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1、Lesson3Anunknowngoddess无名女神Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by Some time, sometime, sometimes:Some time: 1.较长一段时间; 2.某一不定时间(如某一天等)=sometimeHe left Beijing some time ago. It will take me some time to read the book.Sometime: 1. 同上2.Lets have dinner together sometime next week.When will

2、 I get married? This year, next year, some time, never?2.从前的He was sometime professor at the universitySometimes: 频率副词 有时候Make a discovery in astronomy(天文学)about heavenly bodies(天体)of penicillinDiscover: 发现(存在的未被注意的事物)Invent:发明(从未存在过的事物)That man discovered America.但当发明新药或新疗法,用discoverPenicillin was

3、discovered.The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.at one time 表达曾经, 一度(过去时态的标志, = once)at a time 一次Dont ask so many questions at a time.must have been 对过去事实肯定的推测You must have seen him yesterday.但是在疑问句和否定句中表示对过去事实的猜测用can, 或者cant.enjoyed a high leve

4、l of civilization 享有高度文明Civilize: 使开化,使文明使开化,使文明Storey:英Story:美英美拼写差异Equip:1.配备,装备His car is equipped with air conditioning.2.(智力上,体力上)赋予;使有资格His spare time learning has equipped him for a career as an accountant.She is equipped with a deep sense of justice.Worship: n.v. 崇拜崇拜Respect: 尊重Admire:赞美,钦佩,

5、羡慕Warship: 军舰,战船B.C. 公元前A.D. 公元后FromuntilFromtill只表示时间Fromto时间,地点皆可In the most sacred room of the temple,倒装的地点状语:1.叙述或描述体裁中,如谓语动词是come,lie,stand等不及物动词,且地点状语较短,用倒装On a hill in front of them stood a great castle.Round the corner walked a policeman.2.用于强调的倒装Here in China we wont allow any form of discr

6、imination against women.Statue:(石石头或金属的或金属的)雕像,雕塑雕像,雕塑 A statue is a large sculpture of a person or an animal, made of stone or metal. Status:1.社会地位社会地位;专业资格格;职位位 Your status is your social or professional position. People of higher status tend more to use certain drugs. 社会地位较高的人往往更容易吸食某种毒品。2.(在公众或某

7、一在公众或某一团体中的体中的)威望,地位威望,地位,身份身份 Status is the importance and respect that someone has among the public or a particular group. Nurses are undervalued, and they never enjoy the same status as doctors.护士的作用被人们低估了,她们从未享有和医生同样的地位。3. 状况状况;情况情况 The status of something is its state of affairs at a particular

8、 time. The Council directed city staff to prepare a status report on the project.委员会要求市政府工作人员就该项目准备一份进度报告。 date backdate back to=date from 追溯到Out of date 过时的,陈旧的Up to date 最新的,新式的,现代的Dating back to/Dating from the 16th century, the old castle is still in good condition.His interest in the art can da

9、te back to a little accident in his childhood.Its missing head happen to be Happen to :碰巧, 强调事件的偶然发生I happened to be there when he arrived.Happen to +人或物,发生不测或意外If anything happens to him, phone us as soon as possible.Classical; classic经典 1:classical (adj.),是现代(modern)的反义词,通常用来形容过去的传统理论。例如经典力学(class

10、ical mechanics)、经典经济学(classical economics)等词就必须用classical,不能用classic。经典 2: classic (adj.),用来形容经过时间考验流传下来的最高品质的事物。例如外国名著、经典老歌什么的,都可以用classic来形容。例如:Jane Austen is the author of the classic novel Pride and Prejudice. 经典小说傲慢与偏见的作者是简奥斯丁。 小窍门:Classical强调“过去的、传统的、古典的”,classic则强调“优秀的”。We love Beetle, the _

11、car manufactured by Volkswagen. 我们都爱经典的大众甲壳虫。Whats the difference between _ and modern physics? 经典物理学和现代物理学的区别是什么?This book is a _ textbook of _ mechanics. 这本书是经典力学的一本经典教材。 答案:classic, classical, classic, classicalthey were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a modern-looking woman.不定式说

12、明amazed原因They were surprised to find him there.She was annoyed to hear them talk about him like that.We were grieved to learn of his death.Turn out to be证明是,原来是,后来成为He has turned out (to be) a scholar.Modern-looking:形容词/副词 +现在分词Easy-going hard-workingShe stood three feet high and her hands rested on

13、 her hips.Stand: 高达,高度为The tower stands 30 meters high.rest on v.被搁在, 停留在, 信赖 = rely on / depend on/ lean on (依靠, 依赖)She was wearing a full-length skirt.在叙事体(故事等)中,在叙事体(故事等)中,过去去进行行时用于描述,更生用于描述,更生动The bride was wearing a white dress and carrying a bouquet of lilies. The bridegroom was trembling and

14、looking. Suddenly, a man stood up at the back of the church, Listen, he said. which swept the ground.1.打扫;清扫 If you sweep an area of floor or ground, you push dirt or rubbish off it using a brush with a long handle. The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in. 当我走当我走进商店的商店的时候,店主正在

15、候,店主正在扫地。地。2.(风,汹涌的海水等)席卷,横扫,掠过 If wind, a stormy sea, or another strong force sweeps someone or something along, it moves them quickly along. landslides that buried homes and swept cars into the sea.埋没家园并把汽埋没家园并把汽车卷入大海的山体滑坡卷入大海的山体滑坡Suddenly, she was swept along by the crowd. 一一时间,她被人群推,她被人群推搡着向前走。着

16、向前走。Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed Despite = in spite of (两者都是介词),后面+ 名词/动名词尽管尽管;虽然然 You use despite to introduce a fact which makes the other part of the sentence surprising. Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found. 尽管进行了彻底的调查,还是没有发现索思韦尔博士的任何踪迹

17、。 He was obviously distressed despite being unconscious. 虽然他自己未发觉,但他显然很忧心。but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity. So far: so far, up to now 完成时的标志到目前为止So far, so good.Unable, disable, enableUnable to do: 不能I am unable to go to Shanghai this summer, so you must go alone.Disable: 疾病或事故造成的失去做某事的能力The war disabled him and now he has an artificial leg.enable sb. to do sth. The fast car will enable her to reach the company in time.



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