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1、LoveinYantaiisdifficulttoleave烟台是山东省的一个下辖市,地处山东半岛中部,位于东经1193412157,北纬36163823。烟台依山傍海,气候宜人,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,东连威海,西接潍坊,西南与青岛毗邻,北濒渤海、黄海,与辽东半岛对峙,并与大连隔海相望,共同形成拱卫首都北京的海上门户。最大横距214公里,最大纵距130公土地面积13745.95平方千米,其中市区面积2643.60平方千米,海岸线曲长702.5千米,海岛曲长206.62千米。烟台市是我国首批沿海开放城市之一,是环渤海经济圈内以及东亚地区国际性港城、商城、旅游城。geographyA under t

2、he jurisdiction of the city of Yantai in Shandong province, is located in the middle of Shandong peninsula, located in East longitude 119 34 121 57 , latitude 36 16 38 23 . Yantai mountain sea, pleasant climate in winter without cold, summer without heat, East of Weihai, Weifang, West, Southwest and

3、 adjacent to Qingdao, North is close to the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, confrontation and the Liaodong Peninsula and across the sea in Dalian, together form the capital Beijing, the sea surrounding the portal. Maximum distance 214 km, the maximum longitudinal distance 130 km land area of 13745.95 square

4、kilometers, urban area of 2643.6 square kilometers, shoreline curved 702.5 km long, curved long 206.62 km of the island. Yantai is one of the first batch of coastal cities in China, is the Bohai economic circle and East Asia in the international market, shopping center, tour City.烟台名称,源于烟台山。明洪武三十一年(

5、公元1398年),为防倭寇侵扰,当地军民于临海北山上设狼烟墩台,也称“烽火台”。发现敌情后,昼 则升烟,夜则举火,为报警信号,故简称烟台。烟台山由此得名,烟台市也因此而得名。 Yantai name, originating from Yantai mountain. Hongwu 31 years (1398 ad), to guard against Japanese pirates, and local military and civilian in Beishan set on war fire Pier, sea, also called beacon Tower. After f

6、inding the enemy, daylight is rising smoke, night fire, alarm signals, so called Yantai. Yantai mountain got its name, Yantai, hence the name.烟台市辖芝罘区 、福山区、牟平区、莱山区4个区,一个长岛县,代管龙口、莱阳、莱州、蓬莱、招远、栖霞、海阳7个县级市。 Jurisdiction of Zhifu district, Yantai Fushan district, muping district, laishan District 4 area, a

7、 changdao County, escrow Longkou and the laiyang, laizhou Penglai, Zhaoyuan, and qixia and the Haiyang 7 x, and the county-level city.烟台旅游资源丰富。优美的自然风光和人文景观,每年吸引了大批中外游客前来观光旅游。截至2009年9月,全市有5A级景区2个,4A级景区6个,3A级景区11个;有三星级以上酒店69家,其中五星级5家,四星级19家,三星级46家。1998年烟台成为首批54座“中国优秀旅游城市”之一。 Yantai rich tourist resour

8、ces. Beautiful natural scenery and landscape, attracts a large number of Chinese and foreign tourists to sightseeing. As of September 2009, has 5 a-level scenic spots in the City 2, 4 a-level scenic spots, 6 3 class a scenic 11; 69 has more than three-star hotel, with five-star 5, four star, 19 thre

9、e-46. 1998 Yantai became one of the first 54, China excellent tourism city. 蓬莱阁旅游景区蓬莱阁旅游景区 蓬莱仙境蓬莱仙境南山旅游风景区南山旅游风景区 张裕酒文化博物馆张裕酒文化博物馆 金沙滩海滨公园金沙滩海滨公园:有“北方第一海滩”之称。 蓬莱极地海洋世界蓬莱极地海洋世界:亚洲最大的海洋世界 牟氏庄园:牟氏庄园:国家重点文物保护单位 牟氏庄园牟氏庄园养马岛旅游度假区养马岛旅游度假区省级旅游度假区 长山列岛国家地质公园长山列岛国家地质公园是全国唯一的国家级海岛地质公园。素有“海上仙山”之称。著名景点有半月湾、九丈崖、庙

