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1、TB1ATB1AUnit 1 Good friendsUnit 1 Good friends基础落实基础落实.重点单词思忆重点单词思忆1.The students had a long 1.The students had a long ( (争辩争辩) ) with their teachers about their uniforms. with their teachers about their uniforms. 2.They share the housework 2.They share the housework ( (均等地均等地) ) between them. betwe

2、en them.3.When we were in Washington,we saw the 3.When we were in Washington,we saw the president, president, ( (诚实的诚实的) to goodness.) to goodness.argumentargumentequallyequallyhonesthonest4.I have done little this year in 4.I have done little this year in ( (和和比起来比起来) with what I did last year.) wi

3、th what I did last year.5.Some animals can 5.Some animals can ( (活下来活下来) in the) in the desert on very little water. desert on very little parisoncomparisonsurvivesurvive.考纲词汇拓展考纲词汇拓展1.1. vi vi. .争论,辩论争论,辩论 n n. .争论,辩争论,辩 论;论据,论点论;论据,论点2.2. vt vt. .幸免于;从幸免于;从中生还;中生还;vi vi. .幸存幸存 n n. .生存,幸存,残存生存,幸存,

4、残存 n n. . 幸存者,生还者幸存者,生还者3.3. adjadj. .荒芜的,荒废的荒芜的,荒废的 vt vt. . 抛弃抛弃4.4. n n. .谎话,谎言谎话,谎言 vt vt. .说谎说谎 n n. . 说谎者说谎者argueargueargumentargumentsurvivesurvivesurvivalsurvivalsurvivorsurvivordeserteddeserteddesertdesertlielielielieliarliar5.5. n n. & . & vt vt. & . & vi vi. .冒险;冒险经历冒险;冒险经历 adjadj. .爱冒险的,

5、敢做敢为的;充满危爱冒险的,敢做敢为的;充满危 险的险的 n n. .冒险者,冒险家冒险者,冒险家6.6. adjadj. .恐惧的恐惧的 v v. .惊吓,受惊,威惊吓,受惊,威 吓;吓;n n. .惊恐,恐慌,恐惧惊恐,恐慌,恐惧 adjadj. .令人恐令人恐 惧的惧的 adjadj. .容易受惊的,胆怯的;吓人容易受惊的,胆怯的;吓人 的,可怕的的,可怕的adventuresadventuresadventurousadventurousadventureradventurerscaredscaredscarescarescaringscaringscaryscary.重要短语识记重要

6、短语识记1.be/become 1.be/become of of喜欢;爱好喜欢;爱好2.2. about sth. about sth.争论某事争论某事3.3. for for搜索;寻找搜索;寻找4.in 4.in to to为了为了5.treat. 5.treat. . .把把看作看作6.care 6.care 关心关心7.be 7.be in. in.在在方面反应快方面反应快fondfondarguearguehunthuntorderorderasasaboutaboutquickquick8.keep.in 8.keep.in 用心记,记住用心记,记住9.9. sb.a line s

7、b.a line 给某人写信给某人写信10.run 10.run 撞到;偶遇撞到;偶遇11.make 11.make of of取笑某人取笑某人12.be 12.be about about对对感到好奇感到好奇mindminddropdropintointofunfuncuriouscurious.经典句式再现经典句式再现1.I don1.I dont enjoy singing, t enjoy singing, ( (也不喜欢电脑)也不喜欢电脑). . 2.I hate hiking and 2.I hate hiking and ( (我对古典音乐也不感兴趣我对古典音乐也不感兴趣).).

8、3.One day Chuck 3.One day Chuck ( (在飞越太平洋时)在飞越太平洋时)when when suddenly his plane crashes. suddenly his plane crashes.4.Perhaps the most difficult challenge is 4.Perhaps the most difficult challenge is ( (没有朋友怎样生没有朋友怎样生 存)存). .nor do I likenor do I likecomputerscomputersI Im not into classicalm not in

9、to classicalmusicmusicis on a flight across theis on a flight across thePacific OceanPacific Oceanhowhowto survive without friendsto survive without friends5.In order to survive,Chuck 5.In order to survive,Chuck ( (与一位不与一位不 同寻常的朋友建立了友谊)同寻常的朋友建立了友谊)a volleyball he a volleyball he calls Wilson. calls

10、Wilson.6.He talks to him and 6.He talks to him and ( (把他当成朋友对待)把他当成朋友对待). . 7.He also learns that 7.He also learns that ( (他应该多关心他的朋他应该多关心他的朋 友们)友们). . 8. 8. (友谊帮助我们了解我们是谁)(友谊帮助我们了解我们是谁),why we need each ,why we need each other and what we can do for each other. other and what we can do for each oth

11、er.develops adevelops afriendship with an unusual friendfriendship with an unusual friendtreats him as a friendtreats him as a friendhe should have caredhe should have caredmore about his friendsmore about his friendsFriendship helps us understand who we areFriendship helps us understand who we are导

12、练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.honest1.honest kind kind brave loyal ( brave loyal (回归课本回归课本P P1 1) ) 观察思考观察思考 Thank you for being so honest with me.Thank you for being so honest with me. 感谢你对我这么坦诚。感谢你对我这么坦诚。 To be honest (=What I really think is),it To be honest (=What I really think is),it was one of the worst b

13、ooks I was one of the worst books Ive ever read.ve ever read. 说实在的,那是我读过的最差的书之一。说实在的,那是我读过的最差的书之一。honesthonest归纳拓展归纳拓展honesthonest词性:词性: 意思:意思:(1)be honest with sb.(1)be honest with sb.对某人坦诚,对某人诚实对某人坦诚,对某人诚实give an honest opiniongive an honest opinion提出坦诚的意见提出坦诚的意见an honest facean honest face一副诚实的面孔

