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1、2017.9.18Unit3Travel新航标UNITTravelTheTowerBridge伦敦塔敦塔桥InUKIts a symbol London and spans the River Thames close to the Tower of London新航标UNITTravelTheBeijingNationalStadium北京国家体育馆Also known as the Birds NestIts a historical landmark for the 2008 Beijing Olympic GamesBuilt with 36 kilometers of unwrapp

2、ed steelstedm新航标UNITTravelTheWhiteHouse白白宫Its the residence of every US President since John Adams.rezd()ns新航标UNITTravelTheLittleMermaid小美人鱼Its a bronze statueA major tourist attraction in Copenhagen, Denmark.mmed新航标UNITTravelTheGuest-GreetingPineatMountHuangshanIts on the east side of Yuping Peak a

3、nd on top Wenshu Cave.Ten meters high, and looks like a hospitable host stretching her arms out to welcome the arrival of guests. hsptb()l新航标UNITTravelMountFujiJapans tallest mountainIts an active volcano.fju:di:新航标UNITTravelBeforeyougotraveling,youneedtoplanyourtripby:What kind of tour( a walking t

4、our, a package tour, a bus tour)How to get therebudget新航标UNITTravel下一个假期你准备去哪里度过?你是否计划花一大笔钱度假?如果是,那么你就会对太空度假的信息感兴趣。这些信息不仅包括度假费用、活动、度假的时间,还包括那些有趣的太空度假组织者的情况。太空度假太空度假Paragraph1新航标UNITTravelbudgetn. a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose预算Your price far exceeds our budget.你的报价远远超过我们的预算。新航标UN

5、ITTravelParagraph 2太空度假包括以下内容:先在一个岛上进行八周的训练,然后乘坐运载火箭从地球到太空旅馆,最终在太空逗留三天,再乘运载火箭返回。那么费用如何呢?进行一次太空度假游客需支付大约450万美元。太空旅馆将由一间可容纳四名自费游客和两名宇航员的太空分离舱组成。分离舱在离地球450公里的上空的轨道上运行三天,在此期间,游客可以向外观望,每天可以看到15次日出,平均每80分钟就可以环绕地球一周。新航标UNITTravelParagraph 2在太空分离舱内,为了抵消失重带来的影响,旅客将穿上特制的太空衣,这样就能将身体固定在太空舱壁上。或者,如果他们喜欢在失重的环境中到处移

6、动,他们可以在太空舱内飘浮。这一切听起来很让人兴奋。尽管价格昂贵,现在已经有200多人表示对太空度假感兴趣。其中许多人已经办理了预订。新航标UNITTravelKey words1. Consist of 由组成,包括A week consists of seven days.2. accommodate : to have enough space 容纳Are there enough shelves to accommodate all our books?有足够的书架来放我们所有的书吗?3. attachto :to fasten or join sth. to sth.将依附在上She

7、 attached a check to the order form.新航标UNITTravelPage41 ExerciseA.1. About eight weeks and three days.2. No, ordinary tourists cannot afford to stay in a space hotel because it is too expensive. The cost for journey will be 4.5 million.新航标UNITTravel3. The tourists will stay in the space pod while in

8、 space. They will be able to look out and see the sun rises 15 times a day and travel around the world every 80 minutes. Additionally, they can move around the pod by floating in the weightless atmosphere. 新航标UNITTravelParagraph 3人们也许对这种太空度假的可能性存有怀疑。但是有一家“银河套房有限公司”说有一位神秘的亿万富豪一位太空爱好者拿出了30亿美元资助该项目。这家西

9、班牙公司的首席执行官泽维尔克拉拉蒙特以前是一位航天工程师,他认为其公司将以此项太空旅游计划引领太空旅游业。他预测太空旅游业具有光明的前景,因为太空旅行将会得到普及。新航标UNITTravelParagraph 3持这种观点的并非克拉拉蒙特一人。英国大亨理查德布兰森先生拥有一家“维珍银河”的太空旅游公司。他计划利用美国太空港提供商业太空旅游服务。新航标UNITTravelfinancevt. to provide or obtain funds, capital, or credit for 提供资金,负担经费Who finances this project?新航标UNITTravelindu

