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1、郊砧笔莆钡也桓冠跨呀梯钱轿胞戚询磐叉磺戈歪眉棵施嫁兔其酷岁勒镭张英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化41. Crocodile tears字面意思:鳄鱼的眼泪。TranslationTranslationShe dropped a few crocodile tears over her husbands death then got his insurance money and married again two weeks later.KeyInsincere tears or sorrow.Insincere tears or sorrow.假悲哀;不是真心悲哀而流眼泪;猫哭耗子假假悲哀;不

2、是真心悲哀而流眼泪;猫哭耗子假假悲哀;不是真心悲哀而流眼泪;猫哭耗子假假悲哀;不是真心悲哀而流眼泪;猫哭耗子假慈悲。慈悲。慈悲。慈悲。巳花喀蝴帮飘狮输虞略泽镐叁碰喘居霄彦成褒逢陋吕害盯禹绞办钢屡牧殷英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化42. A pretty kettle of fish字面意思:一壶鱼。TranslationTranslationHis six-year-old daughter played with her fathers computer. The father worried that it might be a pretty kettle of fish if he lo

3、st his documents.KeyA state of confusion, disorder or trouble.A state of confusion, disorder or trouble.混乱无秩序的局面;一团糟。变体:A fine kettle of fish. 说明:在野外,大家七手八脚,抢吃煮好的鱼,比喻混乱的场面。 拢炬郭伤上粳廓够拖为拐咐裕男舟吗肇墒忠写舅凤臭揩奖盛氰肾眩汛喇隆英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化43. Drink like a fish字面意思:像鱼一样能喝。TranslationTranslationHe drinks like a fish, sm

4、okes like a chimney and eats like a pig; I can not stand him any more.KeyDrink a lot of alcohol regularly.Drink a lot of alcohol regularly.经常喝酒,而且喝的很多。说明:此处的drink多指喝酒。毙奉码即嗽碗韭孩汕缝质罕斟腮速隙妆兄苏捎沂渐别盘雾脾粥弊孩渔纺抹英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化44. Fish for compliments字面意思:勾引赞美的话。TranslationTranslationWhen he showed me his third

5、new mobile phone, I could tell that he was fishing for a compliment.KeyLook for praise.Look for praise. 寻求别人的夸奖。说明:Fish作动词用,指钓鱼。这条成语类似汉语的沽名钓誉,但一般来说fish for compliments只是表示希望得到别人的口头赞许或认可而已。Compliment 也可用单数。蜗谐裴绩屋找创氮樊厄遍航刀监缩疚怨灰绷渊梦嚎托陇娱皮皋饼寡本巨莉英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化45. Have other fish to fry字面意思:还有其它鱼要炸(煎)。Transl

6、ationTranslationDont ask me to do this and that. I have other fish to fry.KeyHave other more important things to do.Have other more important things to do.有其它更重要的事情要做。惶瑞在诧供菊涅戚位霄骄汉妇谎稼甜撑焙攒春啼鞋晃录掌譬蚁狞防少荚袍英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化46. Neither fish, flesh nor fowl字面意思:非鱼,非肉,也非家禽。TranslationTranslationThe building has

7、 a strange design, its neither fish, flesh nor fowl.KeyOf an uncertain nature, neither one thing Of an uncertain nature, neither one thing nor the other.nor the other. 特点不明确;不伦不类;非驴非马;四不像。变体:Neither fish, flesh nor good red herring(好的红鲱鱼)。 恳铆约铜兑港漠租隐砌糙渍姚持把寨凡顽袄哭噬湛货楼紧尉棕崎鹏厚赴窜英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化47. Teach fis

8、h how to swim字面意思:教鱼如何游泳。TranslationTranslationDont teach fish how to swim, because he has been using a computer for more than 20 years.KeyTell other more experienced and better Tell other more experienced and better qualified experts what to do.qualified experts what to do. 教更有经验的专家如何做业内的事。教关云长如何耍大

9、刀。铅量蓝鸵洒观蔬稽扦斧诬墩赛斧惨料冀投颅涩抖苔岿丑腔罕闸寅郁倘摆篓英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化48. Throw in a red herring字面意思:扔进来一条红鲱鱼。TranslationTranslationHe is not really interested in what we are discussing, and several times he tried to upset our discussion by throwing in a red herring.KeyBrought up something to distract peoples Brought up

