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1、写作技巧点拨系列(五)完美衔接过渡, 编织流畅作文【典例呈典例呈现】 阅读下例下例, 体会其中的体会其中的过渡性渡性词语。 假假设你你是是星星光光中中学学的的李李华, 将将参参加加主主题为“Lets Ride Bicycles”的的英英语演演讲比比赛, 请撰撰写写一一份份演演讲稿稿, 内内容容主主要要包包括括: 1. 目前汽目前汽车造成的空气造成的空气污染和交通堵塞等染和交通堵塞等问题; 2. 骑自自行行车的的益益处, 如如节能能环保保、有有利利于于健健康康、是是一一种种低低碳的生活方式等。碳的生活方式等。Good morning, everyone, Im Li Hua from Xingg

2、uang Middle School. The topic of my speech is“Lets Ride Bicycles”. As is known to all(众众所所周周知知), with the improvement of peoples living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life. However(然然而而), they have also caused some problems such as air pol

3、lution and traffic jams. How can we solve the problems then(那那么么我我们怎怎么么才才能能解解决决这些些问题呢呢)? As far as Im concerned(据据我我所所知知), riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles dont need any petrol and they are energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they wont

4、 give off waste gas. Whats more(此此外外; 而而且且), riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health. Therefore(因因此此), lets take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us! Thank you! 【核心点核心点拨】 能能使使书面面表表达达的的整整篇篇文文章章浑然然一一体体的的就就

5、是是一一些些过渡渡性性词语的的使使用用。这些些衔接接过渡渡性性词语在在句句与与句句之之间、段段与与段段之之间起起承承上上启启下下, 使使文文章章前前后后连贯、结构构紧凑凑、过渡渡自自然然的的作作用用, 从从而而提提升升了了表表达达的的层次次, 成成为增增分分的的亮亮点点。具具体体使使用用时, 请注注意下面两点意下面两点: 一、使用一、使用过渡性渡性词语1. 表表递进关系的关系的过渡渡词besides, in addition, moreover, whats more, whats worse等。等。2. 表表转折折对比的比的过渡渡词but, however, yet, instead, on

6、 the other hand, on the contrary, despite, in spite of, whereas, nevertheless等。等。3. 表表结果的果的过渡渡词so, thus, therefore, as a result, so that等。等。4. 表表换一种方式表达的一种方式表达的过渡渡词in other words, that is to say, to put it another way等。等。5. 表达普遍表达普遍规律律generally speaking, in general, all in all等。等。6. 表表总结的的过渡渡词in a w

7、ord, in short, to sum up, finally, in conclusion, in summary等。等。7. 表特定的表特定的顺序关系的序关系的过渡渡词first, firstly, second, secondly, third, thirdly, above all, first of all, then, next, finally, in the end, at last, eventually等。等。二、使用二、使用过渡性句子渡性句子 段段与与段段之之间除除了了借借助助于于一一些些篇篇章章层次次上上的的连接接性性词语, 如如however, on the ot

8、her hand, on the contrary, similarly, therefore, in conclusion, in short等等以以外外, 还经常常需需要要使使用用一一些些表示表示过渡的句子来确保其渡的句子来确保其连贯性。常性。常见的的过渡性句子渡性句子类型有型有: 1. 设问引出下文引出下文为了了引引出出下下文文所所要要表表达达的的内内容容, 作作者者有有时采采用用设问的的方方式式引引出出下文。下文。2. 总体体陈述不同述不同观点点有有时作作者者在在前前一一个个段段落落列列举各各种种现象象或或者者引引出出某某个个要要供供大大家家讨论的的话题, 接接下下来来就就要要从从整整

9、体体上上论述述人人们对此此持持有有的的不不同同看看法法, 然然后后再再具具体体论述述各各种种观点点, 如如Different people have different opinions about it. 等。等。3. 举实例佐例佐证有有时为了了增增强强某某个个观点点或或者者现象象的的说服服力力, 我我们可可以以使使用用实例例加加以以佐佐证。可可以以使使用用for example/instance, such as, as follows等来引出下文。等来引出下文。【写作指导写作指导】常见的逻辑连接语有常见的逻辑连接语有: 表示平行、对等或选择关系表示平行、对等或选择关系and, both.

10、 . . and, as well, as well as, either. . . or, not only. . . but also等。等。表示转折关系表示转折关系but, yet, however, nevertheless, in spite of, although, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, while等。等。表示因果关系表示因果关系so, therefore, as a result(of), because, owing to, due to, thanks to, on account of, seeing

11、 that等。等。表示时间顺序关系表示时间顺序关系shortly after, first, second. . . , then, next, finally, immediately, suddenly, soon, in the end, eventually等。等。表示空间顺序关系表示空间顺序关系here, there, on the right/left, on the side of. . . on the other side of, in the middle/center/front of, next to等。等。表示对称关系表示对称关系on the one hand, on

12、 the other hand; for one thing, for another thing等。等。表示递进、强调关系表示递进、强调关系besides, furthermore, whats more, in addition, moreover, worse still, above all, certainly, important of all, to make matters worse, after all, in fact等。等。表示解释、说明关系表示解释、说明关系namely, actually, such as, for example/instance, that is

13、 to say, in other words, and so on, to tell you the truth, according to this, believe it or not等。等。表示结论表示结论in short, in brief, in a word, as you know, as far as I know, on the whole, in conclusion等。等。【对点点训练】. 根据句意填入适当的根据句意填入适当的过渡性渡性词或短或短语1. For them, the improvement of students is the best reward. _

14、, I want to say“Happy TeachersDay”sincerely to teachers. 2. In summer days, the weather is too hot to stand. _ students have to stay outside all the day. _, the training is very hard. 3. _, he understood what I said. ThereforeButIn additionAs a result4. Compared with the western, the Chinese childre

15、n are shyer in communication. _, as the only child in the family, they cant enjoy the happiness from brother or sister. 5. In this aspect, working is not only a way to make a living, but also a way for us to achieve ourselves. _, working can bring satisfaction to us in spirit. 6. The boy wasnt allow

16、ed to enter school. _, he was too young to go to school. 7. _, the coldest weather comes in January. On the other handIn other wordsThats to sayGenerally speaking8. We dislike people _ him. 9. I dont dislike him at all; _ I am very fond of him. 10. My aim was _ to determine what I should do next. su

17、ch ason the contraryfirst of all. 阅读下列短文下列短文, 选择适当的适当的过渡渡词或短或短语填空填空 so, as, due to, but, in a word, in a sense (2013重重庆高考高考)This mother is not the only one that has the problem of the generation gap. _ different attitudes and opinions, a solid generation gap appears. The teenagers think their parent

18、s dont understand them _ they prefer to talk to their friends rather than tell their parents their problems. Due toso _, the generation gap is a sign of social progress, _ it also results in difficulties in communication. Both the parents and the teenagers should make every effort to solve the problem. _ teenagers, what matters most is to respect parents. As parents, they had better regard children as their friends and put themselves in childrens shoes. _, the more they communicate with each other, the better theyll know each other. In a sensebutAsIn a word



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