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1、遵循英语学习规律,扎实备考遵循英语学习规律,扎实备考广州市执信中学广州市执信中学 2016届英语高考成绩届英语高考成绩: 全级708人,平均分为131.75分,全级共有8位同学获得了146分以上的高分,其中2位147分;全级140分以上共94人,我校英语平均分与尖子生数量在省市名列前茅 高三教学备考思路高三教学备考思路: 遵循英语学习规律,坚持给学生新的语言输入,通过助其内化实现更好的语言输出,在学习新的语言知识和篇章中带动旧知识的巩固复习,“知新”而“温故”最终目的:培养学生终身学习和发展最终目的:培养学生终身学习和发展 的能力的能力一.一.坚持坚持增加学生的语言输入增加学生的语言输入,培养

2、学生的语培养学生的语言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化品格言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化品格1. 利用人教版选修课本9-11模块 新概念英语3 大学英语的资料 积累更多词汇和句型,关注文本的语篇结构、搭配、意义、逻辑、连贯,夯实基础,提升语言能力和素养,为冲刺高考积蓄力量2. 充分发挥学生的主体作用 Tell me, I will forget; Show me, I will remember; Involve me, I will learn.二二. 针对新题型做出备考应变针对新题型做出备考应变1.结合模块课本,针对新题型,训练学生的微技能 针对阅读“七选五”的题型,利用选修模块文本内容在

3、阅读教学中训练学生的语篇分析能力 以人教版选修以人教版选修9模块模块Unit 2为例为例Discourse analysis: (Page 2, Para.1) Nobody knew that the earth turns eastwards at about 15 degrees every hour, but sailors did know an approximate method of calculating longitude using speed and time. An early method of measuring speed involved throwing a

4、 knotted rope tied to a log over the side of the ship. The rope was tied to a log which was then thrown into the sea. As the ship advanced through the water the knots were counted as they passed through a seamans hands. The number of knots that were counted during a fixed period of time gave the spe

5、ed of the ship in nautical miles per hour.Conclusion 1: The repetition of some words tells us the connection between sentences.(Page 2, Para. 3) Reorder the following sentences without looking at the book:(1) This gave the seamen the local time and allowed them to find their latitude at sea.(2) They

6、 are developments of one another. (3) However, it was awkward to use as one of the points of reference was the moving ship itself.(4) The astrolabe, quadrant and sextant are all connected.(5) The earliest, the astrolabe, was a special all-in-one tool for telling the position of the ship in relation

7、to the sun and various stars which covered the whole sky.(4) (2) (5) (1) (3)(1) The astrolabe, quadrant and sextant are all connected. (2) They are developments of one another. (3) The earliest, the astrolabe, was a special all-in-one tool for telling the position of the ship in relation to the sun

8、and various stars which covered the whole sky.(4) This gave the seamen the local time and allowed them to find their latitude at sea.(5) However, it was awkward to use as one of the points of reference was the moving ship itself.general specificadvantage转折:转折:disadvantageStructure: general- specific

9、advantagedisadvantage Conclusion 2: We can tell the connection between sentences from the pronouns, the logical relations (逻辑关系逻辑关系), or discourse markers (语篇标志词语篇标志词). Practice: Find out the pronouns in Para.4 and Para. 5 and think about what they refer to.2. 针对新的作文题型,进行过程性的写作指导,重视训练后的评讲 (发挥集体智慧,分组

10、制作课件)9月联考作文讲评2015.9.12Writing a letter of suggestion1. 审题1.文体2.写作对象3.人称4.时态5.写作要点6.语言风格审题 假定你是李假定你是李华华,贵贵校在学生中征集意校在学生中征集意见见,询问询问学生学生是否是否赞赞成开成开设设iPad课课堂(堂(iPad classrooms)。你支持开)。你支持开设设iPad课课堂;堂;请给请给校校长长写一封建写一封建议议信,要点如下:信,要点如下: 1. 1. 资资源丰富;源丰富; 2. 2. 促促进进交流;交流; 3. 3. 利于利于环环保;保; 4. 4. 其他理由。其他理由。Dear He

11、admaster, We have been asked about our opinions on opening iPad classrooms. .Yours sincerely,Li Hua对象对象文体文体用词:用词:礼貌得体礼貌得体语气:语气:和缓诚恳和缓诚恳要点要点并列并列关系关系现在时态现在时态2. 谋篇布局1.Beginning2.Body3.EndingBeginning:陈述观点,表明态度:陈述观点,表明态度 点题,概括性点题,概括性 I am in favor of this plan for the following reasons.Body:陈述理由:陈述理由 层次

