高考英语大一轮复习 顺序法记词2课件

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1、1顺序法记词-201010202高考词汇精讲高考词汇精讲ampleancestor| anecdoteanniversaryannualapparent | appealappetite applaudappropriate | approximatelyarbitrary | arithmeticatmosphere | attachattain | obtainavailable| averageawkward| bachelorbacterium| balancebasin | batbattle |bellbishop | bitbond | bonusbooth高考词汇精练高考词汇精

2、练I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式 II. 写出单词的正确含义III. 单词活用IV. 介词填空V. 单句写作2高考词汇精讲3AMPLEANCESTOR ample/ /mplmpl/ /例例 ample food for the winterancient/ /enntennt/ /记记ancient先前的先前的古代古代的的例例 ancient castlesancestor/ /nsestnsest/ /记记 ancestor先前人先前人祖先祖先例例learn the wisdom of our ancestorsadj.充足的充足的adj.古代的古代的n.祖先祖先4ANECDOTEANN

3、IVERSARY anecdote/ /nkdtnkdt/ /记记anecdote一个出给一个出给给讲个故事给讲个故事轶事轶事angel/ /endlendl/ /例例 an angel from the heavenn.轶事轶事n.天使天使anniversary/ /nvsrnvsr/ /记记anniversary每年转每年转的的周年纪念日周年纪念日n.周年纪念日周年纪念日5ANNUALAPPARENT annual/ /njlnjl/ /记记 annual年的年的例例hold an annual meeting in a hotel同同yearlyantique/ /ntkntk/ /记记

4、antique先前东西先前东西古古董董例例collect a large number of antiquesapparent/ /pprntrnt/ /记记apparent加强父母加强父母使父母加强健康效果明显使父母加强健康效果明显明显的明显的adj.每年的每年的n.古董古董adj.明显的明显的6APPEALAPPETITE appeal/ /pilpil/ /记记appeal加强使鸣响加强使鸣响声音声音大能吸引注意大能吸引注意吸引吸引appendix/ /pendkspendks/ /记记appendix加强悬挂东加强悬挂东西西加挂的东西加挂的东西附录附录例例 attach an appe

5、ndixvi./n.恳求;吸引恳求;吸引n.附录附录appetite/ /ptatptat/ /记记appetite加强追求加强追求后缀后缀追求美味追求美味胃口胃口例例 have a good appetiten.胃口胃口7APPLAUDAPPROPRIATE applaud/ /pldpld/ /记记applaud加强鼓掌加强鼓掌鼓鼓掌掌例例 applaud for 3 minutesapproach/ /prtprt/ /记记approach加强靠近加强靠近靠近靠近例例 approach a deerappropriate/ /prprtprprt/ /记记appropriate加强自加强

6、自身的身的加强自身建设加强自身建设适当适当的的v.鼓掌,喝彩鼓掌,喝彩n.方法,途径方法,途径 vt.靠近靠近adj.适当的适当的8APPROXIMATELYARBITRARY approximately/ /prksmtlprksmtl/ /记记approximately加强接近加强接近地地例例approximately 8 days同同aboutapron/ /eprneprn/ /例例wear an apron in the workshopadv.大约大约n.围裙围裙arbitrary/ /btrrbtrr/ /记记 arbitrary武断的武断的例例draw an arbitrary

7、 conclusionadj.武断的,专断的武断的,专断的9ARITHMETICATMOSPHERE arithmetic/ /rr mtkmtk/ /记记谐音谐音“爱丽丝没及格爱丽丝没及格”没没及格的是及格的是“算术算术”例例 be quick at arithmeticartificial/ /tfltfl/ /记记artificial技巧做的技巧做的靠技巧做出来的靠技巧做出来的人造的人造的atmosphere/ /tmsftmsf/ /记记atmosphere空气球体空气球体地球周围的空气地球周围的空气大气层大气层n.算术算术adj.人造的,人工的人造的,人工的n.大气层;气氛大气层;气

