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1、海淀区高三年级海淀区高三年级第一学期第一学期英语英语期末练习期末练习作文分析作文分析 情景作文情景作文 (2020分)分)北京市政府发出限行通告规定北京市政府发出限行通告规定私家车每周限制行驶一天。下面是私家车每周限制行驶一天。下面是某网站就此事进行的问卷调查结果。某网站就此事进行的问卷调查结果。请根据下列图表提示,描述被调查请根据下列图表提示,描述被调查者的不同看法,并简单谈谈你自己者的不同看法,并简单谈谈你自己的观点。的观点。注意:注意:1 1、文章的开头已为你写好。、文章的开头已为你写好。2 2、词数不少于、词数不少于6060。审题审题I. 审文字审文字北京市政府发出限行通告规定私家车北

2、京市政府发出限行通告规定私家车每周限制行驶一天。下面是某网站就每周限制行驶一天。下面是某网站就此事进行的此事进行的问卷调查结果问卷调查结果。请。请根据下根据下列图表提示,描述列图表提示,描述被调查者的被调查者的不同看不同看法,法,并并简单谈谈你自己的观点简单谈谈你自己的观点。注意:注意:1、文章的开头已为你写好。、文章的开头已为你写好。2、词数不少于、词数不少于60。II. 审图审图情景作文情景作文Outline Outline I. Many people support the restriction. relieve / reduce the present traffic pressu

3、re 60% improve the air quality 30% save energy 10%II. However, there are still many people who are against the new rule. inconvenient, cant drive their own cars more people buying a second car, cause heavier trafficIII. My opinion: effective way to deal with traffic problems出现的问题出现的问题1. 1. 信息有误。数字看错

4、信息有误。数字看错25%25%的人们认为为出行带来不便的人们认为为出行带来不便2. 2. 层次不清楚,没有主题句。主旨与层次不清楚,没有主题句。主旨与 细节混淆。细节混淆。 3. 3. 个人观点不明确个人观点不明确 In my opinion, the policy has In my opinion, the policy has two sides.two sides.出现的问题出现的问题4. 句式句式 There are many people support the idea.5. 关键词误用关键词误用 inconvenient unconvenient relieve release

5、 energy resource / source情景作文参考范文情景作文参考范文Beijing government has announced a car restriction that private cars shall take turns off roads one out of five workdays. A survey has been conducted about this issue on the Internet and the findings are as follows.Many people support the restriction. 60% of

6、them believe that it relieves the present traffic pressure. And 30% think it helps improve the air quality. The rest of them, about 10% , consider it saves energy. However, there are still many people who are against the new rule. About 75% among them think it inconvenient that they cant drive their own cars on a certain workday. 25% are worried that more people will buy their second cars, which may cause heavier traffic.In my opinion, the new traffic rule is really an effective measure to reduce traffic jams and air pollution.



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