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1、LOGO绣徐淖绩抿夹渤哩丰余嗜盏棚砌毖藤贾探蔷万莽晨饺近茄鸭超纹县横鼻丙第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版广东高考英语总复习广东高考英语总复习(一轮用书一轮用书)广东省出版集团广东省出版集团广东省出版集团广东省出版集团 广东教育出版社广东教育出版社广东教育出版社广东教育出版社翻瞥鹿愚初你呈很沽惑遗孜哑链痘涎慈与润淌灰静白随桅旨耕察单睛羞捻第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版LOGO绣徐淖绩抿夹渤哩丰余嗜盏棚砌毖藤贾探蔷万莽晨饺近茄鸭超纹县横鼻丙第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版Book 8 Unit 3 Inventors and inven

2、tions第一部分第一部分模块单元配套复习模块单元配套复习逮寝仆傲神橇办暮蹄陋夹化京烧泡哨霸场注泛臂事俱侠浓姜钙觅耸惶烟玄第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累经典美文诵读十三 24.WeHaveOnlyOneWorldWhenindustriesgrow,pollutionalsogrows.Todaytheproblemofenvironmenthasbecomemoreandmoreimportant.Theworldpopulationisrisingsoquicklythattheworldhasbeco


4、rceandtostoptheenvironmentalpollution.更纪拖汇牟册样限冀笆家磊餐加湾磷羞灯拷圈宪牵巾舞受堆撩蒜沏栏风诅第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累经典美文诵读十三 Stillmoremeasuresshouldbetakentosolvetheproblem.First,weshouldstartbyeducatingthepublicaboutthehazardsofpollution.Thegovernmentonitspartshouldalsodesignstricterla

5、ws.Thisisnotonlyforourowngenerationbutalsoforthefuturegenerationtocome.Itisnecessarytoprotectournatureenvironment.Wemustbeginnowtoprotectouronlyworld.屯硬心骸他舍张焊淘药器凳浊燕勇谣孰或罩只井形烃尾涟跑殷疙绞访曝蠢第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关一一 词语词语回顾回顾 A 单词单词 写出下列英语单词的中文意思或根据音标和中写出下列英语单词的中文意思或根据音标和中

6、文意思写出下列英文单词。文意思写出下列英文单词。1. _ peitnt,ptnt n 专利证书;专利专利证书;专利发明发明2. _disti wi vi. & vt. 显示显示 的差的差别;使别;使 有所不同;辨别有所不同;辨别3. _ paud n. 粉末粉末;火药火药, 炸药炸药4. _ k : n n. 小心;谨慎小心;谨慎5. _ ekspektein n. 期待期待, 预料;期预料;期望望6. _ psiv adj. 被动的被动的;消极的;被动消极的;被动语态的语态的7. _meri adj.愉快的;高兴的愉快的;高兴的patentdistinguishpowdercautionex

7、pectationpassivemerry迟碑城集秦蜕摧烃瘦逛讯堕仆畔举丸蔽垃舟常夷布惦题檀琐狡鸟粮栖宇淆第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关8._si:zvi.抓住,捉住抓住,捉住,夺夺9._failvt.把把归档;提交归档;提交n.文件;文件;档案;文件夹档案;文件夹10._raipadj.熟的;成熟的熟的;成熟的11._be(r)vt.忍受;忍受;忍耐;负担忍耐;负担reproduceri:prdju:svt.12._currentkrntn.13._14.stablesteibladj._稳固的, 稳定的

8、seize file ripebear复制;再现电流;当今的尹磊官哎频沂肤申物伟灶累衷虽菜钉颧涟开连份经脓擞汝婴糙常脐摄越砖第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关15.associatesuieitvt._16.practicalprktikladj._17.validvlidadj._18.freezingfri:ziadj._19.innocentinsntadj._20.occasionallykenliadv._联想,同伴联想,同伴实际的实际的有效的有效的;确凿确凿冰冻的;严寒的冰冻的;严寒的清白的;无罪的

9、清白的;无罪的偶然地;不时地偶然地;不时地诧勋绿哭哭赘禄初爷澈谦座着融骆阁矢层拐嘲康势阮苹绥宴镐您佯单验篙第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关B 短语短语 写出下列短语的中文或英文。写出下列短语的中文或英文。1. call_给给打电话打电话,使使回忆起回忆起 2. in _以防万一以防万一,假使假使3. now _ then偶尔偶尔,不时不时4. _ into一心投入一心投入,跳水跳水5. set _ to do sth/set about _sth. 着手干某事着手干某事6. get _to开始干开始干7. i

10、n a _杂乱不堪的杂乱不堪的8. at _ time依次依次, 逐一逐一, 每次每次9. be _ of 意识到意识到10. _ on不挂断不挂断;紧紧抓住,等候紧紧抓住,等候upcaseanddiveoutdownmessaawarehang莲鹊概式缠衣伦景牙浙蕴束瞳夷隶价阿盅噶步惨嘶寻煤命费研望拎锚偶尧第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关二二词类转换词类转换用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。1.Sheshowedmercytotheorphan.Sheisa_(mercy)la

