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1、Do you like English?Do you think it is important?How do you usually learn English ?What shall we do to learn English?I think 1.It is important/necessary to _.2.A good way to learn English is to _.3.You can/should _.Read newspapersRead newspapersJoin in Join in the English Cornerthe English CornerEll

2、en show watch English programs on TVwatch English programs on TVSurf the Internet for more reading materials(资料资料)take part in, jointake part in, join和和和和join in join in 都有都有都有都有“ “参加参加参加参加” ”的意思,可是它们的意思,可是它们的意思,可是它们的意思,可是它们之间还有很大的区别:之间还有很大的区别:之间还有很大的区别:之间还有很大的区别:1 1take part intake part intake part

3、 in take part in 意为意为意为意为“ “参加,参与(某事物或某活动,如参加,参与(某事物或某活动,如参加,参与(某事物或某活动,如参加,参与(某事物或某活动,如meeting, conference, conversation, warmeeting, conference, conversation, war等)等)等)等)” ”。How many countries will take part in the World Cup?How many countries will take part in the World Cup?有多少个国家要参加世界杯?有多少个国家要参加

4、世界杯?有多少个国家要参加世界杯?有多少个国家要参加世界杯?2 2joinjoinjoinjoin意为意为意为意为“ “参加(某组织),加入(某处任职),参加到某参加(某组织),加入(某处任职),参加到某参加(某组织),加入(某处任职),参加到某参加(某组织),加入(某处任职),参加到某个人群中去,从而成为其中一员个人群中去,从而成为其中一员个人群中去,从而成为其中一员个人群中去,从而成为其中一员” ”。She joined a health club. She joined a health club. 她参加了一个健身俱乐部。她参加了一个健身俱乐部。她参加了一个健身俱乐部。她参加了一个健身

5、俱乐部。3 3join injoin injoin in sth. / doing sth.join in sth. / doing sth.意为意为意为意为“ “参加参加参加参加” ”,后面接的宾语一般,后面接的宾语一般,后面接的宾语一般,后面接的宾语一般是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或V-V-inging。Can I join in the game? Can I join in the game? 我可以参加这个游戏吗?我可以参加这个游戏吗?我可以参加这个游戏吗?我可以参加这个

6、游戏吗?attend the speech 参加参加 演讲演讲English Speech English Speech ContestContest英语演讲比赛英语演讲比赛英语演讲比赛英语演讲比赛foreign customers 外国的顾客外国的顾客fluent English 流利的英语流利的英语流利的英语流利的英语good service 优质的服务优质的服务优质的服务优质的服务promote sales 提升销售额提升销售额recommend commodities 推荐推荐商品商品secret秘密的,机密的秘密的,机密的秘密的,机密的秘密的,机密的admire赞赏,夸奖赞赏,夸奖G

7、raduated from Heilongjiang universityGraduated from Heilongjiang universityExcellent actor 优秀的演员优秀的演员with confidencelose confidenceEnglish-Chinese dictionary英汉词典英汉词典afraid害怕的,害怕的,恐惧的恐惧的 Learning English “Yes, please! come on and have a look!”10 percent discount, ok? You cant find better or cheaper o

8、nes.” The salesgirls in Beijings Xiushui Market are giving the foreign customers very good service in English. They can speak fluent English in their business to recommend commodities and to promote sales. Those who have ever been to Xiushui Market would admire the salesgirls perfect English and thi

9、s highlight also makes Xiushui Market more famous . It is said that most of the salesgirls didnt have the chance to study in a university. Many of them just graduated from vocational schools or high schools. How can they speak English so well? There is nothing secret, They just keep on learning by t

10、hemselves and put what they have learned into practice in their jobs with confidence.“Yes, please!” ”come on and have a look!” ”10 percent discount, ok? You cant find better or cheaper ones.” The salesgirls in Beijings Xiushui Market are giving the foreign customers very good service in English. 百分之

