式的结构及其答语:Which is taller, the deer or the giraffe?The giraffe is much taller than the deer!三、教学重难点三、教学重难点理解并掌握由疑问词引导的选择疑问句和比较级句式的结构及其答语:Which is taller, the deer o

166、r the giraffe?The giraffe is much taller than the deer!四、课堂导引四、课堂导引Step one Warm-up and revision1. Greeting通过师生之间简单的问候,使学生立刻融入到学英语的氛围中,加强了师生之间的亲和力.2.Prepared talk (课始三分钟小组会话)此时的 Prepared talk 是由各个小组利用课前或课余时间根据以前所学内容精心准备的,这种练习方式,长期坚持下去,不但训练学生的语言表达能力,而且对旧知识进行了进一步的巩固与加深,为学习新课奠定基础3.Review some words wit

167、h word-cards: which, than, many, tall, animal,much(为下一步学习课本对话做准备)Step Two Presentation1.Introduce the title” Lesson 10 The giraffe is taller than the deer.”2.Learn the new words: heavier, giraffe(为下一步学习课本对话做准备)3.角色表演法导入.教师课前找一名学生做准备,上课时与自己配合进行表演以导入对话.师扮演 Qiqi,学生扮演 Eve,用简笔画或挂图配合进行如下对话:T: Wow! So many

168、 animals.S: Look! What a big elephant!T: Which is heavier, the elephant or the bear?S: The elephant is much heavier than the bear.T: Look! A tall deer.S: No, its not a deer. Its a giraffe.52T: Which is taller, the deer or the giraffe?S: The giraffe is much taller than the deer.4.Play the cassette(先整

169、体放两遍录音,使学生初步感知课文内容,然后逐句放,生对照书中角色进一步理解,接着跟读,并译成中文.)Step Three Drill (在操练时可采用多种形式,通过朗读培养学生正确的语音语调.)1.Read after the tape-recorder for twice.2.Lead Ss to read the diffcult sentences.3.Read the dialogue in pairs.(在操练时,小组内的合作学习,是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现.)(At the same time, the teacher gives outthe key words o

170、n the blackboard.)4.Close the books, lead Ss to retell the dialogue according to the keywords.5.Retell the dialogue together.6.Ask some Ss to retell the dialogue.7.Ask Ss to act the dialogue in groups.( 教师让几组学生进行对话表演,最后从中评出最佳表演组.)五、巩固练习五、巩固练习写出下列单词的反义词Tall -up -Light -sad-Old -fast-写出下列形容词的比较级Good -

171、well-Easy -heavy-Big-tall-Strong -happy-Sad-fast-选择填空1.Look! _A big elephant!A. WhatB.HowC.Why2.The elephant is_ heavier than the bear.A. veryB.mostC. much3.Who is_, Gege or MeimeiA.younger,B. youngC. youngest第二课时(第二课时(Lets learn and LetLets learn and Lets chants chant)一、学习目标一、学习目标:Lets learn and Le

172、ts chantLets learn and Lets chant二、教学目标二、教学目标1.复习形容词比较级的构成.2.进一步学习由疑问词which引导的选择疑问句和比较级句式的结构及其答语:53Which is taller, the giraffe or the elephant?The giraffe is taller than the elephant.并能做替换练习.三、教学重难点三、教学重难点复习由疑问词 which 引导的选择疑问句和比较级句式的结构及其答语:Which is taller, the giraffe or the elephant?The giraffe is

173、 taller than the elephant.并能做替换练习.四、课堂导引四、课堂导引Step One Class Opening and greeting.Step Two Revision.a.Review the words.(Who can read my cards?)复习上节课的词汇,巩固旧知识,为学习 Lets learn 句型奠定基础.b.Acting. (充分发挥学生的模仿力及创造力,进行上节课内容的情景表演,把所学知识和实际联系起来,培养他们的语言运用能力.)Step Three contents.a.复习形容词比较级的构成:教师说形容词原级,学生说如何加 er 并读