11、dy.2.Oncetheplantshaveproducedfruit,theybecomeless_(produce).3.TheInternetisavery_(convenience)waytocommunicateandshareinformationwithpeopleallovertheworld. convenient mercifulproductive雀臼锐招很赡夏持蓉蕴译闲弧苍饮侮蔬寿笑售贬沟衣阀泅鸣壳额吗囤掀式第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关4.EachtimeIsmoke,Ibreat

12、heinaboutamillionparticlesforeach_(cube)centimeter.5.Then,_(abrupt),hestoppedand,withoutaword,lefttheroom.abruptly cubic茵瞳涛握栈涟普慎小柱妙糠酿贷鹰眼冰劲扫惊恩蔼帧忽阜详零绚挛闰倦唆第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关三三词语活用词语活用-连词填空连词填空使用正确的连词填空。使用正确的连词填空。1.Therearethreebooksonthedesk.Idontknow_onehewillc

13、hoose.2.Wehaveplentyofbookshere.Youmaytake_oneyoulikebest.3.Itdependson_wehaveenoughtime.4.Youhavenoidea_anxiousIhavebeenforhersafety. 5.Nowwecansee_aseriousproblemthepopulationis.what whichwhicheverwhetherhow马第港绘神险薪盒谴屋亥房淳飘梦吐弓砂肄套咋地院汞釜化堡汕伸聂帛喊第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关


15、workedatmanydifferentjobs.TheHersheyfamily2(move)severaltimesduringMiltonschildhood.Hisparentsdidnthave3happymarriage.记叙文。美国巧克力制造商弥尔顿赫希童年时期经历父母先分居后离异,姐姐去世,12岁辍学,作报社助理被解雇等种种不幸身世。他学习制造巧克力并开了糖果店。商人六年后他的生意失败了,但是他决不放弃,最终创造了成功的事业并建了一座甜蜜城。 religious。形容词作定语修饰名词group。这个宗教组织重视克己与社区服务。 moved。用一般过去时,表示“在Milton的

16、童年时期”这一过去的时间段内经常或反复发生的动作“搬家”。 a。marriage, time等抽象名词被形容词修饰时,其前通常加不定冠词a。a happy marriage婚姻美满。瓷监湿慎貌顺再鲤橙漳纷酱梅脓殿年宵挛赵毛旅署绞模窟休刽仔传啡普相第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关Theylivedseparatelyformuchoftheirlives.Mrs.Hersheyfinallyrejectedherhusbandafteradaughterdiedin1867.MiltonHersheystopp

17、ed4(attend)schoolwhenhewastwelveyearsold.Hefirstwenttoworkasanassistantforaman5publishedaGermanlanguagenewspaper.Miltondidntlikethejob,sohewasfiredafter6(drop)hishatintoamachine.MiltonthengotajobwithacandyandicecreammakerinthetownofLancaster.There,helearned7tomixsugarandwatertomakecandyproducts. att

18、ending。根据下句的He first went to work as an assistant判断,Milton在12岁时辍学了。 stop doing sth.停止做某事。 who。关系代词who引导定语从句修饰先行词man,并在该定语从句中作主语。起初Milton给出版德语报纸的人当助手。 dropping。句子的主语he与drop之间是主动关系,故填入现在分词dropping。这里after dropping = after he dropped,是省略的时间状语从句,。 how。learn (how) to do sth.“学习(如何)做某事”,强调学会某种方法技巧,其中how t

19、o do sth. 是简化的宾语从句。学习如何把蔗糖和水混合起来制作糖果产品。述盔调右皂皂瘴姚托饰绑砌左匡晶捧屈飞敝油位倘庄融弓甩蛹赎疚粘纽娥第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关Atthetime,Americancandymakersusedchocolatemainlytocovercandies.Reportssay8tastedbitterandnotatall9thetasteofchocolatetoday.MiltonmovedtothecityofPhiladelphiaattheageof18.

20、Hehadalreadylearned10hecouldaboutcandyproduction.Hismotherandherfamilyofferedtohelphimsetupacandystore,butthebusinessfailedaftersixyears.However,henevergaveupandfrom1857to1945hecreatedasuccessfulbusinessandbuiltaSweetTown. it。这里的人称代词it指代chocolate。当时美国糖果制造商使用巧克力的主要目的是裹在糖果的外层,因此记者们说巧克力尝起来是苦味的,一点儿也不像今天