14、一副诚实的面孔make an honest livingmake an honest living靠正当收入谋生靠正当收入谋生(2)honesty (2)honesty n n. .诚实;正直诚实;正直honestly honestly advadv. .真诚地;坦白地,实在地(表示强烈真诚地;坦白地,实在地(表示强烈的感情,常有不赞同的含义)的感情,常有不赞同的含义)to be honest/honestly speakingto be honest/honestly speaking老实说,说实话老实说,说实话( (用于告诉对方真实的想法用于告诉对方真实的想法) )adj.adj.诚实的;

15、正直的;坦诚实的;正直的;坦诚的诚的能力转化能力转化(1)(1)正如一句谚语所说的:诚实为上策。正如一句谚语所说的:诚实为上策。 As a proverb goes,As a proverb goes,“ is the best is the best policy. policy.” (2)(2)我实在不想让你插手这起案子。我实在不想让你插手这起案子。 ,I don,I dont want you to have a hand t want you to have a hand in the case. in the case.(3)(3)说实话我们并不想卷入他们之间的这场冲突。说实话我们并

16、不想卷入他们之间的这场冲突。 ,we have no desire to get ,we have no desire to get involved in the conflict between them. involved in the conflict between them.HonestyHonestyHonestlyHonestlyTo be honestTo be honest2.argue2.argue What are they What are they about? ( about? (回归课本回归课本P P2 2) ) 观察思考观察思考 Whatever you sa

17、y,IWhatever you say,Im not going to argue m not going to argue with you tonight. with you tonight. 不论你说什么,我今晚不想与你争辩。不论你说什么,我今晚不想与你争辩。 We argued her out of going on such a We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey because of the war there. dangerous journey because of the war there. 由于那里

18、发生战争,我们说服她不要去做这样危由于那里发生战争,我们说服她不要去做这样危 险的旅行。险的旅行。arguingarguing归纳拓展归纳拓展argue argue 词性:词性: 意思:意思:argue with sb. about/over/on sth.argue with sb. about/over/on sth.与某人辩论某与某人辩论某事事argue for.argue for.赞成赞成argue against.argue against.辩驳辩驳argue sb. into doing sth.argue sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事说服某人做某事argu

19、e sb. out of doing sth.argue sb. out of doing sth.说服某人不要做某事说服某人不要做某事; ;打消做某事的念头打消做某事的念头argue+thatargue+that从句从句 主张主张/ /坚持坚持/ /认为认为argument argument n n. .争论,辩论;论点,论据争论,辩论;论点,论据have an argument over/about/on sth.have an argument over/about/on sth.就某事展开就某事展开争论或争议争论或争议v. v.争论;辩论争论;辩论拓展辨析拓展辨析Argue,quarr

20、el,debate,discussArgue,quarrel,debate,discuss这几个动词均有这几个动词均有“争争”的意思,但的意思,但“争争”法不同。法不同。(1 1)argueargue着重就自己的看法或观点提出论证,同着重就自己的看法或观点提出论证,同他人他人“争论争论”或或“辩论辩论”。My brothers are always arguing.My brothers are always arguing.我的兄弟们总是争论不休。我的兄弟们总是争论不休。(2 2)quarrelquarrel是指对某事不喜欢或强烈不满而发生是指对某事不喜欢或强烈不满而发生的的“争吵争吵”或或

21、“吵架吵架”。He often quarrels about their housework with He often quarrels about their housework with his wife.his wife.他常为家务事同妻子争吵。他常为家务事同妻子争吵。(3 3)debatedebate多指公开,在正式场合进行的辩论或严多指公开,在正式场合进行的辩论或严肃的争论,双方各自陈述理由,肃的争论,双方各自陈述理由,“交锋,往返交锋,往返”的意的意味较强。味较强。They are debating about the punishment for They are debati

22、ng about the punishment for criminals.criminals.他们就如何惩处犯罪分子在进行争论。他们就如何惩处犯罪分子在进行争论。(4 4)discussdiscuss用于一般场合,重在交换意见,进行用于一般场合,重在交换意见,进行讨论,不含有意说服对方的成分。讨论,不含有意说服对方的成分。The women were discussing hats.The women were discussing hats.女士们在谈论帽子。女士们在谈论帽子。能力转化能力转化(1)(1)我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱。我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱。 We We the wa

23、iter about the price the waiter about the price of the meal. of the meal. (2)(2)一些科学家认为电子通讯业的发展将彻底改变人一些科学家认为电子通讯业的发展将彻底改变人 们的生活方式。们的生活方式。 Some scientists Some scientists the development the development of telecommunications will change people of telecommunications will change peoples s way of life c

24、ompletely. way of life completely.argued withargued withargue thatargue that3.survive3.survive Chuck Chuck the crash and lands on a the crash and lands on a deserted island. deserted island. ( (回归课本回归课本P P3 3) ) 观察思考观察思考 In fact few houses survived after the In fact few houses survived after the sev

25、ere flood. severe flood. 在这场大洪水过后,几乎很少有房子残存下来。在这场大洪水过后,几乎很少有房子残存下来。 The old customs still survive in the rural The old customs still survive in the rural areas. areas. 这些古老的风俗依然在农村地区保存着。这些古老的风俗依然在农村地区保存着。survivessurvives归纳拓展归纳拓展survivesurvive词性:词性: & & 意思:意思:survive sb. survive sb. 比某人活得长比某人活得长survi

