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1、Unit 1Art Warming up& readingartpainting sculpturearchitecturephotographypotteryjewelrymusicdance literature operacalligraphy clothingseal cuttingWarming up: What is art? traditionalreligiousabstractrealisticimpressionistmodernWhat is your favorite style of painting?Whatstyleofpaintingdoyoulikethebe

2、st?Whichwouldyouprefer,or?IdpreferbecauseWouldyoulikeor?IdlikeforWouldyouratheror?IdratherasIf you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint ? If you could have one painting at home, which one would you chose? TalkaboutyourfavoritepaintingTalkaboutyourfavoritepaintingPre-reading1. . Have

3、 you been to art galleries? What kind of paintings have you seen in galleries?2. How much do you know some famous Western paintings and artists? Can you match the paintings and the painters? MonetMasaccioGiotto1.Whats the main idea of the text?The styles of western painting changed a lotAs time goes

4、 by.2.How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they?Four. They are :The Middle Ages, The Renaissance, Impressionism and Modern art.Task 1:skimmingWhile-reading:The history of western painting.Middle Ages, from 5th to 15th century.Impressionism:late 19th to early 20 cen

5、turyModern Art: from 20th to todayThe Renaissance:from 15th to 16 centuryPeriodMain aims of paintersCharacteristics of the paintingsRepresentative paintersThe Middle Ages (5th to 15th century AD)The Renaissance (5th to 16th century)Impression-ism (Late 19th to early 20th century)Modern art(20th cent

6、ury to today)Task 2 ScanningComplete the following chart.Not mentionedReligious realistic Perspective realistic oil paintsNot detailed, ridiculousControversial, abstract, realisticNot mentionedTo paint nature and people as they really wereTo concentrate on certain qualities of the objectTo show how

7、light and shadow fell on objectsTo represent religious themesMasaccioGiotto de BondoneTask 2:listen and Scan the text True or False1. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries.2. Painters in the Middle Ages painted mainly religious subjects.3. Paintings in the Middle Ages

8、 were very realistic.4. Renaissance painters tried to paint things in a realistic way.FTFT5. Two important discoveries in the Renaissance period were oil paints and drawing in perspective.6. Impressionists painted their pictures mainly indoors.7. At first people did not like the impressionists paint

9、ings.8. Modern art began with the impressionists.TFTT1.Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. The first sentence is the topic and the theme of the text.Task 3 Key points in each ParagraphStructures analyzing in Para.1Key sentence structures in Para.2:I have been to so many modern ga

10、lleries, which impressed me a lot.1.A typical picture at this period was full of religious symbols, which created a feelings of respect for God. which 引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句翻译:我欣赏过很多画廊,它们给我的印象深刻。翻译:我欣赏过很多让我印象深刻的画廊。I have been to so many modern galleries which impressed me a lot.Key sentence structures

11、 in Para 3:Without the teachers help, I could not succeed. 2.Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces, for which this period is famous.without 引导含蓄虚拟语气引导含蓄虚拟语气翻译:没有老师的帮助,我就不可能成功。翻译:如果没有老师的帮助,我就不可能成功。If I had not had the teachers help, I co

12、uld not succeed.Structure analyzing in Para.4Whats the main idea of Para. 4?The first sentenceYou can find that the rest of the text contains abundance of time expressions. Try to find them out and then we can predict this article is a historical reportLearning strategies: Find key idea in sentences

13、:2).Withthosedetailscrossedout,whatisthesentenceabout?It will describe the styles.(the key idea )1.Consequently,thistextwilldescribeonlyafewofthemainstyles,startingfromthe5thcenturyAD.1).Firsttakeawaytheminordetailsconjunction:howmany:whatkind:when:3).Andwhathappenedtothetext?This text.Consequentlyo

14、nly a few ofmainstarting from the 5th century AD2.Duringthemiddleages,themainaimofpainterswastorepresentreligiousthemes.3.IntheRenaissance,newideasandvaluestooktheplaceofthosethatwereheldinthemiddleages.The aim of painters was to represent religious themes.New ideas and values took the place of thos

15、e.5.Atthetimetheywerecreated,theimpressionistspaintingswerecontroversialbuttodaytheyareacceptedasthebeginningofwhatwenowcallmodernart.4.InthelateI9thcentury,Europechangedagreatdeal,fromamostlyagriculturalsocietytoamostlyindustrialone.Europe changed a great deal.The impressionists paintings were cont

16、roversial,they are accepted as modern art.Write a summary.Do not include your own opinion, but be sure to use our own words (about 30words.)(不能添加自己的见解不能添加自己的见解,但是要用自己的语言概括,但是要用自己的语言概括.大约大约30个词左右)个词左右)Post-reading: The text describes four of the major movements in western art over the past 1600years

17、and tells us social ,political ,and cultural changes are related to change in artistic style(31)Now can you tell which period the following pictures belong to? Task 4: Group activity.Paintings from the early Middle Ages are full of religious symbols圣母悼子圣母悼子by Masaccio in the 15 centuryusing perspect

18、iveMonalisa by Da VinciFocus More On Human The Pondby Monet, FrancePainted changes in lightAbstract paintings by Picasso in 20th centuryIn the 20th century, some paintings try on concentrating on certain qualities of objectsArt is influenced by beliefs, values of the people and the way of life. For

19、example, during the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes because of the peoples respect and love God. But in the Renaissance, people became focused more on humans and less on religion. In Europe in the late 19th century many new inventions were created and society

20、changed greatly, so painting styles were different from the traditional style. But China has lived the similar way of life for a very long time, so Chinese art has changed less often.Why has the style of Western art changed more often than Chinese art?Discussion:1.Review the text carefully and finish the comprehending 1-3 on Page 3.2.Underline the important and difficult words and expressions and learn it by heart.



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