12、分明(条理清晰,善用连贯词)层次分明(条理清晰,善用连贯词) Firstly, with the development of technology, there is . Secondly, iPads provide us with . Thirdly, in the aspect of environmental protection, iPad classrooms will reduce . To begin with/ First of all / SecondlyBesides /Furthermore/Whats more .Finally / Last but not lea

13、st 谋篇布局Ending:总结全文,表明希望:总结全文,表明希望 呼应主题呼应主题 I hope you would take my ideas into consideration. 谋篇布局3. 遣词造句1.Elaboration2.Language accuracy3.Good examplesElaboration:如何适当增加细节1. 补补全前因后果全前因后果 资资源丰富源丰富Ipad classrooms can provide abundant resources (for us) so as to satisfy varying needs. 利于利于环环保保Also, it

14、 is environmentally-friendly to use iPad in class. because it reduces the use of textbooks.2. 适当添加具体内容适当添加具体内容 促促进进交流交流Moreover, when iPads are connected to the Internet, students can interact with teachers and classmates about what they learn more conveniently.LanguageAccuracy1. Spelling communicat

15、e tool communicative 资源资源:sources/resourse resources boarden ones horizon/ horizens broaden ones horizons morden modern convinient convenient 2. The choice of words and collocationagree to do sth/agree on sth agree with sb/the ideatake a place of take the place ofin all in short, all in all(总的来说总的来说

16、)the usage of books useuse ipad everyday every day in our daily in our daily lifevarious of materials various / various kinds of materials 3. U & C 单复数单复数:information, communication, knowledge, paper应是应是UHere are my reason. reasonsabundant resource abundant resources修饰词修饰词:错误:错误:e.g. a large amount

17、of resources a great many waste of paper so many information carry less books millions of information 4. Sentence structure Use ipad in class can make us interested in study. Using ipad in class can makeUsing ipad in the classroom, which will enrich ourStudy material as well as broaden our horizons.

18、5. Verb formsIt do good to our study. does6. Parts of Speechenvironment friendly environmentally friendlyenvironment protection environmental protection It is benefit to beneficial 该句缺谓语该句缺谓语7. Subject & Predicate 错误:错误:(想想主语是谁?)想想主语是谁?)1.The reduction of paper use will save more trees and build up

19、a cleaner environment.2.Ipad classrooms give us a stage which can exchange knowledge and information.3.Opening ipad classrooms, we will have 4.It gains the students interest of 主谓搭配不正确,缺乏主谓意识主谓搭配不正确,缺乏主谓意识8. Writing style 风格不当:风格不当:I will say yes to open iPad classrooms.We should/must . .I suggest t

20、hat you should open iPad classrooms.Lastly, I wish you can write me soon.Thanks for reading.读者意识不强,语言不够读者意识不强,语言不够委婉得体委婉得体遣词造句GoodExamples1. 用词贴切而丰富,善用短语。用词贴切而丰富,善用短语。exchange ideas obtain the information onlineStudents can be free/released from their heavy bags.This rids us of carrying too many hea

21、vy books.Opening ipad classrooms can also inspire the enthusiasm of learning and teaching.2. 句式灵活多变,学以致用。句式灵活多变,学以致用。1.Not only will it enrich the teaching and learning resources to make them abundant, but also its helpful to increase the exchange between students and teachers.2.Imagine how many tre

22、es will be saved if the ipad classrooms take the place of the traditional ones.3. Compared with traditional , using ipads can .4. With abundant information online, ipad classrooms can provide us with various resources.3. 好的结尾,体现建议信特点好的结尾,体现建议信特点(文章头尾呼应文章头尾呼应)。Ill appreciate it if you could take my s

23、uggestion into consideration.I sincerely hope that my suggestion will meet with your approval.I sincerely hope you can take these into account.4. 习作点评16分,啰嗦,拓展太多无关细节分,啰嗦,拓展太多无关细节24分,书写工整,条理清晰,连贯意识强,语言分,书写工整,条理清晰,连贯意识强,语言丰富多样,内容充实丰富多样,内容充实提高语言和语法运用的建议提高语言和语法运用的建议1.1.平时要平时要多积累好的词汇,短语和句型多积累好的词汇,短语和句型,并

