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1、第第卷卷 (共(共50分)分).单项选择(30分)1._, Peter?Theyre fine. Thank you very much.A. How are youB. How is your fatherC. How are your grandparentsD. What do your grandparents do【解解析析】选选C。由由答答语语判判断断问问句句表表示示对对多多人人的的问问候候,A项项意意为为“你你怎怎么么样?样?”;B项意为项意为“你父亲怎么样?你父亲怎么样?”;D项询问职业。项询问职业。2.09南充中考南充中考What color is your mothers

2、scarf?It is_.A. kind B. black C. nice【解解析析】选选B。问问句句提提问问颜颜色色,A项项“亲亲切切的的;善善良良的的”;B项项“黑黑色色的的”;C项项“好的好的”。3.The keys are _ the drawer and the computer is _ the desk.A. in; in B. on; on C. on; in D. in; on【解析解析】选选D。in the drawer“在抽屉里在抽屉里”;on the desk“在桌子上在桌子上”。4.Its so hot today. Wed better get some _to d

3、rink.A. rice B. meat C. water D. oranges【解解析析】选选C。some后后接接可可数数名名词词复复数数或或不不可可数数名名词词;由由to drink判判断断排除排除A、B、D三项,它们应与三项,它们应与eat搭配。搭配。5.I dont often play _ tennis, but I like _ tennis racket which my friend gave me for my birthday.A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /【解解析析】选选B。第第一一空空处处球球类类名名词词与与play连连用

4、用时时不不加加定定冠冠词词;第第二二空空处在事物前加定冠词,表示特指。处在事物前加定冠词,表示特指。6.My fathers name is George Miller. So my _ name is Miller.A. first B. given C. family D. full【解析解析】选选C。由。由George Miller判断判断Miller是姓。是姓。7.Im going hiking with my class next week.That _ great.A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. hears【解解析析】选选C。句句意意为为:我我下下

5、周周要要和和同同学学们们去去徒徒步步旅旅行行。这这听听起起来来真真棒棒。taste意意为为“尝尝起起来来”,smell“闻闻起起来来”;sound“听听起起来来”;hear“听见;听说听见;听说”。8.Jenny Brown is my mother, but Im not her son. Im her _ .A. daughter B. cousin C. friend D. grandson【解解析析】选选A。Jenny是是我我的的妈妈妈妈而而我我不不是是她她儿儿子子,所所以以我我是是她她的的女女儿儿。B项项“堂堂(表表)兄兄弟弟(姐姐妹妹)”,C项项“朋朋友友”,D项项“孙孙子子;外外

6、孙孙”,均不符合句意。,均不符合句意。9.Does your sister like fashion shows?Yes. She often _ them on TV.A. see B. looks C. watch D. watches【解解析析】选选D。表表示示“(聚聚精精会会神神地地)观观看看”用用watch;由由主主语语she判判断断使用动词第三人称单数形式。使用动词第三人称单数形式。10.What will the girl say to the boy in the picture?A. Hello! B. Yes? C. When? D. No.【解解析析】选选B。“Yes?”

7、在在此此表表示示“什什么么事事?”,是是对对Excuse me.的的回回答。答。11.Lets learn dancing in the coming vacation._.A. Im OK B. No, I dontC. Sounds like fun D. Bad luck【解解析析】选选C。上上句句表表示示提提出出建建议议,“这这个个假假期期我我们们去去学学舞舞蹈蹈吧吧”。A项项“我我很很好好”;B项项“不不,我我没没有有”;C项项“听听起起来来像像件件趣趣事事”;D项项“真倒霉真倒霉”,只有,只有C项符合句意。项符合句意。12.09恩施中考恩施中考Is Miss White_ Engl

8、ish teacher, Maria?No, she teaches _ geography.A. your; my B. you; mineC. you; us D. your; us【解解析析】选选D。第第一一空空处处名名词词前前用用形形容容词词性性物物主主代代词词作作定定语语;第第二二空空处动词后用宾格人称代词作宾语。处动词后用宾格人称代词作宾语。13.Please _ the two pictures and find out the differences between them.A. look at B. look forC. look after D. look up【解解析析

9、】选选A。句句意意为为“请请看看这这两两幅幅图图画画并并找找出出其其不不同同之之处处”。A项项“看着看着”;B项项“寻找寻找”;C项项“照顾;看管照顾;看管”;D项项“查找查找”。14.Whos the man over there?Hes_ English teacher.A. Tina and Paul B. Tinas and PaulsC. Tinas and Paul D. Tina and Pauls【解解析析】选选D。由由单单数数可可数数名名词词teacher判判断断空空处处表表示示两两人人共共有有,用用A and Bs 表示名词所有格。表示名词所有格。 _mothers are