21、巧克力的味道。like。填介词like,今昔对比,巧克力的味道不同。 all/what。若填不定代词all,其后省略了关系代词词that,因为that在定语从句中作learned(也承前省略了)的宾语。也可填what引导宾语从句,并且what在该从句中作learned的宾语。他已经尽力学会了关于糖果生产的一切东西。弧跟际鞍瘸体董诊介欠课敖计舱赦珍大迭辙检囱菱气傻弄诣馒码昨肾舅坯第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破一 核心单词1. distinguish distiwi vt.& vi. “辨别、(通过耳、目等)辨

22、认出” 搭配distinguish oneself in battle 作战勇敢,战功卓著; distinguish oneself by scholarship 学问超群 distinguish good from evil 分辨善恶 be distinguished for有的特征;因而与众不同 be distinguished from有别于, 有特点 distinguish oneself 突出自己,使自己扬名联想 tell from区别,辨别,认出骸然作余蚂大笨湍务坝斜翰懒祝捌吝仔林祭缸赋嫁凶梧泛笛窿敞腿逸最甩第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考

23、点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 完成句子:(1)他的头脑已经不再能分清幻觉和现实。His mind could no longer _illusion and reality. (2)语言把人和动物区别开来。Speech _ men _ animals.(3)这对双胞胎长得太像了,很难分清谁是谁。The twins are so alike its difficult to_.(4)作为市里重点中学的学生,他很出名。He _as a student at the citys leading school.distinguished himselfdistinguishbetw

24、eendistinguishesfromdistinguishonefrom咎有影采缮架淤匡墙彦忽庚撩恤伦橇母涣斯希搞英侍矾堡册冰纤滚惭桨芝第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破2. seem像是,似乎搭配seem to do / to have done / to be doingseem (to be)seem like + 名词It seems (as if / as though) 从句It seems that 从句There seems (to be)运用 完成句子:(1)彩虹好像一直延伸到山坡为止。T

25、he rainbow _ on the hillside.(2)这个嘛,在当时似乎是个好主意。Well, it _a good idea at the time. seemed likeseemedtoend妖窜激悼捻脑俺见哆沂孽甲溜搓泛衰惋丰局选渔反栏力谦距家霹视吠彰捣第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破(3)在我看来你好像没有多少选择的余地。在我看来你好像没有多少选择的余地。It _you dont have too much choice.(4)父亲说她好像睡着了。父亲说她好像睡着了。The father

26、said she_.(5)似乎没理由相信他。似乎没理由相信他。_(to be) no reason for believing him.3. convenient knvi:njnt adj. 方便的方便的(不能用人作主语,不能用人作主语,其后常跟其后常跟for sth., to / for sb.) 附近的,近而便利的,容易附近的,近而便利的,容易到达的到达的 (其后常跟其后常跟for) 常用句型:常用句型:It is convenient for sb. to do sth.派生派生 convenience n. 便利便利联想联想 反义词:反义词:inconvenient adj.不方便的

27、不方便的 There seemsseemstomethatseemedtobesleeping低胁佰荣佯崎酞冻骏法浴投欢鳖棵逞萨躇粮秉描淹珠拐魁丑乏浆妥雨请杆第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 完成句子:(1)我6点钟来,你方便吗?Is it _you if I come at 6:00?(2)我们什么时候见面最方便?When is it_?(3)这座房子离几所学校都很近。_for several schools.The house is very convenientconvenientto/formos

28、tconvenientforustomeet危峨贝萎暗钳豆貉疤疗淮皆塞夫靖裤排贴仁虐锅饮帽治寄檄巾墩粟阀棒翔第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破4. mess n. 肮脏,杂乱;困境;脏东西What an awful mess! 脏乱成这个样子!Theres a lot of mess to clear up. 有许多脏东西要清理。 v. 弄脏;搞脏;混日子Be careful, dont mess your new skirt.搭配in a mess 乱成一团;陷入困境make a mess of 弄乱,使成一

29、团糟mess up 打乱,搞糟mess about / around 鬼混,无所事事羊乳凭哉蘸睹侥采奏琵赂惧巩骸禾独氮第撇寓碌法呻妇喷布届蛔聂湃蝉继第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 完成句子:(1)这个房间杂乱不堪。The room was_. (2)他整天只是混日子。He spent all day just_.(3)她的迟到把我们的计划都给打乱了。_ our plans.5. seize si:z vt. 抓住;夺取;逮捕;理解 vi. 抓住;利用;(机器)卡住搭配 be seized with(疾病

30、)侵袭, 被(强烈的情感、愿望等)影响 seize hold of(突然)抓住;占领; seize on占有;seize upon 抓住; 抓住,利用 seize chance 抓住机会Her late arrival messed up/ made a mess ofinamessmessingabout答狗固禹弦母布成曾滦框拙显催尚罩藻朱讫敞痈捻沪糯蝎铆领哺阴玲敬坊第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 完成句子:(1)他们紧紧抓住现有的机会,解决他们的问题,掌控自己的局面。They _ whatever

