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1、History of Turfgrassesn nBiblical references: grasses used in Persian and Arabian gardensn n13th century literature referred to the use of turn on lawn “bowling” areasn nThe word “turf” is derived from the Sanskrit “darbhus”, meaning a turf of grassn n1617th century, golf and turf areas developedHis

2、tory continuedn nFirst lawn mower invented by Edwin Budding , England, 1830n nPrivate lawns developed in Victorian England, brought to US by English settlers. Had to wait until the hardwood forests were cleared to permit grass establishment. Williamsburg classic example of small turf areas at each h

3、ouse. This was the change.Origin of Turfgrassesn nMost species used for turf are not native to North America, with the exception of buffalograss. All the primary species have been introducedn nMost turf species are “forestfringe” species, which distinguishes them from taller prairie speciesOrigin of

4、 Turfgrassesn nTurfgrasses developed in close association with domesticated animals. Man thus unwittingly imposed natural selection on many of the grasses we now use for turfn nOnly grasses able to withstand repeated grazing (close cutting) were able to surviven nMany grasses introduced to US as fee

5、d for livestock from the ships, or seed that “hitched a ride”Recent History Tremendous changes in last 40 yearsLinked to rising interest in golf, TVn nMany new, improved cultivars (cultivated varieties a named variety)n nPesticide development 2,4D one of firstn nRefined fertilizer programs, inorgani

6、c fertilizersn nNew equipment such as aerifier, vertical mower, modern irrigation systemsSize of the Turf Grass Industryn nUNITED STATES (1983)25 To 30 million acres (size of new england)25 To 30 million acres (size of new england)$25 Billion in annual maintenance COSTS$25 Billion in annual maintena

7、nce COSTSn nSTATE SURVEYS = $1 BILLION EACHNew York (1982), California (1983), Virginia, New York (1982), California (1983), Virginia, North Carolina (1986) Pennsylvania (1992)North Carolina (1986) Pennsylvania (1992)North Carolina Survey (1994)n nOver 2 Million Acresn n$1 Billion in Annual Maintena

8、nce Costsn nOver 2 Million Homelawnsn n76,000 Miles of Roadsidesn n500 Golf Courses (12 Million Rounds of Golf)What Species are Grown in NC?n nTall fescue 52% of totaln nBluegrass/fescue 8%n nBermudagrass 7%n nCentipedegrass 4%n nothers: zoysiagrass, ryegrass, bahiagrass, carpetgrass, St. Augustineg

9、rassWheres the Money?How Golf Courses Allocate $n nLabor, Mowing28.3% of totaln nMowing Equipment etc. 15.1%n nLabor, Pesticides 8.4%n nFertilizer 7.9%n nLabor, Irrigation 3.6%Segments of the Turf Grass Industryn nHomelawnsHomelawnsn nRoadsidesRoadsidesn nGolf Course Golf Course n nLawn CareLawn Car

10、en nParksParksn nAthletic FieldsAthletic Fieldsn nSod ProductionSod Productionn nSchoolsSchoolsn nCommercial GroundsCommercial Groundsn nCemeteriesCemeteriesn nChurchesChurchesn nInstitutionsInstitutionsn nTurf SalesTurf Salesn nAirportsAirportsSelected Turf and Turfrelated Occupations n nCemeteries

11、 Cemeteries ManagementManagementn nConsultantsConsultantsn nEducation/ ExtensionEducation/ Extensionn nEquipment Equipment Manufacturers / SalesManufacturers / Salesn nFertilizer Fertilizer Manufacturers / SalesManufacturers / Salesn nGarden Garden Stores/NurseriesStores/Nurseriesn nGolf Course Golf

12、 Course OperationsOperationsn nMore .More .Selected Turf and Turfrelated Occupationsn nIrrigation Installation Irrigation Installation and Designand Designn nJournalism, Journalism, Newsletters, Etc.Newsletters, Etc.n nLandscaping / Landscaping / ConstructionConstructionn nLawn CareLawn Caren nLawn

13、Service FirmsLawn Service Firmsn nLime Production/SalesLime Production/Salesn nParks ManagementParks Managementn nPesticide Pesticide Manufactures/SalesManufactures/Salesn nResearchResearchn nSeed Firms/SalesSeed Firms/Salesn nSod ProductionSod Productionn nTurf Management, Turf Management, Parks, E

