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1、48个个 英语国际英语国际音标教学音标教学在英语26个字母中:元音字母:a e i o u (y)(半元音)26个英文字母及发音音标如下个英文字母及发音音标如下: Aa /e/ Bb /bi:/ Cc /si:/ Dd /di:/ Ee /i:/ Ff /ef/ Gg /di:/ Hh /et/ Ii /a/ Jj /de/ Kk /ke/ Ll /el/ Mm /em/ Nnen Oo Pp pi: Qq /kju:/ Rr /:/ Ss /es/ Tt /ti:/ Uu /ju:/ Vv /vi:/ Ww /dblju:/ Xx /eks/ Yy /wa/ Zz /zi:/ /zed/元音

2、元音 Vowels (20个) 单元音 (12个) 双元音 (8个) 元音: 发音响亮,是乐音, 口腔中气流不受阻碍, 是音节的主要组成部分单元音发音的共性单元音发音的共性: 1.舌位不移动,口型不变化; 2.在发音过程中,没有摩擦; 3.不受发音器官的任何阻碍。前元音前元音: / i:/ / I / /e / /前元音发音时,舌端贴近下齿,舌前部抬高; 后元音后元音: back /:/ / / /:/ / / /u:/ 后元音发音时, 舌端离开下齿, 舌后部抬高;中元音中元音: central / /:/ / 中元音发音时, 舌端离开下齿, 舌身平放; 双元音:双元音: diphthongs

3、 /e / /a / / / / /e/ /a/ / 双元音发音时:1.口型有变化;2.第一个音响亮; 3.口型由第一个音滑向 第二个音时,发音结束。辅音: Consonants (28个 )发音不响亮,是噪音,口腔中气流受到阻碍,不是音节的重要组成部分。 /p/ /b/ /f/ /v/ / / / / /t/ /d/ /s/ /z/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ / / /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/m/ /n/ /l /() /r /(浊) /h /(清)/w/ / j / 辅音音标:摩擦音摩擦音爆破音爆破音鼻辅音鼻辅音舌侧音舌侧音半元音半元音破破(塞塞)擦音擦音辅音辅音音标:音

4、标: /p/ /b/ /f/ /v/ / / / / /t/ /d/ /s/ /z/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ / / /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/ /m/ /n/ / / l /() /r /(浊) /h /(清) /w/ / j / 爆破音爆破音摩擦音摩擦音破破(塞塞)擦音擦音鼻辅音鼻辅音舌侧音舌侧音半元音半元音清辅音 (voiceless)发音时不振动声带所发出的辅音,即清音纯粹由气流受阻所构成的且不带乐音。浊辅音(voiced)振动声带所发出的辅音,除气流受到阻碍外,同时振动声带发出乐音。开音节开音节: 1)辅音+元音+辅音(除r)+不发音e 如: cake; name

5、; make; these; Chinese; bike; kite; shine; home; nose; notebook; blue; glue; student2)元音或辅音(除r)+元音 如: a; he; me; we; be; fly; by; why; go; no; hello闭音节:1)辅音+元音+辅音(除r) : glad; bad; bag; map; bed; get; let; sit; big; hit; hot; not; fog; but; put; nut; cut 2)元音+辅音(除r) 如: at; egg; it; is; in; of; on; up

6、重读闭音节三要素:重读闭音节三要素: 1. 必须是重读音节; 2. 最后只有一个辅音字母; 3. 元音字母发短元音 重读闭音节在形容词变比较级,最高 级;在动词变现代分词,过去式,过 去分词需要双写. 重读闭音节即两个辅音中间夹一个元音. 如:red-redder, thin-thinner-thinnest sit-sitting, begin-beginning stop-stopped, control-controlled *travel, traveled/travelledr音节: (在重读音节)(在非重读音节)ar-/:/ er-/:/ir -/:/ /or-/:/ur-/:/

7、*war-/:/ *wor-/:/ 字母组合:1.元音:1) /i:/ 字母组合: ee ea e ie ei three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me these Chinese piece receive ceiling 2) /I/发音字母 i y e ui u a sit picture it is list fit pig big miss myth many twenty happy dictiona

