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1、仁爱八年级(下)复习资料主讲: 徐荣时间:2012、5、211Unit5 Topic1 1 How are you doing? 2 invite . to do 3 one of my favorite movies 4 spend the eveningnight 5 prepare-for- 6 say thankssorrygoodbye to 7 funny 8 fun 9 smiling faces 10 none left 1 你怎么样? 2 邀请某人做某事3 我最喜欢的电影之一4 过夜5 为-预备- 6 向-道谢作别道歉 7 滑稽的8 好玩9 笑脸 10 没剩一个211 fee

2、l disappointed 12 What a shame! 13 taste delicious 14 sound wonderful 15 be unpopular with 16 seem a little unhappy 17 a ticket to 18 moving 19 be proud of 20 be pleased with 11 觉得失望12 多遗憾啊 13 尝起来很好吃14 听起来很美妙15 不受-欢迎16 好象有点不开心17 一张-的票18 感人的19 以-为荣20 对-兴奋满足 321 turn green 22 set the table 23 be able

3、to 24 sound upset 25 ring up 26 care for 27 lonely 28 because of the noisy children 29 lively 30 cheer . up21 变绿22 为-摆桌子23 能够24 听起来沮丧25 打电话给-26 关心、照顾27 孤独的28 由于吵闹的孩子们29 活泼的、生动的30 使某人振作起来431 be with each other 32 frightened 33 be afraid of doing- 34 go mad 35 come into being 36 main roles 37 be full

4、of 38 an important part of Chinese culture 39 make peace with 40 end with happiness 31 彼此在一起33 害怕做某事34 发疯35 形成、产生32 害怕的36 主角37 布满 38 中国文化的重要一部分39 与-和解 40 以幸福结束 5Unit5 Topic2 1 What seems to be the problem? 2 do badly in 3 be strict with 4 have no friends to talk with 5 have a talk with- 6 take it ea

5、sy 7 these feelings 8 at your age 9 tell me jokes 10 make friends with 1 问题出在哪里? 2 在-做得很差 3 对-严格要求4 没有朋友可谈天5 与-谈一谈6 放松点7 这些感情8 在你这种年龄9 给我讲笑话10 与-交朋友 611 bad experiences 12 give your suggestions 13 Its normal to do- 14 fight with 15 How time flies! 16 Whats more 17 as well as usual 18 be used to 19 T

6、he roads here are not so clean as those in our hometown. 20 accept11 坏经历12 给出你的建议13 做-是正常的14 与-打架15 光阴似箭16 而且17 象往常一样好18 习惯于19 这里的路不如我们家乡的路干净20 接受、承认 721 how to deal with these problems 22 refuse to do 23 unfair 24 even though 25 -not do -any longerno longer do- 26 Its useless to do- 27 by oneself28

7、 sadness 29 eat less food 30 follow the dentists advice 21 如何处理这些问题22 拒尽做-23 不公平24 尽管25 不再做-(2种)26 做-没有用27 独自一人28 悲伤29 少吃食物A30 听牙医的建议 8Unit5 Topic 3 1 dying 2 calm down 3 take bitter medicine 4 much better 5 feel bored 6 make me sleepy 7 miss a lot of lessons 8 at the end of the month 9 take turns t

8、o do 1 即将要死的2 平静下来3 服苦药4 好得多5 觉得很烦6 使我很困7 错过很多作业8 在这个月底9 轮流做-910 learn-by oneself 11 give the speech 12 take good care of 13 affect our feelings 14 in a bad mood 15 smile at life 16 put on a play 17 on Mid-autumn Festival 18 get together with 10 自学11 做演讲12 好好照顾13 影响我们的感情14 情绪很差15 笑对生活16 上演剧本17 在中秋节1

9、8 与-相聚 1019 My eyes fill with tears. 20 have sad thoughts 21 the color of nature 22 many things around us 23 in good spirits 24 think over 25 make an important decision 26 bring back a sense of happiness 27 give . a surprise 28 Its too noisy for me to fall asleep. 19 我眼里噙满了泪水20 有难过的想法21 自然的颜色22 我们四周

10、的很多东西23 保持情绪高昂24 仔细考虑25 作出重要决定26 带回一种幸福感28 太吵了我无法进睡27 给某人一个惊喜11Unit6 Topic1 Were going on a spring field trip. 1 a three-day visit 2 a visit to Mount Tai 3 It will take a few days to get there. 4 Its too far to cycle. 5 other vehicles 6 find out some information about the cost 7 decide on the best w

11、ay 8 go on a field trip 9 Have a good trip! 10 see the sunrise 1 三天之旅2 往泰山之旅3 花几天时间到那儿4 太远了而不能骑自行车5 别的交通工具6 查出关于用度的一些信息7 就最好的方法作出决定8 进行野外旅行9 旅途愉快10 看日出 1211 ways to raise money 12 book a ticket to 13 railway station 14 pay for 15 make a room reservation16 a standard room 17 work out the cost of the