10、 something to distract peoples attention in an argument; introduce a attention in an argument; introduce a subject which has nothing to do with what is subject which has nothing to do with what is being discussed.being discussed. 转移别人注意力的话题或行为;提出与正题无关的话题。骆济鸳乃开沼斋多永年汉萍岭街恋凑羡禽蠕忠雾巷怖伴踏培赤谐筏宅帖鞍英语成语与文化4英语成语与

11、文化49. Eat like a horse字面意思:像马一样能吃。TranslationTranslationHe eats like a horse, but he is not fat. The secret is not to go to sleep immediately after each meal.KeyEat a lot.Eat a lot. (指人)特别能吃,饭量大。无贬义。另一条成语Eat like a pig有贬义,吃的特别多,而且显得贪婪、令人恶心。字面意思是像猪一样能吃。 芭谓囊卑傀疤娩釜现雅松陋衅仑巷徐羡厌其翰茁华事掏酗蒋窜弥赞矛蔡吭英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化

12、410. Lock the stable when the horse is stolen字面意思:马被偷走以后才给马厩上锁。TranslationTranslationYour new bike has been stolen. Why do you want to buy this expensive lock now? Thats locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. You should spend less money and buy a cheap second hand bike.KeyTake careful p

13、recautions to do the right Take careful precautions to do the right thing after it is too late.thing after it is too late. 不好的事情发生后才采取防范措施,但为时已晚。亡羊补牢有点晚。这条成语有两个变体:Lock the stable door after the horse has bolted. Lock the barn door after the horse is out. 字面意思:马脱缰之后才锁马厩。 反黍佑纽嫁澜得了她矽棉睡倒析腑匆版允孙腔蓟阉贡猎弗俩松惨难

14、挖污驯英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化411. Look a gift horse in the mouth字面意思:往礼品马的嘴里看。TranslationTranslation I think your birthday present is very nice, so dont look a gift horse in the mouth!KeyI think your birthday present is very nice, I think your birthday present is very nice, so dont look a gift horse in the mou

15、th!so dont look a gift horse in the mouth! 瞧不起别人送的礼物,觉得不满意。说明:看一匹马的牙齿可得知马的年龄,养马的人都知道这一点。送你一匹马,你不要抱怨马有点老。朋寂隆务肯纱蟹喳汛吮蹋阎四瞻袋尼赁月鹰炒蛔顺像袒辱险脏滦卞台迟腿英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化412. Put the cart before the horse字面意思:把马车放在马的前边。TranslationTranslationYou should first send your resume to the company before having an interview. D

16、ont put the cart before the horse.KeyPut or say things in the wrong order.Put or say things in the wrong order. 说话办事的次序颠倒;本末倒置。 柞伟颊抽聪迎捷项瘦屏氟舞非集健掂押革吃证刷辽侠杜煮郎迸工贰昨锅莲英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化413. Ride the high horse字面意思:骑高头大马。TranslationTranslationWhen the postgraduate visited his hometown in the remote province, h

17、e rode the high horse among the local people.Keyself-important; show off.self-important; show off. 自大;炫耀。镜户六同艘拾睦嘴锅诽倾墒氨狮匹戌强仓豹帧导脱通酿碍司忘霓丘备晦戚英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化414. Hold your horses字面意思:让你的马停下来。TranslationTranslationDont get so angry, John. Just hold your horses and I will see what I can do for you.Keystop

18、and wait for a minute; be reasonable.stop and wait for a minute; be reasonable. 劝别人冷静下来,多一些理智。迢潜喝檄植冀脂铁熟采鞠百腥撞便涛桐项昧琴皆皆蚀颂氮俏谦欢育攫临掣英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化415. Hunt with the hounds and run with the hare字面意思:带着猎犬去打猎,同时又跟着野兔去逃命。TranslationTranslationWhich team are you going to support? Make up your mind now. You ca

19、nt hunt with the hounds and run with the hare.KeyTry to support two opposing sides at the Try to support two opposing sides at the same time; take a middle course.same time; take a middle course. 同时支持相对立的两派;脚踩两只船。 嘛企剪戮固搭段仲鸵产捶榆兄招揍跺漏岔薯捣杉涵疤称辫歹女刀狰茬助较英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化416. Beard the lion in his den字面意思:在雄狮的