10、stryn. a particular branch of business or trade产业、行业The tourist trade has become a real industry.旅游业已成为一个真正的产业。新航标UNITTravelPage 414. A mysterious billionaire and space lover has offered financial support of 3 billion US dollars for the project.5. Galactic Suite Limited and Virgin Galactic.glktkvdn新

11、航标UNITTravelPage 41 ExerciseWiden our knowledgeLearn geography, different lifestyle, customs, culturesTry various foodsPractice a foreign languageMeet and make new friends with people of different racesMake the one relax, refresh and energetic新航标UNITTravelKeytoStructureExercisesA1.Myoldfatherbeganst


13、ystudentintheclassroomcouldhearclearly.新航标UNITTravelB1. a. Lucy prefers to be a tour guide after graduation. b. I prefer to go to Greece on vacation. c. She prefers to take a three-year tourism course.2. a. They built the house regardless of the cost. b. He climbed up the tower regardless of the dan

14、ger. c. People should be hired regardless of their race or gender.新航标UNITTravelKeytoTranslationExercisesA1.您如果需要什么帮助,我随时为您效劳。2.我们要把经济发展放在第一位。3.这个国家的很大一部分收入依靠旅游业。4.我正准备额外订购一些办公设备,包括一些新办公桌和一台台式电脑。5.由中国国家旅游局资助的这个项目会对旅游业产生很大影响。新航标UNITTravelB1.One of my dreams is to travel around the world.2.They tried t

15、o forecast the result of the football match.3.We lead the industry with excellent service.4.She plans to take full advantage of the three-day stay at the space hotel.5.On the Internet, you can not only learn about a travel agency, but also make a tour reservation. 新航标UNITTravelMoretermsrelatedtobein




19、typerooms组合式客房新航标UNITTravelGrammar:NumericalExpressions基数基数词变序数序数词规律律一、二、三,单独记;八去t,九去eve要用f替整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie,再加th要变几十几,十位基数个位序,th最后加上去.新航标UNITTravel 分数表达法:分数表达法:分母分母序数词,分子分子基数词分子不为一,分母+sE.g. One/fourth ; three/fourths 小数表达法:小数表达法:小数点后逐个读出0.68 zero point six eight新航标UNITTravel日期表达日期表达June 29, 2009读作

20、 June (the) twenty-ninth, two thousand and nine年代年代读法法In the 1980s在20世纪80年代In the nineteen eighties新航标UNITTravel年年龄表达:表达:基数词+years oldAt the age of+ 基数词Be in ones +几十的复数形式,表示大概年龄新航标UNITTravel320 three hundred and twenty2,648two thousand and six hundred and forty-eight第121one hundred and twenty first

21、八点一刻A quarter past eight1949年Nineteen forty-one新航标UNITTravelthree fourths / three quarters0.4 (zero) point four25.67twenty-five point six seven新航标UNITTravel乘乘飞机旅游小机旅游小贴士士如果你希望假期过得愉快,尤其是飞往国外,花一点时间做些简单的计划是值得的。以下是一些建议告诉你旅行预订前、前往机场前及到达目的地前该做些什么。首先,在决定去什么地方之前,应该先了解那个地方。可以看书,也可以上网了解。你是否需要办签证?如果需要,应该留有足够时间

22、获取签证。另外,应该记住护照号码,以防护照丢失。预订机票时,应该了解航空公司允许带几件行李以及行李的大小和重量。新航标UNITTravel 现在可以开始考虑该携带哪些物品。最好带两个包:一个小一些的手提行李,一个大一些的托运行李来装旅行期间所需的衣服和其他物品。手提行李中,可以考虑放以下物品:护照、机票、钱、记有你可能要寄明信片的朋友和家人地址的小笔记本、牙刷和几件干净的内衣。应该摘下旧的行李牌,换上写有新的目标地的标牌。起飞当天,给机场打电话查询飞机是否准时起飞。新航标UNITTravel 飞机起飞和着陆时,可以在嘴里吮吸些糖果以帮助减少耳朵的疼痛,或者记得用力吞咽。在飞行途中,尽量多喝水,

23、在飞机上走动也很重要。如果途中加油,下飞机走一走伸展一下腿。最后,把手表调整到“当地时间”,并尽可能多睡觉以减少时差反应。到达目的地后,你有望度过一个愉快的假期。新航标UNITTravelKey words1. suck: to take liquid, air, etc, into your mouth by using the muscles of your lips 吸To suck the juice from an orange2. swallowAlways chew food well before swallowing什么食物都要嚼碎了再吞咽。3. stretch: to pu