12、trip 18 afford 19 ask our parents for money 20 Its very common to do- 11 筹钱的方法12 预定往-的票13 火车站14 付-的钱15 预定房间17 算出旅行的用度17 算出旅行的用度18 负担得起,买得起19 向我们的父母要钱20 做某事很普遍 1321 come up with great ideas 22 order a special lunch 23 serve 24 land safely 25 hear from . 26 in the open air 27 the sea of clouds 28 in t

13、he daytime 29 My pleasure.Its a pleasure. 30 places of interest 21 想出好主意22 定一份特别的午餐23服务 24 安全着陆25 收到某人的来信26 在露天下27 云海28 在白天29 很乐意为你效劳30 名胜古迹 14Unit6 Topic2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs? 1 receive your postcard 2 be busy preparing for my exams 3 on vacation 4 explore 5 look forward to doing 6 m

14、ake a plan to 7 come along with us8 at the foot of 1 收到你的名信片2 忙于预备我的考试3 在度假4 考察,探险5 盼看做某事6 制定-的计划7 和我们一起来8 在-脚底下159 in the northwest of 10 spread over an area of 40 km2 11 mark the beginning of 12 on both sides of the way 13 officials 14 face south 15 tell good from bad 16 on the north of 17 parking

15、 lot 9 在-的西北10 遍布在40平方公里的土地上11 标志着-的开始12 在路的两边 13 官员14 面朝南15 区别好坏16 在-北边(交界处)17 停车场1618 space to park bikes 19 be surprised at the wonders20 the crowd of people 21 in all directions 22 step on ones toes 23 push ones way out 24 out of sight 25 too frightened to know what to do 26 His heart was beatin

16、g fast.27 cant help doing something 18 停放自行车的空间19 惊奇于这些奇迹20 人群21 朝所有方向22 踩在某人的脚趾上23 挤出一条路来24 不见,在视线之外25 太害怕而不知道怎么做26 他的心跳得很快27 不由自主地做某事 17Unit6 Topic3 Bicycles are popular. 1 Many passengers were hurt. 2 anywhere 3 a little more confident 4 obey the traffic rules 5 save energy 6 cause air pollution

17、7 Its easy to park -. 8 bring sadness and death 9 a sharp turn 10 slow down 1 很多乘客受伤了2 任何地方3 更自信一点4 遵守交通规则5 节约能源6 引起空气污染7 停车很轻易 8 带来伤心和死亡9 急转弯处10 减速1811 the opposite direction 12 avoid doing- 13 run into the wall 14 in danger 15 crossing 16 warn . to do - 17 No Parking 18 go straight ahead 19 drive

18、on the left-hand side 20 get a fine 11 相反方向12 避免做某事13 撞到墙14 在危险中15 十字路口16 警告某人做某事17 禁止停车18 一直朝前走19 开在左手边20 罚单1921 get hurt 22 be famous for 23 achievements 24 courage in cycling 25 His path to success wasnt smooth. 26 It seems impossible to do- 27 the highest altitude 28 athletes 29 The roads are ve

19、ry difficult to ride on. 30 join the national team 21 受伤22 因-而出名23 成就24 在骑车方面的勇气25成功的道路不顺利似乎不可能做某事高姿态运动员29这路很难骑单车30、加入国家队20Unit7 Topic1 We are preparing for a food festival. 1 turn to . 2 My task is to make a poster. 3 get in touch with 4 think about how to organize the food festival 5 What will the

20、 food festival be like? 6 make tea 7 set the table 8 I have a sweet tooth. 9 western food 10 whats more 1 向某人求助2 我的任务是做海报3 与-取得接触联系4 考虑怎样组织美食节5 美食节会是什么样?6 沏茶7 摆桌子8 我爱吃甜食9 西方食品10 而且 2111 a few seconds later 12 keep up the good work 13 in order to 14 Thank you for inviting me to your food festival. 15

21、 as lovely as 16 everywhere else 17 whats worse 18 all get wet 19 Im pleased with what you are doing for us. 20 Thats good enough. 11 几秒后12 继续好工作13 为了14 谢谢邀请我参加你的美食节15 和-一样可爱16 其他所有地方17 更糟糕的是18 都湿了19 我对你们为我们所做的感到很兴奋20 那真是太好了 22Unit7 Topic2 Cooking is fun! 1 try to do - 2 Im not sure whether I can co

22、ok it well. 3 first 4 next 5 then 6 finally 7 fry the meat lightly 8 add some salt 9 cooking is fun 10 cooker 1 尽力做-企图做-2 我不确定我是否能煮得好3 首先,第一步4 接下来,其次5 然后6 最后7 稍微地炸一下肉8 加一些盐9 做饭真好玩10 厨具2311 cut up12 immediately 13 be tired of 14 less and less popular 15 two pieces of bread 16 spread -on- 17 cut -into

23、 small pieces 18 put-together 19 do best of all 20 Practice makes perfect. 11 切碎12 立即13 厌倦做-14 越来越不流行15 两片面包16 把-抹在-上17 把-切成小片18 把-放在一起19 所有当中做得最好的20 熟能生巧 2421 Help yourimmolation to some soup. 22 Its impolite to eat so noisily. 23 formal western dinner party 24 for the first time 25 table manners 2

