高考英语一轮复习 Unit5 The power of nature课件 新人教版选修61

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1、选修6Unit 1Unit 5Unit 5Unit 5The power of natureThe power of nature基 础 梳 理1_(adj.)贵重的;珍贵的2_(adv.)在旁边;沿着边(prep.)在旁边;沿着的边3_(n.)波浪;波涛(vi.)波动;起伏;挥手4_(n.)潜在性;可能性;潜能(adj.)可能的;潜在的5_(vt.)射中;射伤6_(adj.)多种多样的;不同的7_(vt.)保证;担保8_(adj.)不舒服的;不舒适的重点单词重点单词preciousalongsidewavepotentialshootdiverseguaranteeuncomfortable

2、9_(vi.)(指火山)爆发;突然发生_(n.)火山爆发;(战争等)爆发10_(vt.)任命;委派_(n.)约定;任命11_(vt.)评估;评价;估计_(n.)评估12_(adj.)绝对的;完全的_(adv.)绝对地;完全地13_(n.)一套外衣;套装;(vt.)适合;使适宜_(adj.)合适的erupteruptionappointappointment evaluateevaluationabsoluteabsolutelysuitsuitable14_(adj.)实在的;实际的_(adv.)实际地15_(adj.)忧虑的;不安的_(adv.)不安地_(n.)担心;焦虑;渴望16_(vi.

3、&vt.)惊慌;(n.)惊慌;恐慌_(过去式/过去分词)17_(n.)欣赏;感激;感谢_(vt.)欣赏;感激18_(adj.)失去知觉的,未察觉的_(adj.)有知觉的actualactuallyanxiousanxiouslyanxietypanicpanickedappreciationappreciateunconsciousconscious1_适合2_被任命为3_因而焦虑4_由到不等5_前往6_全部焚毁7_被埋在废墟下8_匆匆看一遍9_有天赋10_产生;生产重点短语重点短语be suitable forbe appointed asbe anxious aboutvary from.

4、to.make ones way toburn to the groundbe buried under the ruinsglance throughhave a gift for give birth to1The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study,but this being my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them.另外两人攀下火山口去收集供日后研究用的岩浆,我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在山顶上观

5、察他们。解读this being my first experience 独立主格结构,在句中作原因状语。仿写所有的票都卖完了,我们只好等着看下场演出。All the tickets _,we had to wait for the next show.经典句型经典句型答案:sold out2It is said that this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。解读It is said t

6、hat.“据说”,是一个固定句式。仿写据说他已经拜访了这位艺术家。_ he has visited the artist.答案:It is said that3Having collected and evaluated the information,I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.收集和评估这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测熔岩接着将往何处流,流速是多少。解读Having collected.现在分词完成时作状语。仿写核实所有的门都锁好

7、之后,史密斯先生就去伦敦度假了。_all the doors were locked,Mr.Smith left for London on holiday.答案:Having checked突 破 核 心1appoint vt. 任命;委派;约定;指定(时间、地点等)教材原句I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago.二十年前我被任命为火山学家,为夏威夷火山天文台工作。板块一:核心单词(1)appoint sb.(as/to be)

8、.任命某人为appoint sb.to do sth.委派某人做某事(2)appointment n约会,约定;任命make an appointment with sb.与某人预约break ones appointment 违约;失约(3)appointed adj.指定的;确定的The time appointed for the meeting was 10:30 am.规定开会的时间是上午10点30分。They appointed him_captain of the team.他们任命他为该队的队长。She made an_with the doctor.她和医生约定了时间。答案:

9、asappointment2evaluate vt.评估;评价;估计教材原句Having collected and evaluated the information,I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.收集和评估了这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测下次火山熔岩将往何处流去,流速是多少。evaluate the effectiveness评估疗效evaluation n评价近义词assessYou should be able to eval

10、uate your own work.你应该能够评估你自己的工作。Its hard to_as a singer.要把她当歌手来评价很难。答案:evaluate her比较辨析evaluate很少用来表示“估价”或“估计”某物的市场价值,大多是用来表示“评价”value估计某物的“价值、价格”。常用句型value sth.at.estimate表示的“估计”只是猜测,甚至只是一种想法填一填By marks in numbers or letters,the teacher_a students work.She_the house for me at $ 85,000.He_that ther

11、e were more than 2,250,000 spiders in one acre.答案:evaluatesvaluedestimated3suit n. 一套外衣;套装vt. 适合;使适宜教材原句We had white protective suits that covered our whole body,helmets,big boots and special gloves.我们都穿着白色的防护服遮住全身,戴上了头盔和特别的手套,还穿了一双大靴子。suit指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位,以及花色、款式等与某人的皮肤、气质、身材或身份相称(1)suit sb.(fine)(很)