11、百分之 折扣折扣更好更好女售货员女售货员外国的外国的顾客顾客服务服务They can speak fluent English in their business to recommend commodities and to promote sales. 流利的流利的商业商业 生意生意推荐推荐 介绍介绍商品商品 货物货物促进促进 提升提升出售出售 销售销售recommend sth. to sb. 把某物推荐给某人把某物推荐给某人她们在生意中能用流利的英语推销商品促进销售她们在生意中能用流利的英语推销商品促进销售Those who have been to Xiushui Market wo

12、uld admire the salesgirls perfect English and this highlight also makes Xiushui Market more famous . 曾经曾经 永远永远ever赞赏赞赏 夸奖夸奖完美的完美的 正确的正确的最精彩的部分最精彩的部分 亮点亮点admire sb. for sth因某事而钦佩某人因某事而钦佩某人It is said that most of the salesgirls didnt have the chance to study in a university. Many of them just graduate

13、d from vocational schools or high schools. 机会机会大学大学毕业毕业have a chance to do sth有机会去做某事有机会去做某事毕业于毕业于graduate from大多数大多数How can they speak English so well? There is nothing secret, They just keep on learning by themselves and put what they have learned into practice in their jobs with confidence.秘密秘密继续

14、继续 坚持坚持实践实践 练习练习充满信充满信进入进入 到到里里keep on doing sth持续不断、坚持做某事持续不断、坚持做某事put into practice 把把付诸实践付诸实践他们只是满怀信心的坚持自学,并把他们学到他们只是满怀信心的坚持自学,并把他们学到的东西付诸于工作实践中。的东西付诸于工作实践中。Consolidation 1.把某物推荐给某人把某物推荐给某人recommend sth. to sb. 这本书很好,汤姆把它推荐给我了。这本书很好,汤姆把它推荐给我了。This book is very good, Tom recommended it to me.2.因某事

15、而钦佩某人因某事而钦佩某人admire sb. for sth我钦佩你的诚实。我钦佩你的诚实。 I admire you for your honesty. 3.有机会去做某事有机会去做某事have a chance to do sthattend the English Speech contest.很荣幸有这个机会很荣幸有这个机会Its my honor to have this chance to来参加英语演讲比赛。来参加英语演讲比赛。4.毕业于毕业于graduate from大约两年后,我们将毕业于讷河职业学,大约两年后,我们将毕业于讷河职业学,然后去上大学。然后去上大学。About

16、two years later, we will graduate from Nehe vocational school and go to the university.5.持续不断、坚持做某事持续不断、坚持做某事keep on doing sth他持续不断的做了他持续不断的做了2个小时的作业。个小时的作业。He keep on doing homework for 2 hours.kept on6.把把付诸实践付诸实践put into practice我们得把我们的想法付诸实践。我们得把我们的想法付诸实践。We should put our ideas into practice.7.充

17、满信心充满信心with confidence我们应该充满信心的面对生活。我们应该充满信心的面对生活。We should face the life with confidence. When we first start to study English, many of us think English is too difficult to learn , so some of us lose confidence or even give up. What a pity! The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example t

18、o us in learning English. The following ideas may be helpful to you. When we first start to study English, many of us think English is too difficult to learn , so some of us lose confidence or even give up. 开始去做开始去做太太而不能而不能失去信失去信放弃放弃start to开始去做开始去做lose confidence失去信心失去信心give up +名词名词/动名词动名词放弃放弃What

19、 a pity! The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example to us in learning English. The following ideas may be helpful to you.可惜的事可惜的事 多遗憾啊!多遗憾啊! 为为树立榜样树立榜样有帮助的有帮助的 有益的有益的set a good example to sbWhat a pity!为为树立榜样树立榜样start tolose confidencegive up +名词名词/动名词动名词开始去做开始去做失去信心失去信心放弃放弃set a good

20、example to sbWhat a pity!多遗憾啊!多遗憾啊! 为为树立榜样树立榜样Reading is an important way for Chinese students to learn English. The more you read , the more you learn. When you meey new words, dont feel bored, jusy try your best to think them over, understand and remember them. A dictionary usually helps you. The