26、ve sth. survive sth. 经历某事后还活着,幸免于经历某事后还活着,幸免于survival survival n n. .幸存;残存物幸存;残存物survivor survivor n n. .幸存者,生还者幸存者,生还者vt.vt.vi.vi.幸存于;比幸存于;比活得还长;经受得住;活下来;幸存活得还长;经受得住;活下来;幸存能力转化能力转化(1)(1)这位老人比他的妻子多活了五年。这位老人比他的妻子多活了五年。 The old man The old man by five by five years. years.(2)(2)很幸运,这一家人在经历了很幸运,这一家人在经历

27、了“5 51212”地震后都地震后都 活了下来。活了下来。 Luckily the family Luckily the family on May 12th. on May 12th.survived his wifesurvived his wifesurvived the earthquakesurvived the earthquake4.share4.share Chuck learns that we need friends to Chuck learns that we need friends to happiness and sorrow,. happiness and s

28、orrow,. ( (回归课本回归课本P P4 4) ) 观察思考观察思考 Everyone in the house shares the bathroom.Everyone in the house shares the bathroom. 这房子里的所有人共用一个浴室。这房子里的所有人共用一个浴室。 His property was shared between his His property was shared between his children. children. 他的财产由他的孩子平分了。他的财产由他的孩子平分了。 He had a share in the succe

29、ss.He had a share in the success. 成功也有他的一份。成功也有他的一份。shareshare归纳拓展归纳拓展shareshare词性:词性: & & & & 意思:意思:share sth. with sb.share sth. with sb.与某人共用某物与某人共用某物share sth. between/among sb.share sth. between/among sb.在在中平均分配中平均分配某物某物share (in) sth.share (in) sth.共享;共同分担共享;共同分担share outshare out分发;分配分发;分配hav

30、e/take a/onehave/take a/ones share s share 分担;参加分担;参加go shares with.go shares with.与与平分平分/ /均摊均摊vt.vt.vi.vi.n. n.分享;分分享;分担;共同使用;份额担;共同使用;份额能力转化能力转化(1)(1)他与朋友他与朋友AAAA制分担花费。制分担花费。 He He the cost the cost his friend. his friend.(2)(2)妈妈正在把蛋糕分给孩子们。妈妈正在把蛋糕分给孩子们。 Mother Mother among the among the children

31、. children.(3)(3)真正的朋友与你同甘共苦。真正的朋友与你同甘共苦。 True friends True friends your sorrows your sorrows (in) your joys. (in) your joys.sharedsharedwithwithis sharing the cakeis sharing the cakeshare (in)share (in)asaswell aswell as5.lie5.lie He never tells He never tells . . ( (回归课本回归课本P P4 4) ) 观察思考观察思考 The

32、wounded man was lying on the The wounded man was lying on the battlefield. battlefield. 这位伤员正躺在战场上。这位伤员正躺在战场上。 The man lay in prison for 7 years.The man lay in prison for 7 years. 这个人在监狱里关了七年了。这个人在监狱里关了七年了。lieslies归纳拓展归纳拓展lielie词性:词性: 意思:意思:(1)lie in bed(1)lie in bed卧床卧床lie to/on/inlie to/on/in位于(后跟

33、表示方位的名词)位于(后跟表示方位的名词)lie downlie down躺下躺下lie on onelie on ones back/front/sides back/front/side仰卧仰卧/ /俯卧俯卧/ /侧卧侧卧(2)(2)vi vi. lie. lielaylaylainlainlyinglying躺,卧;位于躺,卧;位于vi vi. lie. lieliedliedliedliedlyinglying说谎说谎n n. lie. lie谎话谎话v v. lay. laylaidlaidlaidlaidlayinglaying平放,搁置;产卵,平放,搁置;产卵,下蛋下蛋vi.vi

34、.躺,卧;位于;说谎躺,卧;位于;说谎lie to sb.(=tell a lie to sb./tell lies to lie to sb.(=tell a lie to sb./tell lies to sb.)sb.)说谎说谎lay eggslay eggs产卵,下蛋产卵,下蛋lay the tablelay the table摆放桌子(准备吃饭)摆放桌子(准备吃饭)能力转化能力转化The boy The boy on the ground on the ground that he that he his bag on the desk. his bag on the desk.A.

35、lying;lied;had laidA.lying;lied;had laidB.lied;had lied;layB.lied;had lied;layC.lying;lay;had liedC.lying;lay;had liedD.lay;laying;had laidD.lay;laying;had laidA重点短语与句型重点短语与句型6.care about6.care about .,and that it is important to have and that it is important to have someone to someone to . (. (回归课本

36、回归课本P P4 4) ) 观察思考观察思考 In building a harmonious society,the young In building a harmonious society,the young should be taught to care about the senior should be taught to care about the senior people. people. 在建设和谐社会的过程中,应教给年轻人去关心在建设和谐社会的过程中,应教给年轻人去关心 长者。长者。 I donI dont care about what people think

37、of me. t care about what people think of me. 我不介意别人怎么看我。我不介意别人怎么看我。care aboutcare about归纳拓展归纳拓展care aboutcare aboutcare forcare for喜欢某人喜欢某人/ /物(多用于否定句或疑问句);物(多用于否定句或疑问句);照顾,照看照顾,照看take care of (=look after)take care of (=look after)照顾照顾take caretake care当心,小心当心,小心with carewith care小心地小心地medical care

