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1、Module 2Section 语言点一语言点一语言点二语言点二语言点三语言点三识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实语篇语篇理解理解返回返回返回返回返回返回返回返回.True (T) or False (F)1The passage is mainly about town twinning agreement. ( )2There is usually a big party for you when you visit your town twinning agreement fri

2、ends. ( )3Location is the similarity between twinning towns.( )4Town twinning is an agreement between two countries. ( )5The visitors of town twinning agreements usually live in the private homes they are visiting. ( )TTFFT返回返回.Choose the best answer according to the passage.1Oxford in the UK and Gr

3、enoble in France are similar. Choose the WRONG statement about them:_.AThey both have universities and industriesBThey are both mediumsized towns in EuropeCTourism isnt important to themDThey are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside返回返回2Town twinning is_.Aa new thoughtBless popular n

4、owCan agreement between towns and citiesDan agreement between two countries返回返回3Where did the visitors of town twinning agreements live when they visited the others of town twinning agreements?AIn the hotels.BIn the schools.CIn the theatres.DIn the private homes.返回返回4Town twinning is most useful for

5、_.Abusiness menBstudentsCforeigners DTeachers返回返回5Which statement is TRUE according to the text?AThere is usually a party for you when you visit your town twinning agreement friends.BIn order to practice your English, you must live with a foreign family for one or two weeks.CThe town twinning agreem

6、ent cities are the same in everything.DIn the town twinning agreements, one city must visit the other once a year.答案:答案:1.C2.C3.D4.B5.A返回返回返回返回.词义配配对1homelessA交交换2transport B娱乐3industrial C交通工具交通工具4exchange D工工业的的5smart E无家可无家可归的的6vast F巨大的;巨大的;庞大的大的7entertainment G漂亮的;整漂亮的;整洁的的答案:答案:1.E2.C3.D4.A5.G

7、6.F7.B返回返回.根据所根据所给词性及性及汉语释义写出写出单词1 adj.拥挤的的 n人群人群 v围拢2 n居民居民 v居住居住3 n类似;相似似;相似 adj.相似的相似的 adv.相似地相似地4 adj.不幸的;不幸的;遗憾的憾的 adj.幸运的幸运的 adv.不幸地不幸地 adv.幸运地幸运地 n运气;运气;财富富crowdedcrowdinhabitantinhabitsimilaritysimilarsimilarlyunfortunatefortunateunfortunatelyfortunatelyfortune返回返回5 n位置;所在地位置;所在地 adj.位于位于的的

8、v使位于使位于6 n旅游旅游业 n游客游客 n旅行旅行 v巡回演出巡回演出7 adj.受到受到污染的染的 v污染染 n污染染locationlocatedlocatetourismtouristtour pollutedpollutepollution返回返回1crowded adj.拥挤的的(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)Beijing has a lot more inhabitants than Sydney and is much more crowded.北京的居民比悉尼多得多,城市也北京的居民比悉尼多得多,城市也拥挤得多。得多。(鲜活例句活例句)Its ab

9、solutely not an interesting thing to get on a crowded bus.上一上一辆拥挤的公交的公交车可一点儿也不有趣。可一点儿也不有趣。返回返回(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点(1)be crowded with挤满了了(2)crowd n. 人群人群a crowd of 一群,一堆一群,一堆I dont enjoy days crowded with activities.我并不喜我并不喜欢忙得不可开交的日子。忙得不可开交的日子。A large crowd of lookerson were there doing nothing to hel

10、p.一大群人在那儿袖手旁一大群人在那儿袖手旁观。返回返回点津点津crowd用作名用作名词,是集合名,是集合名词。作主。作主语时,谓语用用单数数(视为整体整体)或复数或复数(考考虑其个体成其个体成员)均可。常用均可。常用a或或a large修修饰,表示表示“一群一群(人人);一伙;一伙(人人)”。返回返回2similarity n类似;相似似;相似(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(鲜活例句活例句)The similarity between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.那两个那两个报告极其相似,告极其相似,这表明它表

11、明它们出自一人之手。出自一人之手。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点(1)similar adj.类似的,相似的似的,相似的be similar to 和和差不多,和差不多,和相近相近(2)similarly adv. 同同样地,地,类似地似地返回返回My wife and I have similar tastes in reading.在在阅读上我妻子和我的品味差不多。上我妻子和我的品味差不多。The scientists name the English word.这位科学家的名字与位科学家的名字与这个英个英语单词相近。相近。Our bodies are strengthened by

12、 taking exercise. Similarly, our minds are developed by learning.我我们的身体因的身体因锻炼而而强强化,同化,同样地,我地,我们的大的大脑因学因学习而而发展。展。is similar to返回返回3exchange n. 交交换;调换;兑换 vt.交交换;调换形形象象记记忆忆返回返回(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)There are visits and exchanges between schools, theatre groups and sports teams.在学校、在学校、剧团、体育、体育团之