174、出来.(四种规则都要复习)talltallerstrongstrongernicenicerlatelaterbigbiggerhothotterbusybusierheavyheavier为下一步学习句子做准备.b.师出示挂图,和一名学生问答导入:T: Which is taller,the giraffe or the elephant?S: The giraffe is taller than the elephant.c.Listen to the tape-recorder for twice.Step Four Drill1.Read after the teacher for s

175、ometimes.2.师生看图问答.(师给出关键词)3.The boys ask and the girls answer.4.Practice in pairs.5.Practice in the groups.Step Five Acting1.Act the dialogue in pairs.2.Act the dialogue in the groups.(会话进行得既多又准的组可给予奖励)Step Six Lets chant1.放两遍歌谣录音,让学生初步感知,激发学习兴趣.2.采用各种形式读歌谣直至熟练.3.听录音,小声跟着说唱.4.逐句学习,用手打节奏齐声说唱.5.个人表演,小

176、组表演.54五、词汇沙龙五、词汇沙龙Make fun of sb取笑某人Have fun 玩得开心点第三课时(第三课时(Read for fun and a puzzleRead for fun and a puzzle)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Read for fun and a puzzleRead for fun and a puzzle二、教学目标二、教学目标1.复习音标/i:/并学习词汇2.理解课文大意,并能回答与课文有关的问题,或根据图片及关键词进行复述.三、教学重难点三、教学重难点理解课文大意,并能回答与课文有关的问题,或根据图片及关键词进行复述.四、课堂导引四、课堂导引St

177、ep One Warm-up1.Greeting通过师生之间简单的问候,使学生立刻融入到学英语的氛围中,加强了师生之间的亲和力.2.Free talkStep Two Revision1. 复习长元音/i:/2.运用卡片学单词:strong, lift, stone, even, reach, leaf, easily, meal(师出示单词卡片,生按座次读,抢读,分组读并说出汉义)Step Three Presentation1.出示挂图,角色表演导入后,播放录音,生初步感知课文.2.师写出关键词,用正常语速复述课文,必要时可放慢,停顿或重复.Step Four Practice1.放录音,

178、生对照书中人物跟读,进一步理解课文内容.2.师领读3.生自读并试着译成中文.4.师检查并校正译文.5.Read together for sometimes.6.分角色朗读.Step Five CheckAsk Ss to answer these questions:1.Who does Giraffe meet?2.Who can dance better than Giraffe? Is she sad?3.Is Giraffe strong? Who is stronger than Giraffe?4.Can Giraffe run fast? Who can run faster

179、than Giraffe?5.Are all the animals hungry? What do they want to eat?6.Who is taller than any of the animals? Can she reach the leaves easily?557.Do they have a good meal?Step Six A puzzle教师先向学生说明该题的要求和做法,在将学生分成三人一组,成员们共同完成此游戏.最先完成并准确的组将获得奖励.五、词汇沙龙五、词汇沙龙Go to a dance 参加舞会At a dance 在舞会上A lot of许多 大量的

180、Be able to 有能力干某事六、巩固练习六、巩固练习单项选择1.The giraffe istaller than the deer.A .muchB. moreC. very2.What bigbear!A .aB. anC. the3.The giraffe is taller than any ofA .animalB. animalsC.the animal4.I m much.A .goodB. bestC. Better连词成句1.taller is who the or boy the girl?2.Fine a can build little two nest bird

181、s.3.Runs deer giraffe than faster.4.Leaves reach she easily can the.5.Meal animal all a the have good.按要求完成句子1.This is a big elephant.(变为 what 引导的感叹句)2.The tiger is strong .the bear is stronger.(合并成一句话)3.The monkey is small the cat is smaller.(合并成一句话)4.This room is bigger than that one. (变为 which 引导

182、的问句)56Lesson 11Lesson 11Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas第一课时(第一课时(Learn new wordsLearn new wordsLetLet s talks talk )一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Learn new wordsLearn new wordsLetLet s talks talk二、教学目标二、教学目标1、能听懂会说并能认读单词:Merry Christmas2、能用 Merry Christmas the toy dog is for you进行对话.3、理解课文内容,并能复述。三、教学重难点三、教学重难点感叹句的用

