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1、Lesson Three Why Historians DisagreeCONTENTWarm-upLanguage PointsText Analysis Warming-upDiscussionHow do you define history? Is history a science?What is the purpose of studying history? Do you like history? Why and why not? What is a historian?Do you find yourself disagree with others? Why do you

2、think people disagree?What is the value of making a study into history? Why we learn history? Various opinions are possible and they should be encouraged. We study history to learn some from our past, thus getting some guidance to benefit our present and our future. BackSupplementary Information读史使人

3、明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞使科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞使人善辩。人善辩。Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. BackChinese History Quiz1. Who was the last emperor of China?A.LiSiWenB.PuYiC.

4、ShiHuangDiD.YellowEmperor B: B: The movie, The The movie, The Last Emperor Last Emperor details his short details his short tragic reign.tragic reign.2.Which of the following is not one of the four great inventions of the Chinese?A.GunPowderB.PaperC.CompassD.ClockD: D: The four great The four great

5、inventions should inventions should be: Gunpowder, be: Gunpowder, compass, paper compass, paper and printing.and printing.BackChinese History Quiz3. How many female monarchs were there in Chinese History?A.OneB.ZeroC.TwoD.FiveA: A: Wu Ze-Tian was Wu Ze-Tian was the only Empress in the only Empress i

6、n Chinese History.Chinese History.4. Who was not one of the four beautiful ladies?A.WangZhaoJunB.ZhaoFeiYanC.YangYuHuanD.XiShiB: B: The four pretty The four pretty women were Wang women were Wang Zhao Jun, Yang Yu Zhao Jun, Yang Yu Huan, Xi Shi and Huan, Xi Shi and Diao ChanDiao ChanChinese History

7、Quiz5. In what year was the Great Leap Forward begun?A.1976B.1949C.1957D.1953C: C: In1957,afterChinasfirstFive-YearPlan,MaoZedongbegantheGreatLeapForward,establishingspecialcommunesinthecountrysidethroughtheusageofcollectivelaborandmassmobilization.World History Quiz1. What was the first country to

8、declare war on another in World War I?A.GermanyB.Austria-HungaryC.FranceD.SerbiaB: B: Austria-HungarydeclaredwaronSerbiaon28July1914.World History Quiz2.What event lead America into war?A.ThesinkingoftheArabicB.ZimmermannNoteandunrestrictedsubmarinewarfarebyGermanyC.Austria-HungaryinvadingSerbiaD.Th

9、reeGermanbattleshipsenteredtheNorthAtlanticandattackedAmericanshippingB:B: The United States was drawn into World War I by both the Zimmermann Note and Germanys unrestricted submarine warfare. The Zimmermann note was an encrypted(将将.译成密码译成密码) telegram from the German Foreign Office to Mexico asking

10、them to attack the U.S. It was intercepted(截取截取;截听截听) by the British secret intelligence service and published. At the same time, the use of unrestricted submarine warfare (as part of the German blockade of Britain) had by then already led to the sinking of five American ships in the Atlantic. There

11、 is debate as to the relative importance of this and the Zimmermann Note.3. Where was the Peace Treaty with Germany signed in 1919 ?A.NewYorkB.BerlinC.ViennaD.VersaillesD D4. What fort was fired on in 1861, thus starting the Civil War?A.FortSumterB.FortHenryC.FortDuquesneD.FortPillowA: A: The first

12、shot was fired on April 12, 1861 at The first shot was fired on April 12, 1861 at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, so starting Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, so starting the war. the war. What is a historian ?A person who studies history and / or writes about it .What does a historian do ?Histor


14、nterpretthesamefactsdifferently.Text Analysis by way of (a) via 路经(某处)路经(某处); 途经途经 They are travelling to France by way of London. 他们经伦敦去法国.(b) as a type of (sth) or serving as (sth) 作为作为; 当作当作 Lets eat outtonight, by way of a change. 咱们今天晚上到外面去吃饭吧,换换口味. (c) for the purpose of (doing sth) 意在或为了(做某事)

15、意在或为了(做某事) make enquiries by way of learning the facts of the case为了解实情作调查.immersea. to put sth. under the surface of a liquidb. to involve oneself deeply (in sth.)Examples:He immersed the knife in boiling water.I walked into the study and found Mr. Johnson immersed in his writing, as usual.When Alf