12、适合某人suit sth.to sb./sth.使某物适合某人/某物be suited to/for适合于;适宜于(2)suitable adj.适当的;相配的be suitable for sb./sth.适合于某人/某物be suitable to do sth.适合做某事If you want to go by bus,that suits me fine.要是你想坐公共汽车去,那对我很合适。A good teacher suits his lessons _ the age of his pupils.一位优秀的老师应使他讲的课适合学生的年龄。The house is not real

13、ly_for a large family.这所房子确实不适合大家庭居住。答案:tosuitable比较辨析suit多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位、时间等match多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配fit多指大小、形状合适,引申为“吻合,协调”填一填The size of the shirt _ me well and its color _ my tie,so it _ me fine.答案:fits;matches;suits4anxious adj. 忧虑的;不安的教材原句I was so anxious and couldnt move at first.我非常担心,一开始吓

14、得动弹不得。(1)be anxious about sth.为某事忧虑/担心be anxious for sth.渴望某事be anxious to do渴望做,急于做be anxious that渴望(2)with anxietyanxiously焦虑地;不安地见证2014There were many people waiting at the bus stop,and some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.有许多人在车站等车,其中有一些看起来非常焦虑和失望。(2014新课标卷)Many parents are very anx

15、ious about their childrens safety when they heard the news of the school bus accident.听到校车事故的消息,许多父母很担心孩子们的安全。She is anxious_(finish) school and get a job.她渴望毕业找份工作。答案:to finish We are waiting for the news _.我们在焦急地等待着消息。The drought had lasted several months and it made farmers _the harvest.干旱已持续了好几个

16、月,这使得农民很担心农作物的收成。答案:with anxiety/anxiouslyanxious about5panic n. 惊慌,恐慌vi. (十分)恐慌;惊慌vt. 使恐慌(panicked;panicked;panicking)教材原句I felt very nervous and had to force myself not to panic.我非常紧张,不得不强迫自己不要惊慌。(1)panic sb.into doing sth.使某人因惊慌而做某事panic over/about/at.对感到惊慌(2)get into a panic惊慌失措(表动作)in a state o

17、f panic处于惊恐之中(表状态)in panic惊慌失措地cause (a) panic引起恐慌见证2014Im proud that my family remained clearheaded when panic could have led to a very different outcome.我很骄傲,当恐慌可能会有不同的结果时,我的家人能保持沉着冷静的头脑。(2014北京卷阅读理解B)The gunfire panicked the horse.炮火让马受惊了。All the people fled_panic as the earth shook.当大地摇晃时,所有的人都惊

18、慌逃跑。She really got_a panic when she thought shed lost her necklace.想到自己把项链丢了,她惊慌失措。_,she began to scream.感到恐慌,她开始尖叫。答案:inintoPanicking6guarantee v. 保证;担保n. 保证;担保;保修单教材原句Take this opportunity,and I guarantee you wont regret it.抓住这个机会吧,我保证你不会后悔的。(1)guarantee sb.sth./guarantee sth.to sb.向某人保证某事guarante

19、e to do sth.保证做某事be guaranteed to do肯定会做,必定会做guarantee that.保证(2)under guarantee在保修期内give sb.a guarantee (that)向某人保证Even if you complete your training I cant guarantee you a job.即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。If you yell at him,hes guaranteed_(do)the opposite of what you want.如果你向他大喊大叫,他肯定会跟你对着干。The car is st

20、ill_ guarantee,so they will repair it.汽车还在保修期内,所以他们会给修理的。答案:to dounder The plan would guarantee health care service_all Americans.这项计划将保证所有美国人都能享受到医疗保健服务。Working hard is not a_of great success,but it is among the essential requirements.勤奋工作不能保证你一定会取得巨大的成功,但它是取得成功的必要条件之一。答案:toguarantee7burn to the gr

21、ound全部焚毁教材原句.,and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground.,许多房屋被火山岩所覆盖或被全部焚毁。板块二:短语和句型burn to death烧死burn up烧得更旺;烧掉;发烧burn down把烧毁;(火势)减弱get burned烧伤;烫伤;晒黑The house was burnt to the ground by people.那所房子被人们彻底烧毁了。The room grew colder as the fire_.随着炉火渐弱,房间越来越冷。He put more wood

22、 on the fire to make it_.他把更多的木柴都放进火炉来使它燃烧得更旺一些。答案:burnt downburn up8make ones way 前往教材原句It was not easy to walk in these suits,but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red,boiling centre.穿着这些衣服走起路来实在不容易,但我们还是缓缓往火山口的边缘走去,并且向下看到了红红的沸腾的中央。find ones way找到出路;设法到达figh

23、t ones way奋力前进lose ones way迷路feel ones way摸索前进push ones way挤出来wind ones way蜿蜒前进make way for sb.给某人让路Look!Many children are making their way to the beach.看!很多孩子正往海滩走去。Without experience in it,we have to_.由于在这方面没有经验,我们只能摸索着前进。_ through the forest,he_ back home,only to find a river_down the hill.摸索着穿过森