183、法。四、课堂导引四、课堂导引一、Revision填空:1.Which is(大),the elephant or the bear.2.Mr Green is(年龄大) than Mr Brown3.Kate is(瘦) than Jane.4.This book is(新) than that one.5.Who is(聪明),Li Ming or Dongdong二、New Concepts1.出示教学挂图2.简单介绍 Merry Christmas 板书题目并领读.3.导入:用角色表演导入法导入课文。 教师在课间可找两名学生做准备。上课时与自己配合进行表演以导入对话。三、Drill1.在

184、挂图边写上关键词,播放录音。 (所谓感叹句就是用以表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。感叹句句末尾通常用感叹号, 有时也可用句号,一般用降调。A、将感叹词 what 或 how 及其它所修饰的词至于句首,即可构成感叹句。how 后接形容词和副词,what 后接名词,主谓词序不变并可省略。例如:What a beautiful tree(it is)! How blue (the sky is)!b.单词和短语均可构成感叹句。例如:Help 救命!Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐!2、打开课本,熟读课文。3、讲解重点句子:What a beautiful tree!4.将全班分成两组进行对话。

185、5.复述6.表演课文五、拓展延伸:五、拓展延伸:关于一些节日名称Christmas 圣诞节Halloween 万圣节Mothers Day 母亲节Thanksgiving Day感恩节Childrens Day 儿童节Tree Planting Day植树节April Fools Day 愚人节Teachers Day 教师节National Day 国庆节Fathers Day 父亲节The Dragon-Boat Festival端午节The Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节六、巩固练习六、巩固练习57第二课时(第二课时(LetLets learn and Lets learn

186、 and Lets sings sing)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Lets learn and Lets singLets learn and Lets sing二、教学目标二、教学目标1、 了解西方国家一年当中比较重要的日子。2、 能理解并掌握有关日期的句型, 并能做替换练习。 When is Christmas?Its onDecember 253、 会唱歌曲:We wish you a merry Christmas.三、教学重难点三、教学重难点句型 When is Christmas?Its on December 25.四、课堂导引四、课堂导引一、复习1、 单词:出示单词卡片,复

187、习本课词汇。2、 会话:根据上一节课的 Lets talk 内容让学生自由对话。二、新受1、 介绍节目:教师板书,边简单介绍各个节日的由来。ChristmasHalloween Mothers day Thanksgiving Day导入; 这四个节日是西方国家一年当中比较重要的日子, 那么这些节日都在什么时候过呢?引出主题句:When is Christmas?Its on December 25.三、操练1、 领读主题句及各个节日,直到读熟。2、 自由对话并做替换练习。3、 叫几组同学到前面互相问答。四、Sing a song1、 教师读歌词2、 跟录音机学唱歌。3、 用自己知道的节日名替

188、换歌词,演唱歌曲。五、词汇沙龙五、词汇沙龙1.from door to door 挨家挨户2.a lot of 许多e out 出来4.trick or treat 给糖还是恶作剧5.in front of 在.前面6.on the eighteen floor 在十八层楼7.dress up as 打扮成8.in the street 在街上e into 进入六、巩固练习六、巩固练习句子加工厂1、ChildrensDay is on June 1st.( 对划线部分提问)582、Im from XinJiang. ( 对划线部分提问)3、This toy dog is for you.(变为

189、复数)4、Teachers Day is on September 10th. ( 对划线部分提问)第三课时(第三课时(Read listen and numberRead listen and number)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:Read listen and numberRead listen and number二、教学目标二、教学目标1.能理解故事大意,回答与课文有关的问题。2进一步复习和巩固本课的语言结构和交际用语。三、教学重难点三、教学重难点根据图片及关键词复述课文。四、课堂导引四、课堂导引一、复习1 Sing a song :We wish you a merry Chri