38、medical care医疗保健医疗保健关心,担心;在乎(多用于疑问句或否关心,担心;在乎(多用于疑问句或否定句)定句)能力转化能力转化(1)(1)第一次尝试可能会失败,但是我们并不必为此担第一次尝试可能会失败,但是我们并不必为此担 忧。忧。 The first attempt may fail,but we donThe first attempt may fail,but we dont t that. that.(2)(2)当心别喝得太多。当心别喝得太多。 that you wonthat you wont drink too much.t drink too much.(3)(3)我想

39、知道他们是否喜欢我们都到那儿去。我想知道他们是否喜欢我们都到那儿去。 I wonder whether they will I wonder whether they will us to us to go there. go there.(4)(4)对这只易碎的玻璃杯必须小心。对这只易碎的玻璃杯必须小心。 This delicate glass must be treated This delicate glass must be treated . .care aboutcare aboutTake careTake carecare forcare forwithwithcarecare

40、7.7.(1 1)I donI dont enjoy singing, t enjoy singing, . .我既不喜欢唱歌我既不喜欢唱歌, ,也不喜欢也不喜欢 计算机。计算机。 (2 2)Rock music is OK,and Rock music is OK,and . . 摇滚乐不错,滑雪也可以。摇滚乐不错,滑雪也可以。 典例体验典例体验 If you go to DavidIf you go to Davids wedding tomorrow,s wedding tomorrow, . . 如果你明天参加戴维的婚礼,那我也去。如果你明天参加戴维的婚礼,那我也去。 I donI d

41、ont want to quarrel with you, t want to quarrel with you, have the time. have the time. 我不想和你吵嘴,我也没有那个时间。我不想和你吵嘴,我也没有那个时间。nor do Inor do Ilike computerslike computersso is skiingso is skiingso will Iso will Inor do Inor do I归纳拓展归纳拓展So do I.So do I.我也一样。表示上句所说的肯定情况我也一样。表示上句所说的肯定情况也适用于也适用于“我我”。So I do

42、.So I do.确实如此。表示说话人对前面或对方所确实如此。表示说话人对前面或对方所说的情况的赞同。说的情况的赞同。I do so.I do so.用来代替上文中的用来代替上文中的“动词动词+ +宾语(状宾语(状语)语)”,以避免重复。,以避免重复。(1)(1)(2)(2)So do I.So do I.用于肯定。用于肯定。Neither/Nor do I.Neither/Nor do I.用于否定。用于否定。So it is with sb.=It is the same with So it is with sb.=It is the same with sb.sb.用于上句既有肯定又有

43、否定或既有系动用于上句既有肯定又有否定或既有系动词又有实义动词的情况。词又有实义动词的情况。能力转化能力转化句型转换句型转换(1)If you(1)If youre going to take the day off,Ire going to take the day off,Ill ll also take the day off. also take the day off. If you If youre going to take the day off, re going to take the day off, . .(2)Tom didn(2)Tom didnt believe

44、a word she said and t believe a word she said and the police didn the police didnt believe,either.t believe,either. Tom didn Tom didnt believe a word she said, t believe a word she said, . . Tom Tom the police the police a word she said. a word she said.sosowillwillI Ineither/norneither/nordiddidthe

45、thepolicepoliceNeitherNeithernornorbelievedbelieved(3)(3)“There is a fly in your coffee.There is a fly in your coffee.” “Really there is.Really there is.” “There is a fly in your coffee.There is a fly in your coffee.” “ . .” (4)(4)Maggie had a wonderful time at the party.Maggie had a wonderful time

46、at the party. She did have and I had,too.She did have and I had,too. Maggie had a wonderful time at the party.Maggie had a wonderful time at the party. ; ; . .SoSotherethereisisSoSosheshediddidsosodiddidI I8.One day Chuck is on a flight across the 8.One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Oc

47、ean Pacific Ocean suddenly his suddenly his plane crashes. plane crashes.一天,查克在飞越太平洋时,一天,查克在飞越太平洋时, 他的飞机突然坠毁。他的飞机突然坠毁。 典例体验典例体验 Michael Michael on the bed thinking on the bed thinking he heard a knock at the front door. he heard a knock at the front door. 迈克尔正躺在床上思考,突然听到有人在敲前门。迈克尔正躺在床上思考,突然听到有人在敲前门。

48、 I I some of my some of my friends came to help me. friends came to help me. 我正要放弃,这时我的一些朋友过来帮忙了。我正要放弃,这时我的一些朋友过来帮忙了。was lyingwas lyingwhenwhenwhenwhenwas about to give up whenwas about to give up when归纳拓展归纳拓展be doing.when. be doing.when. be about to do.when. be about to do.when. be on the point of

49、doing.when.be on the point of doing.when.正要(去正要(去做)做)突然突然had done.when.had done.when.刚刚刚刚这时(突然)这时(突然)正在做正在做突然突然即将做即将做突然突然能力转化能力转化用用when,while,aswhen,while,as填空填空(1)I was surfing the Internet (1)I was surfing the Internet suddenly suddenly the electricity was cut off. the electricity was cut off.(2)M

50、y e-pal said that she was just about to (2)My e-pal said that she was just about to click the email away click the email away she found there she found there was a spelling error in it. was a spelling error in it. (3)I had just stepped out of the bathroom and (3)I had just stepped out of the bathroo

51、m and was busily drying myself with a towel was busily drying myself with a towel I heard the steps. I heard the steps.(4)I watched her (4)I watched her she combed her hair. she combed her hair.(5)He fell asleep (5)He fell asleep (he was) doing his (he was) doing his homework. homework.whenwhenwhenw