24、t your arms or legs out straight and tighten your muscles 伸展,舒展He stretched and yawnedjn lazily.他伸了伸懒腰,打了哈欠。新航标UNITTravelpreserveto keep a particular quality, feature, etc; to make sure that sth is kept. 保护;维护;保留He was anxious to preserve his reputation.他急于维护自己的名声。Effort to preserve the peace have f

25、ailed.维护和平的努力失败了。新航标UNITTravelreign ren vi. 统治;支配;imperial mprl adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;residence rezd()nsn.住住处successive sksesv adj. 连续的;依次的;legacy legs n. 遗赠,遗产abdicate bdket v. 放弃新航标UNITTravelIm pleased to be of service to you.我很荣幸为您服务。Sichuan is known as the home of the pandas.四川被称为大熊猫的故乡。It is believed th

26、at airplanes are a safe and fast means of transport.人们相信飞机是一种安全快捷的交通工具。Step4新航标UNITTravelTo have a good sense of patriotismTo know about relative laws and regulationsTo be well organizedTo pay attention to her/his appearanceTo be flexible in dealing with an emergencyTo be friendlyTo be concerned abo

27、ut the safety and health of tourists, and take good care of the old , weak ,sick and disabled.To be non-discriminatory and treat the tourists equally.Step6petrtz()md,skrmnet()r新航标UNITTravelSkillFocusExerciseA. 1-5 AACBBB. 1. reservation 2. computer 3.suite 4.tax 5. cheaper 6. non-smoking 7. suggest

28、8. spell新航标UNITTravelKeytoExerciseBSample Questions and Answers1.Q:May I make a reservation for Tour CT-1? A:Im sorry, that tour is full.2.Q:Would you suggest another tour to the same destinations? A:The Golden Triangle Tour,CT-36.3.Q:What are the destinations on the China Relaxation Tour? A:It is g

29、oing to Beijing, Xian,Chongqing, Yichang, and Shanghai.新航标UNITTravel4.Q:How many days will the China Relaxation Tour last? A:10 days.5.Q:Whats the date for me to leave Shanghai if I start the China Relaxation Tour on May 1? A:May 10.6.Q:How much is Tour CT-36? A:From $1,250 up.7.Q:Whats the price fo

30、r Tour CT-8? A:From $1,600 up.新航标UNITTravel8.Q:Whats the difference between the prices of CT-36 and that of Tour CT-1? A:The former one is $1,350 cheaper than latter one.9.Q:What are the starting and ending cities on the China Relaxation Tour? A:Beijing and Shanghai, respectively.10.Q:Whats the diff

31、erence between the hotels on Tour CT-1 and those on Tour CT-36? A:Five-star hotels for Tour CT-1 and four-star hotels for Tour CT-36.新航标UNITTravelKeytoExerciseCSample Presentation The graph shows the number of tourists to Sydney from 2006 to 2010. First of all, the total number of tourists increased

32、 rapidly in this period. It rose sharply from 450,000 in 2006 to almost 700,000 in 2008.In 2010,the number of visitors to Sydney reached 1 million. The second trend is that there was a huge increase in the number of tourists from Russia. The number increased sharply during新航标UNITTravelthe 2006-2010

33、period. In comparison, the number of tourists from other countries increased only slightly during those five years. In conclusion, though the number of tourists from all countries has been increasing during the past 5 years, Russian tourists are becoming more and more important for the tourism indus

34、try in Sydney.新航标UNITTravel 备忘录日期:2011年10月10日收件人:全体学生发件人:简拉森主题:夏季学期记者职位空缺 校报正招募夏季学期的一名记者。申请者需目前在本大学就读,最好至少有两年的写作经验。 申请成功者需要每周写两篇有关本市或本校发生的事情的文章。本职位需要从五月底工作到八月底。本职位薪水将根据经验洽谈。如果你感兴趣,请将你的简历送至校报办公室。新航标UNITTravelSample AnswerDate: March 13,2011To: Carl FowlerFrom: Jane LarsonSubject: Scheduling the movie Wed better rearrange the showing time for next weeks movie. As you know, we are going to show the movie The Smiths next week in the projection room that holds only fifty people comfortably without overcrowding. It is not big enough 新航标UNITTravel



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