10、 workers in the factory.A. Tina and Paul B. Tinas and PaulsC. Tinas and Paul D. Tina and Pauls【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:Tina和和Paul的的妈妈妈妈是是这这个个工工厂厂的的工工人人。表表示示两两者分别拥有某人或某物,应用者分别拥有某人或某物,应用As and Bs表示名词所有格。表示名词所有格。15.Mr Gao makes his class so _ that were all _ in his lessons.A. interesting; interested B. intereste

11、d; interestingC. interesting; interesting D. interested; interested【解解析析】选选A。第第一一空空处处指指事事物物,故故用用interesting;第第二二空空处处表表示示“(人人)感感兴兴趣趣的的”,应应用用interested。be interested in意意为为“对对感感兴趣兴趣”。.完形填空(完形填空(10分)分) The 1 name is Jiang Fangzhou(蒋蒋方方舟舟). She comes 2 Xiangfan, Hubei Province. She was born 3 October, 1

12、989. She is not only a beautiful girl 4 a good writer. She began 5 at the age of 7. She 6 sleeping very much. She 7 playing 8 . 9 TV is her favorite. Jiang Fangzhou is very famous now. 10 will go to Tsing Hua University to study.1.A. girl B. boy C. girls D. boys【解析解析】选选C。名词所有格作定语。由文章知蒋方舟是女孩。名词所有格作定语

13、。由文章知蒋方舟是女孩。2.A.from B. at C. to D. over【解析解析】选选A。come from来自来自,固定短语。,固定短语。3.A.on B. in C. under D. at【解解析析】选选B。表表示示“在在某某年年某某月月”用用介介词词in,具具体体指指某某一一天天用用on, at修修饰具体时刻。饰具体时刻。4.A.but also B. and C. as if D. too【解析解析】选选A。not only.but also.不但不但而且而且,固定短语。,固定短语。5.A.write B. wrote C. written D. to write【解析解析

14、】选选D。begin to do/doing sth. 开始做某事。开始做某事。6.A.like B. likes C. is liking D. has liked【解析解析】选选B。主语是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用单数。主语是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用单数。7.A.not like B. isnt likeC. dont like D. doesnt like【解析解析】选选D。一般现在时中第三人称单数助动词用。一般现在时中第三人称单数助动词用does。8.A.violin B. piano C. the violin D. a piano【解析解析】选选C。与。与play连用时,乐器类名

15、词前加定冠词连用时,乐器类名词前加定冠词the。9.A.Watching B. Seeing C. Watch D. Look at【解析解析】选选A。watch TV 看电视,动名词在句首作主语。看电视,动名词在句首作主语。10.A.She B. Her C. Hers D. Herself【解析解析】选选A。主格人称代词在句首作主语。主格人称代词在句首作主语。.阅读理解(阅读理解(10分)分) Every country has its popular food. The beefsteak(牛牛排排) is very popular in Spain. Italians(意意大大利利人人

16、)like eating spaghetti and pizza. Bread is popular in France. Germans like eating roast geese(烧烧鹅鹅). The Japanese like to eat fish. In England, people like to have fish and chips. Most people in the United States like fast food, such as sandwiches. Most Americans have fast food for breakfast and lun

17、ch. They also like to have takeaway food, and the most popular takeaway food is hamburger.1.The _ is very popular in Spain.A. beef B. beefsteak C. pizza D. ice cream【解析解析】选选B。由文中第二句可知,在西班牙受欢迎的食物是牛排。由文中第二句可知,在西班牙受欢迎的食物是牛排。2.Dr Ruth is from Germany, she may like eating _ best.A. spaghetti B. fish C. b

18、read D. roast geese【解解析析】选选D。由由第第一一段段中中“Germans like eating roast geese.可可知知,德德国人喜欢吃烧鹅。国人喜欢吃烧鹅。3.Fish and chips are popular in _.A. Italy B. France C. Japan D. England【解解析析】选选D。由由第第二二段段第第一一句句可可知知,鱼鱼和和炸炸土土豆豆条条是是英英国国的的流流行行食食物。物。4.The most popular takeaway food in America is_ .A. Chicken B. hamburgerC.