21、more words and idioms you know, the easier English becomes.Reading is an important way for Chinese students to learn English. The more you read , the more you learn. the +比较级比较级,the+比较级比较级 越越越越The more work you do, the more money you make 你做的工作越多,你挣得钱越多。你做的工作越多,你挣得钱越多。When you meet new words, dont f

22、eel bored, just try your best to think them over, understand and remember them. 感到厌烦的感到厌烦的 try/do ones best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力去做某事尽某人最大的努力去做某事think over仔细考虑仔细考虑理解理解 懂得懂得A dictionary usually helps you. The more words and idioms you know, the easier English becomes.掌握的英语越多,英语就变得越容易掌握的英语越多,英语就变得越容易The

23、more words you have got, the easier English becomes.习惯用语习惯用语 习语习语the +比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级try/do ones best to do sth think over越越越越尽某人最大的努力去做某事尽某人最大的努力去做某事仔细考虑仔细考虑 If you have difficulty speaking English , you should listen as much as possible; repeat what you have heard and try to say what you want t

24、o say in English. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Many students find it difficult to understand spoken English . The answer is to listen as much as you can. Take it easy at first .Success with simple tapes at the beginning is a better way. How can you learn to writer well? you have to read more a

25、nd do more writing practice with model sentences and useful expressions.If you have difficulty speaking English , you should listen as much as possible; have difficulty (in)doing sth 在在方面有困难方面有困难asas possible 尽可能尽可能的的repeat what you have heard and try to say what you want to say in English. Dont be

26、afraid of making mistakes.重复重复be afraid of +doing犯错犯错make a mistakemake mistakes害怕做害怕做害怕做害怕做犯错犯错Many students find it difficult to understand spoken English . The answer is to listen as much as you can. Take it easy at first . Success with simple tapes at the beginning is a better way.放松放松 不紧张不紧张在在的

27、开始时的开始时发现做发现做是困难的是困难的理解理解1.Find it +adj. to do sth 2.Take it easy3.at the beginning发现做发现做是是.的的放松放松 不紧张不紧张在在的开始时的开始时find it +necessary/important/difficult/easy+to do sth 认为做十分必要认为做十分必要/重要重要/困难困难/容易容易I find it easy to translate English into Chinese. How can you learn to write well? you have to read mo

28、re and do more writing practicewith model sentences and useful expressions.用例句和有用的表达方式。用例句和有用的表达方式。你怎样才能学好英语呢?你必须得多读,用例你怎样才能学好英语呢?你必须得多读,用例句和有用的表达方式多做写的练习。句和有用的表达方式多做写的练习。 have difficulty (in)doing sthasas possiblebe afraid of +doing4.犯错犯错 make a mistake make mistakes1.在在方面有困难方面有困难2.尽可能尽可能的的3.害怕做害怕做

29、Find it +adj. to do sth 5.发现做发现做是是.的的Take it easyat the beginning6.放松放松 不紧张不紧张7.在在的开始时的开始时Read more and do more writing practice with model sentences and useful expressions.8.多读,用例句和有用的表达方式多做写的练习。多读,用例句和有用的表达方式多做写的练习。Learning is difficult but interesting. Nothing can be learned without giving time a

30、nd effort. Please remember , where theres a will, theres a way.有志者,事竟成有志者,事竟成recommend sth. to sb. 1.把某物推荐给某人把某物推荐给某人admire sb. for sth2.因某事而钦佩某人因某事而钦佩某人have a chance to do sth 3.有机会去做某事有机会去做某事graduate from4.毕业于毕业于keep on doing sth 5.持续不断、坚持做某事持续不断、坚持做某事put into practice6.把把付诸实践付诸实践with confidence 7.充满信心充满信心start tolose confidencegive up +名词名词/动名词动名词开始去做开始去做失去信心失去信心放弃放弃set a good example to sbWhat a pity!多遗憾啊!多遗憾啊! 为为树立榜样树立榜样the +比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级try/do ones best to do sth think over越越越越尽某人最大的努力去做某事尽某人最大的努力去做某事仔细考虑仔细考虑



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