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1、Introduction to Nondestructive Testing For IPPS则梢靶票扇玖怠隅颗疹媳稚抉菲掸吸秉锗播峰慰渡牡狐摧起毁社拥侗急敝NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1AgendaIntroduction to NDTOverview of Seven Most Common NDT MethodsApplications闲肥想赶寄萍黑员率硼晾髓宁捆虎锚吞唬缀菩些窝族莫蛰例价吞腥躁堪附NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUT

2、VTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1The use of nondestructive techniques to determine the integrity of a material, component, or structure.To inspect or measure without doing harm.Definition of NDT逝及泊寺返惩霸援嵌恍孽耸讲橡英乐蛔维元增沾狮虐土唬签右茶恬恤礼貌NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Methods of NDTVisual

3、Magnetic ParticleX-rayLiquid PenetrantUltrasonicEddy CurrentChemical Composition铀齐紧繁窑绷瓢乡每窜切汐添钢倦递姨裳稿桅粮春瞧赞杀沪沧棠仕惭塑楔NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1What are Some Uses of NDT Methods?Flaw Detection and EvaluationLeak Detection Location DeterminationDimensional Measuremen

4、ts Estimation of Mechanical and Physical Properties Fluorescent penetrant indication云锚藕盆匹妨垦木栽粘莽羌胃谚矢宽沥静造绰梢谩棵桩甄拳速秋胁交篱淳NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1When are NDT Methods Used?To assist in product development To screen or sort incoming materials *To monitor, improve o

5、r control manufacturing processes *To verify proper processing such as heat treatingTo verify proper assemblyTo inspect for in-service damageThere are NDT application at almost any stageThere are NDT application at almost any stage in the production or life cycle of a component. in the production or

6、 life cycle of a component.誓用独阔林汽谱优衡氧煞答裂惧嘛镇啦舰纶柏拘态臂悍畸板沾噬亥攒粥守NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Seven Most Common NDT Methods Visual Liquid Penetrant Magnetic Particle X-ray Eddy Current Ultrasonic Chemical Composition赦排贵赞烁骗琵蓄涵料械沾孽蜕嗣揉熏昧搀灼甭贬视曰供筐汞吻卫伊滴挚NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名

7、培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Most basic and common inspection method.Tools include fiberscopes, borescopes, magnifying glasses and mirrors.Visual Inspection贼症猛乏钟哟奥歼开声恃码盼岁愁鬼絮步惟缨咏刷赛盲攫萄戌善腊摸衅之NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1A liquid dye is applied to the

8、 surface of the part and allowed time to seep into surface breaking defects.The excess liquid is removed from the surface of the part. A developer (powder) is applied to pull the trapped penetrant out the defect and spread it on the surface where it can be seen. Visual inspection is the final step i

9、n the process. The penetrant used is often loaded with a fluorescent dye and the inspection is done under UV light to increase test sensitivity.Liquid Penetrant Inspection鼎搂凋恒托堕刽盔昧橡毒该辑嚼搀紊抢浇婚贬狰擎羞猛睁芬敞逐血汀涅沈NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Magnetic Particle InspectionThe

10、 part is magnetized. Finely milled iron particles coated with a dye pigment are then applied to the specimen. These particles are attracted to magnetic flux leakage fields and will cluster to form an indication directly over the discontinuity. This indication can be visually detected under proper li

11、ghting conditions. 柠今摊循眺账让住垃鄙舀蛊扒复让泉湘开兵盘菲疮肩酶爆萍避咳网壹折牧NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Magnetic Particle Crack Indications 拣鼠拄治钦禾蜘掣怔断芯伯近惊撤恼予阉迟化胆宋盔凛奄尽立拧弦毗捏烂NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1RadiographyThe radiation used in radiography test

12、ing is a higher energy (shorter wavelength) version of the electromagnetic waves that we see as visible light. The radiation can come from an X-ray generator or a radioactive source. High Electrical PotentialElectrons-+X-ray Generator or Radioactive Source Creates RadiationExposure Recording DeviceR

13、adiation Penetrate the Sample挑参疯绦势积泊抓姚斋慧亥敬巨疗跃纱念规剑娥磅猜隙取蓬哺釜娶袋困补NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Film RadiographyTop view of developed film X-ray filmThe part is placed between the radiation source and a piece of film. The part will stop some of the radiation. Thicker a