24、试图并试图使用这些知识点使用这些知识点;2.2.错误的知识点要及时记录到错题本中,错误的知识点要及时记录到错题本中,尤其是特殊的用法或者特殊的形式,尤其是特殊的用法或者特殊的形式,多翻看,多复习多翻看,多复习;3.3. 平时要平时要加强作文写作,提高审题能力加强作文写作,提高审题能力 和体裁意识和体裁意识。 Practice makes perfect三三. 针对不同学生的特点进行分层辅导针对不同学生的特点进行分层辅导1.Elite (精英班精英班):对象是总分及英语在年级都位于前列的尖子生。目标是进一步提高其英语综合运用能力,拓展视野,使其成绩更稳定并有更大的突破。2.Potential (

25、潜力班潜力班):对象是总分在年级位于前列,但英语是其短板科目的学生。目标是帮助其寻找增分店,提高英语成绩,为其总分服务。3.Miracle (奇迹班奇迹班):对象是总分属于重本临界的,英语是其短板科目的学生。目标是为其树立自信,提高词汇量,查缺补漏,提高英语成绩,为其总分服务。Elite Class:利用大学英语的材料,拓宽学生视野,掌握高级词汇,训练听说读写能力。Potential Class:进行有针对性的题型训练,精讲精练,让学生掌握做题技巧,获得增分策略。Miracle Class:通过词、句、篇的练习巩固不同话题的词汇,帮助学生提高词汇量,学会运用词汇,并巩固重点语法知识。1. Re

26、ad the statements about friendship and discuss:What makes a good friend?2. Read the short passage and find out:(1)What different kinds of friends do we have?(2)Why is friendship important to us?3. Read the article “The Value of Cyber friendship” and choose a correct sentence to fill in each blank. N

27、ew words: dynamic n. 动态 adj. 有活力的 supplement v. 补充,增补 interact v. 交流, 互动 scenario n. 方案,情节,剧本 sheer adj. 绝对的 crises n. 危机(crisis的复数)A)Communicative tools have made losing touch the result of sheer laziness, not distance.B)In addition to expanding and strengthening the social ties people maintain in

28、the offline world, Internet and e-mail provide a social and informational support group that helps people make difficult decisions and face challenges.C)In short, say critics, people are unlearning how to naturally interact with their neigbors, creating a social network of strangers.D)This creates a

29、 new basis for community. Rather than relying on a single community for social support, individuals often must actively seek out a variety of appropriate people and resources for different situations.Discussion: What are the advantages and disadvantages of cyber friendship according to the passage?A

30、dvantages: E-mail and the Internet supplement the communication people have with others in their social work.The Internet helps cultivate social networks and make use of them when it matters most.Communicative tools help people to get in touch with each other even in long distance.Internet and e-mai

31、l provide a social and informational support group that helps people make difficult decisions and face challenges.This creates a new basis for community. Disadvantages: This newly-evolved form of cyber-connected human has long been criticized for his or her lack of necessary social skills. People ar

32、e unlearning how to naturally interact with their neighbors, creating a social network of strangers.Learning to write a topic sentence:四四. 备考策略:备考策略:总的思路总的思路规范备考,把握方向,规范备考,把握方向, 突出重点,抓好常规突出重点,抓好常规总的要求总的要求落实细节,寻求增分点落实细节,寻求增分点1.通过月考、联考、市模拟考的数据认真分析本通过月考、联考、市模拟考的数据认真分析本校、校、 本班和每个学生的答题情况及在全市的大本班和每个学生的答题情

33、况及在全市的大概位概位 置,加强复习备考的针对性。置,加强复习备考的针对性。 1) 进一步研究近近5年的全国卷试题和高考考试说 明,帮助学生透彻理解各种题型的要求,把握 命题规律及命题意图。2) 利用典型语篇进行题型专项的精练、详解,提 高讲评课的实效性及思维深度,加强语篇分析 及解题思路分析,帮助学生掌握常考语篇的结 构特征,培养学生科学的解题方法,开展以学开展以学 生为主体的复习,给予学生更多的参与的生为主体的复习,给予学生更多的参与的 机会。机会。 3) 继续利用选修模块 9-11、新概念III课本、大学 程度的语篇材料(结合高考题型)实现语言 的多次输入,帮助学生内化地道的语言,积 累

34、有用信息,增强对典型语篇的敏感度和把 控能力,促进语篇输出能力。(例:M9U3) Oral work: A brief description of AustraliaLocationPopulation/area CapitalNumber of states ClimateFeature (landscape & wildlife)Scanning Text 1: Glimpses of AustraliaLocation:Area:Population:Composition: Climate:be situated/located inwith a population of/have