14、tc.Parks, Etc.Definitionsn nTurfA covering of mowed vegetation A covering of mowed vegetation plusplus the the medium (soil) in which the grasses are growingmedium (soil) in which the grasses are growingn nTurfgrassthe the plant community plant community consisting of certain consisting of certain s

15、pecies in the species in the PoaceaePoaceae forming a continuous forming a continuous ground cover with persists under regular ground cover with persists under regular mowing and trafficmowing and trafficDefinitionsn nGrassGrassAny Plant of the Poacea Family Any Plant of the Poacea Family (Cereals,

16、Forages, Bamboo)(Cereals, Forages, Bamboo)Parallel VenationParallel VenationMonocotHaving One Cotyledon (Seedling MonocotHaving One Cotyledon (Seedling Leaf) in the SeedLeaf) in the SeedDefinitionsn nTurfgrass cultureScience and practice of establishing and Science and practice of establishing and m

17、aintaining turfgrassmaintaining turfgrassn nTurfgrass managementEncompasses labor supervision, recordkeeping, Encompasses labor supervision, recordkeeping, budgeting, and cost accounting as well as budgeting, and cost accounting as well as cultureculturen nSodHarvested turfHarvested turfDefinitionsn

18、 nGreenA closely mowed, highly manicured turfgrass A closely mowed, highly manicured turfgrass maintained for a specific purposemaintained for a specific purposeTypes: golf, bowling, tennisTypes: golf, bowling, tennisn nNative GrassOriginate and persist in a regionOriginate and persist in a regionn

19、nNaturalized GrassAdapt and persist but not originate from the Adapt and persist but not originate from the regionregionCLASSIFICATION OF MERION KENTUCKY BLUEGRASSn nKingdom Kingdom PlantaePlantaen nDivision Division EmbryophytaEmbryophytan nSubdivision Subdivision PhanaerogamaPhanaerogaman nBranch

20、Branch AngiospermaeAngiospermaen nClass Class MonocotyledoneaeMonocotyledoneaen nSubclass Subclass GlumiforaeGlumiforaen nOrder Order PoalesPoalesn nFamily Family PoaceaePoaceaen nSubfamily Subfamily PooideaePooideaen nTribe Tribe PoeaePoeaen nGenus Genus PoaPoan nSpecies Species pratensispratensisn

21、 nCultivar Cultivar MerionMerionThe Importance of TurfIn 1971 life magazine conducted a survey and found that 95% of respondents said green grass and trees around me is the most important environmental factorIn 1980 Better Homes and Gardens chose lawns as most important landscaping element (61%)Reas

22、ons for Turfn nAestheticsOrnamental Grasses Mental Relaxationn nRecreationExerciseSporting EventsReasons for Turfn nSafetyReduce GlareRoadside Stopping Reduce FireReduce Rodents, Snakes Reduce InjuriesReasons for Turfn nEnvironmental QualityModerate Temperatures15 Degrees Cooler Than Bare Ground30 D

23、egrees Cooler Than ConcreteReasons for Turfn nEnvironmental Quality (continued)Reduce Erosion Reduce dust, lengthen life of equipmentReduce noise 3040%Convert unusable land land fills for exampleReasons for Turfn nEnvironmental Quality (continued)Recycle effluentRelease oxygen Absorb toxic emissions

24、Reduce allergies (but can also cause allergies)Reasons for Turfn nEconomicsRealtors say landscaping adds 6% to valueHomeowners say landscaping adds 15% to selling priceSell fasterRecovery value 100200% but only 4070% for patio and deckSporting Events that Utilize Turf as a Playing Surfacen nArcheryA

25、rcheryn nBadmintonBadmintonn nBaseballBaseballn nCricketCricketn nCroquetCroquetn nFootballFootballn nFrisbeeFrisbeen nGolfGolfn nHorseracing Horseracing n nHorseshoesHorseshoesn nLawn BowlingLawn Bowlingn nLawn DartsLawn Dartsn nPlaygroundsPlaygroundsn nRugbyRugbyn nSkiing, lawnSkiing, lawnn nSkiin