16、red inherited his fathers estate, he immersed himself in pleasure.be engrossed inbe wrapped up inbe absorbed inpreoccupiedsynonymsemergesubmergeHistory is just the facts of names, dates and statistics of the past. The study of history is the study of these “facts” about the past.To be continued on t

17、he next page.Question: What is the misunderstanding the authors are trying to clarify in Para.1?presumablyExamples:Presumably theres a good reason for her absence, as she doesnt usually stay away from work.Few women, presumably, would want to return to the assumptions on which the old system was bas

18、ed.adv. used to say that you think something is probably true a. presumable n. Presumption v. presumeWord formationcontend1. with/against/for sb/sth struggleinordertoovercomearival,competitorordifficulty(与对手)竞争;(与他人)争夺;(与困难)拚搏2. nopassiveputforward(sth)asonesopinion;argue;assert主张(某事物)争辩;认为Several t

19、eams are contending for the prize. I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil. the captains of the contending teamsShes had a lot of problems to contend with.cut and dried固定的;已成定局的;老生常谈Thatllsoundallcutanddriedandpossiblyspoiltheatmosphereofthewedding.Question: What is the con

20、fusion of the students put forward in Paras.2-3?1.Historianswhoarewrongmayhavetheir“facts”correct.2.Contendinghistoriansmoreorlessagreeonthesamefacts,butcometodifferentconclusions.3.It seems that historical truth becomes a matter of personalpreference.4.Itshardtodecidewhichofthetwoopposedpointsofvie

21、waboutaneventiscorrect.at best-takingthemosthopefulview充其量,至多at its/ones best -inthebeststateorform处於最佳状态ExamplesmodernarchitectureatitsbestChaplinwasathisbestplayingthelittletramp.IwasntfeelingatmybestatthepartysoIdidntenjoyit.WecantarrivebeforeFridayatbest.1. (for sth)searchorpursuit寻求;寻找;搜索;追求the

22、 quest for gold, knowledge, happiness勘探黄金/寻求知识/追求幸福.2.(idm)in quest of sth seekingsth试图找到某事物;寻求某事物She had come in quest of advice. 她曾来徵求意见.vI (for sth) (fml or rhet )search试图找到某事物;搜索His questing fingers found the light switch. 他用手指摸到了灯的开关. continue to quest for clues继续寻找线索.questWhat are the three de

23、finitions of history? in the broadest sensethe whole of the human pastin a restricted sense in a common sense the recorded part of human life what historians write about the pastWhat is the role of the historians?Historians do not just collect facts. They give meaning to the facts.Examples:Sheargued

24、hercasewithconsiderablesubtlety.Someofthesubtletiesofthelanguagearelostintranslation.Toappreciateallofthisbeautyreliesuponyournoticingitssubtleties. a. subtle ad. subtlyWord formationssubtletynoteasytodetectordescribe;fine;delicate难以察觉或细微之处abletoseeanddescribefineanddelicatedifferences;sensitive敏锐;灵

25、巧;巧妙a. not finished properly; badly worked out b. (of materials) in a natural state, not refined or manufacturedc. not having grace, taste or refinement crude schemes crude ore a crude shelter crude remarks crude manners crude ideas crude oil/sugarcrudeAmbassador大使大使Minister公使公使 Consul 领事领事Commercia

26、l counselor 商务参赞商务参赞Military attach 武官武官Cultural attach 文化参赞文化参赞read ofto find out information from books, newspapers etcI was shocked when I read of his death.read asread offread outread sb. a lesson/lectureread through/overread upread sb.s mind/thoughtsread between the lines把把错误错误地当作地当作宣宣读读,很快地,很快

27、地读读出;出;读读完完宣布开除;宣布开除; 朗朗诵诵;宣;宣读读训训斥某人斥某人从从头头到尾到尾细读细读一遍一遍攻攻读读;熟;熟读读看出某人的心思看出某人的心思体会字里行体会字里行间间的言外之意的言外之意in the event of Examples:Itoffersvitalfinancialcoverintheeventofyoubeingpermanentlydisabledinanaccident.Thecountriesinvolvedhavepledgedtooffermutualassistanceintheeventofanaggression.Should / had /