8、ry decide delicious remember build minute cabbage 3) /e/ 字母组合 ea e a (u, ie, ai,) head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any bury friend said 4) / 发音字母 a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man can that cabbage5)

9、/:/字母组合 ar a car farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm cant 6) / /发音字母 o a hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not what want wash watch 7) /:/字母组合 al or oor au our ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caug

10、ht autumn four mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter 9) /u:/字母组合 oo o u food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth shoe do two true truth blue full8) /字母组合 oo ou u o look good foot book wood should could would put full bull pull push woman wolf10) /发音字母及字母组合 u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt

11、 cup bus come mother does brother above trouble rough flourish blood flood11) /:/ 字母组合ir ur er or ear girl shirt skirt thirty third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle term her nerd serve work worm work world learn earn earth heard12) / / 字母组合 er or ar ur ou a e i o u teacher leader remember player f

12、armer doctor actor mayor author tractor familiar collar dollar grammar Saturday pleasure delicious gracious around ago elephant banana china policemen moment family together tomorrow today control polite autumn 13) /e/ 发音字母及字母组合 a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way great br

13、eak rain paint plain they grey 14) /a/ 发音字母 i y bike fine find die nine light night my try fly eye by15) / /字母组合oy oi boy toy joy oil soil voice choice 16) / /字母组合 eer ear beer deer ear near hear dear here fierce idea17) /e/字母组合ear air ere are pear bear chair air fair there where care fare 18) /字母组合

14、our ower hour tour flower shower19) /a/ 字母组合 ou ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town20) /发音字母及字母组合 o ow oa home cold go no phone ghost know low grow show flow boat coat goal goat成节音:成节音:英语辅音音素中有 4 个辅音/m/ /n/ / /l/是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节。它们构成的音节往往出

15、现在词尾,一般是非重读音节。seven /sevn/ pencil /pensl/student /stju:dnt/ people/pi:pl/gentle /dentl/ sudden/sdn/音节:音节:英语的单词中有一个音节叫单音节词,两个音节叫双音节词,三个音节以上叫多音节词。单音节: There is a big sweet cake here. 双音节: Chinese people become stronger.多音节: Interesting and exciting outdoor activities are welcomed by all the teenagers.

16、如何划分音节:如何划分音节:1. 先找元音去尾 e, 一个元音一音节。 元音相连是组合,加上头尾是整体。2.如果两个元音字母之间有一个或多个辅 音字: 一靠后,二分手,多个中间偏左右, 组合字母算一个,常见组合要遵守。 词尾看 e 加音节,发音不发分两种, 双字相连不连手,听音验证最后头, 解释意外不发愁。 单音节:单音节: a, is, fly, stay, right双音节:双音节: become-be/come, table- ta/ble多音节:多音节: understand- un/der/stand important- im/por/tant reference- ref/e/r

17、ence independence- in/de/pen/dence congratulation- con/gra/tu/la/tion *late-later-latest, restroom, however 常见组合要遵守:常见组合要遵守: 英语里有一些字母常常组合在一起,但它们不像固定组合字母那样发一个音,而是各发各的音,如:pr, pl, fr, cl, sp, st, sk, scr, gr, 也有一些是组合发音,如:ph, ght, ing, tion,等等,这类组合字母在划分音节时一般不拆开,把它们划分在一起,尊重它们的常见组合习惯。 新旧英新旧英语国国际音音标对照表照表Vo

18、wels元音新/i:/ / /e/ / /:/ / / /u:/ / /:/旧/i:/ /i/ /e/ / /:/ / / /u:/ /u/ /:/新/ /:/ /eI/ /aI/ /I/ / /a/ /I/ /e/ /旧/ /:/ /ei/ /ai/ /i/ /u/ /au/ /i/ / /u/Consonants辅音无变化/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ / / / / /t/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/ /m/ /n/ / /l/ /r/ /h/ /w/ /j/ Thank you Thank you for your for your attending!attending!



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