10、岛、龙爪山、宝塔礁、鸟岛等。与蓬莱一起被列为蓬莱长岛国家级风景名胜区。 烟台山公园烟台山公园省级重点文物保护单位福建会馆福建会馆又称天后行宫,国家级重点文物保护单位芝罘岛芝罘岛又称芝罘山,传说秦始皇东巡三次登临芝罘岛,留下千古遗迹。 烟台塔山风景区烟台塔山风景区 昆嵛山国家森林公昆嵛山国家森林公古称姑余山,为道教全真派发祥地烟台农博园烟台农博园毓璜顶公园毓璜顶公园东炮台海滨风景区东炮台海滨风景区Sweetness absolutely as Penglai Fairyland of Penglai Pavilion tourism scenic spot in Nanshan tourism

11、scenic spot, Changyu wine culture Museum Golden Beach Waterfront Park: the first beach of the North, said. Penglai polar ocean world: Asias largest marine world chaetoceros muelleri Manor: national key cultural relics protection units of chaetoceros muelleri Manor in yangmadao resort provincial tour

12、ist holiday resort of changshan liedao national geopark is the only national geological park of the island. Known as Tien son at sea, said. Famous attractions are Half Moon B., nine feet cliff, miaodao, Dragon claw mountain, pagoda Reef and bird island. Together with Penglai is listed as Penglai, lo

13、ng island national scenic area. Yantai Hill Park Fujian Association of provincial level key cultural relics protection units, also known as Tin Hau Palace, measuringpointon zhefu island also known as national key cultural relics protection units Zhifu Hill, legend has it that Emperor East patrol vis

14、it measuringpointon zhefu Island three times, leaving through the ruins. Yantai tashan kunyushan national forest scenic area known as Gu Yu Shan, birthplace of the quanzhen School of Taoism Yantai yuhuangding agricultural fair Park Park East Fort Beach scenic spot八仙过海景区简介八仙过海景区简介Penglai, Shandong Pr

15、ovince the Eight Immortals in the scenic spot in Penglai city north shore of the Yellow Sea, and changshan archipelago across the sea, is a sea on three sides of Huludao, has a Eight Immortals bridge leads to the scenic spot, room and Wonderland closely linked together, visit the area of 55,000 squa

16、re meters, nearly 40 major attractions. Days in waters around high water wide, spectacular scenery, pleasant air, is a natural oxygen bar. Spring and summer, often in sea, sea-AIDS appear, illusory Misty, beautiful. Scenic spots to Penglai, Taoist culture and mythology as a backdrop, the theme of th

17、e legend to the fringes, outstanding sea Tien son of creative, classical architecture and art Garden in one, rich content, profound artistic conception, of Ferris山东蓬莱八仙过海景区位于蓬莱市北黄海之滨,与长山列岛隔海相望,是一个三面环海的葫芦岛,有一座八仙桥通向景区,将人间与仙境紧紧的连在一起,游览面积5.5万平方米,主要景点近40处。周围海域天高水阔,景色壮观,空气宜人,是一个天然的大氧吧。春夏之交,常有海市、海滋出现,虚幻缥缈,


19、外岩石横卧其上,恰似天外飞来,十分奇特。飞来,十分奇特。特产speciallocalproduct; Changyu wine culture Museum Changyu wine culture Museum in 1992, construction, Zhifu district, Yantai City, Shandong province is located in six Road-site of-Changyu, 56th in hospital. The Museum primarily by underground wine cellar in a century。 张裕酒