28、in case / in case of / in the event ofgiving someone a disadvantageTo sbs disadvantageHer height will be very much to her disadvantage if she wants to be a dancer.be at a disadvantagebe taken at a disadvantageto the disadvantage ofput/keep at a disadvantageto sb.s disadvantage 处于不利地位处于不利地位 被人乘隙攻击,攻其

29、不备被人乘隙攻击,攻其不备 对对不利不利 使某人处于不利地位使某人处于不利地位 对某人不利,使某人吃亏对某人不利,使某人吃亏take into account / take account of sth.take into considerationExamples:These figures do not take into account the changes in the rate of inflation.A valuation of a smaller company must take account of its potential as a takeover target.P

30、ro-British pro-:supporting or approving of sth.pro-Britishpro-Americapro-Chinesepro-abortionpro-westernpro-independencepro-revolutionary亲英(派)亲英(派)亲美(派)亲美(派)亲华(派)亲华(派)赞成赞成/ /支持堕胎支持堕胎支持西方的支持西方的赞成独立赞成独立支持革命的人支持革命的人open an accountsettle ones accountgive an account ofaccount foron ones accounton this/tha

31、t accounton no account take no account of开户头开户头结清欠帐,(喻)报复结清欠帐,(喻)报复描述,叙述描述,叙述解释;说明;占百分比解释;说明;占百分比为一己的目的和利益为一己的目的和利益为了这个为了这个/ /那个缘故那个缘故决不;切莫决不;切莫对某事物不予考虑对某事物不予考虑stem fromExamples:His headaches stemmed from vision problems.It also tries to say that womens problems stem from either their sexuality or t

32、he family.arise fromresult frombe/as a result ofbe the product ofcome (out) ofconsequentSimilar expressionsto develop as a result of something else ExamplesHe loved his wife, and concerned himself with her needs and desires.For several weeks I did not concern myself with any thought of the future.Ou

33、r countrys leaders must concern themselves with environmental protection.to become involved in sth. because you are interested in it or because it worries youconcern oneself withQuestion: What are the interpretations of the three schools? First group:Thesearetheonlyimportantonesandtheyareequallyimpo

34、rtant;Second group: The list is incompleteleaving outWilsonspro-Britishattitude;Third group: These are not of equal importancebankersinfluenceisthemostimportant.adj. clearly true and needing no more proofExamplesThefactsinthiscaseareself-evidentandcannotbedenied.Itisself-evidentthatchildhoodexperien

35、cesinfluenceouradultbehavior.self-evidentQuestion: What are the two reasons listed in Para. 11 to explain why historians disagree?1.Theybeginfromdifferentpremises.2. They are merely considering different levels ofcausesandeffect.foolproof -proof:protecting againstfoolproofwaterproofbulletproofburgla

36、rproofsoundproofchildproof containertamperproofflameproofidiot-proof不会有差错或误解的不会有差错或误解的防水的防水的防弹的防弹的防盗的防盗的隔音的隔音的防孩子摔坏的容器防孩子摔坏的容器(机械装置等)可防止乱摆弄的机械装置等)可防止乱摆弄的耐火性耐火性简单易懂的,容易操作的,可靠的简单易懂的,容易操作的,可靠的a. a. (of a person) difficult to find or see b. (of result) difficult to achieve c. (of idea or quality) diffic

37、ult to describe or understandExamples:She managed to get an interview with that elusive man.She enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success has been elusive.For me, the poem has an elusive quality.elusiveQuestion: How do the authors view the controversy among historians?

38、The controversy not only lies between historians, butalsohappenstothesamehistorianwiththediscoveryofnew information and progress of the society. It isimpossibletoremovethecontroversyanditistheveryexistenceofthecontroversythatlendsexcitementtothestudyofhistory.In this essay the two authors discuss th

39、e definition of history, the role of the historians and the reasons why historians disagree.ThemeStructurePartOne(p.1-3)Correctingpeoplesmisunderstandingofhistorians.PartTwo(p.4-5)Explainingwhathistoryis.PartThree(p.6-8)Explainingtheroleofhistorians.PartFour(p.9-12)Explainingwhyhistoriansdisagree.PartFive(p.13)Emphasizingthesignificanceofthestudyofhistory.



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