52、henwhenwhenasaswhilewhile9.He also learns that he 9.He also learns that he more about his friends. more about his friends. 他还认识到过去他本该对朋友多加关心。他还认识到过去他本该对朋友多加关心。 典例体验典例体验 You You here yesterday. here yesterday. 你昨天应该到这里来。你昨天应该到这里来。 He He without telling us. without telling us. 他不应该不告诉我们就走了。他不应该不告诉我们就走

53、了。should have caredshould have caredshould have comeshould have comeshouldnshouldnt have gonet have gone归纳拓展归纳拓展should (shouldnshould (shouldnt) have donet) have done本来应该(不该)本来应该(不该)做某事而未做(做了)做某事而未做(做了)could/might have donecould/might have done本来能够本来能够/ /可以做某事而未可以做某事而未做做neednneednt have donet have d

54、one本来不必做某事但做了本来不必做某事但做了must have donemust have done“一定已经一定已经”,表示对过去的,表示对过去的肯定推测肯定推测cancant/couldnt/couldnt have donet have done“不可能已不可能已经经”,表示对过去的否定推测,表示对过去的否定推测能力转化能力转化(1)I was really anxious about you.(1)I was really anxious about you. You You ( (本来不应该离开本来不应该离开)home without a word.)home without a

55、word.(2)(2)You ought to have made an apology to You ought to have made an apology to Mary last night. Mary last night. Yes,I know. I Yes,I know. I (我知道我本应该道谦)(我知道我本应该道谦). .(3)(3)I wonder why Mr.Wang didnI wonder why Mr.Wang didnt attend the t attend the lecture. lecture. He He (有可能)(有可能)another one.

56、another one.(4)(4)I Ill tell Mary about her new job ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. tomorrow. You You (本应该告诉)(本应该告诉)her last week.her last week.ought not to/shouldnought not to/shouldnt have leftt have leftshould/ought to haveshould/ought to havemight have hadmight have hadought to/should h

57、ave toldought to/should have told【例例1 1】The weather was The weather was cold that I cold that I didn didnt like to leave my room.t like to leave my room.(全国(全国高考)高考) A.reallyA.reallyB.suchB.such C.too C.tooD.soD.so 解析解析 考查考查so.thatso.that这一结构。这一结构。 课文原文课文原文 Chuck is a businessman who is alwaysChuck

58、is a businessman who is always busy busy he has little time for his he has little time for his friends. friends.sosothatthatD考题回扣考题回扣【例例2 2】Bill wasnBill wasnt happy about the delay of t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and the report by Jason, and . .(辽宁高考)(辽宁高考) A.I was neitherA.I was

59、 neither B.neither was I B.neither was I C.I was either D.either was I C.I was either D.either was I 解析解析 句意为句意为:Bill:Bill对对JasonJason耽误了报告的事不高耽误了报告的事不高 兴兴, ,我也是(我也不高兴)。表示我也是(我也不高兴)。表示“某人也不某人也不 时时”, ,应该用应该用“neither/nor+neither/nor+助动词助动词/ /系动词系动词/ /情态情态 动词动词+ +主语主语”。 课文原文课文原文 I donI dont enjoy singi

60、ng, t enjoy singing, like like computers. computers.Bnor do Inor do I【例例3 3】Hi,Tom.Any idea where Jane is?Hi,Tom.Any idea where Jane is? She She in the classroom.I saw her there in the classroom.I saw her there just now. just now. (重庆高考)(重庆高考) A.shall be B.should have beenA.shall be B.should have be

61、en C.must be D.might have been C.must be D.might have been 解析解析 句意为:句意为:你好,汤姆,你知道简在哪你好,汤姆,你知道简在哪 儿吗?儿吗?她肯定在教室里。刚才我还见她了。她肯定在教室里。刚才我还见她了。 由句意知,她现在肯定在教室。由句意知,她现在肯定在教室。should have should have done done表示本来应该做某事而没做;表示本来应该做某事而没做;might have might have done done表示过去可能做过表示过去可能做过;shallshall用在第三人称用在第三人称 的陈述句中只

62、表示一种命令或警告语气,均不合的陈述句中只表示一种命令或警告语气,均不合 题意。题意。 课文原文课文原文 He also learns that heHe also learns that he more about his friends. more about his friends. shouldshould have caredhave caredC【例例4 4】She had just finished her homework She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practise her mother

63、 asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday. playing the piano yesterday. (福建高考)(福建高考) A.when B.while C.after D.sinceA.when B.while C.after D.since 解析解析 由句意可知此处由句意可知此处whenwhen用作并列连词,意为用作并列连词,意为 “这时这时”。 课文原文课文原文 One day Chuck is on a flight across the One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pa

64、cific Ocean Pacific Ocean suddenly his plane suddenly his plane crashes. crashes.whenwhenA写作技能写作技能 如何写好简单句如何写好简单句 当一个句子只包含一个主谓结构时称为简单句。当一个句子只包含一个主谓结构时称为简单句。句子的两个主要组成部分是主语和谓语,而谓语都句子的两个主要组成部分是主语和谓语,而谓语都是由动词构成的。因此,动词在句子中起着极其重是由动词构成的。因此,动词在句子中起着极其重要的作用,可以说是句子的核心。在英语中,各类要的作用,可以说是句子的核心。在英语中,各类动词后有不同的结构,从而