24、林,他迷失了回家的路,仅发现一条小溪沿着山坡蜿蜒流下来。答案:feel our wayHaving felt his way;lost his way;winding its way9vary from.to.由到不等教材原句The height of the land varies from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres and is home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals.这里地面的高度由海拔700米到2 000多米不等,是多种多样的珍稀动植物的生长地。(1)

25、vary in sth.(大小、形状等)不同;有别vary with随变化;改变vary between.and.从到转变(2)various adj.各种各样的;多姿多彩的(3)variety n种种;多样化a variety of种种These apples vary in size from small to medium.这些苹果由小到中等大小不等。People vary very much _ their ideas.人们在观念方面大不相同。The color of the leaves varies_weather.叶子的颜色随着天气而变化。Because of_reasons,h

26、e didnt attend the meeting.因种种原因,他没参加会议。答案:inwitha variety of/varieties of/various10Having collected and evaluated the information,I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.收集和评估了这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测下次火山熔岩将往何处流去,流速是多少。having collected and evaluated th

27、e information是现在分词的完成时在句中作状语,表明从句动作发生在主句动作之前。过去分词作状语同现在分词作状语时一样,其逻辑上的主语就是主句的主语,但所不同的是,过去分词与主语之间存在被动关系,但有时无被动意义,只是表示一种状态或动作的完成,而现在分词与主语之间存在着主动关系。Having answered the teachers questions,she sat down and felt much more relaxed.回答完老师的问题后,她坐下来,感到轻松多了。_(separate)from other continents for millions of years,

28、Australia has many plants and animals not found anywhere else in the world.由于与其他的大洲分离了几百万年了,澳大利亚有许多在世界上其他地方都找不到的动植物。Tom got to the hospital in time that day,_(catch) the first bus.汤姆那天赶上了第一班公交车,及时到了医院。答案:Having been separatedhaving caught11The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some l

29、ava for later study,but this being my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them.另外两人攀下火山口去收集供日后研究用的岩浆,我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在山顶上观察他们。独立主格结构的构成:n/pron.v.ing/v.ed/to do/adj./adv./prep.phrase。(1)其中名词或代词起着逻辑主语的作用;另一部分表示状态、状况或动作。(2)独立主格结构本身不是句子,但在语意上相当于一个句子。在句子中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、伴随等。(3)独立主格结构一般用逗号与主句分开

30、。The guide leading the way,we had no trouble getting out of the forest.向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林。He walked into the classroom,his head _ (lower)他低着头,走进了教室。More presents_(give),she will find it difficult to accept.再多给她一些礼物,她就会觉得很难接受。答案:loweredto be given He left the office,_.他眼里含着泪水离开了办公室。_,our headmaster s

31、oon left the meeting room.散会了,校长很快就离开了会议室。答案:tears in eyesThe meeting over12It is said that this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。It is said that.“据说”,实际上it为形式主语,that引导的为主语从句,相当于People say that.的意思。该结构还可以改变成sb./sth.

32、is said to do.结构。注意根据动词不定式和is said动作之间的时间关系,使用不定式的一般式、进行式或完成式。It is thought that.大家认为It is believed that.人们相信It is hoped that.人们希望It is reported that.据报道It is wellknown that.众所周知It is said that a new shopping mall will be built in the city next year.A new shopping mall is said to be built in the cit

33、y next year.据说该市明年要建一家新商场。It is said that a new shopping mall is being built in the city at present.A new shopping mall_in the city at present.据说该市目前正在建造一家新商场。答案:is said to be being builtIt is said that a new shopping mall was built in the city the other day.A new shopping mall_in the city the other

34、 day.据说几天前一家新商场在该市落成了。_more than 180 people had been killed in the fire.据报道,那场大火烧死了180多人。答案:is said to have been builtIt was reported that.用动词ing形式改写下列句子1As I came out of my house,I saw the volcano erupting._,I saw the volcano erupting.2When she woke up in the middle of the night,she saw her room wa

35、s as bright as day._,she saw her room was as bright as day.单元语法专练:动词ing答案:1.Coming out of my house2Waking up in the middle of the night3She sat at the desk and read a newspaper.She sat at the desk_.4As I had never seen a volcano erupting before,I was very excited._,I was very excited.5It rained heav

36、ily so that it caused severe flooding in the area.It rained heavily,_.答案:3reading a newspaper4Never having seen a volcano erupting before5causing severe flooding in the area.根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子1_for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.(wait)在队列中等待了半个多小时,汤姆突然意识到,他的钱包忘在了家里。2_,Xiao Hong didnt go to school.(ill)由于今天上午生病,小红没有上学。3_,they have to stay there for another two weeks.(complete)由于没有完成计划,他们不得不再在那里待两周。答案:1.Having waited in the queue2Being ill this morning3Not having completed the program



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