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1、定语从句的译法定语从句的译法vCambridge University has nurtured great scientists, thinkers and poets such as Newton, Bacon, Byron, Milton and Darwin, who made outstanding contribution to the progress of mankind.v剑桥大学培养(培育)了一群像是牛顿. 等等能够对人类社会发展进程做出杰出贡献的科学家,思想家和诗人。v剑桥大学培养出来诸如牛顿、培根、拜伦、弥尔顿、达尔文之类的伟大的科学家、思想家及诗人,他们为人类的进步作

2、出了杰出的贡献。v1.This is the cat.1.This is the cat.v2.This is the cat that killed the rat.v3.This is the cat that killed the rat that ate v the cake.v4.This is the cat that killed the rat that v ate the cake that lay in the house.v5.This is the cat that killed the rat that ate v the cake that lay in the h

3、ouse that Jack built.v1.这就是那只猫。v2.这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的捕杀了老鼠的猫。v3.这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了蛋糕的老鼠的捕杀了偷吃了蛋糕的老鼠的猫。v4.这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在房间里的蛋糕的老鼠的捕杀了偷吃了放在房间里的蛋糕的老鼠的猫。v5.这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在杰克修建的房间里的蛋糕捕杀了偷吃了放在杰克修建的房间里的蛋糕 v 的老鼠的的老鼠的猫。vThe high-tech explosion has created a new group of workers that like challenge and treasure the independenc

4、e and the diversity of work.v高科技的爆炸(爆发,激增)塑造(成就,诞生,产生,创造),了一群新的工作者,他们喜欢挑战,珍惜(珍爱,珍藏)工作的独立性和多样性。v高科技迅速发展,造就了一批新的员工,他们他们喜欢挑战,珍视独立和工作的多样性。vLike the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the sensational, which feature crime, sex and gossip, to the serious, which focus factual news

5、 and the analysis of world events.v像其它国家的新闻界(出版社,出版业,压力)一样,美国的报纸报道涉及从犯罪,两性和流言蜚语等敏感话题到严肃的时事新闻,分析世界大事情等。v美国报纸和其他国家的报纸一样,既有耸人听闻的小报,报道犯罪、色情和小道消息,也有严肃报刊,聚焦时事新闻,分析国际时事。vPeople in the United States experience a wide range of options in their daily lives, which reflect individual personalities and situation

6、s and contribute to the richness of American life.v美国的人们每天体验(经历)着一个大范围(一系列广泛)的选择权,从而反映出了他们不同的性格(人性)和所处的空间环境(地位),这些对美国的物质生活(富裕,财富)有促进作用。v美国人的日常生活五彩缤纷,个人选择的生活方式反映出每个人的个性和所处的环境,各种不同的选择丰富了美国人的生活内容vIn recent years, however, people have begun to become aware that cities are also areas where there is a con

7、centration of problems.vIn English, attributive clauses are used extensively, some of which are very long and complicated in structure. v vWe know that a cat, whose eye can take in more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.v v可是,近几年来人们开始意识到城市也是问题成堆的地方。v在英语中,定语从句的运用极为广泛,有的从句很长而且结

8、构复杂。v我们知道,由于猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以在夜里也能看得很清楚。译成前置定语译成前置定语v一般说来,限制性的定语从句可提前译成定语。还有一些定语从句,虽然不明显地带有限定性质,但本身较短,和被修饰语关系紧密,也可译为前置定语。如: The moon is a world that is completely still and where utter silence prevails. v v月亮是一个声断音绝的世界,是一个万籁俱寂的世界。vThere is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dre

9、ad the fatiguing climb of the steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits. v 在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦,沿着陡峭的山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。 译成后置的并列分句译成后置的并列分句v一些结构较复杂,或者意思上又较强的独立性的限定性定语从句,通常可译为后置的并列分句。采取这种译法往往要重复关系代词所代替的词,有时可在这词之前加指示词“这”、“这些”等,以使译文明确。如:vBut world attention also is focusing on another ste