65、构成不同的句型,抓住动词后有不同的结构,从而构成不同的句型,抓住动词及它们引起的各种句型,就会对英语句子有一动词及它们引起的各种句型,就会对英语句子有一个总的概念。简单句大体上可以分为下面五种类型:个总的概念。简单句大体上可以分为下面五种类型:1.1.主语主语+ +不及物动词(不及物动词(S+Vi.S+Vi.) The little baby smiled.The little baby smiled.婴儿笑了。婴儿笑了。2.2.主语主语+ +及物动词及物动词+ +宾语(宾语(S+Vt.+OS+Vt.+O) Lily knows French.Lily knows French.莉莉懂法语。莉

66、莉懂法语。 Everybody laughed at that ugly boy.Everybody laughed at that ugly boy. 每个人都嘲笑那个丑陋的男孩。每个人都嘲笑那个丑陋的男孩。3.3.主语主语+ +及物动词及物动词+ +间接宾语间接宾语+ +直接宾语直接宾语 (S+Vt.+IO+DOS+Vt.+IO+DO) My grandmother told me a story.My grandmother told me a story. 我的婆婆给我讲了一个故事。我的婆婆给我讲了一个故事。 My uncle bought a new computer for me.

67、My uncle bought a new computer for me. 我的叔叔给我买了一台新电脑。我的叔叔给我买了一台新电脑。4.4.主语主语+ +系动词系动词+ +表语(表语(S+V.+PS+V.+P) The food is (tastes) very delicious.The food is (tastes) very delicious. 食物尝起来非常美味。食物尝起来非常美味。5.5.主语主语+ +及物动词及物动词+ +宾语宾语+ +宾语补足语(宾语补足语(S+Vt.+O+CS+Vt.+O+C) The news made us surprised.The news mad

68、e us surprised. 这消息使我们很吃惊。这消息使我们很吃惊。 Miss Wang told me not to be discouraged.Miss Wang told me not to be discouraged. 王女士告诉我别气馁。王女士告诉我别气馁。即时练习即时练习连词成句连词成句1.at,red,face,news,her,turned,the1.at,red,face,news,her,turned,the2.we,bus,catch,so as to,got,first,up,the,early2.we,bus,catch,so as to,got,first,

69、up,the,early3.a,made,she,dress,beautiful,me3.a,made,she,dress,beautiful,me4.first,my,made,homework,me,do,my mother4.first,my,made,homework,me,do,my mother5.found,with,family,to,it,your,very,I,pleasant,5.found,with,family,to,it,your,very,I,pleasant,Her face turned red at the news.Her face turned red

70、at the news.We got up early so as to catch the first bus.We got up early so as to catch the first bus.She made me a beautiful dress.She made me a beautiful dress.My mother made me do my homework first.My mother made me do my homework first.I found it very pleasant to be with your family.I found it v

71、ery pleasant to be with your family.自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.Many people were deeply impressed with the 1.Many people were deeply impressed with the little boy little boys s ( (诚实诚实).).2.What surprised us was that she was so fond 2.What surprised us was that she was so fond of of ( (古典的古典的) music.) music.

72、3.My father has 3.My father has ( (比比活得长活得长) all ) all his brothers and sisters. his brothers and sisters.4.He 4.He ( (勇敢地勇敢地) went into the burning ) went into the burning house to save the baby trapped there. house to save the baby trapped there.5.He looks really 5.He looks really ( (英俊的英俊的) in hi

73、s ) in his uniform,doesn uniform,doesnt he?t he?honestyhonestyclassicalclassicalsurvivedsurvivedbravelybravelyhandsomehandsome6.The two sides have been 6.The two sides have been ( (争论争论) ) over the responsibility they should take in over the responsibility they should take in the car crash. the car

74、crash.7.Though sometimes misunderstood,he stays 7.Though sometimes misunderstood,he stays ( (忠诚的忠诚的) to his country and works ) to his country and works for it heart and soul. for it heart and soul.8.She learned to survive in the 8.She learned to survive in the ( (荒荒 芜的芜的) island.) island.9.The head

75、master gave a wonderful 9.The headmaster gave a wonderful ( (演演 说说) about good manners to the whole school.) about good manners to the whole school.10.Life has many joys and 10.Life has many joys and ( (悲伤悲伤).).arguingarguingloyalloyaldeserteddesertedspeechspeechsorrowssorrows1.The police dog is 1.T

76、he police dog is for the buried for the buried jewelry under the direction of the jewelry under the direction of the policeman.policeman.2.It was 2.It was fine weather fine weather we wanted to we wanted to stay here for another two days. stay here for another two days.3.If you3.If youre interested

77、in being friends,drop re interested in being friends,drop me me . .4.The curious family decided to make another 4.The curious family decided to make another trip to Madagascar trip to Madagascar do further do further research. research.drop sb.a line,care about,be into,hunt drop sb.a line,care about

78、,be into,hunt for,such as,argue about,such.that,in for,such as,argue about,such.that,in order to,share.with,be fond oforder to,share.with,be fond ofhuntinghuntingsuchsuchthatthata linea linein order toin order to.短语运用短语运用5.I 5.I not that much not that much computer games as computer games as Joe.He

79、sits in front of the computer all Joe.He sits in front of the computer all the time. the time.6.Good friends should 6.Good friends should joys and sorrows joys and sorrows with each other. with each other.7.Wild flowers 7.Wild flowers orchids and primroses orchids and primroses are becoming rare bec

80、ause of pollution. are becoming rare because of pollution.8.She 8.She deeply deeply environmental issues environmental issues as a leader. as a leader.9.Sheila9.Sheilas very s very telling other people telling other people what to do. what to do.10.The poor couple often 10.The poor couple often mone

81、y. money.amamintointosharesharesuch assuch ascarescaresaboutaboutfond offond ofargue aboutargue about.介词填空介词填空1.Potatoes were introduced 1.Potatoes were introduced China from China from America. America.2.2. the opinion of most people,you are wrong the opinion of most people,you are wrong this time.

