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1、一一. 动词动词-ing形式的形式的两个基本特点两个基本特点:表主动或者表进行表主动或者表进行1.在时间上表示动作正在进行试比较: a fallen leaf 已经落地的树叶eg: a falling leaf 正在飘落的树叶2. 在语态上表示主动eg.Our teacher came into the room, following our monitor. 我们的老师跟在班长后面,走进教室。试比较:Our teacher came into the room, followed by our monitor. 我们老师走进教室,班长跟在他后面。二.动词动词-ing形式形式的 时态 与 语态

2、 一般形式 doing : 表主动,表进行,表示分词动作与谓语动作几乎同时发生eg. Hearing the wonderful music, I came into the room.听着美妙的音乐,我走进了教室。 被动形式 being done : 表被动,表进行 eg. Being educated in Beijing University is the dream of many students. 在北京大学受教育是许多学生的梦想。 完成形式 having done :表主动,表完成,表示分词动作发生在谓语动作之前eg. Having finished his homework,

3、he went to play with his friends.完成作业之后,他和朋友去玩了。 完成被动形式 having been done : 表被动,表完成 ,表示分词动作发生在谓语 动作之前eg. I hear they have promoted Tom, but he didnt mention having been promoted when we talked on the phone.我听说他们提拔了汤姆,但我们在电话里交谈时汤姆没有提到被提拔的事。三. 现在分词在句子当中担当的句子成分:主语、宾语、表语、定语、宾补,状语动词-ing 形式作主语通常放句首,被看作是单数,

4、所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式 1.做主语做主语eg. Getting up early is a good habit.eg. It is no use talking with him. It was a waste of time watching TV. 有时用 it 作形式主语,把动词-ing 形式 置后。例如: a waste of time no good/no useIt +be+ useless + V-ing worthwhile fun在 there be 结构中作主语,例如: no no sense in(没有道理)There be+ no point in(毫无意义)

5、 +V-ing no use in eg. There was no knowing when he would leave. 无法知道他什么时候离开。 There is no point in discussing such matter. 讨论这样的问题毫无意义。2. 作宾语作宾语 作介词的宾语 eg. She is interested in working for our firm.她对为我们公司工作很感兴趣。 部分动词后必须用doing 作宾语,例如:enjoy, practise, advise, suggest, mind, forbid, keep, finish , admi

6、t 等。eg.I enjoy learning about new things. 我喜欢了解新事物。You should practise speaking English every morning. 你应该每天早晨练习英语。注意:有些动词后既可以加doing,也可以加to,但意义不同,注意区分。例如: remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 remember to do 记得要去做某事类似的词还有forget,regret, stop 等。3. 作表语 eg. His favorite sport is hiking. 他最喜欢的运动是徒步旅行。 My job is pla

7、ying all kinds of instruments. 我的工作是演奏各种乐器。区分:My mother is cooking. 主语 谓语 (cooking 是 cook 的现在分词,表示状态,在这表示妈妈正在做饭这个状态)My job is playing all kinds of instruments. 主语 系词 表语 (playing 是动名词,表示我工作的性质、属性,并不是现在正在演奏乐器。)4. 作定语作定语 单个动词-ing形式作定语,一般放在被修饰名词前面,此时与所修饰的名词具有逻辑上的主谓关系。例: a walking stick 手杖 a sleeping boy

8、 一个正在睡觉的男孩 drinking water 饮用水区分: a sleeping boy 正在睡觉的男孩 sleeping 是现在分词,表示状态。 a sleeping bus 卧车 sleeping 是动名词,表示属性,特征。 分词短语作定语要后置,相当于一个定语从句。例: a girl standing under the tree 站在树下的女孩 The man visiting Japan is his father.=The man who is visiting Japan is his father.访问日本的那个人是他父亲。 5. 作宾补作宾补: 现在分词作宾补表示正在发

9、生的动作,接分词作宾补的动词有: feel, hear, see, watch, observe, notice, find, smell, + sb./ sth. doing表示该动作正在进行eg. I saw him going upstairs. 我看见他正在上楼。The mother kept her son staying at home for a whole day.妈妈让儿子一整天待在家里。 have ,keep, start, leave, get, catch + sb./ sth. doing 使一直处于某种状态6. 作状语作状语注意: 动词-ing 形式,与主句的主语在

10、逻辑上是主动关系。 原因状语Having failed twice, he didnt want to try again.已经失败了两次,他不想再拭了。 时间状语When leaving the station, he waved again and again to me.离开车站的时候,他向我频频挥手。动作基本同时发生Having turned off the TV set, he began to go over his lessons.关掉电视机以后,他便开始复习功课。动作有前后顺序He sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper.他坐在扶手

11、椅上读报纸。伴随状语They stared his breath using a mouth-to- mouth way.他们采用口对口的方法,使他恢复了呼吸。方式状语 方式和伴随状语结果状语 ,一般分词前面要加 so, thereby, thus, hence.He worked day and night, thus making himself near-sighted.他日夜工作,结果造成眼睛的近视。 If playing all day, you will waste your valuable time.如果玩一整天,你就会浪费了宝贵的时间。 条件状语 :一般放在句首,其前可以加

12、if, unless等连词。Although repeating his words many times, the teacher could not make her understand what he meant.尽管重复多遍,老师仍无法让她理解他的意思。 让步状语 :一般放在句首,常常由 although / though /even if 等连词引导 。1.Taking pictures_ very interesting. A. is B. are C. to be D. be 2._ the bad news made him cry. A. Hear B. Heard C.

13、Hearing D. Is hearing3._ a desert had always been a risk adventure.A. being crossed B. Having crossed C. Crossing D. To have crossedACC4.Before he came , Id finished _ the whole book.A. to read B. to have read C. reading D. read5. I always enjoy _ to popular music at night.A.to listen B. listening C. that I can listen D. if I can listen6.We are considering _ a trip around the island.A. take b. to take C. to be taking D. takingCBDFinish the exercise in Discovering useful structures on page 13 .谢谢!



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