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1、M7U4-Grammar-and-M7U4-Grammar-and-usageusagePhrasal verbsTo find out what a phrasal verb isTo find out the rules of how to use phrasal verbs correctlyObjectiveto connect sb to sb else on the telephone; to make sb do sth unpleasant or difficultto arrange to do sth at a later time or date; to make you

2、 dislike sth or do not what to do sthto choose something or someone after careful thought to make a machine such as an oven, radio etc produce more heat, sound etc.; to suddenly appear after having been lost or searched forput throughput offdecide on/uponturn up给某人接通电话;使经历给某人接通电话;使经历推迟,延迟;使反感推迟,延迟;使

3、反感决定,选定决定,选定出现,到来出现,到来Checktheanswers(P57A):1.lookingafter2.call,back3.dealwith4.lookaround5.decideon6.put,ingup8.put,throughDo the exercises on Page 57.Checktheanswers(P57B):Verb Phrasal verb sentencetaketake offThe plane to Beijing will take off at 9.00 in the morning.take upThe table takes up too

4、 much room.givegive upMum tried to persuade Dad to give up smoking.give outThe teacher asked Mary to give out the exam paper.looklook upYoud better look up the word in the dictionary.look forIve looked for my key everywhere, but cant find it.takeafter(外貌)相像takeapart拆卸,拆开takeaway减去takedown写下,记下takefo


6、okin看望,成功的机会lookover检查lookabout四处观看lookafter照看,照顾lookahead计划未来lookaround随便看看lookat看,考虑lookaway把脸转过去lookback回顾过去lookblack怒目而视lookblue神情沮丧lookdown看不起looklike看像lookon旁观lookout当心Tell the part of speech of each word in red.1. When the teacher came in, we were reading English.2. When the teacher came into

7、 the classroom, we were reading English. 3. She went aboard the plane at 9.00.4. Goods that are able to begin burning easily are not allowed to be taken aboard.an adverba prepositiona prepositionan adverbAphrasalverbismadeupofaverbplusanadverband/orapreposition.Please look the word up in the diction

8、ary.Please look up the word in the dictionary.They put on their safety helmets before starting to work.They put their safety helmets on before starting to work.Theadverbcangobeforeoraftertheobjectinaphrasalverb.The special train pulled in at 9 a. m.Prices of vegetables have gone up recently.If you a

9、ct like this, you will get into trouble.The policemen are looking into a case.The rubbish gave off a terrible smell.Aphrasalverbwithanadverbdoesnotalwayshaveanobject.Inaphrasalverbwithapreposition,theobjectoftheprepositionalwayscomesafterit.Sometimeswecanaddaprepositionaftertheadverbinaphrasalverb.I

10、 cant put up with(容忍)(容忍) him any longer.I am looking forward to(期望)(期望) hearing from her.She often looks back upon(回忆)(回忆) her bitter lifein the old society.We must catch up with them.Lets face up to the situation.Your ideas fit in with mine.Lets get down to our business.Well get through with the p

11、roject next month. verb + adverb + preposition动词短语还可以包含以下几类:动词短语还可以包含以下几类:除了这几种类型除了这几种类型:1.不及物动词不及物动词+介词介词2.动词动词+副词副词3.动词动词+副词副词+介词介词4.动词动词+名词名词+介词介词例如例如: take care of 照顾,照料照顾,照料; make room for 给给腾地方腾地方; make friends with 与与交朋友交朋友; play a joke on 戏弄某人戏弄某人; have a look at 看一看看一看5.be动词动词+形容词形容词+介词介词如如

12、: be late for 迟到迟到 be angry with 生气生气 be busy with 忙于忙于 be short for 是是的简称的简称 be interested in 对对感兴趣感兴趣 be famous for 因因而著名而著名 be good at 擅长擅长 be different from 与与不同不同 be good/bad for 对对有益有益/害害 be friendly to 对对友好友好6. 动词动词+反身代词反身代词+介词介词 如如: help oneself to 随便吃随便吃/用用 give oneself to 热心于热心于 occupy one

13、self with 忙于忙于 dress oneself in 穿着穿着 devote oneself to 专心专心, 致力于致力于, 献身献身throw oneself to 投身于投身于 Yourlonganswerjust_(意味着意味着/等于说等于说)arefusal.Youshall_(改掉改掉)suchhabits.Youmust_(继续继续)yourwork.Thecastle(城堡)(城堡)_(追溯追溯)the14thcentury.verb + adverb + prepositionadds up tobreak away fromcarry/go on withdate

14、s back toMany phrasal verbs have more than one meaning. Do you know the meanings of the phrasal verbs in the following sentences?(1) His accent gives him away as a southerner. 出卖,泄露秘密出卖,泄露秘密 (2) He gave away most of his money to charity.赠送赠送 (3) They gave away their last chance of winning the match.