8、氛10ATTACHATTAIN attach/ /ttt t/ /记记 attach加强接触加强接触贴上贴上例例 attach a letter to the parcelattack/ /ttk k/ /记记attack加强钉子加强钉子用钉子用钉子攻击攻击攻击攻击例例 attack a tankvt.附上,贴上附上,贴上vt./n.攻击攻击attain/ /tenten/ /记记 attain加强拿加强拿获得获得例例attain an important objectivevt.获得;达到获得;达到11OBTAINAVAILABLE obtain/ /btenbten/ /记记 obtain

9、朝拿朝拿获得获得例例 obtain higher gradesattempt/ /tempttempt/ /记记attempt加强诱惑加强诱惑尝尝试试例例attempt to solve a problemavailable/ /velblvelbl/ /记记available有用于可以有用于可以的的可得到的可得到的例例 use everything availablevt.获得获得vt./n.尝试,企图尝试,企图adj.可得到的可得到的12AVERAGEAWKWARD average/ /vrdvrd/ /例例 ten dollars on averageawful/ /flfl/ /记记

10、awful可怕充满的可怕充满的例例awful handwriting关关awfullyadj.平均的平均的adj.可怕的,糟糕的可怕的,糟糕的awkward/ /kwdkwd/ /例例make awkward movements关关awkwardlyadj.笨拙的笨拙的13BACHELORBACTERIUM bachelor/ /b btltl/ /记记谐音谐音“拜妻啦拜妻啦”对未来的对未来的妻子崇拜妻子崇拜单身汉单身汉bacon/ /beknbekn/ /例例 dislike spicy baconbacterium/ /b bktrmktrm/ /例例kill harmful bacter

11、ia关关virusn.单身汉;学士单身汉;学士n.咸猪肉;熏猪肉咸猪肉;熏猪肉n.细菌细菌14BALANCEBASIN balance/ /b blnslns/ /记记balance谐音谐音“摆摆”长矛长矛走钢丝时平摆长矛走钢丝时平摆长矛平衡平衡bare/ /bebe/ /例例 fight with bare handsn./vt.平衡平衡adj.赤裸的;无遮盖的赤裸的;无遮盖的basin/ /bes()nbes()n/ /记记basin低处进入低处进入脸盆脸盆中间凹进去中间凹进去脸盆脸盆例例 flow into a basinn.脸盆;盆地脸盆;盆地15BATBATTLE bat/ /b b

12、t t/ /例例thousands of bats in a cavebattery/ /b btrtr/ /例例charge a battery for thirty minutesbattle/ /b btl tl/ /记记谐音谐音“拜托拜托”拜托双方别拜托双方别打斗打斗战斗战斗例例 fight a two-hour battlen.蝙蝠;球拍蝙蝠;球拍n.电池电池n.战斗战斗16BELLBISHOP bell/ /belbel/ /例例ring the bell twice,a telephone/door bellbelly/ /belbel/ /记记belly大钟倾斜大钟倾斜大钟的下

13、大钟的下部像大肚子挺出来部像大肚子挺出来肚子肚子例例 a big beer bellyn.铃,大钟铃,大钟n.肚子肚子bishop/ /bpbp/ /记记bishop两场所两场所负责多负责多个教堂的牧师个教堂的牧师主教主教例例 a white-haired bishopn.主教主教17BITBOND bit/ /btbt/ /例例 drink a little bit of beerblame/ /blemblem/ /例例blame Zhang Dada for his carelessnessbond/ /bndbnd/ /例例the only bond between the twon.