31、is_, work out their problem, and master the situation.(2)来吧,朋友们,你们还等什么,加入我们吧,把握住机会,意味着您有个成功的未来。Come on, friends. Dont waste your time_. Join us and _, _means you will have a successful future.(3)珍惜今天,因为你永远不知道明天将会怎样。_because you never know what tomorrow will be like.Seize the dayseizeuponathandwaitin

32、gseizeontheopportunitywhich曲娇交淫夷犬景辨滨乙邦氮抒者排瓦车沽坛友拐害拂逾意仕巨鸿卸售酱劳第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破二核心词组1. call up用法 When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset. (P20)call up 给打电话,与ring up 意思相同,可以互换,若动词的宾语是代词,通常把代词放在call和up之间,如果是名词则既可放在call 和u

33、p之间或者call up 之后。 Remember to call me up the moment you arrive in Xiamen.记得一到厦门就打电话给我。 给打电话,相当于ring up。On reaching the city, he called up Mr Li. 他一到达市里就立即给李先生打了电话。墅帛这邦傲惶僻枣懈酗毯忌胀南殴罚惦蓝益委孙痢卷歌鉴烯雷文奢杆芬荤第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破 使想起 (往事)The sound of seagulls called up happy

34、memories of his childhood.海鸥的叫声引起了他对童年时期的美好回忆。辨析look back on / upon, call up look back on / upon 也有“回顾、回想”之意,但其主语是人,而call up的主语是物。Id like to look back on my high-school days, which were among the happiest in my life.我喜欢回忆读中学的日子,那是我一生中最快乐的时光。豆艰殊莹幂遏呀铂鸿汾篓戎保谴啪织裴血乃蹿便辱莉爬屁飞踞花涉疼脆票第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核

35、心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破搭配call for 约请;要求,需要 call on 拜访(某人) 号召call at 访问(某地)call in 召来,召集 call back = ring back 回电话运用 用call的短语填空(1) Youre right. Ill use my car radio to call _help.(2) We will call _ the museum tomorrow.(3) Well, if you wish it I could call _you Friday.(4) The manager was abou

36、t to leave when his secretary called him_.foratonback省蒋曼软手畦埋当梅墒丛像黎妈臀妹渡橙呐屹履侮匆入且刁鲍铂肝毋鸟脖第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破2. now and then = (every) now and again 有时用法 Maria still appears on TV now and then.联想 与now有关的短语:and now 那么 just now 刚才 now that 既然right now 马上 now., now. 时

37、而时而 now or never 机会难再(勿失良机)from now on 从今以后 until / till / up to now 到此为止搭配以下短语都表示“有时,不时,偶尔”:now and then;from time to time;once in a while;sometimes; at times;occasionally渤扦五湿兢租微腕颠兜桔渐葵袱砂弛假眺罩彬樱摹稻静腕岂笋咽以熟内麓第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 翻译句子:(1) 然而,男孩们只是偶尔使用电脑做家庭作业和其他作业。

38、_(2) 我有时喜欢到一家好餐馆享受一番。_I enjoy going out to a nice restaurant now and again.Boys,however,usecomputersforhomeworkandschoolworkonlynowandthen.漳辣豁罩山骄蠢鸳龋昏榷蕴魏材远竟平茬颖峪正改难加蓉肺笺卿蔓溃握是第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破3. set out to do sth = set about doing sth; begin or start 开始(着手)做某事联想

39、set apart留出; 分开;分离 set apart from 区别,使与众不同set down 记录;记下;放下 set fire/light to点燃,使点燃,使着火set out出发,动身; 开始; 陈述 set up 建立;创立; 供给set out for = set off for = leave for (动身)出发到(地方)去。Then they set out (off) for Beijing by train.吱晤罕渡得雄霸展忠慰彬震塘鉴悟访届朗蜗核犁钧狱缩隘捕锌咯钓带曳屎第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课

40、内突破课内突破课内突破运用 完成句子:(1)这样我们只好着手清除烟雾。Thus we had to _the smoke. (2)他打算以他的聪明才智给公司留下印象。He_ impress the company with his cleverness. (3)它是他们已经开办另一家医院的真的吗?Is it true that they have _another hospital ? (4)每周应该要抽出一天时间休闲。One day of the week should _ for relaxation. be set apartsetaboutgettingridofsetouttoset

41、up匪坏敌盟航曰凝皱善折销啤晾捡究潜敞问宋舷售窒扩漂掌煌激梅踊想篙躇第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破4. in case 以防万一,假使(其后多跟从句,有时也不跟从句) 用法 in case以防,以防万一,用作连词,其后面通常跟一个句子,有示假设的一个条件。辨析 in case与if in case与if不是同一个意思,前者可以用来谈论预防措施:提前做某些事情以保证安全,或为以后出的问题作准备。后者只是一个假设,强调结局或后果。 You should insure your building in case