20、文化博物馆简介张裕酒文化博物馆简介张裕酒文化博物馆简介张裕酒文化博物馆简介 张裕酒文化博物馆于1992年建馆,坐落于山东省烟台市芝罘区六马路56号张裕公司旧址院内。馆主有由百年地下酒窖等建筑。Changyu wine culture MuseumTHE BATHING BEACHChangyu wine culture Museum 张裕酒文化博物馆于1992年建馆,坐落于山东省烟台市芝罘区大马路大马路56号号张裕公司旧址院内。张张裕酒文化博物馆是中国第裕酒文化博物馆是中国第一家世界级葡萄酒专业博一家世界级葡萄酒专业博物馆。它以张裕物馆。它以张裕110多年多年的历史为主线,通过大量的历史为主线

21、,通过大量文物、实物、老照片、名文物、实物、老照片、名家墨宝等,运用高科技的家墨宝等,运用高科技的表现手法向人们讲述以张表现手法向人们讲述以张裕为代表的中国民族工业裕为代表的中国民族工业发展史,讲述酒文化知识。发展史,讲述酒文化知识。 Changyu wine culture Museum in 1992, construction, Zhifu district, Yantai City, Shandong province is located in main road-site of-Changyu, 56th in hospital. Changyu wine culture Muse

22、um is the first professional world class Wine Museum. It to Changyu more than 110 years of history as the main line, through a large number of famous relics, physical, and old photos, calligraphy and so on, using expressive of high technology to the people as represented by the zhangyu history of Ch

23、inas national industry, knowledge about wine culture.Three Tien son shore of the scenic spot is located in Punta laihuanghai, adjacent to West Tien son hot springs with the Eight Immortals in the scenic spot, and three-phase, changshan archipelago and North across the sea, is a set of tourism and le

24、isure in one integrated area, Shandong peninsula gold was a Tresor Pearl on the tour. Whole scenic spot and the big Hall, small park, Penglai xiandao, Jardines pot shengjing, Yingzhou Wonderland, Yingzhou Penglai, College, Museum of art, historical and cultural highlights, jade Buddhist temple, wanf

25、anganhe, song and dance theatre, and other landscape composition. And classical architectural style of matching with the scenic three Tien son of five-star hotel, spa bath, and other leisure facilities. 三仙山风景区位于蓬莱黄海之滨,西与八仙过海景区、三仙山温泉相毗邻,北与长山列岛隔海相望,是一处集旅游观光与休闲度假于一体的综合性景区,更是山东半岛黄金旅游线上的一颗璀灿明珠。整个景区由和气大殿、

26、小怡和园、蓬莱仙岛、方壶胜境、瀛洲仙境、瀛洲书院、艺术博物馆、蓬莱历史文化集锦、玉佛寺、万方安和、歌舞大剧院等景观组成。与景区配套的还有古典建筑风格的五星级三仙山大酒店、温泉洗浴等休闲度假设施。 历史名人历史名人戚继光戚继光宋琬宋琬郝懿行郝懿行王懿荣王懿荣佛言佛言 徐镜心徐镜心吴佩孚吴佩孚 曲曲波波 张炜张炜 迟浩田迟浩田王沪宁王沪宁张瑞敏张瑞敏张裕张裕烟台籍文艺界名人也很多,如成龙、姜昆、林青霞、唐国强、费翔、范冰冰、唐杰忠、魏积安、朱时茂、郭冬临、于莎莎、牟希亚、赵雪莲等。 烟台还培养出了邢傲伟 刘春红 唐功红 等多位奥运冠军. Qi Jiguang song Wans Hao Yixin

27、g Wang Yirong Xu Jingxin General Wu Bo Zhang Wei Chi Wang huning Zhang ruimin Zhang Yue Yantai cadastral many literary celebrities, like Jackie Chan, and Jiang Kun, Lin Ching-hsia, Tang Guoqiang, Fei Xiang, and Bing Bing Fan, and Jiezhong Tang, and Jian Wei, and Zhu Shimao, and donglin Guo, Yu Shasha, mouxiya, and Xuelian Zhao etc. Yantai also produce multi-Olympic champion Xing Aowei Liu chunhong Tang Gonghong.Waitingforyou



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