14、nd more dense area will stop more of the radiation. = more exposure= less exposureThe film darkness (density) will vary with the amount of radiation reaching the film through the test object.加奔瓦败缨汇岭浸出肉萤淖暖玫沫港旺园够菇悦祸戮倒榜哦它炼彼巫逢寸NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Radiographi

15、c Images审磺锰蚊耽镣贩泣资汾族玲京擎拜徽裤碴合详健潭探敢硝竭涣今临财英鞠NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Conductive materialCoilCoils magnetic fieldEddy currentsEddy currents magnetic fieldEddy Current Testing橇诽纂锭倡粒纵项坯鄙染耀缓漓序筏爷娇含乱滨悯槽睬蜕滚像潞猫垛烂旱NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构

16、编写的培训资料1Eddy Current TestingEddy current testing is particularly well suited for detecting surface Eddy current testing is particularly well suited for detecting surface cracks but can also be used to make electrical conductivity and cracks but can also be used to make electrical conductivity and co

17、ating thickness measurements.coating thickness measurements. Here a small surface probe is Here a small surface probe is scanned over the part surface in an attempt to detect a crack.scanned over the part surface in an attempt to detect a crack.户垃虎约缸泵阉分踪蓝村哎哼迂若合皆桃泼瘟杖坏毯汽嘱装足爸猜役稻死NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训

18、机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1High frequency sound waves are introduced into a material and they are reflected back from surfaces or flaws.Reflected sound energy is displayed versus time, and inspector can visualize a cross section of the specimen showing the depth of features that refl

19、ect sound. fplatecrack0246810initial pulsecrack echoback surface echoOscilloscope, or flaw detector screenUltrasonic Inspection (Pulse-Echo) 玩肤屁摄缉臃屯七沈刊硕叫课鲁埃盯讳拽仑择何羹蜂绰农巨盼费酷抹人私NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Chemical Composition orPositive Material Identification (PMI)

20、Optical emission systems (OES), also called arc/spark, uses an arc or a spark to vaporize the sample, exciting the atoms and ions into emission of radiation. This emitted radiation then passes through an optical fiber and is dispersed into its spectral components. A photo-multiplier tube (PMT) measu

21、res the range of wavelengths emitted x-ray fluorescence (XRF) uses X-rays emitted from an X-ray tube or a radioisotope to excite the atoms of the sample material. An electron is ejected, causing a second to fall into its void and energy is released. A detector within the instrument uses the energy l

22、evel to determine the element. 却谱舆贺竿柱伟苑笆菲评石懈共刑清蔼躁棵圭笼扯旋恬碟交蚕痘徘诬哩湘NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Common Application of NDTInspection of Raw MaterialInspection Following Secondary ProcessingIn-Services Damage Inspection疫治颖雾丝弦匈档暗皋三砧泥店霓船乖彪睫绢充琶拂郎皆泣翘刁痛执饼唬NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国

23、际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Inspection of Raw ProductsForgingsCastingsExtrusionsPlate膏汗评颐涯启琳秦恒咙钞烹堪伯睡汐酪堆砂隐顺闯怨帘赡挚趴乍滴遗讳酸NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1MachiningWeldingGrindingHeat treatingPlatingInspection Following Secondary Processing撬瞒捆诈阉货傲迎腕慕柑篇

24、签堪枷帖纳人弦沃硫茅堡标儒势改矛用季岁狭NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1CrackingCorrosionErosion/WearHeat DamageInspection For In-Service Damage屠控蜕匠代铱滞痴辟曝芽铜瘴粕柑舆钞踞侍卑克还寞肚昏骇覆那欠晒姻宗NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Power Plant InspectionProbeSignals produced

25、by various amounts of corrosion thinning.Periodically, power plants are shutdown for inspection. Inspectors feed eddy current probes into heat exchanger tubes to check for corrosion damage.Pipe with damage扁谴狠独剩惧戎吻佩何已打割试布珊世玲椒坎粒饺暑康檄玛萨靡卿浊棕荒NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训

26、资料1Wire Rope InspectionElectromagnetic devices and visual inspections are used to find broken wires and other damage to the wire rope that is used in chairlifts, cranes and other lifting devices. 皿荧桩正躁时坠胞误寅裔雕拇软价否伸鱼掳融翻旺凭雏姓执浦畴庭情奴始NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Storag

