高中英语第五册Unit 10 Reading课件

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1、麦琪的礼物麦琪的礼物写一对穷困的年写一对穷困的年轻夫妇相互赠送轻夫妇相互赠送圣诞礼物中的巧圣诞礼物中的巧合,刻划了他们合,刻划了他们捉襟见肘的生活捉襟见肘的生活与相互体贴的感与相互体贴的感情情。ShortsummaryofO.HenryslifeHeistheauthorofover250storiesandismostfamousforhisuseofsurpriseortwistendings,especiallytoThe Last Leaf,andperhapshismostfamousstory,The Gift of the Magi.AndhehascontributedtoAm

2、ericanliteraturewithothergreatstoriessuchasThe Four Million,andCabbages and Kings,etc. 作者介绍:欧作者介绍:欧亨利(亨利(O.Henry,1862-1910)原名威廉原名威廉西德尼西德尼波特波特(WilliamSydneyPorter),),是美国最著名的短篇小说家之一是美国最著名的短篇小说家之一,曾被评论界誉为曼哈顿桂冠散文,曾被评论界誉为曼哈顿桂冠散文作家和美国现代短篇小说之父。他作家和美国现代短篇小说之父。他出身于美国北卡罗来纳州格林斯波罗出身于美国北卡罗来纳州格林斯波罗镇一个医师家庭。他的一生富于传



5、藤叶最后一片藤叶等使他获得了世界等使他获得了世界声誉。声誉。DellasbeautifulandlonghairJimsgoldwatchsellsellhairwatchDellaJimcomb1.whoarethecharactersinthestory?2. Whatisthestoryabout?ThestorytellsthatawomancalledDellasoldherbeautifulhairtobuyherhusbandaChristmaspresent-agoldwatchchainDellaandJimskimmingskimmingTrueorFalseexercis

6、es:1.James Dillingham Young was a rich young man.2.Della lived in a neighborhood with many trees and flowers.3.Jim and Della were a married couple.4.Della thought having a haircut will make Jim happy.5.Della decided to have her hair cut out of her love for Jim.FFTFTQuestionsQuestions1.When does the

7、story take place?2.What are Jims wages?3.How much is the rent of the flat per week?4.What are the couples two most precious possessions?5. How much does Della sell her hair? What price does Della pay to buy her present?Reading$20 a week$8 per weekOne is Jims gold watch,the other is Dellas hair.The d

8、ay before Christmas($20 $21)*Thewordinthefifthparagraph“hesitated”isclosestinmeaningto_.A.imaginedB.dreamedC.feltuncertainD.watchedCReadingcomprehension1. WhydidDellaweepbeforeChristmas?A.ShecouldntseeJimduringChristmas.B.ShehadlittlemoneytobuyJimapresent.C.JimdidntgiveheraChristmasgift.D.She had li

9、ttle money to buyherselfagift.B2.HowdidDellatrytosavemoney?Which of the following is NOTright?A.Shebargainedatthegrocery,atthebakeryandatthebutchers.B.Theylivedinashabbyhouse.C. She had her long hair cut andsoldit.D.ShesoldJimsgoldwatch.(D)3.HowmuchwasleftafterDellaboughtherChristmasgift?A.20dollars

10、B.21dollars.C.1.87dollars.D.0.87dollarsD4.The gift Della bought Jim was_.WhichofthefollowingisNOTright.A.Somethingfineandrare-somethingworthyofthehonorofbeingownedbyJim.B.Agoldwatchchainthatwasathergreatexpense.C. A gift that Della had beenplanningforamonth.D.AgiftforwhichDellaspenttwohourssearching

11、allthestores.C5.Fromthesentence“Shestoodbythe window and looked out at agreycatwalkingalongagreyinagrey backyard.” we can infer thatDellawasvery_.A.angryB.calmC.happyD.sadD6.What does the story mainlytellus?A. How to celebrate a happyChristmasforayoungandrichcouple.B. How to choose Christmaspresents

12、forcouples.C. A love story between ayoungandpoorcouple.D.Moneyislove.C1.WhydidDellacryaftercountingthemoneyshehadbeensaving?2.WhydidtearsfallfromhereyeswhileDellawasstandinginfrontofthemirror?Dellastears:Shefeltsad,becauseshewaspoorandbecausethemoneywasnotenoughtobuyJimanicepresent.Shehadagoodideato


14、0.tortoiseshell11.jewel12.flash13.reaction14.simplify梳子梳子百老汇大街百老汇大街龟龟,乌龟乌龟玳瑁壳玳瑁壳珠宝珠宝闪光闪光反应反应简化简化1.fixon2.atlength集中于最后TrueorFalseexercises:1.Della was very happy when she opened the package.2.Both the Christmas presents were useful for Jim and Della. 3.This story is a humorous story.TFTPOST-READING1

15、.How did Della expect Jim react when he saw her?2.What was Jims reaction? Describe his feelings?3.Why did Della burst into tears when she opened the package?Dellathinkshewilleitherbeveryangryordisappointedsuprising(orall)andnotapproveorloveheranymore.JimisshockedwhenheseesDella,andhedoesntknowwhatto

16、say.Shecriesbecausesheisremindedofherbeautifulhair,andthecombswhichshesomuchwantedarenowofnousetoher.4.Explainthetitleofthisshortstory.Whatdoesitmean?ThetitlemeansthatbothDellaandJimgiveuptheirmostpreciouspossessionfortheloveofeachother. , the main characters in The Gift of the Magi, are a young mar

17、ried couple with money. On the day before , Della counts the money she has painstakingly saved for months. She is very sad to find she has two dollars, hardly enough t o b u y a n y t h i n g a t a l l . Plot SummaryDella and Jim Youngvery littleChristmasless than After a good long cry, Della determ

18、ines to find a way to buy Jim the present he .As she looks into a mirror, an idea her. Jim and Della have two of which they are very proud. One is Jims , which has been from his grandfather. Theother is , shining,and falling past her knees. Before she can lose her courage, Della races out of the apa

19、rtment to a barbershop, Madame Sofronie, to whom she sells her hair for .deservescomes topossessionsgold watchhanded downDellas hairtwenty dollars.With the money in her hand, Della goes to the stores, trying to find something worthy of Jim. At last she finds it. It is _. It is late in the afternoon

20、whenJim comes home from work.He takes out a package with a set of very tortoiseshell whichDella has been .He sellshis watch to buy herthe combs.preciouslonging forcombsa gold watch chainStep4Discussion1.WereDellaandJimbothfoolishtoselltheirfavoritepossessions? O.Henry want to tell us that they were

21、not foolish. They were wise because they had each sacrificed their most valuable possessions for the person they loved. They were like the three wise menthe Magiwho brought presents for Jesus Christ after he was born. Keep in mind, that this is why Christians still give presents on Christmas Day: to remember the gifts the Magi brought Christ on that very first Christmas.



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