35、 a population ofcover an area of consist of/be made up ofOral presentation (Part 1)LocationOceaniaOceaniaPopulation/area 20 million/7,68620 million/7,686, ,85850 0 kmkm2 2CapitalCanberra, a history of 150 yearsCanberra, a history of 150 yearsNumber of states 6 6 Climatedry, with only a few costal ar

36、eas that dry, with only a few costal areas that have adequate rainfallhave adequate rainfalla mainly dry country that.Oral presentation (Part 1-possible version)LocationOceaniaOceaniaPopulation/area 20 million/7,68620 million/7,686, ,85850 0 kmkm2 2CapitalCanberra, a history of 150 yearsCanberra, a

37、history of 150 yearsNumber of states 6 6 Climateadequate rainfalladequate rainfall Located in Oceania, Australia covers an area of 7,686,850 km2 2 with a population of 20 million. Canberra, its capital, is a young city with a history of 150 years. Made up of six states, the country has a unique clim

38、ate of adequate rainfall.Feature (landscape & wildlife)1.Its well-known/famous forwhere you can.2.What attracts (the) tourists most is/are . Australia is well known for its huge, open spaces where you can experience the bright sunshine and the unusual wildlife. Besides, what attracts (the) tourists

39、most is the enormous number of sheep and cattle.Oral presentation (Part 2-possible version)its huge, open spaceits huge, open spaces s, bright sunshine, bright sunshine and unusual wildlifeand unusual wildlife, , enormous enormous number of sheep and cattle number of sheep and cattle Writing taskWri

40、ting task 假设你是澳洲某高中的一名学生Chris,得知中国学生李华作为交换生,下学期将到你班学习,对方希望能进一步了解澳大利亚的概况。请你给他写封邮件,简要介绍澳洲的各项信息。写作要求:1. 100词左右 2. 开头和结尾已给出。2. 以语篇为单位,统整以语篇为单位,统整“词词句句篇一体化篇一体化”的的 有效复习,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。有效复习,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 词汇层面词汇层面1)3,500考纲词汇常抓不懈,结合阅读语篇进行常考话题词汇及表达方式的循环归纳与复习; 加强对常用词的拼写、词形变化及常用搭配 (chunks) 的强化记忆,定期进行词汇检测。 2) 在语

41、篇阅读中加强对常用词的一词多 义的归纳及近义词、反义词的归纳, 经常进行词汇含义猜测训练。 3) 提供机会让学生尽快将最近输入的信息运用到 输出任务中,更好地实现知识 的内化。句子层面句子层面 1)1)在语篇阅读训练中加强指导学生对句子的基本 结构、发展成分以及句子之间的逻辑意义关系 、指代关系及有效衔接成分的分析能力的培养。2) 2) 在写作训练中,有意识地针对不同的体裁及功 能段落,引导学生归纳总结常用句型及语法 结构,提高学生的句子结构意识及语 感。 3)利用模块的好句进行翻译练习篇章层面篇章层面 1)1)在各题型的训练过程中,利用语篇进一步帮助 学生激活、建立及归纳自己的语篇图式,并指

42、 导学生在写作相似的篇章时能有意识地利用。2) 2) 在指导学生理解篇章的过程中,重视引导学生 关注所阅读语篇的核心词、主题句、文体特征、 语篇衔接方式、情感态度和评述性语言,通过各种线索正确理解文章的的主旨大意及作者的 写作目的和观点态度。 3. Complete the following sentences with a proper description. 1. Text 1 is probably taken from an _.2. Text 2 can be found in a _.3. Text 3 is probably an _.4. Text 4 is probabl

43、y a _.5. Text 5 can be found in a _.M9U3 Skimmingencyclopedianewspaperadvertisementpostcard tourist brochure 3)3)备考中力求全面提高学生的逻辑思维能力,加 强对学生critical thinkingcritical thinking的培养,激发学 生进行深层的分析与思辨,提升学生思维理解 的深度、广度与灵敏度,以帮助学生达到言之 有物、言之有理、言简意赅的水平,写出更 好质量的书面表达。3. 加强专题复习(堂上限时练习),显性指导做加强专题复习(堂上限时练习),显性指导做题策略和题目背后的能力要求。题策略和题目背后的能力要求。 语篇填空和短文改错语篇填空和短文改错 1)通过新的阅读语篇的学习,加大正确的语言 输入 2)利用模块9-11的练习巩固语法知识、渗透句子的结构分析和语法的功能分析 3)加强对学生语篇内在一致性的训练, 包括主谓一致、指代一致、时态一致, 平行结构一致、意义及逻辑关系一致 4)加强命题和做题规范的培训 Thanks for your listening!



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