10、p, which will make the smoker increasingly self-conscious and uncomfortable about his habit. v同时,人们也正把注意力集中在另一项措施上,这项措施将使吸烟者越来越意识到自己的不良习惯并为之感到不安。 vAbove the English lettering the words are repeated in the Chinese calligraphy of Premier Zhou, who wrote the brief text. v v在这些英文字的上方,是周总理亲笔书写的同样内容的汉字,他拟

11、订了这简短的铭文。v非限定性定语从句与先行词的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词加以说明,描述或解释,或对整个语句所陈述的事实或现象加以总结概括、补充说明。在汉译时,一般译为后置的并列分句。如:vThese books, which are only a small part of my collection, I picked up in America. v v这些书是我在美国买的,它们在我的藏书中只占一小部分。vHe blamed me for everything, which I thought very unfair. v他把一切错误都归罪于我,我认为这很不公平。vA friend is

12、 someone who draws out your best qualities, with whom you sparkle and become more knowledgeable. v朋友就是能使你表现出自己最佳品质的人,与他在一起你就会精神焕发,更有见识。 溶合译法溶合译法v 溶合译法是指把主句与定语从句结合起来译,使之溶合成一个独立的句子。如:vYou are the only person who could do it. v只有你才能做这事。vThis was the first time I had serious trouble with my boss. v这是我第一

13、次和老板发生严重纠葛。v英语中含有定语从句 “there be.” 的结构汉译时常常使用溶合译法。如:vThere was no one who did not praise them for their great accomplishments. v 没有人不赞同他们取得的巨大成就。(人人称赞他们所取得的巨大成就。)vThere is nothing that does not contain contradiction. v没有什么事是不包含矛盾的。vThere was little that the doctor could do for the patient. v医生对这个病人无能

14、为力。译成状语译成状语v 英语中有些定语从句在内容上含有时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步等状语意思,翻译时往往可以加上相应的词语,以表达出其相应的状语意义。A.表示原因vWe engage professor Wu, who understands English. v我们聘请吴教授,因为他懂英语。vMany of our Welsh people are going to settle in North Carolina, where land is cheap. v我们威尔士人有许多去北卡罗来纳定居,因为那里的土地便宜。B. 表示时间表示时间vYou, who are the prime

15、 of your life, come forth with greater contributions for the benefit of the people. v趁你年富力强的时候,为人民做出更多的贡献吧。vI had the honor of seeing Chairman Mao, who was visiting the Jinggang Mountain in 1965. v毛泽东1965年重访井冈山时,我曾荣幸地见到他。C. 表示目的表示目的vHe is collecting authentic material that proves his argument. v 他正在

16、收集确凿的材料以证明他的论点。vChinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.中国派了贸易代表团前往非洲各国,以便与各国政府商谈贸易协定。D. 表示结果表示结果vHe ate a fungus, which made him ill. 他吃了一个蘑菇,结果病倒了。vAny student who tries to cheat while the examiner is watchi

17、ng is playing fire. v一个学生若在监考人的监督下作弊,那可是在冒险。E. 表示条件表示条件vNothing is hard in this world for one who dares to scale the height. v世上无难事,只怕有心人。F. 表示让步表示让步vMy grandfather, who is now in his eighties, is still a keen cyclist. v我爷爷虽然八十多岁了,可还是顶喜欢骑自行车。vElectronic computer, which have many advantages, cannot c

18、arry out creative work and replace man. v电子计算机虽然有许多优点,却不能进行创造性的工作,代替不了人。vUNESCO, which places action in favor of young people at the heart of its programmers, notably those concerned with education and training, is making its contribution to the achievement to this goal. v 联合国教科文组织把有利于青年的活动,特别是那些青年教

19、育和培训有关的活动,作为其各项计划的核心内容,从而为实现这一目标做出贡献。vThe difficulties that would have to be encountered by anyone who attempted to explore the Moon would be incomparably greater than those that have to be faced in the endeavor to reach the summit of Mount Qonolangma. v任何人如果打算登上月球探险的话,他必然遭遇的种种困难。困难之大,是努力攀登珠穆朗玛峰时所面临的困难无法比拟的



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