13、之间都有一些都有一些访问和交流活和交流活动。(鲜活例句活例句)We exchanged our opinions about the event at the meeting.在会上,我在会上,我们就此事交就此事交换了意了意见。返回返回(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点(1)exchange sth.with sb.与某人交与某人交换某物某物exchange . for . 用用兑换/交交换(2)in exchange for 换取取make an exchange 交交换He exchanged the blue jumper for a red one.他把他把蓝毛衣毛衣换成了成了红的。

14、的。He gave me an apple an orange.他他给我一个苹果,我一个苹果,换一个橙子。一个橙子。in exchange for返回返回.单词拼写拼写1It is a city of six million (居民居民)2He indicated the (所在地所在地) of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.3It was a good Christian (家庭家庭)4The floods have killed over 2,000 people, affected 20 million and made some 4 mi

15、llion (无家可无家可归)5Fiftyeight students and six teachers will visit Macao next Wednesday under an (交交换) program.inhabitantslocationhouseholdhomelessexchange返回返回6He has been actively engaged in (慈善慈善) activities for years and provided material support to victims of natural disasters many times.7Glowworms

16、 are hard to find now owing to the increasing use of pesticides and (污染染)8A cinema is a place of (娱乐)9Steel and gasoline are (工工业的的) products.10 (不幸的是不幸的是), I missed the last train.charitypollutionentertainmentindustrialUnfortunately返回返回.单项填空填空1The words are _ in using, so I dont know how to tell th

17、em apart.AsimilarBfamiliarCcomparative Dparticular解析:解析: 句意:句意:这些些词在用法上相似,因此我不知道在用法上相似,因此我不知道如何区分它如何区分它们。similar“相似的相似的”;familiar“熟悉的熟悉的”;comparative“比比较的的”;particular“特殊的特殊的”。结合合语境及境及词义可知可知A项正确。正确。选A返回返回2When we got there, we found the street _ people.Acrowd Bis crowded withCwas crowding with Dcrow

18、ded with解析:解析: 句意:当我句意:当我们赶到赶到时,发现大街上大街上挤满了了人。人。过去分去分词短短语作作宾语补足足语。选D返回返回3When comparing different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many _.Asituation BappearancesCsimilarities Dsame解析:解析: 句意:我句意:我们比比较不同的文化不同的文化时,经常只常只注意到差异,而没有注意到注意到差异,而没有注意到许多相似之多相似之处。simi

19、larity“相似相似”,与前面的,与前面的differences相相对应。选C返回返回4What would you give me in _ for my recorder?My MP3. Do you agree?Areward BturnCpreparation Dexchange解析:解析: 句意:句意:“你想用什么来交你想用什么来交换我的我的录音机?音机?”“我的我的MP3。你同意。你同意吗?” in exchange for“来交来交换/换取取”。选D返回返回5_, weeks before the Spring Festival turned out to be hard ti

20、mes for migrant workers.ALuckily BFortunatelyCUnfortunately DAccordingly解析:解析: 考考查副副词辨析。句意:不幸的是,春辨析。句意:不幸的是,春节前前的几周的几周对民工来民工来说是一段很是一段很艰难的的时间。unfortunately“不幸的是不幸的是”,符合句意。,符合句意。选C返回返回返回返回1get 生病生病2be to do sth. 情愿做某事情愿做某事3be connected 与与有有联系,与系,与有关有关4be close 靠近;接近靠近;接近5be similar 与与相似相似6 a result of

21、 由于由于的的结果果illwillingwithtotoas返回返回1be/get close to靠近,接近靠近,接近(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)Tourism is important to both of them, and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the region.对于两个城市来于两个城市来说,旅游,旅游业都很重要,而且都很重要,而且这两个城两个城市与市与该地区最美地区最美丽的的乡村近在咫尺。村近在咫尺。返回返回(鲜活例句活例句)My apartme

22、nt is close to the restaurant.我的公寓离我的公寓离饭店很近。店很近。(鲜活例句活例句)During the financial crisis, the countrys economic growth rate was close to zero.经济危机期危机期间,该国的国的经济增增长率几乎率几乎为零。零。点津点津to为介介词,后接表示地点的名,后接表示地点的名词,或接表示抽象意,或接表示抽象意义的名的名词或者或者动名名词。返回返回(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点a close match 势均力均力敌的比的比赛keep a close watch/eye

23、on sb. 严密地密地/细心地看管某人心地看管某人 Ill keep a close eye/watch on the kids; dont worry.我会我会细心看管孩子心看管孩子们的,不用担心。的,不用担心。返回返回(三三)明辨易混失明辨易混失误防范防范比比较close, closed, closelycloseadj. 亲密的,靠近的亲密的,靠近的adu.从距离上来说较近。如:从距离上来说较近。如:stand/sit close to sb. 站得站得/坐得离某人很近坐得离某人很近closedadj. 关着的,闭着的,停业的关着的,闭着的,停业的closelyadv.主要指程度或关系