82、 this time.3.He hurried to the airport and got 3.He hurried to the airport and got board board just in time. just in time.4.Most of the students are not 4.Most of the students are not classical classical music. music.5.Because she is fond 5.Because she is fond books and anxious books and anxious for

83、 knowledge,she frequents the library. for knowledge,she frequents the library.totoInInononintointoofof6.Although he has studied here for nearly 6.Although he has studied here for nearly three years,he has made few friends three years,he has made few friends his classmates. his classmates.7.Can you i

84、magine that the president of a 7.Can you imagine that the president of a large firm doesn large firm doesnt care much t care much dress? dress?8.We8.Weve been hunting ve been hunting the lost boy all the lost boy all over. over.withwithaboutaboutforfor.翻译句子翻译句子1.1.他和妻子争论度假的最好去处。(他和妻子争论度假的最好去处。(argue

85、argue) 2.2.街上行人太多,我不得不尽力穿行。街上行人太多,我不得不尽力穿行。 (so.that.so.that.)3.3.我们正在公园里散步,这时天空突降大雨。我们正在公园里散步,这时天空突降大雨。 (whenwhen)He argued with his wife about/overHe argued with his wife about/overthe best place for holidays.the best place for holidays.There are so many people in the street There are so many peop

86、le in the street that I have to make my way through.that I have to make my way through.We were walking in the park when it began We were walking in the park when it began to rain heavily.to rain heavily.4.4.我们喜欢交友,那些残疾人也喜欢。(我们喜欢交友,那些残疾人也喜欢。(soso)5.5.没有朋友可以关爱的人必定感到孤独。(没有朋友可以关爱的人必定感到孤独。(care care abou

87、t about)6.6.他问女儿是否完成了作业。(宾语从句)他问女儿是否完成了作业。(宾语从句)We love making friends,so do the We love making friends,so do the disabled people.disabled people.Those who have no friends to care about Those who have no friends to care about must feel lonely.must feel lonely.He asked his daughter if/whether she had

88、 He asked his daughter if/whether she had finished her homework.finished her homework.单项填空单项填空1.His parents tried to argue him 1.His parents tried to argue him giving giving up his job,but he insisted on having a up his job,but he insisted on having a change. change. A.with A.withB.aboutB.about C.ou

89、t of C.out ofD.intoD.into 解析解析 argue sb.out of doing sth.argue sb.out of doing sth.意为意为“力劝力劝 某人不要做某事某人不要做某事”。C2.You should share 2.You should share your troubles as well your troubles as well as your joys your friends. as your joys your friends. A.in;in A.in;inB.with;withB.with;with C.in;with C.in;w

90、ithD.with;inD.with;in 解析解析 share (in) sth.with sb.share (in) sth.with sb.是一固定结构,是一固定结构, 意思是意思是“和某人分享某物和某人分享某物”。C3.The soldiers who 3.The soldiers who the army were the army were punished. punished. A.deserted A.desertedB.deserted fromB.deserted from C.escaped C.escapedD.leftD.left 解析解析 desertdesert当

91、当“弃职而逃,开小差弃职而逃,开小差”是一个及是一个及 物动词,后面不需要接介词,所以排除物动词,后面不需要接介词,所以排除B B项;项; escapeescape作作“逃走逃走”讲时,一般是不及物动词,常讲时,一般是不及物动词,常 与与fromfrom连用;连用;leaveleave离开。根据句子的语境可知,离开。根据句子的语境可知, 这里选这里选A A项最合适。项最合适。A4.The manager staying loyal 4.The manager staying loyal his boss is his boss is strict the employees and his w

92、ork. strict the employees and his work. A.to;with;in A.to;with;inB.with;in;toB.with;in;to C.to;in;with C.to;in;withD.in;with;toD.in;with;to 解析解析 本题考查形容词与介词的搭配。句意为:本题考查形容词与介词的搭配。句意为: 这个对老板忠诚的经理对雇员和工作要求都严格。这个对老板忠诚的经理对雇员和工作要求都严格。 stay/be loyal tostay/be loyal to忠诚于忠诚于;be strict with be strict with sb.

93、sb.对某人要求严格;对某人要求严格;be strict in onebe strict in ones works work 对工作要求严格。根据语境知对工作要求严格。根据语境知A A项正确。项正确。A5.When Wenchuan Earthquake happened on May 5.When Wenchuan Earthquake happened on May 12th,2008,few houses 12th,2008,few houses in those areas. in those areas. A.crashed A.crashedB.destroyedB.destro

94、yed C.survived C.survivedD.leftD.left 解析解析 句意为:当句意为:当20082008年年5 5月月1212日汶川地震发生日汶川地震发生 时,那儿的房屋几乎全部倒塌了。时,那儿的房屋几乎全部倒塌了。fewfew表示否定,表示否定, 没有几个;没有几个;survivesurvive幸存下来;幸存下来;leaveleave表示剩下,表示剩下, 要用被动。要用被动。A A、B B、D D三项不合题意。三项不合题意。C6.Now that Mike has publicly admitted that he 6.Now that Mike has publicly

95、admitted that he held a wrong attitude,he is held a wrong attitude,he is the child the child raising and household tasks with Jane. raising and household tasks with Jane. A.operating A.operatingB.realizingB.realizing C.sharing C.sharingD.performingD.performing 解析解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:既然麦克公考查动词词义辨析。句意为:既然麦