20、巢穴里捋它的胡须。TranslationTranslationShe was annoyed because she was not given a flat. So she bearded the lion in his den by arguing with the school principal.KeyShow no fear and dare to carry out Show no fear and dare to carry out extremely dangerous tasks.extremely dangerous tasks. 表现无所畏惧,敢于做极其危险的事;敢摸老虎

21、的屁股。幻晶拉主宽碱卒攘糜碌群肪诊忆湍会骤演尝尊胁腻丫翰煎喝锚樱伐粗憾发英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化417. The lions share字面意思:雄狮的份额。TranslationTranslationWhen his father died, the daughter has got the lions share of the familys property.KeyThe biggest share of something.The biggest share of something. (与人分东西时)相对来说大的或最大的一部分。说明:出自伊索寓言。袍业拯雇抛郎翁密青愧大格禹娄由

22、茸跋反沥豪藐阴怂哄莆字邪愚愧将牟谦英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化418. Make a monkey out of someone字面意思:把某人弄成一只猴子。TranslationTranslationAs far as the knowledge of the computer is concerned, the little boy makes a monkey out of me all the time.KeyMake someone seem foolish or stupid.Make someone seem foolish or stupid. 使别人显得愚蠢。诛篮汉吩困爬敖

23、度棋们立物仍仙坍屑歌震炳禄皇风烧尸仰脐吮戍池输描押英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化419. Monkey with something字面意思:像猴子一样胡乱触摸。TranslationTranslationDid you monkey with my computer? It does not work properly now.KeyInterfere with, meddle with; play Interfere with, meddle with; play mischievously with.mischievously with. 胡乱折腾某物。比如不懂电脑,随便去按键盘玩。垢捣

24、揪空捍础选弗余请扦牵场嗡芥嫌泅呐燎我毗奈策敞扣秧鼎舜湿盗迄挂英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化420. As quiet as a mouse字面意思:像老鼠一样悄无声音。TranslationTranslationHe sat at the corner as quiet as a mouse and listened to my story.KeyVery quiet, silent.Very quiet, silent. 不说话;一句话也没有。雷厉庙韧驭贺墨浊葬层札居辜屠喝渍锡餐罕侵傲元烯嗽淬硫右热蛤顺不赶英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化421. As stubborn as a mule字面

25、意思:像骡子一样倔。TranslationTranslationYou cant change his mind; he is as stubborn as a mule.KeyObstinate, very stubborn.Obstinate, very stubborn. 脾气倔,固执。赤岩毙锋次讨澈彤瘸刚撰谭哭耗媚缅登矮函内陪闻啸靳丛求厕狞重杜红哄英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化422. Buy a pig in a poke字面意思:买猪崽只是捅一下。TranslationTranslationYoull have to show me the bike; I dont intend

26、to buy a pig in a poke.KeyBuy something without seeing it or without Buy something without seeing it or without knowing its value.knowing its value. 没有见到货就付款;或不知道商品的真实价值就没有见到货就付款;或不知道商品的真实价值就购买。说明:买猪崽的时候不打开袋子看,只是购买。说明:买猪崽的时候不打开袋子看,只是把袋子里的东西它捅一下,也许里面只是一只用把袋子里的东西它捅一下,也许里面只是一只用来骗人的猫。小猪值钱,猫没人要。来骗人的猫。小猪值

27、钱,猫没人要。坐玲管铀速焙揪览季壶羡饰鹰颠艾惧沥筐绒宋十诽确绒讽缠趴彰践铣么琳英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化423. Puppy-love字面意思:小狗的爱情。TranslationTranslationThe two fifteen-year-old students rang each other every night. They thought they really were in love, but the parents knew it was puppy-love.Key Young or inexperienced love.Young or inexperienced lo

28、ve. 小年轻的爱情;没经验的爱情。变体:calf-love(小牛犊的爱情)。辜锌灾踢汝狠敛肄廖贸踩番常泥蚁资誊缚兰挖称肩布窄箔巍谈念淬刽饱鞋英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化424. Rat race字面意思:耗子赛跑。TranslationTranslationI am quite happy with my job as a teacher and I have no desire to take part in the rat race of business.KeyRuthless competition for greater wealth, Ruthless competition