14、一点,小点一点,小点v./n.责怪责怪n.纽带;契约纽带;契约18BONUSBOOTH bonus/ /bnsbns/ /记记bonus谐音谐音“帮帮”我们我们发发奖金给我们是帮我们奖金给我们是帮我们例例 monthly bonusboom/ /bumbum/ /例例 the post-war baby boomn.奖金奖金n.轰隆声;繁荣期,高轰隆声;繁荣期,高峰期峰期booth/ /bubu / /例例 reserve a booth for dinnern.(某种用途的某种用途的)亭或小隔亭或小隔间间19I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式1_ adj.明显的明显的2_ vi./n.恳求;吸

15、引恳求;吸引3_ n.方法,途径方法,途径 vt.靠近靠近4_ adj.适当的适当的5_ n.大气层;气氛大气层;气氛6_ vt.附上,贴上附上,贴上7_ n.攻击攻击8_ vt./n.尝试,企图尝试,企图9_ n./vt.平衡平衡10_ n.战斗战斗11_ v./n.责怪责怪apparentappealapproachappropriateatmosphereattachattackattemptbalance battle blame20II. 写出单词的正确含义1ample adj. _2ancient adj. _3ancestor n_4anecdote n_5angel n_6an

16、niversary n_7annual adj. _8antique n_9appendix n_10appetite n_11applaud v_12approximately adv. _13apron n_14arbitrary adj. _15arithmetic n_16artificial adj. _17attain vt. _18obtain vt. _19available adj. _20average adj. _ 充足的充足的 古代的古代的 祖先祖先 轶事轶事天使天使 周年纪念日周年纪念日 每年的每年的 古董古董 附录附录 胃口胃口鼓掌,喝彩鼓掌,喝彩 大约大约 围裙围

17、裙 武断的,专断的武断的,专断的 算术算术 人造的,人工的人造的,人工的获得;达到获得;达到 获得获得 可得到的可得到的 平均的平均的21II. 写出单词的正确含义21awful adj. _22awkward adj. _23bachelor n_24bacon n_25bacterium n_26bare adj. _27basin n_28battery n_29bell n_30belly n_31bond n_32bonus n_33boom n_34booth n_ 可怕的,糟糕的可怕的,糟糕的 笨拙的笨拙的 单身汉;学士单身汉;学士咸猪肉;熏猪肉咸猪肉;熏猪肉 细菌细菌赤裸的;无

18、遮盖的赤裸的;无遮盖的脸盆;盆地脸盆;盆地 电池电池铃,大钟铃,大钟 肚子肚子纽带;契约纽带;契约 奖金奖金轰隆声;繁荣期,高峰期轰隆声;繁荣期,高峰期(某种用途的某种用途的)亭或小隔间亭或小隔间22III. 单词活用1. It is believed that it is the earliest and largest _(古代的古代的)papermaking workshop site ever found in China.2Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the _(祖先祖先), who might r

19、eturn either to help or to do harm.3I am planning my parents wedding _(周年纪念日周年纪念日) celebration.I have already invited you and your parents.4There is so much rain on the island that its _ (每年的每年的)rainfall reaches as much as sixty inches.ancientancestorsanniversaryannual23III. 单词活用5It took me _(大约大约)s

20、even days to travel across the continent from west to east.6Having _(平衡平衡)the advantages and the disadvantages, he decided to live in another city.approximatelybalanced24IV. 介词填空1. What she wore was not appropriate _ such a solemn occasion.2_ average, over 8,000 persons come to visit Zhouzhuang a da

21、y.3Everyone has their own approach _ dealing with them.4Blamed _ the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.forOntofor25V. 单句写作1很明显,宇航员们已经适应了太空的环境。很明显,宇航员们已经适应了太空的环境。(It is apparent that)2我们呼吁政府采取措施避免抛弃这些希望学校。我们呼吁政府采取措施避免抛弃这些希望学校。(appeal to sb to do sth)3拥有真诚和信任我们才能创建一个和谐

22、的气氛。拥有真诚和信任我们才能创建一个和谐的气氛。(a harmonious atmosphere) 4保护濒临灭绝的野生动物是十分重要的。保护濒临灭绝的野生动物是十分重要的。(attach great importance to)It is apparent that the astronauts have adapted themselves to the situation in space.We appeal to the government to take measures to prevent Hope schools from being deserted.It was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere.Great importance should be attached to protecting wild animals from dying out.



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