24、主要指程度或关系“紧密地,仔细地紧密地,仔细地”返回返回 We are friends and live to each other. So we often watch football games together or stay at home looking at some famous pictures with the door .closecloseclosecloselyclosed用用close, closed 和和closely 真空真空返回返回2be connected with与与有有联系,与系,与有关有关(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)Whic

25、h word is connected with building?哪一个哪一个词语和建筑有关?和建筑有关?(鲜活例句活例句)He is closely connected with this case.他与他与这个案件有密切的个案件有密切的联系。系。返回返回(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点connect A to/with B 把把A连结(接接)到到B上上connect sb. with sth. 把某人与某事把某人与某事联系在一起系在一起be connected to 与与相相连There is no evidence to connect him with the robbery.没

26、有没有证据表明他与据表明他与这起起抢劫有关。劫有关。 the speakers the record player and plug it in.将将扬声器声器连接在唱机上,再插上插接在唱机上,再插上插头。Connectto返回返回点津点津当表达当表达“把把A与与B连接起来接起来”时,用介,用介词to和和with都可以;但都可以;但要表达要表达“A与与B有有联系系时”,只能用介,只能用介词with。返回返回.选词填空填空be close to, be connected with, move out of, as a result, at the top of1The children wer

27、e warned not to the close to返回返回2The families were told to the building immediately when the water went up.3As we know, the technological development in the US is the world.4My first impressions of England food.5Mary didnt work hard; ,she failed in the exam.move out ofat the top ofare connec

28、ted withas a result返回返回.单项填空填空1Look out! Dont get too _ to the house whose roof is under repair.Aclose BnearbyCclosely Dnearly解析:解析: 句意:小心!不要太靠近正在句意:小心!不要太靠近正在维修屋修屋顶的那座房子。的那座房子。get close to“靠近靠近”。选A返回返回2Walk close _ it and try to see if it is connected _ our network.Awith; to Bto; aboutCto; with Dwi

29、th; about解析:解析: 句意:走近它看看它是否与我句意:走近它看看它是否与我们的网的网络有有关。关。close to“靠近靠近”;be connected with“与与有关有关”。选C返回返回3Jobs are hard to get and, _, more young people are continuing their education.Aabove all Bas a resultCafter all Don the contrary解析:解析: 句意:工作很句意:工作很难找。因此,很多年找。因此,很多年轻人人继续学学习深造。深造。above all“首先首先”;as a

30、 result“因此,所因此,所以以”;after all“毕竟竟”;on the contrary“相反相反”。选B返回返回4Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much shopping.Aas a result of Bon top ofCin front of Din need of解析:解析: 考考查固定固定词组辨析。句意:由于辨析。句意:由于购物物时间太太长,Jenny差点耽差点耽误了航班。了航班。as a result of“由于,作由于,作为的的结果果”,符合,符合语境。境。on top of“在在之外,另之外,另外外”;in

31、front of“在在前面前面”;in need of“需要需要”。选A返回返回5My car and my bosss are similar _ size and design.It is stupid _ you to follow others footsteps.Ain; for Bto; ofCin; of Dto; for解析:解析: be similar to .“与与相似相似”,be similar in .“在某方面相似在某方面相似”。因。因为you与与stupid之之间存在符合存在符合逻辑的关系,因此此的关系,因此此时介介词应用用of而不是而不是for。选C返回返回返回返

32、回1句型展示句型展示We can give money to make_the_drinking_water_safe.我我们可以捐可以捐钱来使来使饮用水安全化。用水安全化。典例背典例背诵Computer network will surely make our life and work more convenient.网网络将使我将使我们的生活和工作更方便。的生活和工作更方便。返回返回2句型展示句型展示How_do_you_find_it?你你认为它怎么它怎么样?典例背典例背诵How do you find the film Guns N Roses? 你你认为电影影黄金大劫案黄金大劫案怎

33、么怎么样?Interesting. I want to see it again. 非常有趣。我想再看一遍。非常有趣。我想再看一遍。返回返回3句型展示句型展示Its an agreement between towns or cities of_similar_size_and_age,_and which have similar features such as tourism, industry, culture and entertainment.这是是规模和模和历史相似的两个城史相似的两个城镇之之间的一份的一份协议,并,并且且这两个城市往往有着相似的特征,如:旅游两个城市往往有着相似

34、的特征,如:旅游业、工、工业、文化以及、文化以及娱乐等方面。等方面。典例背典例背诵The experience gained will be of great value to us.取得的取得的经验对我我们将很有价将很有价值。返回返回4句型展示句型展示This_is_because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language, and as a result you improve fast.这是因是因为,和一个外国家庭在一起生活一到两周意味,和一个

