陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 1《How Are You Feeling Now》Part B教学课件

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1、教学课件陕陕旅旅版版五五年年级级下下册册英英语语Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now?Part B陕旅版旅版五年五年级下册下册How are you feeling now?Im feeling happy.Lead-inHow is he feeling now?Hes feeling angry.How is she feeling now?Shes feeling sad.New words一点;少许一点;少许使;让使;让因此;所以因此;所以告诉告诉Lets learn moreSu Nan:Mom,are you tired?Mom:Yes,a little.S

2、u Nan:Sit down and drink some water.Mom:Thank you.You are a good boy.Alice:Look,Miss White is angry.Why is she angry?Li Shan:Colin is late again.This makes her very angry.Alice:So Miss White is telling him to come to school on time and not to be late again.Language points1.Yes,a little.是的,有一点。是的,有一点

3、。Yes,a little.是一个缩略句,完整的句子应该是一个缩略句,完整的句子应该是:是:Yes,I m a little tired.本句中的本句中的a little 的意思的意思是是“有点有点”,修饰,修饰tired,表示,表示“有点累有点累”。a little可以修饰形容词可以修饰形容词,如:,如:a little thin 有点瘦,有点瘦,a little tall 有点高。有点高。例句:他例句:他感觉感觉有点饿。有点饿。He feels a little hungry.a little 也可以修饰名词,但只能修饰不可数名词也可以修饰名词,但只能修饰不可数名词。如如:a little

4、 milk 少许牛奶少许牛奶 a little bread 一点面包一点面包例句:茶杯里有少许茶。例句:茶杯里有少许茶。There is a little tea in the cup.辨析辨析:a little 与与 little a little 与与little 都可用来修饰都可用来修饰不可数名词不可数名词。a little表示表示肯定意义肯定意义,表示量虽不多,但,表示量虽不多,但毕竟还是有一点。毕竟还是有一点。little表示表示否定意义否定意义,表示数量,表示数量“很少很少”或或“几乎没有几乎没有”。辨析:辨析:a little 与与 a few a little 与与 a few

5、 都可表示都可表示“少量;少许少量;少许”,表示肯定意义,但在用法上有区别:,表示肯定意义,但在用法上有区别:a little 用来修饰不可数名词,用来修饰不可数名词,a few用来用来修饰可数名词修饰可数名词。如:如:a little juice 少许果汁少许果汁 a little English 一点英语一点英语 a few books 几本书几本书 a few friends 几个朋友几个朋友2.Why is she angry?她为什么生气?她为什么生气?询问发生某一动作或存在某一情况的原因、询问发生某一动作或存在某一情况的原因、理由理由,其句型结构为:其句型结构为:“Why+一般疑问

6、句?一般疑问句?”。回答时一般会用回答时一般会用“Because.”。例例:你为什么喜欢狗你为什么喜欢狗?因为它们很可爱。因为它们很可爱。Why do you like dogs?Because they are cute.3.This makes her very angry.这让她非常生气。这让她非常生气。在本句中在本句中 make 表示表示“使;让使;让”,其句型结,其句型结构为:构为:“sth.make(s)sb.+形容词形容词”表示表示“某事某事使某人感到使某人感到”。例:足球赛让孩子们非常激动。例:足球赛让孩子们非常激动。The football game makes the ch

7、ildren excited.4.not to be late again.表示表示“不要再迟到不要再迟到”,这是动词不定式的否,这是动词不定式的否定形式。动词不定式的否定形式由定形式。动词不定式的否定形式由“not to+动动词原形词原形”构成。构成。例例:我妈妈告诉我不要在马路上踢足球。我妈妈告诉我不要在马路上踢足球。My mom tells me not to play football in the street.Lets playAlice:Is Su Nan sad?Liu:No,he isnt.Alice:Is he angry?Liu:No,he isnt.Alice:How

8、is he feeling?Liu:Hes feeling very tired.happy sad tired angryIs?How isfeeling?He/She is feelingPlay rolesIs Miss White happy?No,she isnt.Is she tired?No,she isnt.How is she feeling?Shes feeling angry.Read the words ar farm park party gardener her hers herselfer ruler driver worker teacherTry to rea

9、d morear star dark smart marketer term serve person Germaner river dinner letter answer1.ar字母组合在单词中的发音:字母组合在单词中的发音:在大多数单词中发在大多数单词中发 ,如:,如:car,arm,park,farm。在字母。在字母w,qu之后发之后发 ,如:,如:warm 温暖的温暖的,war 战争,战争,争吵,争吵,quarter 四分之一,一刻钟。四分之一,一刻钟。语音知识专讲语音知识专讲2.er 字母组合在单词中的发音:字母组合在单词中的发音:通常发长音通常发长音 ,如,如:term,her,

10、person,做后缀时或在弱读音节中发,做后缀时或在弱读音节中发 ,如:,如:river,farmer,teacher等。等。Alice:Mom,Im back.Where are you?Qiqi:You look sad,why?Alice:Because today is March 1st.Its my birthday.But nobody is in.Im feeling a little sad.Read a storyDad&Mom:Happy birthday,dear!Kitty:Here is a gift for you,Alice.Alice:Thank you.Qiqi:Wow!So many gifts,and a big cake!Are you happy now?Alice:Yeah.Of course!Im feeling very happy.Why is Alice happy?Answer the questions.1.Why is Alice sad at first?2.Why is Alice happy?Because today is her birthday,but nobody is at home.There are many gifts and a big cake for her.谢谢观赏



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