15、送掉,放弃送掉,放弃 (4) The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.颁发颁发 (5) She took me in completely with her story.欺骗欺骗 (6) He was homeless, so we took him in.收容收容 (7) Fish take in oxygen through their gills.吸收吸收 (8) I hope youre taking in what Im saying.理解理解 (9) She pays the bills by taking i

16、n washing.在家承接(活计等)在家承接(活计等) 1. I can _ the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not clean. 2011全国全国 A. come up with Bput up with C. turn to Dstick toB。本题考查动词短语。说话人表达的是。本题考查动词短语。说话人表达的是“我可以忍受房子不整洁,但是我可以忍受房子不整洁,但是”。put up with在这里的意思是在这里的意思是“忍受忍受”。come up with想出;想出;turn to转向,求助于,翻到;转向,求助于,翻到;stick

17、 to坚持。坚持。2. They are broadening the bridge to _ the flow of traffic. 2011山东山东 Aput off Bspeed up Cturn on Dwork outB。本题考查动词短语。句意:他们正在。本题考查动词短语。句意:他们正在加宽桥梁以提高车流的速度。加宽桥梁以提高车流的速度。put off推迟,推迟,延期;延期;speed up(使使)加快速度;加快速度;turn on打打开开(开关、电器等开关、电器等);work out计算出,解计算出,解决,制定,锻炼,以某种方式发展。根据决,制定,锻炼,以某种方式发展。根据句意只

18、有句意只有B项符合语境。项符合语境。 3. You look upset. Whats the matter? I had my proposal_ again. 2011江苏江苏 A. turned over B. turned on C. turned off D. turned downD。考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。A项意为项意为“移交移交”;B项意为项意为“打开打开”;C项意为项意为“关闭关闭”;D项项意为意为“拒绝拒绝”。根据句意。根据句意“你看上去很悲伤。你看上去很悲伤。出什么事了?出什么事了?”“我的提议又被拒了。我的提议又被拒了。”可可知选知选D项。项。4. Born

19、 into a family with three brothers, David was_ to value the sense of sharing. 2011福建福建 A. brought up B. turned down C. looked after D. held backA。本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:戴维。本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:戴维家有三兄弟,所以他在成长过程中珍视分家有三兄弟,所以他在成长过程中珍视分享意识。享意识。bring up意为意为“教育,成长教育,成长” 。5. Armed with the information you have gathered, yo

20、u can _ preparing your business plan. (2012浙江浙江)A. set outB. set aboutC. set off D. set up【答案答案】B【解析解析】根据句意:有这么些个你所收集根据句意:有这么些个你所收集的信息,你可以着手(的信息,你可以着手(set about doing sth)准备你的商业计划了。)准备你的商业计划了。Set out to do sth着手;着手;set off出发;出发;set up建立,均不建立,均不符合语境,故排除。符合语境,故排除。6. Mary is really good at taking notes

21、 in class. She can _ almost every word her teacher says. (2012全国全国)A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together7. The athletes years of hard training _ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal. (2012安徽安徽)A. went on B. got through C. paid off D. ended up 8. Would you like to _ with us to the

22、 film tonight? (2013全国全国) A. come along B. come off C. come across D. come through9. Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks _ in disasters. (2013福建福建) A. turn down B. turn out C. break down D. break out10. Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves

23、 before they _ on their life journey. (2013安徽安徽) A. give up B. settle down C. get through D. set off请点击请点击word图标图标I.Multiplechoice1.Theworldis_sevencontinentsandfouroceans.A.madeupofB.madeoutofC.madefromD.madein2.Ireallydontwanttogototheparty,butIdontseehowIcan_it.A.getbackfromB.getoutofC.getawayD.g


25、omingupsoon.Itstimeforusto_ourstudies.A.getdowntoB.getoutC.getbackforD.getover7.Itstenyearssincethescientist_onhislifesworkofdiscoveringthevaluablechemical.A.madeforB.setoutC.tookoffD.turnedup8.Theforestguardsoftenfindcampfiresthathavenotbeen_completely.A.turneddownB.putoutC.putaway D.turnedover9.Heaccidentally_hehadquarreledwithhiswifeandthathehadntbeenhomeforacoupleofweeks.A.letoutB.tookcareC.madesureD.madeout10._fortheglass!ItsOK.Imwearingshoes.A.LookoutB.WalkoutC.GooutD.SetoutFinish D2 on Page 128, D4 on Page 129.结束结束



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