福建省福清西山学校八年级英语 Unit6《Is there a clock on your desk》复习课件

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《福建省福清西山学校八年级英语 Unit6《Is there a clock on your desk》复习课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省福清西山学校八年级英语 Unit6《Is there a clock on your desk》复习课件(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Review Unit6 Topic1 Is there a clock on your desk?教学目标教学目标1.复复习本本话题的的单词和和词组。2.复复习方位介方位介词和它的运用。和它的运用。3.复复习There be句型和各种操句型和各种操练。温馨提示温馨提示:1.本班共分本班共分3大大组,每,每组的的实力均衡,本力均衡,本节课希望每位同希望每位同学涌学涌跃参与,参与,为自己的自己的组出一份力。出一份力。2.本本课共分共分6部,采取部,采取竞争机制,得分最高争机制,得分最高组,每个成,每个成员可以可以奖励一个英励一个英语本。本。第一部第一部 单词竞赛 1.花园花园11.卧室卧室21.

2、厨房厨房2. 餐餐厅12客客厅22.浴室浴室3. 房子房子13院子院子23门4.地面地面14窗窗户24.东西西5.灯灯15.钟25.桌子桌子. 6钥匙匙16.花花26镜子子7抽抽屉17.椅子椅子27.键盘8铅笔盒笔盒18人人们28.巨大的巨大的9.美的美的19河河29.模型模型10爷爷20.第二第二30到楼上到楼上garden bedroom dining room kitchenhouseliving roombathroomdooryard floorwindowthinglampclocktablekeyflowermirrordrawerchair peoplekeyboardpenc

3、il-boxlargebeautifulrivermodelgrandfathersecondupstairs第二部复复习方位介方位介词1.在在 里面里面2.在在 上面上面3.在在 下面下面4 在在 中心中心5.在在 的左的左/右右边6.在在旁旁边 7. 在在 .隔壁隔壁8.在在 后面后面9.在在前面前面10.在在 后面后面11.在在 前面前面 12.在在 的尽的尽头13.离离 .近近14.两者两者之之间15对面面 inonunderin the center ofon the left/right ofnearnext tobehindin front ofat the back ofin

4、the front ofat the end ofclose tobetweenandacross from第三部第三部复习本话题的重点词组复习本话题的重点词组3/6=181.在在树上上 2.在在树上上3.在在墙上上 4.在在墙上上5.在河里在河里 6.在河里在河里7.进来来8.在二楼在二楼9 .看一看看一看10.把把 收起来收起来11.玩弄某物玩弄某物12.和某和某人一起玩人一起玩13.收到某人的来信收到某人的来信14.如此多如此多15.照照顾16.谈论17.等等等等18.为什么不什么不in the treeon the treein the wallon the wallon the ri

5、verin the rivercome inon the second floorhave a lookplay with sth play with sbhear from sb./get a letter fromso manylook aftertalk aboutand so onput awayWhy not第四部第四部 复习复习 There be 句型句型whats+介词短语?问某地介词短语?问某地有某物有某物1.肯定句肯定句: There is/are+主语主语+其它。其它。 2. 否定句否定句: There is/are+not+主语主语+其它。其它。 3. 一般疑问句一般疑问

6、句:1. -Is/Are there+主语主语+其它?其它? -Yes, there is/are. -No, there isnt/arent. A: Whats near the window?B: There is a guitar near it.每幅图每幅图5分分A: Whats in front of the house?B: Theres a car in front of it. 1A: Whats in the tree?B: There are some birds in it.There are some keys under the table.keystable看图写

7、句,变疑和否定句,每幅看图写句,变疑和否定句,每幅15分分windowclockThere is a clock near the window.riverThere is a boat on the river.LISTENING第五部第五部 My Home This is my home. There is a small _in the center of the yard. And there are many beautiful _in the garden. But there arent any trees. At the back of the_, there is a nic

8、e_. There are three bedrooms, a large living room and study in it. I love playing on the computer in the study. _the house, there is an tree. Some birds are singing_ the tree. On the left of the yard, there is a kitchen and a dining room. Our bathroom is on the right of the yard. Can you a small car

9、_ the bathroom? Thats my fathers. Now my mother is cooking in the kitchen. My father and I are _TV in the living room. I love my home very much.gardenflowersyardhouseNearinnext towatching用用be动词填空。动词填空。( 6分分) 1. There _ a pen in my hand.2. There _ some juice in the glass.3. _there a study on the seco

10、nd floor?4. There some books on the shelf.5. There 61 students in our class.6. there any apples in the kitchen?Areareare第六部第六部is isIs 1.Why not home and watch TV? A. go B. to go C. going 2. Is there a clock next to the photo? . A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there isnt. 3.There is a bedroo

11、m the second floor. A. on B. at C. in 4. May I have a look your pen? A. for B. after C. at单项选择单项选择AABC单项选择。(单项选择。(5分)分)1. An old man lives _ the _ floor. A. in; twoB. on; second C. under; secondD. to; second2. We usually do our homework in the _. A. studyB. washroom C. kitchenD. living room3. Aunt Li isnt at home. Can you help her _ her baby? A. look likeB. look after C. look aroundD. look for4. Judy, dont put your keys here. _, please. A. Put them awayB. Put up them C. Put them upD. Put away them5. Whats Jim doing? He is playing _ the computer. A. /B. at C. withD. in



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