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1、英语电影视听说教学探讨课程名称:课程名称:通过电影学英语通过电影学英语题课名称:题课名称:借助优秀的英文影片,借助优秀的英文影片, 进行立体的视听说进行立体的视听说 英语教学英语教学教材名称:教材名称:英语电影视听说英语电影视听说语言技能语言技能 +文化意识文化意识 + 国际视野国际视野一、真实的交际场景一、真实的交际场景Immersion:Immersion:浸润式的语言教学浸润式的语言教学 模式(自然习得理论)模式(自然习得理论)核心原则核心原则: :创设情境创设情境extra-linguistic clues:extra-linguistic clues:超语言线索超语言线索 二、地道的

2、语言素材二、地道的语言素材1、台词或对白是电影的灵魂、台词或对白是电影的灵魂 2、看经典影片,背经典台词、看经典影片,背经典台词三、跨文化传播的功能三、跨文化传播的功能1、电影本身传达了明确的跨文化信息、电影本身传达了明确的跨文化信息 2、电影本身无跨文化元素,但为延展跨、电影本身无跨文化元素,但为延展跨文化思路提供了视角文化思路提供了视角 影片的选择应遵循的原则影片的选择应遵循的原则 基调健康,并有一定深度和挑战性基调健康,并有一定深度和挑战性 语言含量大,用词规范地道语言含量大,用词规范地道 发音清晰、标准,语速适中发音清晰、标准,语速适中Dead Poets Society 死亡诗社(C

3、ampus Life)About A Boy 单亲插班生(Family Life)The Joy Luck Club 喜福会(Intercultural Perspectives)The Devil Wears Prada 时尚女魔头(Fashion)Philadelphia 费城故事(Social Problem)Beauty and the Beast 美女与野兽(Love)The Queen 女王(Royal Life)Troy 特洛伊(War)教学性质:教学性质:以学生为主体的参与式、以学生为主体的参与式、 互动式、讨论式教学互动式、讨论式教学教学目标:教学目标:知识目标、语言目标、知

4、识目标、语言目标、 素质拓展目标素质拓展目标教学模式:教学模式:任务型教学任务型教学动态的测评体系动态的测评体系课时安排:课时安排:18学周学周/学期,学期,2学时学时/周周 4至至8部影片部影片Part Part I: Movie Exploration: Movie ExplorationPart Part II: Culture Reflection Culture ReflectionPart Part III: Language Appreciation Language Appreciation1.Should students be encouraged to participa

5、te in extracurricular activities? How to balance your study and extracurricular activities?2. In many schools, students are taught to conform and put their beliefs aside. Should individualism be encouraged at school?Part I MOVIE EXPLORATIONSection A Moive StoryTask 1 Retell the story with the help o

6、f the hints given below. Welton Academy, a conservative and autocratic boy prep school the arrival of an unconventional English teacher, John Keating Keatings unique way of teachingSection B Character AnalysisTask 2 Work in pairs. Focus on the following scenes, discuss the personality traits of the

7、characters and complete the blanks.Mr. Nolan (the headmaster)Highlightsa.(at the ceremony) deliver a speech, emphasizing _b.(in the classroom) question Keatings conduct in the courtyard and warn him _Personality Traits _tradition,honor,discipline and excellencenot to mislead the studentsconservative

8、, narrow-mindedTask 3 Work in pairs and answer the following questions. What do you think of Keatings first English literature class at Welton? In the courtyard, after making the students all join in the clapping and adjust to the rhythm of the marching, how does Keating explain the exercise and emp

9、hasize individualism? Part I Section A, Section B目标:培养学生的视听理解力以及分析、归纳和评论的能力。Task 4 Listen to the interview and complete it by filling the blanks.Task 5 Work in groups of three and conduct an interview based on the situation given below.Part I Section C目标:强化学生的听写能力,进一步培养学生进行影评的能力。Part II Culture Refl

10、ection Section A The goals of American Education1. Self-actualization2. Team SpiritTask: Work in groups and compare the similarities and differences between American and Chinese educational systems.目标:培养学生的人文气质,提高他们的综合文化素养。Part III Language Appreciation Section A Language TipsLexical GroupsSchool 学院

11、School of Engineering工学院School of Liberal Arts and Sciences文理学院School of Fine Arts艺术学院School of Business Administration管理学院目标:引导学生养成分主题积累表达的习惯。目标:引导学生养成分主题积累表达的习惯。 Idiomatic Expressionsto have some big shoes to fill任重道远to get someones goat激怒目标:使学生得以接触并模仿标准而生动的西方社会目标:使学生得以接触并模仿标准而生动的西方社会生活用语生活用语Part

12、III Section B Excerpts and ExpressionsTask 10 Have a study of the underlined sentences, and try to understand their language power or rhetoric effect.目标:学习语言技巧;锻炼语用能力。目标:学习语言技巧;锻炼语用能力。Part III Section B Excerpts and ExpressionsTask 11 Work in pairs and make a dialog based on the situationgiven below. Try to employ the language features in this part.目标:希望学生通过切实的演剧体验,强化参目标:希望学生通过切实的演剧体验,强化参与和互动的意愿,提高观影的兴趣和鉴赏力。与和互动的意愿,提高观影的兴趣和鉴赏力。Part III Section C Memorable LinesTask 14 Appreciate the following lines and learn them by heart.目标:帮助学生提高语言感受力、表达能力和目标:帮助学生提高语言感受力、表达能力和翻译技巧。翻译技巧。谢谢大家谢谢大家



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