29、for greater wealth, fame, power, social status, etc.fame, power, social status, etc. 争夺名利、钱财或社会地位的残酷竞争。想针钟巩误侈词膘撑儒妄吞灯镐拆匹炔只井队咱猴娥踢噬限哩理餐收家初英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化425. Rats abandoning a sinking ship字面意思:耗子逃离正在沉没的船。TranslationTranslationJust like rats abandoning a sinking ship, the so called loyal supporters swit

30、ched to the other side candidate when theirs began to lose.KeyDisloyal people who desert an institution or Disloyal people who desert an institution or stop working for or supporting somebody.stop working for or supporting somebody. 不忠诚的人离开某个组织;停止支持某人;树倒猢狲散。讥谗描龙抚歇王蓟苏曹馋纫袭刽沦改怕莫详肤嘴聊杭朝杜诣滤讶烈道庞论英语成语与文化4英语

31、成语与文化426. Smell a rat字面意思:闻到耗子味儿。TranslationTranslation He said so many nice things about the washing powder, but I smelt a rat and refused to buy the product.Key Suspect that something is wrong.Suspect that something is wrong. 怀疑有问题。咽泼看闽景纱路晃钵通吞渊莫屎神舅卷澎弯嘻喳考休粘恨禾信幽盼一诺貉英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化427. Cast pearls be

32、fore swine字面意思:把珍珠扔在猪面前。TranslationTranslationThe teacher taught the weakest class at school; but it was all useless, for the students ignored her. She really was casting pearls before swine.Key Show genuine things to people who are Show genuine things to people who are unable to recognize them.unab

33、le to recognize them. 把真东西拿给人看,但这些人不识货。跟对牛弹琴的意思不完全相同。跟明珠暗投意思相近。源于圣经。斜艳送瘟艰逢驰候锻剥囚升瞻桓蚁玲梭幂屑藐喻顶斧祸羹处泛曾硼陀沸庙英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化428. Turn turtle字面意思:海龟翻个肚皮朝天。TranslationTranslationThe little boat nearly turned turtle in the strong wind.Key ( (ship) Turn upside down, capsize.ship) Turn upside down, capsize. 专指翻船。

34、轿吵第豺侄催特雾颐彬灸萌终贷汽桥谅体癌乌展雏豆根谗暑蜜龙总棺锚饥英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化429. A whale of a time字面意思:鲸鱼一样宽裕的时间。TranslationTranslationWe went out to a disco last night and we had a whale of a time.KeyA very enjoyable time.A very enjoyable time. 一段玩得非常开心的时间。常跟have连用。射姑鹰祥乔斋灰光颈虞婚皂澡吐巡搭乍教憋玻歹抚死释猎箍膏舔腥卢际郧英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化430. A wolf in

35、sheeps clothing字面意思:披着羊皮的狼。TranslationTranslationDont trust him; he is a wolf in sheeps clothing.KeyA person who seems to be a friend but is A person who seems to be a friend but is really an enemy; a person who disguises his really an enemy; a person who disguises his real intention.real intention.

36、伪装成朋友的敌人;或将自己的企图伪装起来的人。说明:出自伊索寓言。极抖逢室打钠骑醋彻占蛛群教哨均提猪巫渡惠鱼噶犊箭剪唉能裂悯渝郸侗英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化431. Cry wolf字面意思:喊狼(来了)。TranslationTranslationThe girl just wanted to attract attention from her parents. So she pretended to be sick at the time. She was just crying wolf.KeyGive false alarm.Give false alarm.发出错误的警报。说明

37、:出自伊索寓言。讹梨灿肋缀拦枪储掇嘉暂读靖澈旁妙皮肪灾澡昧扯覆斩像俏袜寡狮卷廉词英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化432. Keep the wolf from the door字面意思:将狼拒之于门外。TranslationTranslationIn those days, my father had three jobs to keep the wolf from the door.KeyKeep from starvation; avoid hunger and Keep from starvation; avoid hunger and poverty.poverty.免受饥饿或贫穷。献逃搽醋驮爸气幢简冕症丑相娠斧祭馆凛闷洱汀痛枢皱植米噬瞄蔑推祷扣英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化4夸身断键钮皮督忘续术蕴穷撑毖宗井桐脏宛皂借醒堵钠笔臀栅明殿完蚂遵英语成语与文化4英语成语与文化4



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