42、there is a fire. 你应当给楼房买保险,以防发生火灾。玩飞秆卑壬直拽抢委渣鲍谣扔破她弧泞梧援丈粳阳步喉怂宝瞳咱噎燕周萝第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破 如果失火,请拨火警999。 (在失火之前给楼房保险;在失火之后挂电话。)联想in case of + 名词(或代词)以防,如果,万一in this case 如果这样的话in that case 如果那样的话in any case 无论如何in no case 决不,任何情况下都不活用 用case构成的短语填空(1)玛丽记了很多笔记以免会忘记。M

43、ary put down many notes in class_ she would forget them. in case蝶牲击鳞竿洒糊准绘谈址荷疮虚己落蚀酮驶蔫扒压谬爵堆康缘缩舜耶催践第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破(2)我每逢出去都会带上雨衣以防下雨。I will bring my raincoat whenever I am out_.(3)你很可能无须打电话,不过还是记下我的电话号码吧,以防万一。You probably wont need to callbut take my number,

44、just_. (4)如遇火险,即按警铃。_fire, ring the alarm bell.In case ofincaseitrainsincase磅亥贵绳国乖俊窄霄入腋鲜硼浪撩陕初关叹驶移作篆拟讳敬惭茶稠呐鲁乞第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破5. out of order 有毛病,出故障,坏了反义 in order (处于正常状态,情况良好)搭配in order to do sth. / in order that 为了(表目的) on order 在订购中take orders from 接受的命令运

45、用 完成句子:(1)我的车坏了,我只好走路上班。My car was_. I have to walk to work. (2)排好队,按顺序走向门口。Line up and walk to the door_. (3)长途旅行出发之前,检查一下你的车是否状况良好。Before setting out on a long journey, see it _your car is_. in good orderoutoforderinorderwhether简廖瘟牢豪瘴猴屡戒躲吧甲盐闽虾羞熏尸刷狰俭咒秦暮粳辩瘪音乞屎研她第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点

46、核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破三 经典句型提炼1. Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor.【译文】只有你得到这种承认,你才能说你真的是一位发明家。(p21)【句型】only修饰状语,置于句首时,主句的需要部分倒装。【仿写】(1)只有大家同心协力,我们才能最终取得胜利。_(2)人生必须以有意义的事作为目标,生命才有价值。_.only when it has something valuable as its object does life have a

47、value .Only if we are of one mind, we can get the victory finally.墓虱独炭戏拉仑锥椎培功牲洪祁具踌伏房彰常冷诅落傈仪慧症翁柔仪萧肢第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破2. I really needed to improve my design again. (p20)【译文】我真的需要改进我的设计。【句型】Sb + need to do.【仿写】(1)我真的需要买台电脑。_.(2) 电脑发生故障,需要修理。_.(2)The computer is

48、 out of order. It needs repairing/to be repaired.(1)Ireallyneedtobuyacomputer.蒂障窟假笛盒仇脑局蛀就驯稿谈尼挂悟绅削浅翅檬胃块犊贝政袜伍恨枝词第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破3. The next morning I got up early before the sun was hot. (p20)【译文】第二天早上赶在太阳还不是很热的时候我就一大早起来了。【句型】主句+ before+从句.【仿写】(1) 等到再一次见面,将会是

49、一段很长的时间。_.(2) 我还没来得及接电话,电话铃响就停响了。_.(2)The telephone stopped ringing before I could answer it.(1)Itwillbealongtimebeforewemeetagain.讳痛高紊足裔啄傈进潮桑情蝶场束工扦钉牟葡期共郸嗣炯迹左懈袋卜氰膝第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力阅读理解十四、作出判断与推理(4)推断因果关系因果推理判断题要求考生根据已知结果推测导致结果的可能原因。考生要准确掌握文章的内涵,理解文章的真正含义。【实例

50、剖析】 “Mum, what does it mean when someone tells you that they have a skeleton (骨骼) in the closet (衣橱)?”Jessica asked. “A skeleton in the closet?” her mother paused thoughtfully, “Well, its something that you would rather not have anyone else know about.捻锄鼓炉咀龋腥扫轰事鹊厕棍杂纯噪驯士昼迭询逝缄零浸竹慈良问叹瞒堡第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部

51、分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力For example, if in the past, someone in Dads family had been arrested for stealing a horse, it would be a skeleton in his familys closet. He really wouldnt want any neighbor to know about it.”“Why pick on my family?” Jessicas father said with anger. “Your f

52、amily history isnt so good, you know. Wasnt your great-great-grandfather a prisoner who was transported to Australia for his crimes?” “Yes, but people these days say that you are not a real Australian unless your ancestors arrived as prisoners.” “Gosh, sorry I asked. I think I understand now,” Jessi

53、ca cut in before things grew worse.暑粉徒匆轻盘凄舅麓斧睛巳闻蒲表啮篡屯穷证铀喝欲台彻压跳速甸衣唾瞄第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力After dinner, the house was very quiet. Jessicas parents were still quite angry with each other. Her mother was ironing clothes and every now and then she glared at her husba

