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1、Reading and listening 1 It is a very popular movie that moves 100 million Asians in 2005. Whats the movie?Leading in234 Whats the movie about? It is about how Xiao Q -a guide dog helps Dubianan odd blind man. There is deep love between its master and Xiao Q. 5 Xiao Q is his eyes, his company. But do

2、 you know how a guide dog like Xiao Q is trained?6Reading The different stages in a guide dogs training. 7The first stage: 1-12 months: The puppy lives with a sighted family.8 The second stage13-18 months: It begins five months training at a guide dog school.9 The third stage 19-23 months: When it i

3、s trained, it meets its new owner and the two live at the guide school for a month to learn to work together.10 The last stage: A trainer goes to the owners home to teach the dog and its owner how to get round in their own town or city.11 How much does it cost to train a guide dog? It costs more tha

4、n $30,000 to complete the training of one guide dog. This includes all expenses from breeding to raising the dog to training it and matching it with a blind person.12 What exactly is a guide dog trained to do? Guide dogs undergo a comprehensive training program, and only the best complete the traini

5、ng and become working guides. In short, guide dogs are taught how to find and follow a clear path, maneuver around obstacles, and stop at curbs. 13 They also are taught to determine when it is unsafe to move on. They follow their teammates directions, and they know that they can disobey only in the

6、face of danger.14 What is the blind person taught during training? During the training program, blind students first learn about the commands the dog knows. Over a several week period, they are taught everything there is to know about15 how to work with a guide dog. In addition, they learn about pro

7、per care of the dog, which ranges from feeding to grooming to medical issues. Access laws, public awareness and other issues also are covered during the 25-day program.16 Are guide dogs allowed in restaurants? Guide dogs are allowed everywhere that the general public is allowed to go. This includes

8、restaurants, taxicabs, airplanes, hotels, etc. This right is protected by a federal law called the Americans With Disabilities Act.17 Are there things I should or should not do when I am around a guide dog? The general rule is that working guide dogs should be ignored. Distractions take their concen

9、tration away from the work they have to dowhich can put the 18 dog and its teammate in danger. Do not pat or feed a guide dog and do not encourage the dog to misbehave.19Listening Name of Saras teacher: _ Name of Saras mother: _ Name of Saras guide dog: _ What Sara wants to teach the dog first: _ _P

10、hilJane RobinsonLucySara and Phil will first teach Lucy to take Sara to work20 1. How did Sara get to work before she got her guide dog? 2. Has Sara always been blind? Which sentence tells you this? Her mother drove her in the car. No. “She told me how much you have helped her since her accident.”21

11、3. What did Lucy learn in her first lesson at Saras home? 4. What is Lucy going to learn after lunch? How to get to the train station and onto the train. How to get off the train and walk to Saras work place.22Listening textLUCY LEARNS THE WAYSara, who is blind, has just returned home from a guide d

12、og school where she learned how to work with her new guide dog, Lucy. A teacher from the school has come to Saras house to teach her and Lucy how to find their way around their own town.23SARA: Mum, this is Phil. Phil, this is my mother.PHIL: Pleased to meet you, Mrs Robinson.MOTHER: Please, call me

13、 Jane.PHIL: Umm, right, Jane Saras told me a lot about you.MOTHER: Only good things, I hope.24PHIL: Definitely. She told me how much youve helped her since her accident.MOTHER: Well, Ive done my best, but I know Sara wants to be more independent.PHIL: Well, with Lucys help she will be. Hows Lucy set

14、tling in, by the way?25MOTHER: Oh, its like shes always been here, isnt it, Sara?SARA: Yes. Shes been smelling everything in the house and she knew which was my bedroom right away.PHIL: Thats good. So, Sara, what shall we teach Lucy first?26SARA: How to take me to work. Muns been driving me but I wa

15、nt so much to be able to get there on my own, like I used to before the accident.PHIL: Well, lets get started. First well show Lucy the way to the train stationfade out27An hour and a half later, Sara, Lucy and Phil return home.(Pause then sound of door opening and closing and two sets of footsteps)

16、28SARA: (very excitedly) Mum, where are you?MOTHER: In here, dear.SARA: Lucy did it! She found her own way to the station and onto the train.MOTHER: Wonderful. Clever girl, Lucy. How did she go crossing the street?29PHIL: She was perfect. She sat down at the crossing and waited till the cars stopped

17、SARA: Then she stood up and took me straight across the road. I wish you could have seen her.MOTHER: Me too, but Ill get the chance once youve finished her training. So whats next?30PHIL: Well give Lucy a bit of a rest and then well ask her to take Sara to the station again.SARA: Then Phils going to

18、 show Lucy how to get off the train and take me to my office. In a few days, Lucy and Ill be going to work on our own.31MOTHER: Thats fantastic. Im so pleased for you. Now, would you like some lunch Phil while Lucy is having a bread? (fade out)32Talkingintroductions3334Tips on how to introduce peopl

19、e Heres how to make proper introductions at parties, dinners and other social situations. 1. Introduce individuals to each other using both first and last names.35 2. If youre introducing someone who has a title, a doctor, for example include the title as well as the first and last names in the intr

20、oduction. 3. Introduce the younger or less prominent person to the older or more prominent person, regardless of the sex of the individuals. 36 (However, if a considerable age difference lies between the two, it is far more courteous to make introductions in deference to age, regardless of social ra

21、nk.) For example: “Arthur Prefect, Id like you to meet Dr. Gertrude Smith”.37 4. If the person you are introducing has a specific relationship to you, make the relationship clear by adding a phrase such as my boss, my wife or my uncle . 5. Introduce an individual to the group first, then the group to the individual. For example:38 Dr. Brown, Id like you to meet my friends Kym Hsu, Shawn Kampbell and Michael Via. Everyone, this is Dr. Kurt Brown.Think and compare! 39Homework Surf on the internet to learn about Braille.40



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