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1、新版pep六年级下册Unit3-A-Lets-talk Holiday summer holidaywinter holidayNew years Daythe Mid- Autumn Day holiday the National Day holiday The Childrens Day holiday Where did you go last Labour Day holiday?Lets trygo to school Where is John ?homeWhy ?goes toJohn hurt his foot.hurt-hurtJohn and Amy are having

2、 a talk about Labour Day holiday.Lets watch and answer.Where did John go over his holiday?What did he do?下一页下一页Circle the past forms of verbs.happenedfell off hurt my footdidrode a horsesawcouldnthappenfall offhurt my footride a horseseecantdoTalk中的中的动词过去式:去式:Where did you go last Labour Day holiday

3、?I went to Mt. Tianshan,Xinjiang.(新疆天山)新疆天山)Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday.I rode a horse. It is very small. It looks like a mule.small looks like a mule骡子骡子horsemuleI also went to Turpan. 葡萄沟葡萄沟We saw lots of grapes there, but we couldnt eat them.They wont be ready till Augu

4、st.Lets talkQ1Where did John go over the Labour holiday?Q2What did he do there? Q3Did he go to Turpan?Q4Did he eat grapes? Why?He went to MT. Tianshan,Xingjiang.He rode a horse.Yes, he did.No, he didnt.Because they wont be ready till August.Amy: What happened?John: I fell off my bike last Saturday a

5、nd hurt my foot.Amy: Thats too bad! Are you all right?John: Im Ok now. Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday. Amy: Where did you go?John: Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. I rode a horse. Look, its very small. Amy: oh, yes. It looks like a mule! Did you go to Turpan!John: Yes, we did. We saw

6、lots of grapes there, but we couldnt eat them. They wont be ready till August.Lets fill the blanks.What happened?Are you all right?Where did you go?I rode a horse.It looks like a mule.A:Come and look at my photos.B:OK/Great!Where did you go over your holiday?A:I went to_.B:What did you do there ?A:I

7、_.B:_?Make a new dialogue. Retell the story.Last Saturday, John_ his bike and _his foot.Amy went to Johns home after class.They _ at the photos from the _.John went to_,_.He _a horse there. The horse is very small. It looks like a _.John _to Turpan,too. He _lots of grapes there, but he _ eat them. T

8、hey wont be ready till_.fell off hurtlookedLabour Day holidayMt. TianshanXinjiangrodemulewentsawcouldntAugust选择填空选择填空1.I off my bike last Saturday. A. fall B falled C fell2.Come and look my photo. A.in B on C at3.Where you go last weekend? A do B did C doed4.It like a mule A looks B looked C look5. We a lots of grapes there. A. see B saw C seeed 人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。



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