190、stmas.2 读一读,连一连Mothers dayDecember 25(th)HalloweenOctober31 (st)ChristmasThe fourth Thursday in NovemThanksgiving DayThe second Sunday in may二、新受1 师用中文讲述本课故事2 用简笔画情景教学法,用英语再复述一遍课文,并附上关键词。3 师再用英语复述一遍,直到学生全能听懂为止。三、操练1 打开课本,并听录音。2 合上书,看关键词听录音。3 一起复述四、练习回答问题1.When is Halloween? Are the children very hap

191、py on that day?2.What do children often make on that day?3.Do they dress up as ghosts?4.Where do the children go in the evening?5.Who comes out suddenly ? Are the children afraid? Do they run away?6.Is it a ghost? What can they see at last?五、Listen and number给学生两份钟的时间仔细观察本部分的图片所表达的信息。五、巩固练习五、巩固练习59用

192、括号内单词的正确形式填空1.Where(be) our presents?2.Mothers Day is the(two) Sunday in May.3.Go and find(they).4.(This) picture books are for you.5.The(child) are very happy.单项选择() 1、Ted is _ boy in our class.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. the tallest() 2、_is the weather like in JinShan?It is sunny.A. HowB. WhatC.

193、WhichD. Who() 3、I will be a _, Ill _very hard.A. work; workerB. worker; workingC. working; workD. worker; workLesson 12Lesson 12MyMynewnewhomehome第一课时(第一课时(Learn new wordsLearn new wordsRead 1Read 14 4)一、教学目标一、教学目标1、 词汇方面:Read and say: drive bridge south China vest city throughelevator more bedroom

194、metre famous visit apartment eighteenth tallest Asia2、 语言结构方面:复习一般现在时,形容词比较级3、 交际用语:Here we are.及 711 课的交际用语。4、 思想方面:对学生进行“爱我家乡”的思想教育。二、教学重难点二、教学重难点1、 认读单词。2、 会读课文,理解大意,能回答与课文有关的问题。难点:Retell the text(14)三、课堂导引三、课堂导引Step1. Warm-up and revision1.Try to retell the text of lesson11. First together then

195、the volunteers.2.Try to read and say the new words of this lesson (卡片形式快速出现)3.区分辨音: iai drive China60ibridge city4.Revise the old words: family,ride,over, street,stop,in front of,building,floor,way up high,much bigger than,bright (卡片形式快速出现, 读单词并说词义)Step2.New concepts.1.Teacher points to the picture

196、and say: “I have afriend.His name is LiuJun.He lives in ShangHai.Now he has a new home.Itsin PuDong. Its verybeautiful.Lets go and visot it,OK?”2.Play the tape(14 段)Ask them to listen and look at the books.3.Play the tape again. Ask them to repeat and say Chinese meaning.Explain:drive to驾车前往ride 乘坐t

197、hrough 穿过 Herewe are 我们到了in front of在前面 on the eighteenth floor在第18层楼way up high 位于楼层高处come into 进入much bigger than比更大 more 更多4.Teacher points to the pictures. Retell the text(1_4)and write key wordsunder the pictures.Step4. Drills.1.Ask the pupils to look at the books and repeat the tape recorder.2

198、.Read the text together.3.Ask them to close the books.Look at the key words . Listen to the tapeand repeat.4.Look at the Key words. Teacher and pupils try to retell. (可以分段复述)5.差生可以让他们读一读课文。6.Answer some puestions:1 Where does LiuJun live?2 Are his family driving to their new home now?3 Do they ride

199、over a bridge and through some streets?4 Where do they stop?5 Do they ride the elevator up to their new home ?6 Which floor is their new home on?7 Which home is bigger,the new one or the old one?8 Does it have many room?Step5. Home work1.Do EX.5 and EX.8 after class.2.Try to retell the text of this

200、lesson.四、巩固练习四、巩固练习按要求完成下列各题Drive (现在分词)come(现在分词)Street (复数形式)mnch(比较级)Have (第三人称单数)eighteen(序数词)用所给词的适当形式填空1、We ride over a bridge and through some(street).612、Its(a) apartment house.3、Now my family and I are(drive) to our new home.4、Its on the(seventeen) floor.5、Its much(big) than our old one.第二课