54、nd, who hid behind his newspaper pretending to read. When she finished, she gathered the freshly pressed clothes in her arms and walked to Jessicas closet. Just as she opened the door and reached in to hang a skirt, a bony arm stuck out from the dark depths and a bundle of white bones fell to the fl

55、oor. Jessicas mother sank into a faint (晕倒), waking only when Jessica put a cold, wet cloth on her forehead. She looked up to see the worried faces of her husband and daughter.钝均阵逸拱滚虾烹氏灵指繁宅筋众换窒汗汝党看霸碎旭龚朔朵绪帘邦扭塑第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力“What happened? Where am I?” she

56、asked. “You just destroyed the schools skeleton, Mum,” explained Jessica. “I brought it home to help me with my health project. I meant to tell you, but it seemed that as soon as I mentioned skeletons and closets, it caused a problem between you and Dad.” Jessica looked in amazement as her parents b

57、egan to laugh madly. “Theyre both crazy,” she thought.( 2011年江西卷)Q. Jessicas parents laughed madly at the end of the story probably because _.A. they were crazy B. they were overexcitedC. they realized their misunderstandingD. they both thought they had won the quarrel寅旨昂肤痉剧管冒嘉囚驭捶死焉尉事拍随幸腰屿峪渐遂孙磨码添唁轻羚

58、搐第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力【名师剖析】 推理判断题。结合全文理解,开头讲述了Jessica的一个提问”Mum, what does it mean when someone tells you that they have a skeleton(骨骼)in the closet(衣橱)?”引出了父母之间的争论,之后妈妈被孩子藏在衣橱中的用来完成学校课题的骷髅吓晕过去,最后Jessica解释时说,”I meant to tell you, but it seemed that as soon as I

59、mentioned skeletons and closets, it caused a problem between you and Dad.”即本想告诉妈妈衣橱里的骷髅的情况,可是每当提到骷髅和衣橱的问题后却让父母之间有摩擦,然而最后真相大白,Jessica的父母都意识到了这是一个误会,故而狂笑。故而选择C。脾格宙疥哨转恫虞剩网汹枣鼠元寨怒损究秧饮面里匈赊邀比氨国次法迅椅第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力【技巧演练】1. A year after graduation, I was offered a p

60、osition teaching a writing class. Teaching was a profession I had never seriously considered, though several of my stories had been published. I accepted the job without hesitation, as it would allow me to wear a tie and go by the name of Mr. Davis. My father went by the same name, and I liked to im

61、agine people getting the two of us confused. “Wait a minute” someone might say, “are you talking about Mr. Davis the retired man, or Mr. Davis the respectable scholar?”绸揽颜叙堕璃抚乍垢狐但匆惹噶砷蹈喻矽肪泻挡构捅庭努沿罪军汪腿教钙第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力The position was offered at the last minu

62、te, and I was given two weeks to prepare, a period I spent searching for briefcase (公文包) and standing before my full-length mirror, repeating the words, “Hello, class. Im Mr. Davis.” Sometimes I would give myself an aggressive voice. Sometimes I would sound experienced. But when the day eventually c

63、ame, my nerves kicked in and the true Mr. Davis was there. I sounded not like a thoughtful professor, but rather a 12-year-old boy.I arrived in the classroom with paper cards designed in the shape of maple leaves. I had cut them myself out of orange construction paper.沙芳件喻痢轩荫仙拾醒沼骸崎芳瞧葬逐扔咨驮棍饵睬呆醇伪殊陋毡陀县

64、剑第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力I saw nine students along a long table. I handed out the cards, and the students wrote down their names and fastened them to their breast pockets as I required. “All right then,” I said. “Okey, here we go.” Then I opened my briefcase and re

65、alized that I had never thought beyond this moment. I had been thinking that the students would be the first to talk, offering their thoughts and opinions on the events of the day. I had imagined that I would sit at the edge of the desk, overlooking a forests of hands. Every student would yell. “Cal

66、m down, youll all get your turn. One at a time, one at a time!”抄郑垢链凉弧拷债示芳涉昂拘阮坛屋黔峪哩神以颓捞疼关椅骏苛粹叔哨酶第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力A terrible silence ruled the room, and seeing no other opinions, I inspected the students to pull out their notebooks and write a brief essay rela

67、ted to the theme of deep disappointment.( 2011年广东卷)1. The author took the job to teach writing because _. A. he wanted to be respected B. he had written some stories C. he wanted to please his father D. he had dreamed of being a teacher1.答案:答案:A 分析:推理判断题。根据第一自然段最后分析:推理判断题。根据第一自然段最后2句可以推句可以推断出本题选断出本题

68、选A。能栏愧藤世扩佰阴晓黔胶河陀墟丽腹蚕与蓖傅雍笑删较谚蛰奥苑爵捏耕疯第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力2. The author chose the composition topic probably because _. A. he got disappointed with his first class B. he had prepared the topic before class C. he wanted to calm down the students D. he thought it wa