26、g, snowSkiing, snown nSoccerSoccern nSoftballSoftballn nSteeple ChaseSteeple Chasen nTetherballTetherballn nTrack & FieldTrack & Fieldn nVolleyballVolleyballTurf Qualityn nTurf quality is a function of use, appearance and playabilityn nThere are two categories: VisualVisualFunctionalFunctionalVisual

27、 Qualityn nDensity Density number of shoots per areanumber of shoots per arean nTexture leaf widthTexture leaf widthn nUniformity even appearanceUniformity even appearancen nColorColorn nGrowth habit type of shoot growthGrowth habit type of shoot growthn nSmoothness surface feature that affects qual

28、ity Smoothness surface feature that affects quality and playabilityand playabilityDensityTextureUniformitySmoothnessFunctional Qualityn nRigidityRigidityn nResistence of leaves to compressionResistence of leaves to compressionn nElasticityElasticityn nTendency of leaves to spring back Tendency of le

29、aves to spring back n nResiliencyResiliencyn nCapacity to absorb shock without Capacity to absorb shock without changing surfacechanging surfacen nYieldYieldn nClippings removed with mowingClippings removed with mowingRigidityElasticityBall RollClippingsVerdureFunctional Quality (continued)n nVerdur

30、eVerduren nAerial shoots remaining after mowingAerial shoots remaining after mowingn nRootingRootingn nAmount, depth of root growthAmount, depth of root growthn nRecuperative capacityRecuperative capacityn nRecovery potentialRecovery potentialTEN GOOD REASONS TO GROW A LAWNHome Lawns Help the Enviro

31、nmentn nThe next time youre mowing on a hot day, thinking that green concrete may really be the answer, consider all of the ways your lawn returns your favor of good care:10 Good Reasons to grow a lawnn n1. The front lawns of a block of eight average houses have the cooling effect of about 70 tons o

32、f air conditioning. The average home central air conditioning unit has about 34 ton capacity. Consider how much energy is saved by those lawns!10 Good Reasons to grow a lawnn n2. On a hot summer day, grass can be 10 to 14 degrees cooler than exposed soil and as much as 30 degrees cooler than concret

33、e or asphalt.n n3. A 50 by 100 foot wellmaintained grass area will create enough oxygen to meet the needs of a family of four every day.10 Good Reasons to grow a lawnn n4. Acting like a gigantic sponge, lawns absorb all 4. Acting like a gigantic sponge, lawns absorb all types of airborne pollutants

34、such as soot, dust and types of airborne pollutants such as soot, dust and carbon monoxide, as well as noise.carbon monoxide, as well as noise.n n5. Recent studies show healthy lawns absorb 5. Recent studies show healthy lawns absorb rainfall six times more effectively than a wheat rainfall six time

35、s more effectively than a wheat field and four times better than a hay field, being field and four times better than a hay field, being exceeded only by virgin forest. Lawns filter the exceeded only by virgin forest. Lawns filter the moisture to the water table where it can again be moisture to the

36、water table where it can again be used by everyone.used by everyone.10 Good Reasons to grow a lawnn n6. A Penn State University study showed thick lawns slow the velocity of runoff and allow the water to infiltrate. A healthy, high quality lawn was at least 10 times more effective than a patchy lawn

37、 with a lot of weeds.10 Good Reasons to grow a lawnn n7. While a quality turfgrass reduces runoff water, it also prevents erosion by water or wind and the loss of valuable topsoil.n n8. Homes, sports fields and parks with healthy lawns provide safer recreational areas when grass acts as a cushion to

38、 reduce shock and potential injury.10 Good Reasons to grow a lawnn n9. Aesthetically, there can be no argument that a beautiful lawn is immediately pleasing to the eye and relaxing in its appearance.n nl0. While some may scorn the work, others find lawn maintenance requirements an excellent opportun

39、ity to enjoy reasonable exercise and as a diversion from the hustle and bustle of life.Quizn nWhat is the difference between the following terms:A. Turfgrass culture vs turf management?A. Turfgrass culture vs turf management?B. Native vs naturalized grass? B. Native vs naturalized grass? C. Turf vs turfgrass? C. Turf vs turfgrass? D. Density vs texture? D. Density vs texture? E. Resiliency vs rigidity? E. Resiliency vs rigidity?



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