96、克公 开承认他的态度不对,所以他现在一定和简一起开承认他的态度不对,所以他现在一定和简一起 抚养孩子、操持家务。抚养孩子、操持家务。A A项意为项意为“操作,运转;做操作,运转;做 手术手术”;B B项意为项意为“实现实现”;C C项意为项意为“分享分享”;D D 项意为项意为“表演;履行表演;履行”。C7.7.ItIts true that the old road is less s true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer. direct and a bit longer. We wonWe wont take the

97、new one t take the new one ,because ,because we don we dont feel as safe on it.t feel as safe on it. A.somehow A.somehowB.thoughB.though C.therefore C.thereforeD.otherwiseD.otherwise 解析解析 thoughthough在此处是一个副词,表让步,意为在此处是一个副词,表让步,意为 “不过不过”。B8.An increasingly great number of young 8.An increasingly gre

98、at number of young people are fond people are fond singing and dancing singing and dancing nowadays. nowadays. A.on A.onB.toB.to C.in C.inD.ofD.of 解析解析 考查固定短语。考查固定短语。be fond ofbe fond of喜欢,爱好。喜欢,爱好。D9.9.I wonder why Sara looks worried today.I wonder why Sara looks worried today. I Im not sure,but sh

99、e m not sure,but she a small a small accident driving here. accident driving here. A.could have A.could haveB.might haveB.might have C.might have had C.might have hadD.must have hadD.must have had 解析解析 考查情态动词的用法。由答语考查情态动词的用法。由答语“I Im not m not sure sure”可知应用可知应用might have hadmight have had表示不肯定的推表示不

100、肯定的推 测。测。C10.10.I Im sure that I reminded you of the m sure that I reminded you of the appointment with Mr.Bill. appointment with Mr.Bill. ,but something else spoiled my plan.,but something else spoiled my plan. A.So did you A.So did youB.So you didB.So you did C.You did so C.You did soD.So you doD.

101、So you do 解析解析 考查考查soso引导的句式结构。句意为:引导的句式结构。句意为:我我 确信我提醒过你与比尔先生见面的事。确信我提醒过你与比尔先生见面的事。你确你确 定提醒过我,但是其他的事情把我的计划毁掉了。定提醒过我,但是其他的事情把我的计划毁掉了。 soso放在句首,而句子的主语和谓语用正常语序,放在句首,而句子的主语和谓语用正常语序, 表示说话人同意对方所说的事实,或对上面的情表示说话人同意对方所说的事实,或对上面的情 况加以肯定。况加以肯定。B11.11.ThatThats a lovely bag.s a lovely bag. Do you think so?But

102、I donDo you think so?But I dont t the the color. color. A.care about A.care aboutB.care forB.care for C.fond of C.fond ofD.agree withD.agree with 解析解析 考查词组辨析。说话人不考查词组辨析。说话人不“喜欢喜欢”包的颜包的颜 色。色。care aboutcare about关心;担心;计较,与所给语境关心;担心;计较,与所给语境 不符;如果选择不符;如果选择C C项,应该是项,应该是“But IBut Im not m not fond of the

103、 color. fond of the color.”; ;若选择若选择D D项,应是项,应是“But But the color doesn the color doesnt agree with me.t agree with me.”。B12.He was about to tell me the secret 12.He was about to tell me the secret someone patted me on the shoulder. someone patted me on the shoulder. A.as A.asB.untilB.until C.while

104、C.whileD.whenD.when 解析解析 .when.when.表示当前面的动作正在进行表示当前面的动作正在进行 时,突然又发生了后面的动作。时,突然又发生了后面的动作。whenwhen为并列连为并列连 词,意为词,意为“这时这时”。D13.Although he lived 13.Although he lived in a(an) in a(an) mountain village,he didn mountain village,he didnt feelat all.t feelat all. A.alone;alone;lonely A.alone;alone;lonely

105、B.alone;lonely;lonely B.alone;lonely;lonely C.lonely;lonely;alone C.lonely;lonely;alone D.lonely;alone;alone D.lonely;alone;alone 解析解析 live alonelive alone独自生活;独自生活;a lonely mountain a lonely mountain village village一个偏僻的山村;一个偏僻的山村;feel lonelyfeel lonely觉得孤独。觉得孤独。B14.To succeed in a difficult task,1

106、4.To succeed in a difficult task, . . A.persistence is needed A.persistence is needed B.persistence is what you need B.persistence is what you need C.one needs to be persistent C.one needs to be persistent D.a persistent nature is needed D.a persistent nature is needed 解析解析 句中不定式句中不定式To succeed in a

107、 difficult To succeed in a difficult task task作目的状语,其逻辑主语应是主句的主语作目的状语,其逻辑主语应是主句的主语one,one, 故选故选C C。C15.So difficult 15.So difficult it to work out the it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. advice. A.I did find A.I did findB.did I findB.did I find C.I have found C.I have foundD.have I foundD.have I found 解析解析 在在so.that.so.that.句型中,当句型中,当soso和它所修饰和它所修饰 的形容词或副词放在句首时,主句要部分倒装,的形容词或副词放在句首时,主句要部分倒装, 即把系动词、助动词或情态动词提到主语的前即把系动词、助动词或情态动词提到主语的前 面,首先排除面,首先排除A A、C C两项。根据从句中两项。根据从句中I decided I decided to. to.可知,该句应用一般过去时态。可知,该句应用一般过去时态。B返回



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