陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 5《What Is He Like》第一课时教学课件

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《陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 5《What Is He Like》第一课时教学课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 5《What Is He Like》第一课时教学课件(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教学课件陕陕旅旅版版六六年年级级下下册册英英语语 Unit 5 What Is He Like?陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册Part A Lets learnPart B Lets guess Sum-upWarm-up/RevisionPresentationTestHomework Lets guessWarm-up/RevisionGame:Simon saysPresentationoutgoing开朗的开朗的【反义词】shy 害羞的【例句】She is outgoing.她非常开朗。She is outgoing.What is she like?【例句】Wang Ming is

2、clever.王明很聪明。clever聪明的聪明的My brother is a clever boy.我弟弟是个聪明的男孩。Try【反义词】outgoing 外向的 【例句】Dont be shy.不要害羞。shy 害羞的害羞的She is shy.What is she like?【反义词】serious 严肃的 【例句】My grandma is very kind.我的祖母十分和蔼。kind和蔼的和蔼的They are kind,very kind.【拓展】friend朋友【例句】You must be friendly to them.你必须对他们友好。friendly友好的友好的M

3、y grandma is friendly to everyone.hard-working努力的【反义词】lazy【例句】I am hardworking.我十分努力。Look at the bee.It is always busy.Its hardworking.serious严肃的【反义词】kind【例句】She is not kind,she is serious.她不和蔼,她十分的严肃。What am I like?A little serious,just a little.lazy懒惰的【反义词】hardworking【例句】He is a lazy boy.他是个懒惰的男孩。

4、The bear is still sleeping in the day time.Its lazy.Read them as quickly as possible.Whats he like?He is lazy.What am l like?You are outgoing.Kitty:She is a little short and has short hair.She is outgoing,and she likes singing and dancing.Guess,Who is she?Kevin:Is she Alice?Kitty:Yes.You are right.Testout_ _ _ _ _ s_ y cl_ _ er ki _ _ friend_ _ ha_d-work_ _ _ 请把下列词汇补充完整。请把下列词汇补充完整。he vn dl y r i n gg o i n gSum-up重点词汇Homework1.将所学词汇制作成卡片,并向家长展示。2.将本课所学的新短语在四线三格内抄写两遍,要求能默写。谢谢观赏



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