19、 Sandwich D. salad【解解析析】选选B。由由文文中中最最后后一一句句可可知知,美美国国最最受受欢欢迎迎的的外外卖卖食食品品是是汉汉堡。堡。5.How many kinds of popular food are mentioned(提提到到) in the passage?A. Six. B. Eight. C. Nine. D. Eleven.【解析解析】选选C。通读全文可知,文中共涉及。通读全文可知,文中共涉及9种流行食品。种流行食品。第第卷卷 (共(共50分)分).词汇运用(词汇运用(10分)分)()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)分)

20、1.My uncles son is my c_.2.From the f_ tree, we know he has two sisters.3.Bolt(博尔特博尔特) is a world famous r_.4.To keep h_, Diana eats one apple a day.5.Its a little d_ for me to cook for so many people.ousin amily unner ealthy ifficult()用所给词的适当形式填空(用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)分)6.How _(be) your parents recently?T

21、heyre fine, thank you.7.Thanks for _(play) games with us, Ms King.8.Students dont need _(take) schoolbags to school in the future.9.Its good to eat many vegetables, especially _(tomato) and carrots.10.On the_ (one) day of the vacation, I slept late until 10:30 am.are playing to take tomatoes first.完

22、成句子(完成句子(10分)分)1.明天请把你的电子游戏拿到学校里来。明天请把你的电子游戏拿到学校里来。Please _ your computer game _ school tomorrow.请把我的词典拿到这儿来。请把我的词典拿到这儿来。_【解解析析】Please bring my dictionary here.此此题题学学生生易易错错译译为为Please bring my dictionary to here.在在here, there, home, upstairs, downstairs等等副副词词前前须省略介词须省略介词to。bring to 2.你的朋友每天都参加体育活动吗?你

23、的朋友每天都参加体育活动吗?_ your friend _ sports _ _ ?3.失物招领栏里的那些手表是你们的吗?失物招领栏里的那些手表是你们的吗?_ _ your _ _ the lost and found case?4.他不跑步,但他每天踢足球。他不跑步,但他每天踢足球。He _ _ , but he _ _ _ _.5.咱们拨打咱们拨打110向警察求助吧。向警察求助吧。 _ _ the police _ 110 _ help.Does play/do every day Are those watches in doesnt run plays soccer/football

24、every day Lets call at for.补全对话(补全对话(10分)分)Jack: Hello, Lucy!Lucy: Hello, Jack!Jack:1._?Lucy: Fine, thanks! And you?Jack: Im fine, too. Um, Lucy, would you like to go out to dinner on Saturday night? Theres a new restaurant near the station.Lucy: Yes, Id love to. But Im sorry 2._. I have to visit my

25、 grandparents.Jack: Oh, thats too bad. Well, 3._?Lucy: Sunday? Let me see. Yes, I think Im free.Jack: Great. 4. _are we going to meet?Lucy: At six oclock?Jack: Sounds good. Lets meet at the station at six oclock.Lucy: 5._. See you on Sunday at six oclock.Jack: Right. Im looking forward to it.Lucy: M

26、e, too. Bye, Jack!Jack: Bye, Lucy!答案答案:1.How are you (these days)2.I cant/I cant go/I cant go with you/I have no time/I wont be free3.how/what about Sunday/shall we go on Sunday/why not (why dont we) go on Sunday4.When/What time5.OK/Great/Good idea/Good/Wonderful/All right/Sure/Sounds good (great/wo

27、nderful)/No problem.用所给动词的适当形式填空(用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)分)Dear Dad and Mum, Long time no see! I 1 (be) fine in London at the International School of English. Im in Class Six with eleven other students. They 2 (be) from Canada, Japan and Australia. Our English teachers name 3 (be) Emma Janes. She is a very

28、 good teacher. She 4 (help) me a lot and I 5 (like) her very much. I am living with an English family. Mr and Mrs Hill 6 (have) three children. They are David, fifteen, Helen, twelve and Bekey, nine. They are all very kind to me. I like 7 (make) friends with them, but its not easy 8 (understand) eac

29、h other. London is very big and interesting. The weather 9 (be) cold but sunny. English food is OK, too, but I 10 (not like) coffee at all. The parks are very nice. Hyde Park, Green Park, and St. James Park are all in the city center.Write to me soon, please.Love fromWang Mei1._2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7

30、. _8. _9. _10. _答案:答案:1.am 2.are 3.is 4.helps 5.like 6.have7.to make 8.to understand 9.is 10.dont like.书面表达(书面表达(10分)分) 假假设设你你是是Jack,请请根根据据表表格格中中所所提提供供的的信信息息写写一一段段话话。词词数数不不少少于于60。要求:符合常规,语意通顺,语法正确。要求:符合常规,语意通顺,语法正确。【参考答案参考答案】My Family Im Jack. Im seven years old. I like to play computer games. Mr Black is my father. Hes forty-three years old. Basketball is his favorite sport. My mother is Mrs Black. Her favorite food are tomatoes and eggs. I have a sister. Her name is Lucy. She is eleven years old. She likes yellow very much and its her favorite color. I love my family.



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