35、外国家庭在一起生活一到两周意味着你必着你必须说他他们的的语言。言。结果,你的外果,你的外语就提高很快。就提高很快。典例背典例背诵I caught a bad cold but thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.我患了重感冒,那是因我患了重感冒,那是因为我傻到在雨中踢足球。我傻到在雨中踢足球。返回返回1How_do_you_find_it?你你认为它怎么它怎么样?How do you find .? 常用于常用于问对方方对某人或某物的某人或某物的评价。价。How do you find the weath

36、er here?你你认为这儿的天气怎么儿的天气怎么样?How do you find Yang Mis performance in the new film?你你觉得得杨幂在在这部新部新电影中的表演如何?影中的表演如何?返回返回What do you think of your English teacher?你你认为你的英你的英语老老师怎么怎么样?How/What about having a walk in the park?到公园里散散步怎么到公园里散散步怎么样?返回返回2Its an agreement between towns or cities of_similar_size_

37、and_age,_and which have similar features such as tourism, industry, culture and entertainment.这是是规模和模和历史相似的两个城史相似的两个城镇之之间的一份的一份协议,并,并且且这两个城市往往有着相似的特征,如:旅游两个城市往往有着相似的特征,如:旅游业、工、工业、文化以及、文化以及娱乐等方面。等方面。本句中的本句中的of similar size and age是是“of抽象名抽象名词”结构,构,常在句中作表常在句中作表语或定或定语。这种种结构主要有两构主要有两类:返回返回(1)“beof抽象名抽象名

38、词”,说明主明主语的性的性质。其中的。其中的“of 名名词”相当于相当于该名名词同根的形容同根的形容词。用于。用于该句型的名句型的名词有:有:use , help , importance ,benefit , interest , ability , courage 等,等,这类名名词前可用前可用no , some ,any , little ,much , great 等修等修饰。I do hope this book will be of great value to him in his studies.I do hope this book will be very valuable

39、 to him in his studies.我希望我希望这本本书对他的学他的学习将会非常有价将会非常有价值。返回返回(2)“beofa(n)普通名普通名词”表示表示“同一的同一的”或或“相同的相同的”,相相当于当于“beofthe same该名名词”。We are of an age.We are .我我们同同岁。of the same age返回返回(3)“beof形容形容词普通名普通名词”表示表示“在某方面在某方面的的”,相当于相当于“be形容形容词in该名名词”。用于用于这两种两种结构的名构的名词有:有:age,colour,size/length, width,height,weig

40、ht,price,quality,shape,opinion 等。等。These shoes are of different sizes.These shoes are different in size.这些鞋尺些鞋尺码不一不一样。返回返回3This_is_because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language, and as a result you improve fast.这是因是因为,和一个外国家庭在一起生活一到两周意味,和一个外国家庭

41、在一起生活一到两周意味着你必着你必须说他他们的的语言。言。结果,你的外果,你的外语就提高很快。就提高很快。This/That is because .可以理解可以理解为一个固定句型一个固定句型结构,构,表示表示“这是是/那是因那是因为”,其中,其中because引引导的是表的是表语从句。从句。返回返回He was very tired; that is because he stayed up late into the night yesterday.他很疲他很疲惫,那是因,那是因为他昨天晚上熬夜到很晚。他昨天晚上熬夜到很晚。That is because . 指原因或理由指原因或理由Tha

42、t is why . 则指由于各种原因所造成的后果指由于各种原因所造成的后果He did not see the film last night. he had to help his little sister with her homework.昨天晚上他没有去看昨天晚上他没有去看电影,那是因影,那是因为他得帮助他的妹妹他得帮助他的妹妹做作做作业。(第一句第一句话说明明结果,果, 第二句第二句话说明原因明原因)That is because 返回返回He had seen the film before. he did not see it last night.他以前曾看他以前曾看过那部

43、那部电影,影, 因此他昨天晚上没有去看。因此他昨天晚上没有去看。(第一第一句句话说明原因,明原因, 第二句第二句话说明明结果果)That is why返回返回翻翻译句子句子1那就是她十几那就是她十几岁离开家离开家乡的原因。的原因。 2那是因那是因为他没有理解我。他没有理解我。 3他他们对英英语学学习者来者来说是很有帮助的。是很有帮助的。 That is why she left her hometown in her teens.Thats because he didnt understand me.They are of great help to learners of English.返回返回4俩兄弟身高相同,体重也大体相同。兄弟身高相同,体重也大体相同。 5你你认为韩寒写的寒写的这本新本新书如何?如何? The two brothers are of the same height and about the same weight.How do you find the new book written by Han Han?



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