24、6 at the table 27 start with a small dish 28 eat up 29 smile a lot 30 drink to 31 raise your glass 21 请随便喝些汤 22 吃得这么大声是不礼貌的 23 正式的西餐晚宴24 第一次25 餐桌礼节26 在桌旁27 以一小菜开始28 吃光29 经常笑30 向某人敬酒31 举起你的杯子2532 as other people do 33 dessert 34 people around the world 35 different eating habits 36 more courses 37 in

25、 the southern part of China 38 while 39 in the central parts 40 far away from 41 seafood 42 pick up 32 按照其他人那样做33 甜点34 全世界的人35 不同的饮食习惯36 更多道菜37 在中国南方地区38 然而39 在中部地区40 阔别-41 海鲜42 捡起,拾起26Unit7 Topic3 Welcome to our food festival! 1 ladies and gentlemen 2 have a good timeenjoy oneimmolation 3 for sale

26、4 satisfy all the guests 5 kind-hearted 6 wish them success 7 this way,please 8 take a seat 9 May I take your order? 1 女士们先生们2 过得开心,玩得愉快(2种)3 待售4 满足所有的客人5 好心的,善良的6 祝他们成功7 这边请8 请座9 可以点菜了吗? 2710 Anything else 11 two bowls of rice12 May I have the bill,please? 13 Heres your change. 14 hold 15 order a m

27、eal by phone 16 in twenty minutes 10 还要别的吗?11 两碗米饭12 我可以结账了吗? A13 给你零钱14 举办,举行15 电话订餐16 二十分钟后2817 The results were worth the effort. 18 more successfullysuccessful 19 the most successfullysuccessful 20 have a balanced diet 21 help bones grow 22 eat regularly 23 in short 17 结果值得努力18 更成功19 最成功20 均衡饮食2

28、1 有助于骨头生长22 有规律地吃23 短而言之,总之 29Unit8 Topic1 What a nice coat! 1 feel soft and smooth 2 a fashion show 3 He cant reach the apples. 4 look more handsome 5 be made of natural materials 6 a woolen dress 7 a leather jacket 8 what size 9 a piece of clothing 10 How do North Americans dress? 1 摸起来很柔软很光滑2 时装展

29、3 他够不着苹果4 看起来更英俊5 由自然材料制成的 6 一件羊毛裙7 一件皮夹克8 什么尺寸9 一件衣服10 北美人是怎么装扮的?3011 depend on 12 likes and dislikes13 generally 14 suits 15 as well as 16 formal occasions 17 clothing 18 clothes 19 cloth 11 取决于12 喜好13 一般地讲,总的来说14 套装15 和,(除-之外)也16 正式场合17 服装总称18 衣服(复数)19 布(不可数) 3120 a pair of pants 21 the first typ

30、es of clothes 22 so that 23 protect-from- 24 wear sportswear 25 lively 26 easy-going 27 As the saying goes 20 一条裤子21 最早的服装类型22 以便,为了(连词)23 保护-免受-24 穿运动衣25 活泼的26 随和的27 正如谚语说的那样 32Unit8 Topic2 Different jobs require different uniforms. 1 make uniforms 2 School uniforms look ugly on us. 3 allow to do 4

31、 design our own uniforms 5 suitable uniforms 6 show good discipline 7 make a survey about styles of uniforms 8 carry out special tasks 9 stop . from doing 10 take off 1 做校服 2 校服穿在我们身上很丢脸 3 答应某人做某事4 设计我们自己的校服5 合适的校服6 表现出好纪律7 做关于校服风格的调查8 执行特殊任务9 阻止某人做某事10 脱掉 3311 enter 12 My feet hurt. 13 dress correc

32、tly 14 Its necessary for us to wear sports shoes on the playground. 15 heat 16 require 17 try on 18 a coat in a dark color 19 advise . to do 20 go well 11 进入12 我的脚疼13 装扮得体14 我们在操场上穿运动鞋是必要的.15 热(名词)16 要求17 试穿18 深色大衣19 建议某人做某事20 进展顺利 34Unit8 Topic3 Lets go and watch the fashion show. 1 Theres going to

33、 be another fashion show tomorrow. 2 How do you like the dress? 3 in the center of 4 traditional 5 with pleasure 6 know about 7 Fashion is full of culture. 8 stand for 9 become known to 10 not only-but also 1明天又有一场时装展.2你以为这条裙子怎么样?3在-中心4传统的5很乐意,很兴奋(用于回答人家的请求)6 了解7 时装布满了文化气味.8 代表9 变得为人所知10 不仅-而且- 3511

34、 decorations 12 either formal or casual 13 the wearers personal style 14 attractive 15 very different from western-style suits 16 dress with Chinese features 17 the most widely known 18 at one time 19 except on special occasions 20 marriage 21 national celebrations 11 装饰12 或者正式或者随意13 着装者的个人风格14 迷人的 15 与西式套装很不同16 带有中国特色的裙子17 最广为人知的18 曾一度19 除了在特殊场合20 结婚(名词)21 国家庆典 3637



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