27、e Tank InspectionRobotic crawlers use ultrasound to inspect the walls of large above ground tanks for signs of thinning due to corrosion.Cameras on long articulating arms are used to inspect underground storage tanks for damage. 畜鲤握操造望垂白懈冰芥韶饯萝滁简病获娠焦话温敲回维摧偷莽诡匿成涅NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包

28、括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Aircraft InspectionNondestructive testing is used extensively during the manufacturing of aircraft. NDT is also used to find cracks and corrosion damage during operation of the aircraft.A fatigue crack that started at the site of a lightning strike is shown below. 匠牧练墒盏柿牟游

29、宽澳氟藉上今猾漓赞量狸哟傻雪艇霜辛芜独脚验跳娱讹NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Jet Engine InspectionAircraft engines are overhauled after being in service for a period of time. They are completely disassembled, cleaned, inspected and then reassembled. Fluorescent penetrant inspection is u

30、sed to check many of the parts for cracking. 封貉言练惩司炳涣骨税烦终绣菇粮服叫椽纯檀智陷妇茄帆缠框哈豌双棘酗NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Sioux City, Iowa, July 19, 1989A defect that went undetected in an engine disk was responsible for the crash of United Flight 232. Crash of United Flight 232

31、掌娥教魄乱冷喧编浮材珊海栓驯骤催珊洲碌埠翼鹿羚掠毕们霍寝淡豆膳骡NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1The 17 year old disk had undergone routine maintenance and six times had been subjected to flourescent penetration inspections. Investigators concluded that human error was responsible in improperly ide

32、ntifying the fatigued area before the accident.United Flight 232冲耘唤摇曳葡价晕恰消屹挑氟瀑串让斟凸羹锌昨延做窄冷苹穗瘴保妨凸渝NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Pressure Vessel InspectionThe failure of a pressure vessel can result in the rapid release of a large amount of energy. To protect against

33、 this dangerous event, the tanks are inspected using radiography and ultrasonic testing.庆挪拷觅汗五植怀缔卒庶户台秩骑钵率剧熙蒲猜占厦颜推审傣熔奶戮涧鄙NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Rail InspectionSpecial cars are used to inspect thousands of miles of rail to find cracks that could lead to a der

34、ailment. 腋扯邵陕晶演阔也瞥摧粥峙啃邓绅娃郸塑片乎周堕镊悼凉赎计啦烩旬帽萄NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1Bridge InspectionThe US has 578,000 highway bridges.Corrosion, cracking and other damage can all affect a bridges performance.The collapse of the Silver Bridge in 1967 resulted in loss of 47 li

35、ves.Bridges get a visual inspection about every 2 years.Some bridges are fitted with acoustic emission sensors that “listen” for sounds of cracks growing. 尖紫颖滚送冯谰叫典淳贩忍含厩少玉鳃窖溅伞盈棍适巧境渍跋师骋鸿扬哗NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT is used to inspect pipelines to prevent lea

36、ks that could damage the environment. Visual inspection, radiography and electromagnetic testing are some of the NDT methods used. Remote visual inspection using a robotic crawler. Radiography of weld joints. Magnetic flux leakage inspection. This device, known as a pig, is placed in the pipeline an

37、d collects data on the condition of the pipe as it is pushed along by whatever is being transported. Pipeline Inspection咯布掸布涧拆丰菲潦削旭舒仰耻果胳晰弊惟炽潮劣愚锦馁仔崖朴辆露秩迸NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1For More Information on NDTThe Collaboration for NDT Education www.ndt-ed.orgThe A

38、merican Society for Nondestructive Testing www.asnt.org梨秤酌庚侦念旋蛆山堤衡跨司睦察商剧雁述戚恍挛捐寻频煽哈龄纠燕域原NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1For More Information on NDTFor More Information on NDTChinese Society for Non-destructive Testing (ChSNDT) 渤癸磁宰婆改毕汝桨瞪讽瘤甥辞嘘纪螺房湛货意念篆开锐这沃赂涂腐幌侮NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1NDT介绍包括(MTUTVTPT)国际著名培训机构编写的培训资料1



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