69、s an easy topic2.答案:答案:A分析:推理判断题。根据最后一个自然段的大意可知作分析:推理判断题。根据最后一个自然段的大意可知作者让学生做这样题目的作文的原因是他对自己上的第一者让学生做这样题目的作文的原因是他对自己上的第一节课很失望,因此作者选择了一个与失望相关的作文话节课很失望,因此作者选择了一个与失望相关的作文话题。题。窗毙抬揖夏害鲁匀缚愚肿广七腊挚蚌肠仗活侮攒逸瞅媳砖梭灿嫌钥咋赦舅第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力2. Students and Technology in the Cla

70、ssroomI love my blackberryits my little connection to the larger world that can go anywhere with me . I also love my laptop computer,as it holds all of my writing and thoughts .Despite this love of technology, I know that there are times when I need to move away from these devices(设备) and truly comm

71、unicat with others.On occasion, I teach a course called History Matters for a group of higher education managers.玖制菏的片涂藤茹痈夫虱言呵披鱼档黄昏优杂战践贤锌潭菲奈械萌雕硬蔑第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力My goals for the class include a full discussion of historical themes and ideas .Because I want

72、students to thoroughly study the material and exchange their ideas with each other in the classroom ,I have a rule no laptop ,iPads ,phones ,etc .When students were told my rule in advance of the class, some of them were not happy .Most students assume that my reasons for this rule include unpleasan

73、t experiences in the past with students misusing technology . Theres a bit of truth to that. Some students assume that I am anti-technology . Theres no truth in that at all . I love technology and try to keep up with it so I can relate to my students.紫本拣邢捷粤絮坞嵌惯佩天圈和功设形止料绑泪豺扑镭事哼枕脊蟹谈橇汉第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分

74、模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think there are very few places in which we can have deep conversions and truly engage complex ideas. Interruptions by technology often break concentration and allow for too much de

75、pendence on outside information for ideas . I want students to dig deep within themselves for inspiration and ideas. I want them to push each other to think differently and make connections between the course the material and the class discussion .Ive been teaching my history class in this way for m

76、any years and the evaluations reflect student satisfaction with the environment that I create .隘目障惊该厚署巩蔬恤宵孝枫脸翔户领仪炸拾庄伦扑驱自泅怕拢叫斗帛妓第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力Students realize that with deep conversation and challenge , they learn at a level that helps them keep the course

77、 material beyond the classroom .Im not saying that I wont ever change my mind about technology use in my history class, but until I hear a really good reason for the change, Im sticking to my plan. A few hours of technology-free dialogue is just too sweet to give up.( 2011年北京卷)吵莉钻钢稗榆母洛刺复赌脓斤橙涨达选寐卞庄荆域

78、嘛末踩地肢烩事女侮少第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力1. According to the author, the use of technology in the classroom may _A. keep students from doing independent thinking B. encourage students to have in-depth conversationsC. help students to better understand complex themes D. af

79、fect students concentration on course evaluation1.答案:答案:A。分析:推理判断题。由第四段分析:推理判断题。由第四段可以推知作者认为可以推知作者认为technology会影响我们独立思考能力。会影响我们独立思考能力。纽涎酮四陇旬眠任浸拘灰渝屉锑否雷考角饼晋丸戴划庚违需拉饥锭喧竣汾第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力2.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author _A. is quite s

80、tubborn B. will give up teaching history C. will change his teaching plan soon D. values technology-free dialogues in his class 2.答案:答案:D。分析:推理判断题。由文章最后一段作者深信自己分析:推理判断题。由文章最后一段作者深信自己的的technology会影响我们的深入交流。并且坚持她的会影响我们的深入交流。并且坚持她的values technology-free dialogues in his class的观点。的观点。晒纬讲亮嗜我傈轮卿债鞭斗志裹放其切虎浚

81、烧忍逮眷瘸榷距常泣囱梗仗豆第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作应试作文要点提炼与拓展三:说明理由其实有很多内容要点是要你先赞成还是反对某个观点,然后陈述理由。(一)句型必备1. The main reason is what is more, Thirdly, As a result,2. mainly because. In addition, 3. .for the reason that.4. due to the fact that . 5. .there are several reasons that

82、 contribute to it. First of all, Second,. Last but not least,6. ., for it/they. 姚挣耸吩裁抛疟影胎菌绑烧站择雄拳拣唇毅谋鳖蠕谬柳搔减吹过僚彰趴退第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作(二)例子示范例 1:西方节日盛行的原因;However, nowadays western festivals are enjoying more and more popularities. There are a variety of reasons

83、that contribute to it. To begin with, as China is opening to the outside world, more and more foreign ideas are accepted by people, including cultural concepts, like western festivals. Furthermore, some people even consider it cool to observe these festivals, Christmas and Valentines Day being the e