201、时(第二课时( Read 5 Read 59 9)一、教学目标一、教学目标1、1Write them in English:drive,bridge,south,China,west,city2Say them in English:through,elevator,more,bedroom,metre,famous,visit,apartment,eighteenth,tallest,Asia2、复习一般现在时,形容词比较级、最高级,及7-11课交际用语。3、对学生进行思想教育,要热爱自己的家乡。二、教学重难点二、教学重难点1、 会读及复述课文。2、 书写单词。3、 回答与课文有关的问题。三

202、、课堂导引三、课堂导引Step1 Warm-up and revision1 、Retell the text (1-4)of lesson12Firsttogetherthen the volunteers2、Revise the new wordsWritefour skillwords in EnglishRead and say three skill words.3、Read and say the old wordsin the streets, Look like,around,many ofthem,even,to the south,at night.Step2 New co

203、ncepts1、Show the pictures on the blackboardTeacher points to the pictures and retell the text (5-9)in Chinese2、Teacher points to the pictures and retell the text in English.3 、Play the tape recorder,Ask them to repeat and say Chinese meaning.ExplainThe shungHai TV Station,all over.Step3 Drills1、Look

204、 at the books.Listen to the tape and repeat.2、Read together.3、Look at the Key words.Listen and repeat.4、Teacher and pupilsLook at the Key words try to retell(可以分段复述)5 、First together then the volunteers6 、复述有困难的学生,可以让他们读一读课文7 、Answer some questions1 What can Liu Jun see from the window?622What is li

205、ke toys?3What is around their apartment house?4What can Liu Jun see to the south?5Is it one of the tallest building in China?6What can Lin Jun see to the west?7Where is Shang Hai TV station?8What do the lights look like in the sky at night?9Is the city beautiful?10Does Liu Jun like his new home?8 、

206、启发学生来说一说从课文中懂得什么?要热爱自己的家乡, 虽然我们的家乡现在比不上浦东美, 但是只要我们好好学习, 将来用知识来改变我们家乡的面貌。Spet4Honework1、Do Ex.6 and Ex.7 after class2、Retellthewhole text of lesson12四、巩固练习四、巩固练习1.We will do our best _more trees on Tree Planting Day.A. plantB. to plantC. plantingD. planted2.、Look! Jim and Tim are _their homework now.

207、A. doB. to doC. doingD. does选用所给的词填空WhereWhatWhenHowWhose(1)_book is this ?(2)_is the weather like today?(3)_areyou from?(4)_were you born? In May ,1990.(5) _do you go to school? On foot .63第三课时(第三课时(CheckbackCheckback )一、教学目标一、教学目标1.Write the new words.四会单词看音标,书写单词的意思。2.Read and say three skill wor

208、ds.3.Try to retell the whole text.4.Do some exercises in English book.二、教学重难点二、教学重难点1 写及认读新单词。2 复述整篇课文。3 做练习题。难点:复述整篇课文。三、课堂导引三、课堂导引Step1. Warm-up and revision.1.Write the four skill words.看音标写单词和意思。2.Read and say three skill words.(卡片形式快速出现)3.Play the tape recorder. Ask the pupils to listen to the

209、text of lesson12.4.Ask the volunteers to try to retell the whole text.(可用挂图提示)5.让复述有困难的学生读一读。Step2. Checkback1 听录音选择正确答案。2 听录音按顺序排列句子。3 填数字。4 口头讨论图画。运用多媒体实物展台(或简笔画) ,参照书中例句,引导学生进行操练。再将学生分成两人一组自由练习。5 关于 Marys busy day 进行问答老师首先和一名学生示范,然后互相问答。四、巩固练习四、巩固练习The child is afraid.(改为复数)Our home is on the eighteenth floor.(改为否定句)My bedroom is big and bright. ( 对划线部分提问)The Jinmao Tower is about 420 metres. ( 对划线部分提问)I live in Sahanghai. ( 对划线部分提问)This is my new house. ( 对划线部分提问)6465



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