84、xtreme examples. 吻烩敝件挪猿祸阐育告笺暴拳油委输帛吱替缨慰亏讥萄箭糜础单境出孙姑第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作例2:你对假期课程的看法,并说明理由。Like the kids mentioned in the article, Ive experienced many such summer and winter courses busy, boring, and tiring ones, which often seem endless and unbearable. Im always

85、 dreaming of a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. Therere plenty of reasons why we students need to get our real “holidays” back. First of all, a relaxing holiday refreshes students for the next school term. Secondly, students need to learn how to arrange their own lives. Last but not least, by being f

86、orced to go to these courses, students start to hate school. 挪船政寒串坐将显谅蛾诗颧镑绦牲况场楷宰强汤聋隘坦涝美怂松铅矗荤沫第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作例3:导致中学生爱买零食的原因。Actually, eating snacks is very popular among students. They usually buy snacks because they think snacks are more delicious than me

87、als. Also, the packages of snacks are usually very attractive, and students cannot help buying some to have a taste.例4:为什么一些学生不喜欢穿校服。Some students dont like wearing school uniforms mainly because of the dull colors and ugly styles. Also, some students think it cant show their individuality by wearin

88、g the same clothes as all their school-mates. 唯钥瓦神项怖瘦柴甘畅盲杠贱膨略秉芯辐号溺咱乞缆矽追叙嗜慑液瓣佃慷第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作三)即时演练阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Hi, Im Jeremy. I love reading books. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. People who read are usually more open-m

89、inded and rarely bored. Here are my experiences on reading. They may be helpful if you have difficulty in reading.There are a lot of different books around. People sometimes feel puzzled by how to choose. In my opinion, you are supposed to read classic books, but dont hurry to read those difficult a

90、nd advanced books. Besides, you can choose some books you are interested in.烯穆镰阮粤夫寐国坟哟筒记侍昌炬券箍簿哑民升战归瓜宝且颖觅潍她曹卤第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作The skills of reading are essential (有必要的), which can teach you how to read quickly and effectively. When reading, you neednt read wo

91、rd-by-word or sentence-by-sentence. You can even read the key sentences as long as you can understand them. Make sure you spend at least an hour reading every day.Where to read is also important, because it is related to what you can learn from books. Libraries, parks and homes are good places. You

92、can easily borrow books from the library and your friends. However, dont read in a noisy place like bus stops and clubs. It will distract your attention and reduce the speed. 蹋砂击措储歧骸饿怪站订害刑佩绦息喷堑掸脯针硫如鹃贞蜗睡败椭筋九迟第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作写作内容 学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中 “读书与生

93、活”的讨论。听完Jeremy的发言之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“Lets Read More Books”,内容要点包括:1、以约30个词概括Jeremy关于读书的建议;2、然后以约120个词谈谈你对中学生读书的看法,须包含以下的内容要点:(1) 读书带来的益处;(2) 向朋友推荐两本书,并说明推荐的理由。冈感历委卷久是哩撮哮图寄旺伦膛卧田搔酿浸百刁限至垂藤券吟桂翁貌聋第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作写作要求1、可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

94、2、文中不能出现考生真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准概括准确、语言规范、内容合适、篇章连贯。差曙闻乒陵援妒迁撰绿睡赵揍燕丑念侗宣赚清淌额广侮贯寐忘货蝇窑企氛第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作参考答案说明理由实战演练例文Lets Read More BooksJeremy suggests choosing classic books according to our interests and reading in convenient and quiet places at least an hour every

95、 day. Reading skills like getting key sentences are also important. I have always enjoyed reading for pleasure since I was a child. Books on nature and history broaden my horizons and novels allow me to experience other peoples lives and I am always amazed by the writers imagination. Furthermore, as

96、 time goes by, 酣铸绍绸佩畏撰己枝僚刊闯喻瞅辉奉黑瓢碗囤芹玄甫澡凶诚码东族炽频驱第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作Ive found myself growing up under the guidance of many wise authors. I highly recommend “Little Prince”, which is popular all over the world, because it highlights humanity and is full of imagin

97、ation. “Gone With the Wind” is a good choice for novel lovers. On the one hand, it is set in the American Civil War. On the other hand, after reading it, you will have a better understanding of how war affects peoples lives and be moved by Scarletts positive attitude towards life. 器峙飘虐禹祥姜纂翱测箩客辽符耸材憋两骋粪摈擒酌象瞎潭扼尿判窄肿滤第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版LOGO垛废卯敏症坟桔营淖揭是牟薪宁饱学碍盾桂蒙胞涧员舶税匪逞昏发顺尚痒第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版Thanks!Good-bye.ProducedbyMingShiFangLue吻滔枢挝的试虫忙式渡惋副街巫钎烫庐幼始斧牡畴耕响斌棉溃迢吩定毡莹第一部分模块第3单元教师版第一部分模块第3单元教师版



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